{A/N: Hi friends - the sensitive content warning from yesterday applies to today's chapter as well. There is mature content involved. Please be advised.
~ Higgins}
“A little blood can be shed for the blessing it provides.”
The general frowned.
"Has this happened before?" Cele demanded quietly as Alessa retrieved a vial of oil from one of the two cabinet drawers.
"Of course not," Heiko countered, keeping his gaze forward on Cele, unwavering, as if he were actively trying to ignore the happenings behind him.
"Are-" The general stopped himself short. It was a stupid question - 'are you okay?' - because the answer was both yes and no. The cold hands in his belonged to Heiko, who was like a statue - his stoic, outer exterior was not vastly different from his inner resilience. And yes, statues were durable. Statues could withstand weathering and wear, but one forceful strike at just the right point and the entire structure crumbles.