Cele was awake when he returned.
Rudolf and Kaifin had retired to their own chambers some hours ago, but Cele couldn’t manage to find sleep, so he instead stared mindlessly at what he took as an ancient Simonese love story. Probably about Ozik and Trochta, since much of the Muse literature was about them, but, as he wasn’t actually attempting to ascertain the words, he couldn’t have been sure.
When the prince entered the room, he was flushed – or so it looked by the light of the candle. His Muse robes had been replaced perfectly onto his body that Cele wouldn’t have known he bathed at all, had his hair not been slightly damp, hanging around his face in loose curls.
“You’re still up,” Heiko said, smiling.
There was something lilted in his tone, something inhibition-less in his smile. And then Cele realized he was drunk.
Despite it, he somehow managed to cross for his bed with an absurd amount of grace and poise.
“And how was your bath?”
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