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GoT: A New God's Conquest

Tác giả: CodeKingu

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Reborn

Chapter 1: Reborn


Wandering through realities, the existence beyond space and time searched for an interesting soul.

The being had witnessed the birth and demise of countless universes, experiencing all that life had to offer, and now finally desired to pass on.

Not wanting to disappear without leaving anything behind, they aimed to leave a final gift and, in the process, have one last entertaining story to watch.

While in between realities, they noticed something shocking: a mortal soul, just casually drifting in what was essentially the harshest environment possibly found.

This was it; this was what they'd been looking for.

Not expecting to find such a resilient soul, the omnipotent being reflected on their beginning. 

Having begun as nothing but an average mortal, their essence could never quite be infinite, leading to their current disinterest in further existence.

Observing this soul, tempered in the void for longer than even they could comprehend, the being entertained the notion that they might be able to assist in crafting an existence beyond anything witnessed before.

Gathering up all but a small drop of their essence, the being infused a few powers that would set the odd soul on a path to unknown heights before shunting it off toward a place where it could grow.

At the end of the day, the now weakened omnipotent being was still searching for entertainment so they wouldn't be bestowing instant near-limitless power.

Now, using the last of their essence, they simply sat back, eagerly anticipating an interesting show.

A New God's Conquest

He was dead.

It didn't take him long to realize this, floating around as a disembodied soul. 

It didn't seem to be one of the promised afterlives. It was probably for the better, considering he might otherwise be enduring torture at the hands of a demon or something similar, given he wasn't much of a believer.

Still, this was a place he seriously shouldn't have ended up in. Weird shit just always seemed to happen. Parts of his mind would experience vastly different perceptions of time. He could be calmly drifting along, but suddenly, it's like he just got thrown into a dimensional blender. But worst of all, it was the boredom; he was so fucking bored.

Sure, he had memories of his time on Earth, but even those were kind of spotty. The only memories that were crystal clear were the vast amounts of entertainment he'd consumed: movies, television series, books, manga, and even scraping the bottom of the barrel with fanfiction. He wondered what that said about his current personality. How does the morality of someone who mainly relies on media as their past experiences look to an outsider? Maybe it's because of this, but those thoughts didn't bother him at all.

Getting back to the point, the only thing that's currently bothering him is this fucking boredom. No matter how long he's been here, it always comes back to this—monologuing about his existence and how he got here.

Feeling the sensation of an outside force acting upon his being, he wondered if his ability to monologue had transcended space and time, gaining the power of reality warping.

A New God's Conquest

Blinking his eyes at the all-white room he somehow found himself in—wait, that didn't feel right. Looking down and finding himself as some sort of incorporeal blob, he understood why he was feeling so off. He had no eyelids to blink. He couldn't even understand how he could see himself completely in this weird point of view that was beyond explanation. Ah, fuck it, at least something's happening, instead of continuing to lose his mind in the void.

Now that he had decided to just go with the flow of whatever was happening here, he finally noticed the one thing about the blank room that stood out from the rest: a single conspicuous vial on an equally white table.

Taking the hint, he walked up to the table. Well, no reason to back down now, he thought, looking at the swirling golden cosmos of a liquid before quickly downing the mystery potion.

Essence of Creation

Through your actions, you gain Essence. You can create anything from personal skills and abilities to mythical items with this stored essence. Aside from the essence required for creation, there is no limit to what you can do.

You've been gifted with a starting essence based on your achievements made so far.

The information of what he'd consumed immediately entered his mind after swallowing the liquid.

Sure, the abilities description was pretty vague, but he couldn't stop himself from bursting out into maniacal laughter. Which was weird because he had no mouth to laugh from.

Was this it? Was this the chance for his dreams of becoming a necromancer to come true? Leading hordes of undying, loyal minions into glorious battle, conquering countless dimensions, and ruling as a God Emperor? Okay, maybe he did go a little insane in the void, but fuck it, who wouldn't have dreams of conquest after receiving such a power.

After reveling in thoughts of domination for a few minutes longer, he came back to reality. 

He knew this all sounded like a setup by whatever omnipotent being sent him there to get him to interact with whatever world he'd be sent to, but it really didn't bother him much. He knew his personality, and it wasn't one for being a side character.

On top of that, now that he knew higher beings with enough power to give him this overpowered ability existed, he was more determined than ever to reach those heights one day. Preferably, he'd even surpass that and end up as the one at the very top, but that was for the far future. Just because he wanted to surpass the ability he was freely given didn't mean he wouldn't use the power to its utmost. No, he would use it as a stepping stone to achieve an even greater potential.

For now, he was simply wondering what type of world he'd end up with and what his first creation would be.

The use of the word 'essence' made him think of the overpowered abilities used in many fanfictions he'd read, but he'd never heard of the one he'd just received.

He didn't know what he had achieved in the past to warrant it, but he felt that his current reserves of essence were enough to give him a significant power boost. It wouldn't be enough to create another of the overpowered essences he'd read about, but maybe a weaker or nerfed version would work.

First, he'd wait to find out what kind of world he was being sent to before making any hasty decisions. 

After getting himself together—this was a lot to take in, after all—the silhouette of a door made itself known on the wall next to the table.

Opening the door to find nothing but the swirling vortex, he shrugged before jumping into the abyss. Whoever got him here presumably wouldn't just send him to his death right away.

A New God's Conquest

After waking up in a dark cave with no exit in sight, he sighed at the information that was perfectly categorized in the body he now inhabited. 

Aside from the decayed skeletons, too numerous to count, there was only a large, ominous archway in the cave. But this wasn't what caused his sigh; no, this was mundane in comparison.

He was Lux, apparently the son of the Biblical God, and the primordial personification of darkness, Erebus.

If it weren't for the overpowered essence he'd received, he'd likely be pacing around, tearing his hair out from the information that Big G put in his head.

In short, his father was the God from the DC Universe, also known as The Presence. Luckily, at the moment, he was far, far away from that death verse.

But it wasn't that simple; no, that would be too easy. It seemed like he was self-inserted into some weird fanfiction because the memories he had also contained elements of High School DxD.

From what he knew, before the great war that led to the events in High School DxD, a threat from beyond the Omniverse required The Presence to use the majority of his power, along with that of his Archangels—including Lucifer—to hold back the invasion. His remaining power was used to ensure the DC Multiverse wouldn't fall into complete chaos.

Now comes the part where he was born, or however new gods are created. After years of gathering what little power he could, God decided he needed a permanent solution for the threat they were facing. And thus, with the help of the child of Chaos, he came to be. 

Lux knew that in mythology, Erebus was depicted as a male, but he also figured that a primordial being wouldn't be locked to a single gender. Or who knew, maybe Big G swung the other way? He wouldn't judge, in fact, he felt it was pretty woke of his old man. 

He sighed again, deciding he could put thoughts of beyond-dimensional invaders aside for the moment. He might as well take up the identity of this body. Lux was a good enough name, anyway.

There was also the fact that, like it or not, he was a part of this Omniverse and he wouldn't let his second chance at life be ruined.

At the very least, his father hadn't just Yeeted his son off with nothing.

On top of the Essence he received from the being that must be beyond that of The Presence and likely of the invaders, his estranged father had also given him a few useful boons.

He was given information on the basics of Light, and Mind Magic that supernaturals used to keep themselves hidden. Lux wondered if God wanted him to work for his power or something because he was sure he could have been given knowledge of even greater magic. But whatever.

Lux had also been made into an angel. For now, he had only a measly single pair of wings, but he knew that his potential would allow him to surpass the Archangels if he survived long enough. 

Whatever type of angel he'd been made into was free from the restrictions that caused them to fall. He knew that without this, his wings would have already become pitch black. Just because he was turned into an angel and was the son of God didn't mean he would become a saint all of a sudden. After all, omniversal conquest was still on his to-do list.

And the final gift was one of his father's favorite toys: a Sacred Gear. He didn't know what it was, but he figured now was as good a time as any to check it out.

Finding the thing he felt was forever tied to his soul, Lux pulled on the connection before two little dogs, one pitch black and the other metallic gold, each holding a similarly colored blade in their mouths.

These little guys were too familiar. Did his father create multiple versions of the Longinus: Canis Lykaon? Whatever, none of that mattered at the moment; he had head scritches to give.

"Hey there little guys," he cooed, going for head pats, only to get two growls of irritation, and through their bond, he knew why.

"Okay, okay. You two are beautiful little girls, aren't you?" he corrected himself, the little dogs nodding their heads in approval.

"You two need a name, don't you? Hmm, how about Noir and Aurora?" He asked while running a hand through the puppies' soft fur. Receiving no complaints as the little girls melted into his ministrations, he figured they too were pleased with the names.

After a while of playing with his new companions, Lux realized something: he hadn't even seen what his new body looked like yet.

Conjuring a light mirror, a skill that was beyond simple even with the little knowledge of magic he'd been given, he froze for a second at the sight.

Damn, he was attractive. A perfect mixture of masculine and feminine beauty. Flawless, light-caramel skin, hair as black as darkness itself, with golden highlights scattered throughout that flowed down to the middle of his back. His black eyes, speckled with gold, and a perfectly symmetrical face created an image he thought was almost too mesmerizing. But all of that paled in comparison to the majestic pair of wings on his back: primarily gold with a few black feathers here and there.

Standing in his birthday suit, Lux shot a few poses in the mirror, admiring his chiseled, athletic physique, muscles rippling in all the right places.

Suffice it to say, he was pleased with this new look, and that wasn't even mentioning the impressive manhood dangling between his legs. 

Unfortunately, his posing session was cut short when the mysterious archway he'd nearly forgotten about lit up with an ominous glow before two figures plopped out of nowhere.

A New God's Conquest

Rose Potter, 'The Girl Who Lived' and 'Savior of the Wizarding World,' didn't know how she got herself into this mess. Well, that wasn't completely true. It was just another of the yearly showdowns with Voldemort that she was forced to handle by himself while Dumbledore was nowhere to be found.

Sirius, the only sense of family she had left, had been sent through the Veil of Death, and something finally snapped. She wouldn't just stand by and do nothing this time, and seeing that fucking bitch, Bellatrix, madly cackling next to the veil, her decision was made.

Catching the mad woman off guard, she didn't have the time to react to her desperate tackle, only hoping to get a modicum of revenge on her way out.

A New God's Conquest

Lux let out another sigh. He'd been doing that a lot lately. But he felt it was deserved this time. Even with the cave in complete darkness, his vision was beyond perfect, so after nudging one of the figures over and finding a young girl with a conspicuous lightning bolt scar on her forehead, he wondered how many crossover elements were going to be a part of his life. He didn't even know what world he was in, and already he had to deal with wizards from an alternative Harry Potter-verse.

And just as he was wondering about crossovers, he sensed the unmistakable presence of a Sacred Gear from the girl.

He needed more information, and he wasn't going to use Fem Harry as a test subject for his first time casting mind magic. Well, not when he had a better option at least.

He looked at the other body that came out of the stone arch. Yeah, that was definitely the lunatic, Bellatrix Lestrange. But this Bella was different. If you disregard the appalling dental situation, she was an absolute bombshell of a mature woman. Lux figured it must be the witch's magic keeping her in such good form.

Before scouring the woman's mind, given the situation, Lux knew exactly what he'd use his Essence of Creation on first. Just because he was now a baby god and an angel, he hadn't forgotten his dream of becoming a Sorcerer God-King ruling countless dimensions.

And what better power for this situation than the Essence of the Archmage? Sure, he wouldn't be able to create the real thing for now, but a lesser version would do the trick.

Linking his thoughts with his new power, he felt the stores of his essence hit rock bottom before a series of texts entered his mind.

Lesser Essence of the Archmage

Perfect Memory with infinite storage. *Limited 

Beyond genius-level intellect. *Limited

Immunity to insanity and memetic hazards. "Things Man Was Not Meant To Know" becomes more of a guideline than a rule. *Limited

Capacity to learn any magic with enough understanding. This also includes things like Ki, Chakra, Soul-power, etc. *Limited

Possess an internal supernatural reactor that can adapt to any supernatural energy to fuel spells, enchantments, powers, etc. This reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow with training and practice. *Limited

Can teach others systems of magic even if they previously lacked the capacity. Their proficiency with said magic is determined by various factors such as bloodline and state of mind. *Limited

Manipulate entire systems of magic or combine them with experimentation. *Limited

He whistled at that. It was honestly more than he was hoping for. Now he was ready to get the information he wanted.

With his new limited form of the Essence of the Archmage, he was now even more confident in getting all he wanted from the crazy woman's mind than before.

Kneeling next to the woman, Lux patted her down, finding and confiscating her main wand, a spare, and a small dagger. If his hands lingered in certain areas a little too long? Who was there to call him out on it?

It was a testament to the amount of bullshit he'd been through in such a short time that he didn't even react to a dark mist shooting out from Fem Harry's scar in a shower of blood, interrupting his very important bodily inspection.

Lux wasn't retarded, so he knew where this was going. Before the soul fragment could escape and become a problem for a later plot point, he surrounded the wraith in a prison of golden, holy light.

Unsurprisingly, Volde-ghost took offense, trying his best to bash his way out. Lux could only guess that his holy power didn't feel too good for the tainted soul fragment, as it eventually gave up its struggle and tried to stay as far away from the barrier as possible.

Lux figured this would be even better than his first plan of getting information on magic and their world from Bellatrix. There was no doubt that, aside from Dumbledore, he was unlikely to find a better source of the wizarding world's form of magic.

And even that was debatable. As manipulative as Dumbledore seemed in the books, he was sure Voldemort would go to far greater lengths to get the magical knowledge he wanted. There was no doubt that, at the very least, the Dark Lord would give him the best understanding of what they would call 'Dark Magic.'

Almost forgetting about it, Lux cast a simple holy healing spell to make sure Fem Harry didn't bleed out on him before getting to work on the soul fragment.

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