After having spent an hour in the changing room trying on the outfits and secretly giving Krynienne a little snack, Siael ended up with the very appropriately named white leather and lace night wear outfit and a more naughty gold leather cupless leather bra and crotchless g-string that would allow her to wing out that matched a black one that was picked out for Sonya and Krynienne as they wanted an outfit that showed off their piercings as well as the one that Zeph personality picked out.
Laxana got a pink version, and Candi a red one incase she decided on getting decorated by Zeph too.
His choices were a shiny tight red leather corset for Candi that made use of her small frame and height to make her look like a little figurine that can be easily put into provocative poses and placed on a shelf. If she was a flat as Sara Mills who only had a chest that sat on the edge between A's and B's, her age might make her look like her age should be questioned.