Returning to the Verglas Palace set a knot in Baptist’s stomach that not even the close presence of his master could remedy. Upon their arrival, they were received by a throng of commoners crowding outside of the palace gates, and a cluster of nosey courtiers within it. Prince Heiko’s guard was nowhere to be seen, which didn’t even surprise Baptist. Everything within the Achterecht’s castle belonged to the king and was gifted to the others - gifts that could be taken away on his whim. Or in this case, as punishment.
It was the king’s own guard who escorted them, with seemingly unnecessary haste, down the capacious main hallway, which led, like a straight arrow, to the throne room. Their heels clicked against the marble with every step and echoed in the hall, as if it was an endless cavern. It was an apt allegory to Simo herself, Baptist mused bitterly.