{A/N: Broken record - yet another scene that has not been triple-edited. I hope you enjoy anyway, and, as always, tell me of any mistakes you find!
~ Higgins}
Herleva huffed in frustration as she stalked down the corridor towards the north wing of Verglas castle. Prince Alfred had always been a shrewd child, so it only made sense for him to grow up as a shrewd man. He was the type of man that could've rivaled his elder and younger brother in a battle of wit if only he had the desire and the confidence, but he had neither. He was an honest man, just like his father.
The difference between him and Gotthard, though, was the understanding that one could not be both a good king and an honorable man. The latter required a robust resolution to the Universal Forms* of good. The former required one to have a malleable, purposive set of morals that did not answer to one's own compass, but, rather, the compass of the people they ruled over.
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