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27.27% Guardian Angel [Naruto Fanfic] / Chapter 3: Chapter 2:Kakashi

Chương 3: Chapter 2:Kakashi

Chapter Two: Kakashi

"Naruto's late," Kiba remarked as all of the new Genin sat in their old classroom, waiting for their team assignments. "You'd think he'd be the first one here considering how excited he'd been about becoming a Genin. I still can't believe he graduated…"

"Your lack of confidence in me is astounding, Dog Breath," Naruto's voice rang out from behind the hot-headed boy.

Kiba whirled around in shock. 'How did he get behind me without me even sensing him?' he thought to himself.

Naruto smirked at Kiba. "What's wrong, Kiba? Cat got your tongue?" he teased, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Very funny, Whiskers," Kiba shot back with a scowl. "What kept you?"

"I overslept," Naruto lied as he moved to take his seat.

'He's limping,' Shikamaru frowned as he noticed the oddness of Naruto's movements. 'I wonder what he did?'

~I hate you, you know that?~ Naruto grumbled to his dad, who had chosen to stay within the seal for the time being to recover the chakra he'd spent earlier that day training Naruto.

~You were the one asking for early morning training,~ Minato pointed out. ~I may be your father, but that doesn't mean I'll take it easy on you.~

~Yeah, yeah…~ Naruto muttered.

~You only need to say 'yeah' once! Don't pick up on your father's bad habits!~ Kyuubi scolded Naruto, ignoring Minato's offended protests.

In Naruto's distracted state, he didn't notice Sakura and Ino barreling into the room as they raced to see who got to sit next to Sasuke. Therefore, it came as a surprise when Ino crashed right into him, sending them both on a one way trip to the ground.

"Itai…" Naruto whined. Falling had really hurt… considering Minato had just increased his weights that morning.

"Damn it, Naruto! Watch where you going!" Ino reprimanded. "You made me lose! Now Forehead gets to sit next to Sasuke-kun!"

"Oh, like that's a big loss," Naruto groused under his breath.

"You're just jealous that all of the girls like Sasuke-kun and not you," Ino exclaimed hotly, banging her hand against Naruto's stomach. Air rushed out of Naruto's lungs upon impact. He glared at Ino before noticing that she was staring at him oddly.

"What?" he asked, feeling unnerved by her intense gaze.

"It's nothing," Ino denied. 'He's really toned… how much does he train every day?'

"As much as I enjoy you sitting on me, the others may get the wrong idea," Naruto drawled, smirking at Ino in an infuriating manner.

Blushing as she remembered where they were, Ino scrambled off of Naruto and straightened her clothes furiously.

She glared down at his grinning form before stomping off.

~Smooth,~ Minato stated dryly, amusement rolling off of him in waves.

~It's not like I planned for that to happen,~ Naruto defended himself as he struggled to fight the forces of gravity that threatened to drag his weighted body back to the ground.

"Troublesome," Shikamaru sighed as he stood up to help Naruto. Chouji followed him and together they pulled Naruto to his feet.

"For someone as skinny as you, you sure are heavy," Chouji remarked.

"Look who's…" Naruto began before Shikamaru silenced him with his hand.

"You know that word is taboo," the lazy genius hissed quietly. Naruto sweatdropped.

"If you three are done fooling around, would you mind taking a seat?" Iruka asked the three boys patiently as he finally entered the room.

"Oh, right," Naruto said sheepishly and the three boys headed to their seats. Naruto took the only other seat available, right next to Sakura. She glared at him to show her displeasure but he only grinned back.

They turned to the front as Iruka began to speak.

"Starting today, you are all real shinobi. However, you're only Genin and your real journey is only just about to begin. You will soon be getting missions to help the village and therefore, we're going to assign you to three man groups with a Jounin-sensei to aid you. As long as you follow his or her instructions, your missions should go smoothly," the Chuunin declared.

'Great, more people to get in my way…' Sasuke thought in displeasure.

'I have to be on Sasuke-kun's team!' Sakura gushed mentally.

'Not that much of a surprise…' Naruto thought to himself, growing bored as Iruka began to list names.

~This feels a little nostalgic…~ Minato mused. ~A little over thirty years ago was the day I was put on your godfather's team.~

~You're old,~ Naruto teased.

~I'm also dead,~ Minato pointed out. ~Age doesn't matter anymore for me. I'll remain eternally young until the day the Shinigami claims us all…~

Naruto didn't get a chance to say anything back because he chose then to pay more attention. He didn't want to miss out on his team assignment.

"Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke will be on a team together under the guidance of Hatake Kakashi," he read out.

Naruto looked out of the corner of his eye to see how his new teammates reacted. As expected, Sakura looked both excited and chagrined while Sasuke remained emotionless. 'So predictable…'

~Kakashi's your teacher?~ Minato mused. ~Can't say I'm all that surprised…~

~ I'm not all that happy with my teammates…~ Naruto mused. ~A fan girl and the guy with the biggest stick up his butt…~

~You'll have to deal. Try to get along with them. You know that teamwork is key,~ Minato pointed out sagely.

~What else can I do?~ Naruto snorted. ~It's not like my protesting will change anything. Observe.~

Naruto shot up out of his seat with a glare on his face. "Iruka-sensei! Why does a great shinobi like me have to be with Sasuke-teme?" he whined, pointing a finger at Sasuke forcefully.

Sasuke glared at Naruto silently. The boy was so annoying.

Iruka looked at Naruto sternly. "The teams were made to balance all of the Genin out. Out of all of you, Sasuke scored best, while you, scored dead last."

Naruto flushed as the other Genin snickered at him before he huffed and sat down. ~See, what did I tell you?~ Naruto commented wryly.

~I never argued against the fact,~ Minato responded simply. ~Brilliant acting, though.~

~Thanks,~ Naruto grinned.

"What are you smiling about?" Sakura frowned. "You were just complaining a minute ago!"

Naruto just raised an eyebrow. "Iruka-sensei already said arguing over this was futile, so why make a big deal about it? That would be pointless. Therefore… why shouldn't I smile?"

Sakura stared at Naruto. The boy was acting awfully mature for one who was usually so… hyperactive. Maybe there was more to him than she'd once thought.

"Team 8 consists of Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, and Aburame Shino. Your Jounin-sensei is Yuuhi Kurenai." Iruka informed them.

Kiba whooped excitedly, grinning at his teammates. Hinata smiled shyly while Shino simply remained stoic. Hinata met Naruto's eyes and the kitsune beamed at her encouragingly. He and Hinata had become good friends. Out of all of the Genin, only she was aware that he was actually hiding under a façade.

Minato had been keeping an eye on her and seeing her severe lack of confidence, had convinced Naruto to befriend her and help train her. Hinata was still very shy, but she wasn't as much of a pushover anymore. She and Naruto were like brother and sister now.

"Team 10 will be Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Chouji. Your sensei will be Sarutobi Asuma," Iruka declared.

Ino groaned, disappointed with her teammates. Chouji smiled at Shikamaru, glad to be with his best friend. Shikamaru just grumbled.


~The next Ino-Shika-Cho trio… they should prove to be quite interesting once they're trained properly,~ Minato remarked, amused. ~I knew their parents, you know. I was good friends with Shikaku, Inoichi, and Chouza. I have no doubt that their kids will be as good as they were eventually.~

~I'll look forward to that…~ Naruto mused. ~It sounds interesting enough…~

Three hours later, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura found themselves to be the only Genin left waiting for their Jounin-sensei. Iruka had stayed behind with them to keep them company, and to keep Naruto entertained so he couldn't get into any mischief like he knew the boy would.

He was regaling Naruto with stories of his childhood when they finally heard the door slide open.

What happened next was unexpected. An intricate trap set off and the end product was a masked, silver-haired cyclopean Jounin hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Naruto broke out into giggles, causing his teammates to look at him.

"When did you do that?" Iruka exclaimed, eyes wide in shock.

"That's for me to know," Naruto responded with a grin. 'By all means, it wasn't me.'

~That should teach my former student not to be late,~ Minato said smugly, having sneaked out of the seal to create the trap.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know he'd do something like this," Iruka apologized, releasing Kakashi from the trap.

Straightening out, Kakashi gave Iruka a once over, a spark of interest flashing in his sole gray eye. Minato was the only one who noticed it.

"Looks like 'Kashi-chan's got a crush," Minato chanted, looking like the cat that ate the canary.

Kakashi's eyes turned to his new students and he observed them.

Sasuke was staring at him in stunned disbelief, Sakura looked like she was torn between reprimanding Naruto and laughing her ass off, and Naruto… just smiled.

"My first impression of you three… I hate you," Kakashi said in an indifferent tone. Iruka winced. "Meet me on the roof… as an added incentive: I'm stealing your sensei."

Iruka let out an undignified squawk as Kakashi 'shushined' them away.

'He's got it bad,' Minato thought to himself. Turning to his son, he smiled. "Up and at 'em, Naru-chan. It's time to introduce yourself to your sensei!"

~You're awfully cheerful,~ Naruto muttered. ~Hatake Kakashi… he's that strange guy who always gives me those vegetable baskets and other healthy foods… You knew all along that it was your former student helping me and you never told me who he was?~

~Someone has to make sure you get proper nutrition,~ Minato pointed out. ~And I wanted to wait for him to introduce himself to you. I didn't know it would take this long for you to find out though.~

~But why does he help me?~ Naruto pried.

~All those years ago, when Kushina told me she was pregnant, Kakashi had been really excited. You were going to be his little brother, after all. It's only logical that he would want to keep that bond even if he's not allowed to show how much he cares for you in public. If he did, well… it would be only one more clue that connected you to me.~

"Are you coming, dobe?" Sasuke asked Naruto, seeing that he was simply spacing off into the distance.

"I'm coming… no need to be so impatient," Naruto responded, a little annoyed that Sasuke had interrupted the conversation he was having. He wanted to know more about Kakashi…

When they arrived at the roof, they saw a blushing Iruka sitting next to Kakashi, who was smiling.

"Okay, introduce yourselves: name, likes, dislikes, goal for the future and hobbies," Kakashi instructed.

"Could you give us an example, sensei?" Sakura asked.

"Fine. My name's Hatake Kakashi. My likes and dislikes are none of your business. I have no goal and my hobbies are too adult for you to hear," the masked nin declared.

"We only found out his name," Sakura grumbled.

"All right, your turn, Dolphin-chan," Kakashi grinned. Iruka blanched.

"But I'm not a member of your team!" the teacher exclaimed, deciding to ignore the nickname.

"It's for the principle of things," Kakashi said before inching closer. "Besides, I'm interest in what you have to say." He said, practically purring.

'Great our sensei's one who couldn't detect a Genin's trap and is more interested in getting into our former sensei's pants,' Sasuke thought, unimpressed.

Flushing, Iruka scratched at the scar on his nose sheepishly. "Well… my name's Umino Iruka, I like my students and ramen. I dislike anyone who tries to hurt my students and those who don't do their mission reports properly. My goal is to see all of my students become great shinobi and my hobbies include reading and spending time with my precious people."

"You're very dedicated to your students…" Kakashi mused. "That's admirable."

"Thank you," Iruka said, a little embarrassed.

"Okay, Pinky, it's your turn."

"My name is Haruno Sakura and I like… (giggle)… my goal is… (another giggle)… My hobbies are… (a look and a giggle) and I dislike… Naruto!" Sakura exclaimed.

'Great a fan girl,' Kakashi groaned. He eyed the wounded look on Naruto's face and felt the slightest sympathy for the boy. "Okay, next would be Mr. Tall, Dark and Broody," Kakashi said, eyes on Sasuke.

"I dislike many things and like very little…" Sasuke declared, looking as stoic as ever. "I don't have a goal as much as an… ambition to kill a certain man… and to revive my clan."

'I had a feeling he was going to say that…' Kakashi thought with a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair before turning to Naruto. "Your turn, Blondie." A slight pang went through Kakashi at the sight of the boy. He looked so much like his sensei…

"The name's Uzumaki Naruto," the orange-clad Genin declared. He swore to himself that he'd grow strong enough to be able to take his dad's last name like he had long since desired. "I like Iruka-sensei, Sarutobi-jii-chan, ramen and pranking. I dislike the three minutes for ramen to finish and those who judge people for something that's not under their control. My goal is to be the greatest Hokage in the history of Konoha and be acknowledged by everyone!"

"And I'm Namikaze Minato, also known as the Yondaime Hokage. I like my son, all those in Konoha who don't judge him for what's inside him. I dislike all the ignorant bastards who think he's the Kyuubi. My goal is to help my kid become the greatest shinobi in all Five Great Nations. My hobbies include training with Naruto, making fun of my former student and kicking the ass of anyone who looks at my kid the wrong way," Minato said to amuse Naruto..

Naruto snickered, earning himself a few odd looks.

'He's grown in an interesting way…' Kakashi thought, thinking back to how Naruto had been treated all through his life. He'd been the main ANBU watching over Naruto as the years had gone by. He'd taken care of all of the people who had attacked Naruto and made sure they'd regretted it. Whenever he'd gone to ensure that Naruto was safe and taken care of, he'd found that someone else had already had taken care of the boy. As the years had gone by, Kakashi tried to figure out who Naruto's guardian angel was, but whoever it was, he was good at covering his tracks.

"Okay…" he started out. "Tomorrow, we start our duties as shinobi, but we have to do one thing first: survival training."

"But we did that during the Academy!" Sakura exclaimed, sounding displeased.

"This isn't like your Academy training…" Kakashi said. "I'm your opponent this time." He began to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Naruto asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're all going to freak out…" the former ANBU declared.

"About what?" Sakura inquired curiously. Iruka looked guilty for having kept this a secret from them but that was how things went.

"Twenty-seven of you graduated from the Academy, but only nine of you will remain as Genin. The others will return to the Academy. You have a 66% chance of failing this test of mine," Kakashi stated. He chuckled at their stunned looks. "I told you that you would freak out."

~Well this is a twist,~ Naruto remarked. "But we worked so hard! If this is the real test then what was the point of graduating?!" he exclaimed.

"That was just to select the ones who have a chance at becoming Genin. You'll show your real skills tomorrow during the training. Bring all the tools you have and don't eat breakfast. You'll just throw it all up," Kakashi instructed. "That's it for today. Be at the training grounds at 5 in the morning." With that, he disappeared.

"This is a bummer," Naruto pouted, crossing his arms. Iruka ruffled Naruto's hair affectionately.

"You'll do fine," he assured the boy. "Now how about we go for ramen?"

"AWESOME!" Naruto cheered. Iruka smiled at Naruto's enthusiasm and they went on their way.

Later, as Naruto headed to his and Minato's private training area, Minato started telling of what he planned to do for Naruto's training.

"I'll be increasing your weights tonight," Minato said. Naruto groaned.

~Again?~ he whined. Minato grinned and ruffled Naruto's hair.

"Yes, again. There's no real reason for you to whine. You get used to them fast enough… Kyuu-chan helps you out enough with that as it is."

~Oi! I'm the great Queen of the Bijuu! How dare you call me Kyuu-chan!~ the fox demon finally spoke out for the first time in the last few days.

"You're the surrogate mother to my kid, why can't I call you Kyuu-chan?" Minato teased. The demoness nearly went ballistic.

~Call me that again! I dare you!~ Kyuubi growled, hackles raising.

~Come on, Tou-san, leave her alone,~ Naruto said, playing the mediator.

~Yes, Minato, listen to the Kit,~ Kyuubi purred, wrapping her tails around her beloved child as Naruto and Minato entered his mind.

Naru to's mind looked like a large open field with a huge den. It used to look like a sewer back when he'd first met the Kyuubi when he'd been ten but after he learned the truth behind the attack and he got to know the female Demon Lord, the scenery changed to a nicer one with no cage or sewer.

Ever since then, the Kyuubi had absolutely adored the child. Minato didn't mind the change either. It beat being stuck in a cage… even if he did manage to sneak out.

~It's time for you to be exposed to more of my Chakra, Kit. The more you grow used to it now, the better you can use it later on,~ Kyuubi declared. Naruto pouted.

~Fine…~ he said. He understand the value of getting accustomed to the Kyuubi's chakra but it burned… a human body could only handle so much demonic chakra at one time.

"That's my boy," Minato said, ruffling Naruto's hair. He was eager to see how his son would fair against his former student. He wanted to see if Kakashi would be able to look past Naruto's mask or be as blind as everyone else…

next chapter
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