"All of your crew are finished. Now, it's my turn to fight. My turn to smash you apart for all that has happened to my crew. My comrades. MY FRIENDS!"
Kakashi couldn't' look away. His internal respect for Luffy rising into the realm of reverence. 'He…took that hit for his own crewmate. Without any hesitation or question. And all of this…to him, it's due to his comrades, beings he refuses to abandon…'
"What! Impossib—"
"Gum-gum: Whip!" Luffy launched another strike, his extended leg catching Arlong in his ribs, and launching the Fishman side-ways into a pillar of his own giant house. Still, Arlong rolled with the hit, teared tow sets of teeth from his mouth and charging for LUffy.
"Take this you rubbery freak! Teeth attack!"
"Gum-gum: Whip!" Luffy launched another strike, his extended leg catching Arlong in his ribs, and launching the Fishman side-ways into a pillar of his own giant house. Still, Arlong rolled with the hit, and rising to his feet, empowered by sheer white-hot rage towards those that had destroyed his precious crewmates, and begun tearing his plans apart.
"Chew…Kuroobi…Hatchi….you burst right through my door, tear my crew apart…You're dead…Who the hell do you think you are to do this?! Because your death is long overdue!"
Arlong declaring, tearing two sets of teeth from his mouth and charging for Luffy. "Take this you rubbery freak! Teeth attack!" Clamping the jaws in his hands, the arms holding them shot towards the captain, forming a barrage of new attacks. Luffy leapt backwards, dodging each one with a dangerous grin forming on his lips. Arlong's barrage grew more intense, each jaw tearing chunks from the ground where he missed the Straw Hat.
It could not last, however, and Luffy's leg caught one of the fallen Fishmen, stumbling backwards as Arlong's jaws on both is harms, and those in his mouth going for the throat. Luffy powered through the pain, grabbing his head to bend it unnaturally aside before Arlong could pierce his jugular, the bite sending a crack through the façade of the building, including the name written above the doorway.
Still, Luffy was forced to his knees by Arlong's strength. "Heh. Finally, some order amidst this unacceptable chaos. An inferior human on their knees before a Fishman, the proper place in the world." the Fishman captain took the moment to gloat.
"Shut-up Already!" Arlong had only time to glare, as Luffy sent his leg shoot back, to drive it forward into Arlong's groin![1] The sound of crackling egg-shell could be heard by everyone. The Fishman could not even speak at the sledge-hammer rocking his entire being, feeling hollow pinballs clashing about inside of himself from head-to-foot behind the special, terrible agony.
"GHaAAAAAAAAAA!" Even Gin, Sanji and Kakashi had to share their sympathies with Arlong, while Luffy just didn't care. Mustering his will past the teeth in his arms, the Captain threw an upper-cut that sent Arlong tumbled head-over heels.
Luffy could only glare, totally unapologetic, as he drew the teeth out of their place. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. The man who's gonna be King of the Pirates! And you are the one standing between that dream, by making Nami, my navigator, suffer and keeping her here, and trying to kill more of my crewmates!" whipping a trail of blood off his arms.
Slowly, Arlong started to feel his body and balls again, drawing to his knees.
"You….you fucking, indecent, disgusting piece of trash!" Arlong didn't spare Luffy a glance, charging for the wall several meters away and punching a whole through it.
Gin started to blink, 'did that hit from Don Luffy ripple up to his head, makin' him miss on accident?' he questioned. "Huh! WH-WHa-Where is it!? Where is it!?" Alrong was shouting, pressing his hand further into the hole.
"Where in all the hell in the Saw-Blade!"
"Oh, a jagged sword on the wall in that room?"
Everybody turned to Kakashi, who stood aloof, far too innocently, before drawing another scroll from his vest. "This one, by chance?"
Sure enough, following another cloud of smoke, Kakashi stood there hefting a single, massive, black-steel saw-blade over his shoulder.
"I was sneaking in and out of here for the past two days. On one trip out again, I may have stolen this from its place, as it appeared to be the most dangerous weapon inside Arlong Park. Does that happen to be yours?"
Arlong's anger only grew, charging straight for the Jonin. Luffy got there first, throwing two arms out, to wrap themselves under Arlong's armpits and across his head. Next, the Rubber-man twisted his own body around, forming a spring from his waist down.
"Gum-gum: Spring-sling-shot!" Arlong was yanked from his feet, as Luffy's body un-spun itself, building momentum until the end, releasing the load and launching Arlong straight through the wall.
That was not end, as another long-punch connected with the enemy's face, followed by a second to the chest, abs-shoulder-arm-leg-neck-! "Gum-gum: Gatling!" dozens upon dozens of punches bombarded the Fishman, even connecting with his groin, again.
"Captain Luffy!" a new voice came from the door. Everyone turned about, to find Sasuke and Naruto panting outside the doorway to Arlong Park.
"Sasuke, Naruto! What happened to the pair of you after my clone took Zoro away?" Kakashi ordered to pair. Both began to recount what happened with the crew, Sasuke's mood clearly low by the reminder of his hate-inspired blunder.
"After Sasuke used the fire-ball jutsu, then-"
"Huh?!" Luffy, distracted by his arriving nakama, had taken his eyes off Arlong. Now, the being's dark mane and savagery produced the moniker of a demon, tearing into Luffy with his teeth again in a blind-rage.
The other Straw Hat's shouted in fear. Gin, Sanji and Naruto, started running towards him, but Kakashi stopped each of them.
"What th' hell, get outa th' way, Kakashi-san!" "We've gotta help Luffy!" "Come-on sensei! Let's beat this guy up!"
"Oh, I think he is quite fine at the moment," Kakashi of the Sharingan remarked, his eye tracing the fight through any dust and rubble, as Sasuke did the same. Soon it began to clear, with a third someone between both captains.
"Wha?! Nazumi!" Sure enough, the corrupt Colonel was held up towards the Fishman, his body littered with scars from Arlong's jaws. Luffy had grabbed the nearest shield he could reach and placed it between himself and the ensuing attack.
"Aaahhh, good thing this guy was here. Those look like they hurt," A certain stretchy Monkey threw the semi-conscious Marine behind him, skipping over to a stop at Kakashi's feet.
The Jonin himself could barely resist the temptation to kill to the pathetic figure, as before he could say or do anything, more allies reached them.
"Kakashi-sensei!" a familiar voice shouted, calling the ninja's attention towards her.
"Sakura-chan! Nami-san!? Z-ZORO-SAN!" Naruto and Sasuke both could barely contain their emotions, as the swordsman came into sight, held up by Johnny and Yosaku. The rest of the people from Cocoyoshi Village were trailing behind them.
"Nami-swan! Nojiko-schwan! My heart is filled with joy and love to see the pair of you recovered!" Sanji proclaimed, inexplicably weaving towards the pair, his legs swirling like noodles. Closing in towards them, the cook's mind was a washed with scenes of the pair throwing themselves into his arms, with physical affection towards his efforts to free them, offering the deepest, most love-filled desires, amidst a shower of rose-petals, and their irresistible assets open for-a solid boot in his face.
"Outa-the way Romeo!" The cook found his fantasies met with a kick, lunching him to sail through the air, and crash head-first through a tree. Zoro had gotten in the way, with no patience for the cook's perverted habits: 'This crew can only handle one distraction-prone idiot. Maybe that'll work to knock some sense into the curly-brow dumbass,' the swordsman's rationale hoped, reaching Kakashi and Gin with Nami, Nojiko, Sakura and Usopp.
"Usopp! You're okay!" Luffy shouted at his friend, deeply relieved to see his fellow link to Shank's crew walking and well. Sasuke had moved over to his idol, but caught himself unsure of what to say to do without surrendering his dignity
"Sakura! Why has everybody followed you here? Did something happen inside the village?"
Kakashi demanded from her, combing through the entire populace beyond them.
"Kakashi-san!" Nami called his attention, stepping in front of the younger girl.
"I requested for us to come here and stand with all of you after Zoro reached the village. A group of 13 members of Arlong's crew did attack to village. But a plan made my Sakura and all of us managed to defeat them. That covered all the members of the Arlong pirates, and is why we're are here now."
Kakashi nodded, but Nami's voice had some dangerous consequences…."NAMI!"
The navigator froze, her own pain and fears gripping her soul at the one voice, from the visage of Arlong rising to his knees.
"You…dared…to betray me! Betray my generosity and mercy towards your home all these years!" Now his rage was at its highest. Arlong fixed Nami, fixed every human present with pure hated.
"This fight, these misfortunes, the horrendous damages to us has all been caused by you! I am not disappointed, I am disgusted with you, for such insubordination! Now, I see leaving your remaining people alive was a mistake, all these years. One that I now mean to correct!"
Turning away from Luffy, Arlong charged straight for Nami's people. The Rubber-man pulled his arms back for another hit, but Arlong could read his moves by now, and the gum-gum bazooka missed him! "Damnit, no!"
Gin and Kakashi began to move, the former throwing his tonfa into Arlong's face, for the iron-ball to shatter against his jagged nose, before a strong arm knocked the other pirate aside. Kakashi began forming hand-signs, stepping forward beyond the others.
"Ice-style: Ice-Prison Jutsu!" Drawing on the technique copied from the Hidden-Snow Village over a decade past, Kakashi executed a Yang-chakra method by manipulating the nearby water to engulf Arlong and lowering the temperature to the freezing point.[2] Quickly the Fishman was frozen-in place, only looking back in shock until his entire body was encased in ice.
Luffy turned around, blinking towards the figure, while many of the audience could only blink at the new decoration.
'Hmmm…..' Kakashi began to reason. 'My lightning must have dissipated from the water by now, after Sanji's enemy Kuroobi absorbed the last of jolts.'
"Chichichichichichichichi! Now, nobody move." Turning his eye away from his handiwork, Kakashi saw that Nazumi was still making trouble. The Corrupt Colonel had grabbed two pistols, pointing one at Usopp at the other at Nami.
"Now, assaulting a Marine Colonel is a treasonous crime alone. Particularly in light of conspiring with pirates, harboring stolen valuables, and more-Oooo-ah, ah, ah!" the Marine tauntingly admonished, towards LUffy and Kakashi.
As both started to approach him, Nazumi's hands twitched over his pistols, while Nami and Usopp didn't move a single muscle. Luffy kept walking, unafraid of whether the rat turned his gun on him.
"Now-now you listen to me here! I will not hesitate to-"
"Huh! What is going on, Nyuu?" Glancing forward beyond the stand-off, Hatchan had come out form his room, awaken by the ruckus.
"Nyuu! Wh—what is going on here! Arlong, Kuroobi, everybody! I..I…GGHHHRRRR!" Carshing back inside, the heavily bandaged Octopus grabbed six swords, not his own favorites, and jumped through a window to stand before everyone.
"All of you need to be thrown out of here! Octopus Pot-Sta-!"
"Shut up," a third person leapt to block the six-armed swordsman. Gin's eyes made the bewildered Hatchan screech to a stop. The other pirate began to twirl his single tonfa holding a double-pistol in his other hand by the mussel.
"Man-Demon style: Kishin Ranbu!" Gin charged his new enemy, spinning about with deadly grace, landing in a crouch before rising, to slam the tonfa into his gut, and giving a pistol-whip across Fishman's face. Another set of strikes followed, towards each of Hatchan-arms to force the enemy to drop his swords. Gin did not stop, in full view of the Straw Hats and the frozen Arlong, Hatchan struggled to block or counter as Gin's dexterity ensured no single target was hit twice, making his attacks that much more unpredictable.
Under his strength, Hatchan was beaten until he fell, Gin planting one foot on his back.
"Don, this threat is neutralized," he reported, while Nazumi blinked, recognizing this enemy.
"Hey…you, you're the Man-Demon Gin of—HAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!"
Sakura smirked from behind him, her right foot sunk into the corrupt rat's groin. Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi each cringed at the sight, before the pinkette withdrew her foot, Nazumi dropping his guns and sinking to the floor. Nami could only smirk, drawing her own bo-staff as she knelt before him, pinching one side of his face.
"You…you're the one who tried to steal my treasure. And you shot Usopp and my precious sister Nojiko. These are for them!" Twirling the weapon to build-up force, Nami thrust one end into the Marine's gut, next a swipe at both arms, and a single round-house to his face, launching the Marine across the yard.
He did not escape, as Luffy stuck his left arm out to cloths-line the bastard. Grabbing his collar with the opposite arm, the Straw Hat threw him aside, before curling his left into a fist and launching it to his face. "And this is for hurting my crew! Gum-gum: Rifle!"
The strike shattered Nazumi's jaw and nose to pieces, then launching him skywards into the horizon. Luffy still was not done yet, turning around, he threw both arms backwards, "Everyone, get out the way! Because I still need to finish with Arlong!"
A scramble followed, the entire crew and civilians moving outside of Arlong park, as Luffy's fresh bazooka honed-in on the frozen Fishman. The strike shattered the ice, launching him through a window in the building, with Luffy jumping after him.
"Huh?" the room Luffy was in was piled high with papers, maps, shelves and a writing desk. Some fresh projects every hung form the wall, a few torn to pieces beneath Arlong's form or shards of ice that followed him. Thousands of them must have been inside as the Straw hat captain eyed each one in wonder. Until his eyes found something else. Extending one arm, he grabbed a pen from the desk and a single drawing of a person that had been torn in half.
"Ghhh! MY-my charts, NO!" Arlong' voice was heard, as the Fishman drew up to his knees.
"Hey, what is this room?" Luufy questioned him, unflinching as the Shark's blood-shot eyes met his own.
"Why this is Nami's room, of course. The place where I make her draw all her marvelous sea-charts and land maps. This is her desk, her masterpieces, her pens and records. Everything she has built up for me across the past 8 years."
Luffy stopped moving looking on in innocent curiosity as Arlong continued. Yet the more his enemy spoke, the narrower Luffy's world grew, until only this room and the hateful being in front of him were left.
"She's brilliant. Far too good for such talents to be wasted on human trash like you."
"You only wish to steal her contributions potential away from me, from the Arlong Empire! That girl is the key to fulfilling my own dreams and ambitions, and such garbage like you will never take her!"
"Is that so?" Luffy asked, holding the damaged picture up before Arlong. "Then, who is this?"
"Oh, that's just to woman who raised her. Bellemere, her name was. I freed Nami from the confines of her own existence after killing that woman years ago. I still can't understand why Nami would waste time keeping that piece of crap or drawing it in the first place. It's useless to recall or remember such pathetic, stupid beings like she was, after dying by confessing she had two daughters instead of lying and hiding to ensure her own survival."
"If that woman had remained alive, without the means to realize Nami's potential and talent as I have, that girls life would be far worse that it is now," Arlong continued, ignorant of the growing rage he invoked within Luffy, who only looked at the blood-stained pen in his hand.
"Under my watchful eyes, I ensured Nami worked days and nights away, right here in this room. After this fiasco, though, she will never leave this place again until it in finished, and I will have all that I need to conquer and subjugate the world, through the knowledge transferred into these sea-charts. I will provide all that she needs."
"No one else can use her like me! She would be totally wasted on beings like you!" Arlong finished, bracing himself for another attack. His fish driving towards Luffy's face-until it was caught in the Monkey D.'s hand and held in-place.
'What the…my..hand. Why can't I move it?'
"Use her!?" Luffy repeated himself, curling his hand to nearly break the bones in Arlong's fist. Carefully, he pocketed the drawing and threw away the pen.
Arlong tried to pull away, until Luffy threw a savage hook, shattering every tooth in his mouth.
"What do you take her for, you fishy piece of trash!"
Arlogn stumbled back, trying to regain himself, until his dreams began shattering before his eyes. Luffy threw one leg into a pile of charts scattering them through the air or out a fresh hole in wall. Arlong let a loud exclamation, trying to save them, but Luffy only took the opening to smash the book-case on the wall. Move and move, the Captain was tearing the place apart, until Arlong stopped try to save his possession, and turned on Luffy again.
"What do you think you are doing!?" Luffy ignored him, tearing apart every inch of the roomher could see, avoiding Arlong's helpless efforts to stop him.
Outside, many people looked up in wonder, especially the ninjas.
"Hey, Kakashi-sensei? What are all those strange papers?" Naruto asked his teacher.
"Shouldn't Captian Luffy have thrown Arlong out of the room, or into a different part of the building yet?" Sasuke demanded.
"What's going on?" Usopp cried out, "why is all of that stuff falling out of there?"
"Should one of us go up there and help him?" Sakura questioned. "What do you think, Miss Nami?"
The navigator did not respond, her eyes recognizing where Arlong had been thrown into. To her, it appeared everything flying through the window fell slower than a moment, shattering to pieces or landing in the water and ruin.
Her bo clattered to the ground, Nami herself feeling the unseen shackles placed by Arlong to that room starting to crack. Sweat was pouring from her face as her heart was racing with a relief she had been denied for half her life. Finally, a work-desk was kicked through at wall, immediately followed by thousands of maps scattering through the air. She followed them all the ground, recalling Arlong's instructions, his demands, his torments, and hundreds of nights staining the labours with her own blood, aching for Nojiko and Bellemere, again.
'"Dumb brat" the memory came, of Alrong pinning her down painfully against the desk. "You can't trick me that easily, trying to draw a fake chart," knocking her aside painfully and tearing up a picture she drew of Bellemere. Pilling the hopeless, helpless, and escapeless sense greater with every second she spent there.
Now, the source of her pain and enslavement shattered on the ground, the work made at it falling about, torn, cut, or falling to the water, beyond salvation. The shackles of bondage, guilt and suffering were breaking with them. Layers of pain and misery were scattering to the wind, letting her true self and true feelings surpass them all. Shining brighter with every move Luffy made to destroy the nightmare she had been imprisoned by.
One hand rose to her mouth, tears of relief, stifled for years, finally coming free. Her opposite hand grasped the hat sitting on her brow, Luffy's promise echoing in her ears.
"Th..thank you," came from her, the most emotional words she had spoken in her life.
Suddenly, Arlong was thrown out from the room, and Luffy stood proud in the crevasse in the wall, battered, bloodied, and growing stronger by the second. "ARLONG! You keep talking about how important these sea-charts and map are. And about how much better Fishmen are! I don't understand any of it! But I finally know how to save Nami!"
Leaping from the building, Luffy landed on the ground as Arlong rose to his feet. Charging him, Luffy grabbed the Fishman by the nose, ignoring the tears in his figures by mustering his strength to bend it in half.
Arlong's pain was the loudest noise to come that day, at his proud, powerful nose, the trademark of his flag, bent and broken under Luffy's strength.
"I'm setting Nami free! That room! It isn't anything more than her jail cell. The place that's holding her back and only seen pain and suffering!" Turning aside, Luffy threw one leg to the sky, extending to twice the height of Arlong Park. "I've gotta break the whole place apart! Gum-Gum: Battle-Ax!"
Before Arlong could move, the leg descend, gathering speed until it cut through the room Nami's spirit had been trapped within. It did not stop there, smashing through every layer of Arlong Park, with enough force to produce the force of an explosion on the bottom-floor.
Everyone braced themselves from the rubble, Kakashi weaving hand-signs: "Earth style: Mud wall!" a barrier, engraved with Dog-faces covered them, sheltering the ground from dust and falling debris. Nami, Naruto and Usopp cried out in worry for Luffy, running around and directly under falling wreckage above their heads.
"Nami-swan! Naruto!" Sanji was back on his feet, running forward to kick all the falling pieces aside with his legs. The three were unhurt as the wreckage settled. Kakashi lowered the wall, to the sight of Luffy glaring at the remains of the building he had shattered to pieces.
"Luffy!" Sanji exclaimed. "That stunt almost hurt Nami-swan, Usopp and Naruto! What the hell were you thinking, doing that while we were in the danger-zone!"
"Hhhh? Oh. Hahahahahahahaha! Sorry guys, my bad," the boy apologized, joyfully. Kakashi groaned, reminded of a certain "eternal-rival" he knew of with a similar habit. Naruto gaped at his captain, while Zoro smacked his own forehead embarrassed. Sasuke's eye was twitching, and Sakura was leaning over at Usopp.
"Is that guy bi-polar, or something Usopp-san?" The bandaged sniper pondered the question, then answered, "that might be a good question, Sakura-chan. I don't honestly know, but it might explain a lot about Luffy."
"Nami!" Arlong was still alive and fixing the Navigator with the eyes of a broke man. Luffy began to move and his stubborn enemy staggered to his feet.
"If I…can't….have you…then nobody can!" he declared, "Shark Tooth Drill!" forming a rotating twister towards her. Nami stumbled back, while Naruto ran in front of her, forming clones to block the charging enemy. Kakashi was ready to move, but Luffy got their first.
"Gum-gum: whirling Battle-ax!" Throwing his entire body forwards in a somersault, Luffy's leg swept through the air to land across Arlong's form at a low-alltitude. The Fishman's back was pinned to the ground, Luffy's heel striking his head, and stopping him inches from Naruto or Nami. Punshing off his other leg, Luffy landed on top of Arlong, standing on top of him, with eyes focused entire on one, single task.
Grabbing his collard, Luffy hauled the Fishman to eye-level. "I….will…..never….let….you…..HARM….NAMI…IN….ANY WAY AGAIN! SHE IS SOMEBODY THAT I CARE ABOUT AND WILL ALWAYS BE MY NAKAMA!" Nami could only tremble at Luffy's words, watching his head shoot backwards several dozen meters.
"GIN, Throw me your weapon!" he ordered the man. The pirate obeyed, tossing his tonfa at Luffy's face. His head shooting for Arlong, Luffy caught the tonfa in his teeth, "Gum-gum: LOADED CANNON-BELL!"
Timing it so the moment before he could hit Arlong, Luffy's head turned aside, driving the iron-ball straight into Arlong's face .The impact was worse than sickening, shattering all the cartilage in the shark's jagged nose, dislocating his jaw, and sending the Fishman spinning like a top, until the momentum ended, and the last part of the Arlong pirates collapsed….in….utter…defeat.
For a moment, nobody moved. Luffy himself spat the tonfa into his hand. Until someone grabbed his shoulders, turning him around to face her. Nami stood before him, almost unable to speak.
Turning around to see everyone present, Nami saw everyone cared for were alive and alright. Nobody had been lost, Arlogn was more than beaten, and the place that had been a source of imperialism and dread lay in ruins.
"Nami? Why are you crying now?" Luffy asked, raising his opposite hand to brush the tears from her eyes. More continued to follow, Nami's mind unable to think clearly past the awe of how and what had passed. She rushed to wrap him in her arms, hugging him tight and crying into his shoulder, in happiness, thankfulness and pure, truthful joy.
Around her, more cries of celebration rose. Men kissed their wives and loved ones, children cheered for their knew hero, Genzo hugged Nojiko close, Kakashi grinned at their handiwork, Johnny and Yosaku were jumping with glee, while Zoro, Gin and Sanji grinned in their success and satisfaction.
Naruto was the loudest of all, celebrating their victory, while Sakura rested one arm on a wall trying to feel the tension drain from her, and Sasuke was smirking in pride. Kakashi strode up to his kunoichi genin, steer her to stand beside the other two, and his other hand to quiet Naruto for a moment.
"Huh? What is Kakashi-sensei? Should we celebrating with them, ya know?"
"Each of you three. You performed spectacularly today. As your teacher, and a Jonin of our village. I am deeply and sincerely proud of you all," Kakashi praised them, his words simply, but more than enough. Together, Team 7 felt a deep rush of successful pride; the same yet stronger as that from the Bell-test, far stronger.
"Well done."
And there stood the Straw Hat Pirates, fall and proud, amidst their first, landmark, victory.
Please Review! I love reading reviews!
Phew…..This has been officially the longest chapter I have ever written. The long-wait for this was due to a single presentation of my Master of Art's research thesis that was given to the entire University Department I am part of, finishing that same thesis, along with both written and marking different final exams, and preparing to fly half-way across the country.
I had a lot on my plate, and a very hard time actually finding the calm to write more without my job nagging in my head.
On top of that, I wanted to ensure this chapter did a lot of things, including step-up the action in the story as some reviews have been requesting more. While keeping the characterization very strong, and making sure the powerful, wily and dangerous Hatake Kakashi did not simply become inspired to one-shot all the Arlong Pirates himself.
I also wanted to give each crewmate their time to shine, and give a taste of how they will function in future Arcs.
It is one of the chapters I now have the most pride to have written.
[1]-Luffy is the same man who kicked Buggy the Clone downstairs just at the opportunity. Why the heck should that not happen to Arlong?
[2]-Naruto, Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow. In Naruto, Yin techniques involve creating form or images from pure chakra, while Yang techniques involve empowering existing matter with chakra to alter its properties. Relating to elemental jutsu, this would include any methods that produce the element directly from someone's chakra, fire-style, lightning-style, the majority of elemental kekkei-genkai and some wind-style. While, most often, water-style and earth-style techniques function by pouring chakra into those elements that exist within a character's vicinity, save for rare cases like Kage-class shinobi skills (Kisame, Kakashi, Niidaime Hokage, Niidaime Mizukage, or Akatsuchi). From Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, I believe that the ice-style that Kakashi was able to use falls under Yang-style, different from Haku who could create ice directly from their chakra in any situation.
This is my favourite Naruto movie, so it is definitely going to be making an appearance here. And the potential for its use in this story is just too much fun to leave out.
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