Kaifin ran down the corridor, hoping to all that was good that he was taking the right paths. Prince Heiko had given him precise directions, but they were extensive and said so quickly that Kaifin couldn't help but remember just how brilliant he was.
And the guardsman could've very well laid blame on the fact that Heiko had years of experience within the temple and, thus, knew it like the back of his hand, but what was the use of lying to oneself?
The prince's ability of recollection was something to behold. The first time he surprised Kaifin, it was when he remembered his name. It was true that the guard was under the... well, one might say tutelage... of Alfred, though gods knew that was the last thing the second prince wanted to be doing with his time. But it was also true that when Heiko was at Verglas, and not the temple, he would flit between the attention of his brothers and his father, which inevitably meant he would cross paths with Kaifin.
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