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100% Harry Potter, Monkey King Campione / Chapter 14: Kuoh Town and Meeting

Chương 14: Kuoh Town and Meeting

Make sure to go back to the last chapter and reread it if you read it previously. I changed a lot about what happened and I've decided to remove the Percy Jackson aspects, since it would make the story too cluttered in one world. Demigods exist, but they aren't PJO demigods. Sorry about the long delay, but this doesn't mean I'm coming back to consistent updates for sure. School's been killing me this last month, so I barely have any free time anymore.

--------------------------------------------------------------Walking into the school, people began to take notice of me immediately. There was a lot of pointing and whispering, which I was used to, but it didn't seem negative, which was completely different form Hogwarts.

I activated [Senjutsu] and sensed that Rias was in the building in front of me with Sona, while Akeno was walking towards me. I stood and waited as Akeno came into view, an amused smirk on her face.

"Enjoying the attention?" she asked.

"Better then the attention I got at Hogwarts, so yes. I came to visit." I replied.

"Well we better get going then" Akeno said and reached out, grabbing my arm and holding it as she led me in the direction of the building Sona and Rias were in.

I could hear some surprised gasps from the crowd around us. Looking down at her, I quirked an eyebrow.

Akeno just laughed and said "What?"

"Nothing, you just seem to be popular" I said.

"I think you'll be popular too if you stick around here." Akeno replied.

I shrugged and we continued on our way. Eventually, we walked through the school, drawing more attention as we went until we finally reached the room Sona and Rias were in. There were other people in the room that I recognized as parts of Sona's peerage, but I didn't know their names.

Akeno knocked and a "Come in" was heard. Pushing the door open, the two of us walked in, Akeno still holding on to my arm.

"Harry!" Rias said, getting up and moving over to me, before pausing upon seeing Akeno.

"Akeno, please let go of him" Rias said, her voice sounding tight.

"Why, Harry doesn't mind, do you Harry?" Akeno asked, pushing closer to me.

'She's having way to much fun with this.'

Holding up my other arm, I said "I have another arm if you want to join Rias" with a completely straight face.

Rias paused, and I was about to say I was kidding when she moved over and did grab my other arm, dragging me to a seat with her and Akeno sitting on either side of me.

'Well that went well.' I thought dryly.

"Harry, you've gotten pretty tan. Been spending a lot of time at the beach?" Rias asked.

"No, it's a side effect of an authority I got." I told her.

"And what authority would that be?" Sona asked, leaning forward as her glasses had light reflect off them.

"An authority that happens to be none of your business." I said smirking at Sona's look of annoyance at my response.

Rias giggled at Sona's look. Akeno had her mouth behind her hand, feigning a yawn as she also laughed.

"While that was all amusing, did you have a reason for coming here Harry?" Sona said, trying to move on.

"No particular reason, but I said I would visit so I did." I said.

"Have you reconsidered attending school here?" Sona asked with a stern look.

"Nope, not going to school. Which reminds me, I need to go visit Hogwarts either for the second task or the Yule Ball." I muttered to myself.

"Yule Ball?" Rias asked curiously.

"Apparently, the Triwizard Tournament has a tradition of a ball over the Christmas holidays."

"So are you going to go?" Rias asked, with a look in her eye.

"Maybe, I might as well see what's going on back there." I said with a shrug.

"Then I'll go with you. It's a ball, so you'll need a date right?" Rias said with a nod to herself.

"I guess, it's not going to be interesting though. Wizards are pretty backwards, the music is probably going to suck." I said unsurely.

"I don't mind. It will be fun." Rias said.

"Getting back on track, how long do you plan to stay Harry?" Sona asked.

"I'm not sure. Not for that long I don't think, do you know when the Factions meeting is?" I asked.

"It has been decided that the meeting will take place in two days." Sona said.

"Then I'll stay for the next two days." I said.

"I can show you around Kuoh then. You didn't get to see much of it the last time you were here." Rias said with an excited look on her face.

"Sounds good. You want to get going then?" I asked her.

"I'm done for the day, so let's go. Akeno, will you go check up on everyone and make sure all the contracts get done for the day." Rias asked.

Akeno stood up, a smirk on her face as she nodded her head and formed a teleportation circle under her. "Have fun on your date" were the last words she said before she teleported out.

I could see Rias' face twitching in mild annoyance at Akeno's teasing, but she quickly shook it off and dragged me out of the room.

The next few hours were spent going around Kuoh town as Rias showed me her favorite places. I was surprised to learn that Rias was an otaku. I'd never really had access to anything anime related, with the Dursleys finding anime to be a waste of money and Dudley bullying the few kids who did like it. When Rias found out were were quickly teleported to the Occult Research Building to binge watch her favorite anime. Everyone was out doing contracts, so it was just Rias and I binge watching Your Lie in April. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it, never really getting an opportunity to indulge in all that much media the show was a great change of pace. By the end of it both Rias and I were crying as Kousei played with Kaori's ghost.

Rias and I were sitting on the couch as the show ended. She was leaning against my shoulder as I had my arm around her, just enjoying each other's company. Wiping the tears from our face, we looked outside to realize it was already nighttime.

"Enjoy it?" Rias asked with a smile, her eyes still red from crying.

"You think?" I said with a watery laugh.

"It's late, but we can watch another show tomorrow if you want?" Rias asked.

"I'd like that." I said.

Rias stood up, stretching her arms out as she said "Come on, we should be going to bed. You can sleep with me."

Emotionally drained and not having a desire to disagree, I followed her into the room. I took off my shirt and got under the covers as I turned to look at Rias only to find her getting undressed.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a red face, flustered.

"I'm more comfortable sleeping nude. You don't mind, do you?" Rias asked.

With a cough I said "Well as long as you're comfortable."

Rias got into bed as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Goodnight Rias." I said as I closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Harry."

--------------------------------------------------------------The next two days passed by with Rias and I watching more anime. We ended up starting The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, which had us both in tears like Your Lie in April, but because we were laughing so hard.

I spent some time hanging out with the rest of Rias' peerage, getting to know them a little better. Koneko was pretty shy, but she didn't seem to dislike me. Kiba seemed to be cool and we seemed to get along alright, while Akeno had fun teasing me and trying to rile Rias up. Asia seemed happy to interact with me, seeming to bounce back from the news that God was dead.

Eventually it came time for the meeting to begin. Kuoh High was having a family day, but I opted out of going because I knew Rias' family would probably show up, which included Sirzechs. I didn't feel like dealing with him any longer than I had to, so I told Rias I would come by once the meeting was going to start.

I walked into the school and headed up to where the meeting room would take place. I could sense devils, fallen angels, and angels all around the building as I walked. When I reached the door to the meeting room, I knocked and heard a come in.

Entering the room, I found an assortment of people inside. Sirzechs and Serafall were among them, although I didn't recognize the others at the table.

"Harry, glad you could join us." Sirzechs said with a smile, but to me it just looked fake.

"This is Michael, Gabriel, and Azazel." Sirzechs said, introducing the people at the table I didn't recognize. I did know the names from my knowledge of the bible, but being able to see them in person was odd.

I was directed towards a seat at the table as I sat down. I noticed that Xenovia was in the room, standing in a corner with Rias' group.

'Wonder what's going on with her?' I thought.

I saw that Vali was standing behind Azazel, his face showing that he barely controlling the urge to attack me.

The meeting began with Sirzechs asking Rias and Sona to give an account of the Kokabiel event. It was interesting to hear everything that happened since I had only shown up for the end of it.

Eventually, Azazel decided to chime in as discussion continued about the event.

"I'm just going to say what we're all thinking. We want peace don't we? So let's just sign the treaty and get this over with."

"Always the blunt one" Michael said with a laugh.

"He did say what we were thinking though" Sirzechs agreed.

"Then we're all in agreement then?" Serafall asked, but before she could get an answer, a sudden wave of energy passed over all of us. It didn't affect me, but I moved quickly, managing to make it to Rias and Akeno to prevent it from affecting them as well, but not managing to protect the rest of Rias' group.

Looking around, I could see that anyone who wasn't a faction leader or had a specific power was frozen.

"What's going on?" Rias asked.

"It seems we're under attack." Azazel commented.

"This seems like Gasper's power though, he shouldn't be here. Didn't you take him back to the underworld Sirzechs?" Rias asked her brother.

"Who is Gasper?" I asked in confusion.

"He's my bishop. I had trouble controlling his power before, so he was sealed in the Occult Research Building. He has a sacred gear that lets him stop time. Sirzechs said I was strong enough to control him now, but he needed to make sure Gasper was ready so he took him back to the underworld." Rias explained.

Turning to Sirzechs for an explanation, instead chains suddenly sprouted from the ground, wrapping around my arms and legs and restraining me. I didn't try to break them, with just a small movement I could tell I could, so I waited to see what Sirzechs would do.

"Sirzechs, what are you doing?" Rias asked in anger.

"Righting a wrong. It's about time Campione were removed from existence. You need to understand Rias, Campione go against the natural order. Humans shouldn't be able to kill gods, and humans should never be more powerful than devils." Sirzechs said, PoD forming around him.

"So what, your ego couldn't take the fact that a human is more powerful than you?" I asked.

"My ego has nothing to do with it. Campione have remained relatively unchallenged for too long. It's time they were removed altogether, so the world can go back to the way it should be. Humans on the bottom of the totem pole."

"Couldn't have said it better myself." A female voice said from outside the window. Everyone turned to look at where the voice originated from, finding a woman floating in the air with devil wings. She had gray hair tied in a messy bun and wore glasses on her face.

"Katarina Leviathan, I figured the Old Satan Faction was the cause of this." Sirzechs said nonchalantly.

"It seems like you pretenders finally figured out that the Campione are an issue, so I've come to offer a truce. We can settle our differences after we've eliminated the threat of the Campione." Katarina said.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Sirzechs asked.

"A peace offering then. Vali..." Katarina said, causing Vali to move from behind Azazel and summon Divine Dividing. He moved over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Divide..." was heard multiple times as my magic reserves took somewhat of a dip.

"So you are part of the Khaos Brigade Vali." Azazel said.

"I chose the winning side. It seems right now though, that all of us are on the same side. You could join us Azazel. I get to fight the so-called godslayers and you know the Campione need to be taken out of the picture." Vali said.

Azazel seemed to be contemplating it, but I had heard enough to figure out what was going on. Turning to Rias, I asked her "Rias, are you siding with your bother or with me?"

I knew this was putting her on the spot, but I didn't have time to let her deliberate on it.

"Rias, I'm your brother. I've always tried to do what was right for you, trust me now." Sirzechs pleaded with her.

I just looked at her, letting her make the decision on her own. Rias' face took on a resolute one as she moved to stand next to me. Next to her, Akeno stood with her.

"Looks like she's made her choice Sirzechs. There's one major issue with your whole plan you know..." I said.

"Oh, and what's that?" Sirzechs asked.

"You're under the impression you can actually kill me." I said, activating my magic resistance and moving my arms, shattering the chains binding me. Standing up, I began to use my Conqueror's Haki, creating a pressure in the room that weighed down on everyone opposite me. Beads of sweat formed on their forehead, but they didn't collapse.

Sirzechs still looked confident as he said "Oh I know I can kill you." From behind him, two figures emerged. One was a golden lion, while the other had Rias and Akeno gasp in surprise. In front of me was a boy with brown hair spiking in odd directions. I noticed he was wearing a Kuoh uniform and had a red gauntlet on his arm.

"Meet the Boosted Gear and Nemean Lion. Both Longinus capable of passing through that magic resistance you Campione are so proud of. With Divine Dividing on our side, I'm sure we can put you down like the rabid dog you are." Sirzechs said with a smirk on his face as he increased the amount of Power of Destruction he had wrapped around him.

DanteMustDie DanteMustDie

Not sure if I'm really back. Been super busy with school, so I don't know how often I can write. At this point it's when I get a chance, so don't count on super consistent updates.

next chapter
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