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35.43% Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector / Chapter 73: Ch. 73 Shot through the Hart and you puke slugs

Chương 73: Ch. 73 Shot through the Hart and you puke slugs

While I was diving deeply into ritual magic and my past, the story kept going regardless.

I found out that having Gilderoy Lockhart as a professor turned DADA into more of a theatre class. The man wasn't stupid enough to try and look like pixies were something difficult to handle in front of OWL students. He was a narcissistic buffoon, but he knew when to put on a show. So he tried to 'teach' how to handle various situations by re-enacting some of his so called adventures. This made Christian and I cringe at how inaccurate so much of the crap coming out of his mouth seemed to be. He couldn't tell a yeti and Sasquatch apart. He thought you could talk your way past a reanimated corpse puppet. And I think he said he made out with a banshee and you have no idea how ugly and dangerous those things are. It was honestly shocking just how much misinformation he was cramming into people who wanted to actually succeed in the class.

So what I did was open the Exchange an additional evening every week, to do a 'focused review' of what we were taught. I phrased it quite carefully to make the living ken doll think it was basically a time to appreciate his books and stories, when I'll instead be teaching actual defense of the dark arts.

My 'review' class was actually getting a lot of attention. My mastery in the subject was clear, with plenty of understanding of the material and experience in teaching I'd obtained through tutoring during my Exchange, I was making up for a few years of shoddy teaching in the subject and raising its importance in the eyes of many who'd lost hope in it. An unexpected assistance came from Hitlermort, giving me a masters outlook on the dark arts themselves, furthering the depth of my lessons. Within a month of having started, even Slytherin students had started coming with Troy as a leader of the groups. It was nice to see all houses represented. I even thanked the guy for coming.

During the actual class with the plastic man though, I kept receiving some hidden glares from the man. I didn't really know why though. That was until I had enough and simply went into his mind to find out.

I never want to be in that man's mind ever again.

I didn't know that when one reaches such a high level of narcissism, it could be considered a mental defense. It was horrifying in that man's head. Everything was about him and anything happening had to involve him looking better in front of everyone. He lives in his own delusion regarding his actual abilities and believes himself be to a very competent wizard. It is only when that mentality is challenged that he remembers his actual skills. This should explain why he cowered at the pixies or gets awkward when he vanished Harry's bone, or when he tried running away when his bluff was called.

When I shook off the disgust I felt from being in the man's mind, I found that the reason he was glaring at me was because of my looks. The man felt threatened by my physical appearance and youth. He was jealous of my hair, envious of my body, mad that less girls in my year were staring at him because of me and the only reason he wasn't harassing me out of petty jealousy, was that he genuinely believed that my 'review' was all about him.

It was just stunning to see just how far gone the man was. But as long as he doesn't annoy me too much, I won't send him my pile of evidence against him to the Herald.

Apart from that, the usual Hogwarts activities were starting.

James having taken the presidency of the Charms club, was doing his best to bring some new challenges to the club by introducing enchanting. He wanted to get students to look further than just Hogwarts' curriculum and this was his favorite. We also came up with some interesting puzzles to test their skills and minds, letting them experience a more flexible use of their spells.

Victoria was constantly being annoyed to join the potions club due to her more than fantastic grades in the subject. She's the only other student in the castle to get an O+ in the subject apart from me. But she was always rejecting them. It came to a point that I wanted to ask her why she did this. She could be making me friends and pool their ideas together to improve, but she chooses not to. From the way she is turning them down, it is not anything based on her pride, but something is more important to her.

So I decided to pull her aside one day after the Exchange was over. I told the guys to go on ahead.

"What's wrong Aedan? It's not like you to just want to talk with me. So openly anyways." She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm just worried about you Tory. You seem to be isolating yourself and not interacting with anyone outside our group or when you're doing your prefect duties." I answered her with tenderness in my voice.

"I just don't have time to play nice with others. My project is too important to me." She replied with a hard look on her face.

"Then can you at least let me help you? Even if it's just sending you materials or books I think could help you. I don't want to see you struggle so much on your own." I say gently, getting her expression to soften a lot.

"It has something to do with my mom Aedan. I just want her to be normal again." She then said with a very sad expression.

"So that's why you throw yourself into potions, transfiguration and charms. You want to be a qualified healer!" I exclaimed as I finally understood what her goal was.

"My father would never let me study the art. 'A pureblood does not serve other' he says. But I can't give up on her Aedan. She's the only reason I haven't run away. I don't want me leaving somehow making my father take it out on her." She said looking very alone at the moment, with a heartbreaking, self-depreciating smile on her face.

I couldn't help myself and hugged the hard working girl.

"Then I'll help you. That's what you want to do, then nothing will stop you." I declare as I stroke her smooth hair.

I let her go and look directly at her.

"I'll talk to Madam Pomfrey. With me having learned everything I could there already, I'm sure she'd be glad to have another gifted student interested in the art." I then inform her of my little plan.

"What? She won't just teach me how to do the stuff. Why would she even do it?" She tried to deny through her own logic.

"I know Poppy Tory, and she'll be very happy with you. Plus you've already got a proper healers temperament. You can be strict and commanding, but also gentle and supporting. And you're the best witch at Hogwarts." I proudly state, getting her flustered at my straightforward complement.

So, without letting her try to talk me out of it, I went to talk to Madam Pomfrey. It took a bit of convincing, but she did agree that I could more than match her as a healer and that Tory would be very suited to the role. She finally agreed to take her under her wing if she passed the tests she would administer. If she passes then great, but if not she will have to wait until after Hogwarts to properly learn. Of course my girl aced that test, her grades not just being for show. And her having me teach her a lot might have helped a bit.

She was so happy that she gave me a hug and peck on the cheek. So i say any effort was worth it.

Christian was also beginning his Quidditch practice. He apparently hasn't told anyone what kind of broom he was using or where he got it from, while maintaining an improved performance, but nothing anywhere close to what he could do with the thing. He wanted it to be a big surprise when he starts to really fly with it.

But it was during this time that I remembered the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams would have their argument. Draco having joined the team in the stupidest fashion, through money, even when he could have done so through skills has he is actually a competent enough seeker.

So i decided to be 'accidentally' patrolling the area.

I saw the two groups standing off against one another, so I drew near. Until I finally heard Draco say his iconic line.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood." He spat out.

It instantly caused a fight to break out due to him using the word. The twins lunged at the boy in fury, making troll face and his team intercept them, but then Ron did the stupid thing of trying to curse someone with a broken wand.

"You'll pay for that one Malfoy!" He shouts as he pointed his wand at the boy. But with the loud bang and a flash of green, Ron flew backwards just as I got close enough.

"What is going on here?" I shouted, getting everyone's attention. Seeing no one stepping forwards I decide to speak.

"Draco. You do not have any idea of the weight and implications behind that word. You repeating it simply because of your father is going too far. You will have two days of detention with Mr. Filch for that. Weasley Twins! Although what he said was reprehensible, it does not excuse fighting on school grounds! 30 points from Gryffindor. 10 from Slytherin for supporting a flagrant act of blood supremacy." I declare with a loud voice.

"You can't do that!" Shouted some Slytherin's whilst the Gryffindor's were also unwilling.

"I am Head Boy! I have every right! Both sides have faults and both will have the fitting punishment. The principle offender will get the punishment he deserves and I will not play favorites with the rest!" I declare once again.

"Draco! If you do not show up for your assigned detention then I will be forced to penalize you even further and bring up your removal from the Quidditch team if it happens a third time after that. Is that clear!" I then strictly tell the boy.

"Yes." He hisses out through clenched teeth.

"Good! Saturday and Sunday evening with Mr. Filch. Now Harry and Hermione bring Ronald to the infirmary immediately, I'll fix him up in a moment." I order the two frozen second years as their friend vomits slugs all over and Colin Creevey takes pictures.

"Slytherin was indeed given permission to use the pitch today however. Hence Gryffindor was rescheduled to have it in two days instead and no changes will be permitted again. This was the accord between professors McGonagall and Snape." I inform the teams as I take my leave and head for the infirmary.

I arrive at the infirmary quickly and give a bucket to Ronald so he doesn't continue to let out slugs all over the place.

"Alright, just aim in here for a bit. I just need to get some Treacle Fudge in you and you'll be right as rain." I say to the boy quickly as I'm browsing through the stores of quick remedies.

"Looks like we don't have any that aren't past date at the moment." I say to myself.

"Harry. Can you take the note I'll hand to you and the galleons to Artemis and send her to Honeydukes for a quick purchase of Treacle Fudge for me? It's in Hogsmeade so it should be quick." I asked the boy, since the shop is a maker of the stuff.

"Sure thing Aedan. She's in the owlry right?" He asked as he took both. With my nod he took off.

'He's looking much healthier than last year. That's good.' I thought as I saw his energetic run.

"Why fudge? How's that going to help?" Asked Hermione, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Well that's pretty simple. It's the quickest, easiest and most pleasant way of curing poor Ronald here from the Slug-vomiting curse he unfortunately casted on himself." I answered her.

"What are the other ways?" She asked, wanting to know more.

"Most of them involve brewing some pretty nasty tasting potions, which would take at least an hour to make. Another would be to feed him the root of a slug eating plant and those tend to fight back a bit. Maybe some Murtlap blood could also make him stop since they do enjoy a good slug as well." I responded, covering my bases, with a even paler Ronald at the mention of the solutions.

So we talked about why that happened and how to fix it, until she brought up the important question.

"So, um, why was everyone so upset? I get that Draco probably said something awful, but don't know what it means." She asked cautiously.

"Harry should be back in a moment, so I'll explain it to the two of you when he gets here ok? It does involve him slightly." I say as I'm casting a few charms on Ronald to help the passing of the slugs ease up.

"And I know you don't like me Ronald, but it's better if they both hear it. You already know of course, but do be careful with how you react next time. One should only resort to their wands if no other course can be taken." I say to the boy calmly as his unhappy look fades a bit.

Then arrived a panting Harry.

"I've sent it. Should arrive here pretty soon." He said as he caught his breath.

"Thank you very much Harry. Now please join us because Hermione asked an important question, and I'd like for the both of you to hear the answer." I say to the boy as I gesture for him to sit.

"Before I start, have you or how far are you into the muggle-born guidebook offered at Gringotts and FIRM center?" I asked the two.

"Oh, it was a fascinating read! Although it was slightly disheartening to read some of those facts, it was very educational." Answered a very pleased Hermione.

"Er, I didn't get that far in it. Mostly till how the ministry works." Answered a slightly embarrassed Harry, since I did give him the book.

"Alright then. I'll start with what Draco called Hermione. The term Mudblood is one of the most horrible thing one can call another in wizard views. It is used to say that muggle-born witches and wizards have filthy blood and are corrupting the wizarding world by being allowed into our world." I clearly explain to the two. Getting a gasp from Hermione as she realized how mean that is and Harry clenched is fists because he didn't know and would have tried to hit Draco if he had.

"The term was popularized during the war as pureblood supremacy sentiments erupted from some established wizard families, becoming common parlance between death eaters and their lord. Not all old families followed suit of course. The Weasley family is the biggest example, but those same families call them Blood traitors in response. Mine and Harry's fathers, both lords of respectable houses, married muggle-born witches and fought against them till the end." I inform them gently.

"My father was from a noble house?" Asked the surprised Harry.

"Well yeah. The Potter house has been a respected house in the wizarding world for a long time. The only reason they weren't considered part of the Sacred Twenty-eight as they call them, is because your family has always viewed the whole blood supremacy as the crap it is. I'm not going to go through all my evidence on the matter, but it's a good thing for you to know. And you are the only known living descendant of the family, probably the rightful heir as well." I explained to the very stunned Harry and Hermione.

As Artemis arrived through a window I had left opened, I thank her with a treat and grab the package.

I then take a piece of fudge and turn to Ronald.

"Alright, this won't be a pleasant sensation cause I have to force it through the slugs that keep appearing, but after a few seconds you'll be all good." I say to the red-head.

So I force the fudge into his mouth and use my wand to get it past his throat as he gags a lot and finally make it to the stomach. And after a few moments he can finally stop belching slugs.

"Thank Merlin's hat that's over with!" Exclaimed one relieved Weasley and making two kids excited.

"Didn't know i was a hat, but you're welcome Ronald." I say with a chuckle to myself, interrupting the excitement the trio was feeling.

"Ah, thank you for taking care of him." Hermione quickly said.

"Yeah thanks Aedan." Harry added.

"Thanks." Ronald begrudgingly said.

"Before I go, I have two things to say." I start to get their attention. "First it that you'll be free to go right after i just do a quick check on you and that you should limit your use of magic until you get a new wand. Second is that I'd like to apologize for last year. I feel like I had been too harsh on you Ronald and if you'd like, we could have a talk next time you come to the Exchange. No need for an answer, just think about it." I say, then perform a check up under questioning gazes of Hermione and Harry, before nodding and being on my way.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Yeah, some people aren’t going to like that last bit.

But I wanted for it to happen now since he doesn’t get many chances to talk to Ron.

This was basically the pre-chamber canon events condensed into one chapter.


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