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71.16% God succession system / Chapter 421: Y.R.P.

Chương 421: Y.R.P.

"What can I do for you?"

The moment the background lyrics started the girl in the middle of the stage looked up, and opened her heterochromia eyes as she began to strut forward confidently while her outfit began to shimmer. Under the watchful gaze of the crowds her skirt began to unravel like ribbons as the rest of her outfit began to glow, before 'shattering' to reveal an entirely new outfit that was a short black skirt with a flowing purple attachment on the left side, a matching bikini style top with white ruffles on the edges, and detached purple sleeves on both arms.

Her transformation complete, the woman then began to sing and dance with the song while two backup dancers appeared out of thin air behind her. Everyone in the colosseum went nuts as the woman, High Summoner Yuna, performed her heart out for her adoring audience.

While even Sun was enjoying the performance, Alex turned his attention elsewhere through his 'Domain' as if he was looking for something. Or someone.


"Y, R, P, in position. It's showtime girls." A young woman said into the mic attached to her bikini strap as the edges of her lips curled up into a smirk, before moving on down the hall from the guard she'd just knocked out.

With her partner having gone to a different area ahead of her, the girl made her way to a balcony overlooking the performance before taking out a pair of binoculars to watch Yuna, completely unaware of the muscular man with spiked up hair below her who glanced up, and accidentally ended up getting a perfectly good look up her skirt.

She was dressed in a tight brown leather skirt that had a belt with numerous pouches around it, short enough that it just barely managed to cover her ass, a yellow bikini top, separate sleeves with ribbons tied into them, and a red and yellow scarf that went down past her knees. Her long yellow hair was tied up into place with blue bandana, and had numerous braids and beads tied into it while her eyes were an emerald green with spiral shaped pupils, identifying her as an Al Behd. And as the man below her saw firsthand, she had a tiny g-string bikini bottom with straps that came up high on her hips, and did almost nothing to conceal the important spots beneath her skirt.

The girl, Rikku, was subtly dancing in place as she scoped out the colosseum, until something tapped her on the shoulder and someone said in a gruff voice,

"Hey." Rikku turned to look at the speaker only to see one of the coliseums guards standing there looking at her angrily, to which she only chuckled nervously before trying to give him a disarmingly cute smile.

"Hiya!" She suddenly cried out as she delivered a series of powerful, but nonlethal, punches and kicks to him, knocking the guard unconscious before she returned to her observations.

Meanwhile, a little ways away from her position, another girl dressed in short skintight black leather shorts that were strapped to similarly black leather leggings, a black leather band that covered her breasts while smaller leather straps wound up and down her body, matching gloves that came up to her elbows, and a pendant hanging around her neck by barbed wire. She had short cut silver hair that was swept back at the sides while the top was swept up, and ruby red eyes.

The girl, Paine, was making her way down one of the aisle stairs when a couple of guards called out to her. Without hesitating in the slightest, Paine reacted as the guards attacked her and knocked them unconscious, before sitting back on the railing behind her and sliding down it coolly with one leg crossed over the other.

When she stopped at the bottom Paine was joined by Rikku, who had high-jacked one of the flying platforms that the guitarists were using around them. Hopping onto it alongside Rikku, the duo then took to the skies as they approached Yuna on stage. By the time they arrived though she was just finishing up her song, and was about to start another when they jumped onto the stage with her.

"Hey! Give it back already!" Rikku told the person in front of her as she brought out matching red knives, 'Yuna' however sneered in a voice that didn't match her appearance,

"Hmph! Boys!" At her command the two backup dancers jumped forward to stand between Rikku and Paine, and their quarry. Their appearances shimmered for a moment before they changed to a couple of goons wearing green jumpsuits with heart shaped insignias and veils that covered their entire face, while three bladed claws protruded from the top of their gloved hands.

"You want in on this number? Then show me your moves!" 'Yuna' told them as she and the two goons prepared for combat. Paine however responded by producing her own sword as she and Rikku got into their respective stances, and asked tauntingly,

"Think you can keep up?" With that as their trigger, the duo moved with perfect coordination as Paine commanded their attention with her large sword, while Rikku used her knives and agility to get in close.

"Don't mind if I do!" Rikku proclaimed with glee as she swiftly and expertly relieved their opponents of anything valuable on their bodies, while Paine had their full attention with her longer weapon and sweeping attacks.


The sound of metal hitting metal echoed as Paine effortlessly cut through the blades on one goon's hand, before delivering a slash to his abdomen that, while not fatal, was enough to take him out of the fight for a while. Despite seeing the short work she made on his partner, the other goon quickly leapt into deal with them, only for Paine to disable him just as easily as she did the other.

"I could've danced all night." Paine remarked as she prepared to face 'Yuna', who only smirked before saying into the mic in her hand,

"Sorry, no time for an encore!" She then turned and fled from the stage while snapping her fingers, calling forth half a dozen more opponents for the girls to face. This time, while two of them were same type of goon that they had just defeated, two more were goons wearing skintight pink jumpsuits to show off their more feminine figures, and were armed with bladed heart-shaped fans instead of clawed gloves. The other two were actually two snakelike fiends, but, instead of the usual snake heads and bodies, their heads were actually rotating mini-guns while their bodies were slithering and winding belts of ammunition.

With neither of them faltering in front of the amount of opponents they had to face, Paine raised her sword to defend herself with its blade while Rikku took cover behind her. As they charge the vipers raised their revolving heads to look directly at them, and let loose with a storm of bullets while the female goons behind them prepared to cast a spell.

With each bullet bouncing harmlessly off of her sword Paine continued her charge without concern until she was right in front of the party of goons, only to suddenly leap over the entire group and land on the other side.

"Stop her!" One of the female goons cried out, realizing that Paine and Rikku didn't intend to let them slow them down. However Rikku, who they realized none of them had seen due to their focus being on Paine, held up her hands to show what was in them.

In one was all of their wallets and purses, containing their savings. While in the other, before any of them had the time to get mad, was the pulled pins of several grenades that every goon kept on themselves. Rikku them pointed downwards with a mischievous smile, prompting all of the goons to actually look down, and a see all of their grenades at their feet.

"Ah crud..." One muttered, right as they all blew up.

Ignoring them though, Rikku and Paine quickly made their way out of the stadium as they pursued their quarry. At that same time, the very same man who had accidentally gotten a lookup Rikku's skirt earlier stood up, and said to the petite girl as his side,

"Time to go."

On the docks directly outside the colosseum, Rikku and Paine spotted their target right as she rounded a corner, while several more goons were running the other direction directly at them.

"Ugh! How many of these guys does she have!" Rikku complained as she and Paine prepared to fight once again, using the same tactic they used inside. With Paine commanding all of their attention as she delivered fast and powerful attacks, Rikku used the chance to relieve them of any valuables even as they pursued the goon's boss.

Even then it wasn't enough though after having to deal with several waves of goons, and they lost the person they were after.

"Hey, you run too fast!" Rikku cried out in frustration as she and Paine looked around for any sign of her.

"You're too slow little girl." A new voice said from behind. Rikku and Paine spun around to see a tall man wearing a blue outfit with the same heart insignia on it approaching them, his narrowed and angular eyes glaring at them with contempt while he wielded a long revolver in each hand.

As he stopped just short of them, seemingly to box them in, another new voice roared from the other direction,

"Shows over! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" This time it was a shorter man who looked fat, wearing the same outfit as the taller man except that he had an overly large shield strapped to his back.

"Yeowch.." Rikku said when she saw the man, before Paine called out to her,

"Rikku, this way!" Quickly the duo fled down to the end of the dock they were on, where the two men boxed them in from the way they came, but now they were both directly in front instead of being on either side.

Just as the fight was about to break out though, a series of gunshots rang out as the bullets impacted the ground at the two goon's feet, making them jump up and down and dance funnily to avoid the bullets. Once the gunfire ended though they both turned to see a certain someone standing behind them with a pistol in each hand, Yuna.

Unlike the Yuna from the concert though she wasn't wearing a purple top and short black skirt, but a white tank top that was open in the front to show a bit of her inner boob and stomach with a pink hood attached, a pair of extremely short jean shorts, and half of the same skirt that 'she' had been wearing before the concert started on the left side.

With quite a bit of frustration showing on her face, Yuna quickly ran up to the two men and used the shield on the shorter one as a springboard, launching herself up and over them as she slowly spun in air, and rained more bullets down onto them from above. She then landed with a pose directly in front of Rikku and Paine, who immediately posed behind her as they prepared to fight.

"Where's the imposter!?" Yuna demanded as she readied her guns, while the two men, Ormi and Logos, ignored her and instead leapt into combat.

The fat man, Ormi, raised his shield as he began to charge directly at Yuna, who was forced to leap out of the way even as she began to have a shootout with the taller man, Logos. While his attention was on Yuna, Rikku then charged at Logos while readying her red knives, forcing him to use one of his revolvers to try and deal with her while also holding off Yuna.

Meanwhile Paine tried to take the attention of Ormi off of Yuna by charging him, earning herself a powerful bash with his shield that thoroughly rung her bell, even though she defended herself with her sword. Just as he raised the shield up to use it's edge as a weapon to chop her with though, Paine quickly slid underneath and slashed at him with her sword, dealing just enough damage that he fell to one knee.

Logos meanwhile was doing his best to hold off Rikku and Yuna, but was quickly losing ground as Yuna drove him back with his one revolver against her two pistols, while Rikku easily wove between the shots of his other revolver. Quickly enough she got close enough that she not only took him out with her knives, she also liberated his wallet and any other values from him at the same time.

With the duo being beaten back by the trio, Ormi began to sniffle as he cried out,


"That's quite enough sniveling boys." A colder voice responder, prompting Yuna and the others to get back into position once more. They then watched as another Yuna approached them, who Ormi and Logos quickly fled behind as she prepared to face the three girls herself.

"Persistent, aren't you?"she remarked snarkily, to which Yuna held out her hand and replied angrily,

"My grid." Beside her Rikku nodded and demanded,

"You give us back Yunie's Garment Grid right now!" The Yuna imposter however shook her head and asked with a shrug of her shoulders,

"Didn't you girls ever learn to share?"

"Give it back." Yuna snarled with a tone and voice that one wouldn't usually imagine her using. To which the imposter replied,

"Very well, it's yours." She then tossed the item in question up in the air, which Yuna quickly grabbed while the imposter's form began to change.

Holding a large fan in front of her face to cover it, the imposter began to grown taller and older. Her outfit consisted of an open pink robe that left much of her chest and stomach exposed, revealing the heart shaped tattoo right between her breasts, as well as her right thigh. When she removed the fan she revealed a more mature face with purple eyes, and short blonde hair.

She then said in a haughty tone,

"But it won't be yours for long loves!" The woman and the trio then prepared to fight, each one taking their respective stances until another new voice called out,

"That won't be necessary!" Surprised, they all turned towards the speaker, and saw a muscular man with spiked up black hair approaching them, a petite girl with long dark blue hair at his side. While everyone else looked confused at their appearance, Yuna however exclaimed,

"You!?" This earned her numerous curious looks, while even the two newcomers even looked at her curiously as the man asked,

"Have we met before?" Yuna quickly realized that of course they would recognize her due to the disguise she had been wearing at the time, and, not wanting to admit that she had been the one who confused the woman at his side for a 'little girl', she quickly said,

"Nope, not at all! My mistake!" Though everyone else continued to look at her curiously, Yuna thought she noticed a bit of a sparkle in the man's eyes, as if he knew exactly who she was, and not just from her being the High Summoner. Instead of saying anything though, the man instead looked back at the woman they had just been about to fight, and said,

"Why don't we leave it here for today?" The woman however glared at him angrily and said,

"How about no? You may be good looking handsome, but I want that sphere, and the Mighty Leblanc ALWAYS gets what she wants!" The woman, Leblanc, then prepared to attack Yuna and her companions once more, but stopped as the man's voice rang out,

"Hey, I get it. I really do." Leblanc turned towards him suspiciously, and asked,

"You do?" The man nodded in a way that made it seem like he was full of understanding, but what he said next stunned everyone.

"Yeah, I do. I mean, if I looked as old and wrinkly as you do then I'd want to look as beautiful as her as well." While Yuna's cheeks reddened from the sudden compliment, and Rikku giggled, Ormi and Logos looked as if death itself had arrived.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?" Leblanc asked slowly and in a low tone, to which the man replied,

"I said you looked old and wrinkly. You may use a ton of makeup to cover it, but I can still see the wrinkles even from here." Leblanc's entire body began to shudder with fury and humiliation, even as she fought the urge to dig out a mirror to see if he was correct, while Ormi and Logos quickly tried to comfort her.

"H-he's just an idiot boss! He has no idea what he's talking about!"

R-right! Boss has always been, and will always be the most beautiful woman!" No matter what they said though, Leblanc's fury wasn't abating as she roared,

"BRING ME HIS HEAD!" Instantly over a hundred goons and gun viper fiends appeared and rushed towards the man to take his head, to which Yuna cried out,

"We have to help him!" With Rikku and Paine both nodding in agreement, they were about to charge over to help him when the girl who had arrived with him appeared in front of them and said,

"It's alright, Alex has this under control." Though they wanted to ask what she meant, none of them got the chance as Yuna suddenly felt something like a pulse come from the man, Alex. The next thing she and the others knew, all of the goons and fiends suddenly fell to the ground, foam appearing from their mouths under their veils as the man slowly approached Leblanc and the other two.

While they both tried to take defensive stances between him and their beloved Boss, both Ormi and Logos also started foaming from the mouth as they too passed out, leaving just Alex and Leblanc staring at each other.

"What are you?" Leblanc asked, as, regardless of how furious she was, it was painfully obvious that Alex was in a completely different league from her. Smirking, he replied,

"That's for later, now it's time you to go to sleep as well." Though she wanted to argue, and try to at least get one hit in, Leblanc was unable to even do that much as Alex produced a large club out of nowhere, and hit Leblanc over the head with it, knocking her out as well instantly.

Nodding in satisfaction, Alex remarked to himself,

"This works quite nicely for when I don't want to actually kill someone." After putting Sir Bonkers away, Alex turned to look at Yuna and the others before saying,

"There's quite a bit I wanted to talk to you all about, but I think we should change locations first." Nodding in agreement, Yuna said something into her own communicator before a giant red airship approached them from the sky with great roar.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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