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33.33% Gtfo... / Chapter 5: Sibling Fight.

Chương 5: Sibling Fight.

This chapter will probably have alot of unexplained things.(The whole plot is unexplained :)

Warning: Another Cringe Chapter.

Hope you enjoy it!


In a large chunk of floating island was a castle in the middle, three people was currently sitting on the chairs as the two was sipping some boba teas while the other just came in.

"Hey Velschat! I've been praying for a whole week now, why did the God of Boba tea isn't giving me a blessing yet?"Barbatos asked innocently.

"Pf! You did what?"2x Velschat and Ei almost choked their boba tea's.

"I prayed the God of Boba for a whole week?"Seeing them surprised, Barbatos was like, why are they surprised? didn't they also prayed the God of Boba tea? both of them is drinking boba teas right? so meaning, they also worshipped the God of Babo tea right? am I right?




Ei slapped Velschat in the head but he didn't budge, rather, he also wanted to slap himself in the face because his joke went to far.

Now he felt bad for Barbatos.

"Sigh... Look what you did to him, he literally prayed a fake God for a whole week."She deadpanned at Velschat while she was looking at Barbatos like he was the most insane person to ever exist, I mean who would pray a God for a whole week? she had seen her parents prayed to a God but they only do it for once a week! And it wouldn't even take an hour for them to finish praying!


Barbatos slammed the table.

"No way! There is no way the God of Boba tea is fake!"He insisted on believing Ei's words until he lost his balance.

"Ei yo-"


Velschat couldn't finish his words and looks at Barbatos on the ground who had a lifeless eyes

"My whole life was a lie..."He was mumbling some words in a low voice.

"You're not even two weeks old."Ei really wanted to get out of the place and just play with the kids but she wanted to fix the problem that Velschat made.

"My whole one week and two days of life was a lie..."His tone was very dead.

Velschat looked at Barbatos for a long time, he sighed and took a bottle of wine from his <GoB>.

It was the lowest quality though.

Yes, lowest, but that would only be in Velschat's common sense and his Babylon's Treasure Ranking.

Because alot of people would go to far as going to war to get atleast one treasure from his <GoB>. And the wine he was holding isn't excluded.

"Sigh... Barbatos here."He wanted to give him a lot, but it would only drunk him so he decided to give him only one.

Barbatos slowly lifted his head and looks at what on Velschat's hand. His eyes widened and his mood brightened in the speed of light.

He came towards Velschat in a speed of wind as he took the bottle of wine immediately.

"Hehehe~ you're the best Velschat."He started rubbing the wine on his face.

Ei started drinking her boba tea again because the problem was solved.

Veldanava then appeared while having a headache and rubbed his temple.

"Can you help me with something Brother."He said while taking a boba tea in the table. He immediately sipped it while nodding.

'It's really good.'He inwardly thought.

Velschat turned his head towards his brother with a little "Mhm?" so it would like he's ready to listen.

"What is it brother?"He asked.

"Follow me."He then made a space crack as he goes inside. Velschat shrugged his shoulder and just followed.

"Watch over the kids."

"No problem~"Barbatos started chugging the wine.

"Yes."Ei replied.

They then arrived to a place, it was so beautiful that if someone asked where the paradise is, Velschat would point somewhere here. You could hear birds chirping while the atmosphere was calm as the sea.

"Can you tell me what's a Spirit in the future?"He said with a cramped smile.

"...." And Velschat knew that smile was very fake.

"I thought, you still had some of your omniscience power?"Velschat asked. Though, he wasn't going to step aside what he noticed when he saw his brother's expression.

"Well, I used it all you see..."He then smiled again.

But this time it was true, Velschat could feel that his brother was very happy.

"You used clairvoyant did you?"Velschat reached that conclusion, because there is no way something could make the 'Creator' happy and at the same time sad in a same day.


"Don't spoil my life idiot, just tell me what you need and we're finished."Velschat snorted, he didn't want his life to be spoiled after all. Especially when he's immortal now and he would probably seek alot of entertainment in the future.

"I'm going to die in the future."


Silence enveloped in the area.

"If you're thinking that I'm happy to hear that, then you're going to be disappointed."Why would Velschat happy to hear that his brother is going to die in the future? especially when he seeks siblings.

"Pf! No! I'm not expecting you to be happy after hearing that!"He really wanted to smack Velschat for misunderstanding his words, but he couldn't blame him since he hadn't explained properly yet.

"Then why wouldn't stop your death? it's pretty easy right? I could even do it for you, just say the magic words."Velschat was pretty confident that saving his brother in the future would be easy. I mean, he's the second strongest in the whole Universe you know?

He wasn't sure if he's the second strongest in the Multiverse though.

And in front of him is the strongest! What could someone possibly do to the Creator?

And the True Dragons wouldn't die with just dying! When one would die, they would just 'poof' appear in the future again.

But Velschat could immediately say because of his brother's tone of voice. That the kind of death his brother would have is a True Death.

Meaning, his existence would be erased.

True Death are the only thing that could kill a True Dragon, but who could do that? who could bring True Death to a True Dragon?

No one can answer that yet.

"When I saw the future, I just realized how incompetent of a Crea-"


Velschat didn't let him finish his words and punched him with his all in the face. He wasn't worried about his brother since that was only a punch. He just physically punched his brother and that's all. He wouldn't want to damage his brother's spiritual body.

His punch was so strong that Veldanava was piercing through and through to all the mountains his body would meet.


Even the paradise was destroyed but Velschat didn't care about that one bit.

Because he's angry to his brother now.

Really angry to be exact.

"Brother! You created all and you're calling yourself incompetent? if it's the reason why you allowed your self to die in the future, then I wont accept it."He knew his brother could hear it even if he's far away. His second personality really wanted to swear with all his might but Veldanava was his brother.

That reason is enough for his second personality to give respect to him. And all of Velschat's personality respected Veldanava because only few beings knew how hard working he was. And Velschat was one of that few beings.

He really wanted to slap the people who believed that his brother is omnipotent that could do anything he want. Well, he was but previously. He's brother was just seeking foreign emotions and that's the reason why he created the universe, but his omnipotent power is the exchange.

His brother created all.

And that reason is enough to let him do what he wanted.

If his brother believed on something. It wouldn't be hypocrisy.

If he destroyed all the worlds and erased the universe, no one would blame him.

But he called himself incompetent.

It was something that made Velschat really angry.

He worked hard for the balance of the worlds but what did he recieved? literally nothing! He continued on creating more because he saw how beautiful humanity is and their potential.

And when he saw his brother smiled a moment ago, as a brother, he was happy! But what after that happiness? he will die! Why would a brother allow that? unless I'm transmigrated as a noble in a certain novel then I would have but my brother isn't like those shits.

He wasn't a young master.

He was infinite amount above than those shits.

He was the Creator but he's the most humblest person Velschat had ever met. Though, he also had the pride of a Dragon.

So he knew Veldanava wouldn't let his little punch slide.

But Velschat will do anything to give him a beating and make him realize how will a 'thing' exist without him creating it.

Velschat activated his <Warrior God Mode>, one of the sub-skill from his Ultimate Skill <Morax>.

He was now wearing a white hoodie as his skin turned into black while there are some golden stripes in it.

(I'm trying hard to describe his clothes Ok! Hmph!)

He then removed the hoodie from his head for his horns to come out with his tail.

He took out a great sword from his <GoB>, it was his Great Sword <Ground Breaker>, the second strongest weapon that he had. This sword focused on destruction while his <EA> is more focused on Peirce and Cut.

This is just a siblings fight after all. If he used his <EA>, it might be close to impossible but there is still possibility of damaging his brother's spiritual body.

(Warrior God Mode. Image.)

His <Ultra God Instinct>, that could only be activated when I use <Warrior God Mode>, tingles as I immediately looked behind and saw my brother came out from the space crack.

He was now wearing a blindfold while his hair became so long that it reached his butt, and there was also a golden thingy in his head. It was a golden half ring saturn.

I looked at his hand and saw a jet black sword with a golden handle. It was emanating dread and destruction.

Veldanava called it battle mode.(Image here)

"That was a good punch brother."He held his jaw and moved it a bit to secure that his physical body is still fine.

"We can talk about that topic later... Because as the Head of the Family, I'm going to punish you for a bit."He didn't really hate his brother nor he was angry to him. But accepting the fact that he just got punched by his small brother would be put a large amount bad taste in his pride as a True Dragon, Creator, and The Head of the Family.

Velschat's atmosphere became full of arrogance and his expression immediately changed into a wide smile.

Veldanava notice this and made a surprised expression.

"Ohh... I totally forgot that you have two other personalities."Veldanava really didn't care about his siblings' personalities as long as it isn't rotten. He would even allow them to rampage but he would tell them to not cost a genocide or take people's lives without a proper reason. If they disobey, then he would just punish them,

Veldanava wanted to be the perfect older brother after all.

And as the perfect older brother, he needed to discipline his other siblings if they did something wrong.

He was also planning to spend more time with his siblings after creating the Spirits.

"Tsk."Velschat's second personality was annoyed on what Veldanava just said.

But he didn't say anything about that and immediately changed the topic.

"Can we start now? because your reason to die is much more dumber than a beta protagonist"He snorted that if he wasn't holding a great sword right now, he would have crossed his arms.

"I have two another reason though..."

"Eh? you have more reasons?"Velschat's arrogance atmosphere dissapeared and his easy going one came back.


"Then why didn't you tell me!"Velschat made his voice a little louder.

"Sigh... You didn't let me finished and just suddenly punched me..."Veldanava, somehow, wanted to choke his idiot brother while shaking him really hard.

"Oh..... hehe~"He scratched his head while making a silly face.

"Sorry I guess?"

"...."Veldanava's urge to choke him got stronger.

"So can we stop this now? I mean let's talk about your death in the future? you know what I mean.."

"...."It got more stronger again

'Did he just wanted to forget about that punch?'

Until veins started to bulge in Veldanava's head and dashed towards Velschat who was taken back because he thought that there's going to be a peaceful way to solve the problem but it seems that peace was never an option.

He blocked Veldanava's attack but it made him step back in the air. What he didn't expect was a space crack on his back and he suddenly got inside it.

His <Ultra God Instinct> tingled but what's happening was just so fast.

"I don't really want to accidentally destroy the world I created so we'll be fighting in the space."Veldanava smiled that made Velschat's second personality leaked...




Ei was currently playing with Velschat's two sister and the drunkard Barbatos was lying on the floor somewhere Ei didn't really want to know.

She then noticed Velgrynd and Velzard flinch as their eyes widened.

Their body also stiffed.

"What's wrong Velzard? Velgrynd?"Ei started to get more worried when she saw them having teary eyes.

"Uwaaa~"The two of them cried in synched.

"What's wrong? can you tell me?"Ei was really anxious now.

"Big brother Velschat and Big brother Veldanava is fight, uwaaa~"The two synched again.

"What?! How? they get along perfectly!"She didn't ask on why the both of them knew it since she now knew fully what a True Dragons is.

"We don't know, sniff*"2x

Ei felt really stupid this time because she just asked a kid.

But she wasn't really one to blame in the situation since no one really knew where both of them fought other than them.

"Calm down okay, they probably had a disagreement or something and I know your brothers, they wouldn't fight unless something happened."Ei patted the two as they stopped crying.


"Mhm."Ei nodded.

'I don't really know but it's good that they're calm now..'Velschat was after all, unpredictable since he had three personalities like he said to her.




In the space was two True Dragon was currently fighting.


Each clash an explosion would follow and if there were other beings here. The shockwaves they made is enough to kill the other beings.

Velschat threw a sword from his Babylon and it flew towards Veldanava in a speed so fast but he dodged it with ease, Velschat wasn't done though, he raised his arm and Babylon Gates started coming out from nothing on his back..





He opened a hundred thousand of Babylon Gates', and all type of weapons came out from it as all of it rushed towards Veldanava in a speed of light.


Veldanava cuts the space in front of him with a sword and goes inside but he was surprised to see that Velschat's attack followed him even there so what he did was, he cut the space between him and Velschat as he appeared on his back but Velschat used his Geo to slam him.


Veldanava made the Geo as a foothold but another chunk of Geo followed.


Each just would destroy his foothold. He saw Velschat who was smirking and it really annoyed Veldanava so he threw his sword to him.

Velschat dodged it and snorted.

'Does he think that something like that could scratch me-'His <Ultra God Instinct> and immediately looked behind but he was too late and Veldanava stabbed.


Veldanava made a copy of his [Asura] and cut Velschat's head.

"...."He killed Velschat and kicked his dead body like a soccer ball.


He really didn't damaged his spiritual body and he only killed his physical body. Though, even if Velschat was killed Spiritually, he would just revive again but it would take time.

Moments later. Velschat's dead body floated again and opened his eyes.

"Let's go for another round."Velschat said while smirking.

He then dissapeared from his position and appeared next to his brother. He spins his body as he used his Dragon tail to attack Veldanava.








"This is your 1 millionth death Velschat..."He wanted to sigh but he was in the battlefield, it would be disrespectful to his enemy especially when Velschat is his brother and also a True Dragon.

"Tsk, I really can't defeat you huh?"He crossed his arms and snorted.

"So you're admitting defeat?"

"Obviously."He rolled his eyes.

"Well.. You were doing great, you even killed me three times."He nodded sagely.

Velschat didn't want to talk about his defeat anymore and changed the topic.

"So can we talk about your future death now?"He took out chairs and table for them to sit in the space.

They sat and Veldanava talked first.

"You see..."He blushed a bit and looked away. Velschat's face immediately became neutral.

'What the fuck? why are you blushing!?'He didn't want to say it outloud since he thought that this will be his brother's moment

"I will meet someone in the future, and that someone will be my wife you see soo..."Veldanava acted like a girl in love.

'Fuuck! I don't want to list, I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen!!!'Velschat didn't want to listen but he had no choice.

"And what happened next?"

"I made a child with her and it took portion of my powers."

"If it's protection then I can do that."

"That's not the point here, what I'm saying is, I will make a rule that no True Dragons is allowed to have a child."

"...."Velschat wanted to say that why would it be only him to have a child but seeing his brother's expression that couldn't wait to meet his 'The One'.

He didn't destroy his moment.

"I will do my best to not break that rule but if Ei asked... I would probably disappoint you."When he became a True Dragon, he lost some of his desire. And the desires to have childrens is part of it. He could still feel 'Lust' though. He just felt like he didn't need to, but of course, if he had childrens in the future, he would love him or her with all his might.

"Then what happened next and who killed you?"

"The people who killed me isn't important."

"...."Velschat wanted to ask why could a potential killer isn't important. But he knew his brother wont answer it.

"The next creator will appear in the next twenty thousand years but I have to die for that to happen."

"...."Velschat took a deep breath and try not to punch his brother again but he held back since he didn't want to die a million times again.

"Why would you sacrifice yourself for another creator to appear?"

"I was meant to die."He made a cramped smile again.

"You see Velschat, I'm not omnipotent at all, there is two things that I don't have access to."He made a peace sign with his hand.

"The first one is Time, and the other is Fate..... And I'm fated to die."

"Avoid that fate then idiot!"

"If I keep avoiding it, the future would be chaotic. And you know I don't like Chaos right?"

"What do you mean?"

"If I don't die in the time where my wife gave birth to my daughter, a creator will still appear... But it will be a different person."

"So you already picked one?"

"Yes, he's also going to be stronger than me, but you wouldn't be left behind though."

"Tsk, spoil a bit this time."

"Many Creatures, Humans and Monsters will rise in the future, so there will be a tiny amount of people who will surpass me, it's pretty comedic hehe~"He chuckled.

"Where the fuck is the funny here?"

"When I used, tiny amount word?"

"Your joke is pretty lame.."

"So what are you planning now?"

"You're going to die with your wife right?"

"...."Veldanava didn't reply as his atmosphere became depressed with him.

"...."Velschat took out something from his <GoB> and on his two hands was a Holy Grail Cup

"What is that?"He looked at the cups curiously because the presence emanating from it was very unfamiliar.

"It's Cup of Reincarnation. I don't want you to die after all."Velschat snorted.

"What can it do?"

"You said you couldn't control fate right?"


"You see, I have a Fate series skill."He made a flexing smile.

"Pf! You have what?"Veldanava didn't remember creating a Fate series skill after all so he was surprised.

"You don't have to ask for the details, just drink this before you and your wife..."He rolled his eyes.

"Dies."And continued.

Veldanava took the two Holy Grail and wanted to cry out of joy but he held back since he was older than the universe.

"This will be the first time I will say it to someone in my entire life as a Creator..."

Silence developed in the area before he continued.

"Thank you..... brother."


I'm shameless. So give me all your powastone! It would also encourage me writing and at the same time you will receive my Eternal LOVE!




But my brain was pretty fried while I'm writing this so there will be parts that I forgot to edit or write.

------I wanted attention so don't read this----

Why are you still reading this?

Congrats me for getting the Mobius color on Ro Ghoul!!!

But my Raiden Shogun color was the exchange ;-;

Black and Green is more doper though!!!!

You're still reading this aren't cha?


next chapter
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