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24.39% God of Gods (DxD Fanfic) / Chapter 10: Chapter 10:

Chương 10: Chapter 10:

The Next Day - ORC Clubroom

"No dude I'm telling you she was a foreigner but she was totally hot!"

"How hot are we talking? Like on a scale from one to ten?"

"She was a bit petite and lacked titty meat, but besides that the rest of her body was great! An 8.5 easily." Issei cheered.

"Now let's talk about my specialty. Ass. Give me the diagnostics. Shape, size, jiggle. I need it all." I said in a serious tone.

"Well, she was wearing a nun outfit, so her clothes were pretty baggy, but when she tripped I did see her cheeks." Issei said with a sly grin.

"Then give me the sauce!" I all but shouted at him.

"...Perverts." Koneko muttered from the seat next to me.

"Come on Koneko-chan, don't be like that. Usually I wouldn't show interest in what Issei's talking about, but this is a foreigner! You know like all those white people in the videos we always see! Like Rias!" I declared with passion.

Rias chuckled at our antics as she drank the tea made by Akeno.

Akeno, who had been listening to the whole thing, even showed some interest in our conversation and used it to try and tease me.

"Ara ara, Dr. Isamu, I heard you're a specialist in ass, I don't think mine is working well. Could you check it out~"

I won't lie, I was actually growing tired of the back and forth teasing between us. Not because it wasn't fun. It was, but because she would make it quite sexual only to get me hard then ultimately leave me with blue balls.

"Sure. Come here." I said. Although everyone could see that my tone was no longer teasing. I was dead serious.

Akeno froze as she decided on the next move. Unexpectedly she walked towards me and stood in front of me.

"Turn around." I gave a simple command.

She did so. Koneko was side-eyeing me. No doubt ready to punch me square in the face if I so much as lifted her skirt.

"Looks fine to me." I forced the words out through my teeth.

Akeno turned back towards me and I noticed the small blush on her face, but it was covered up by her hand and usual mischievous smile.

"I didn't expect you to be so bold. Ufufu." Akeno giggled.

"Yeah, well what can I say? You're quite the tease." My tone wasn't teasing or joking at all. It was pure disappointment. I originally thought by now we would at least be closer as friends, but we were still at stage 1. Teasing each other like prepubescent teens!

Akeno noticed my dissatisfaction and smiled wider before going over to Rias. Fucking Sadist!

"So continue Issei. What are the ass-specs of this girl?" I joked, more so trying to bring myself out of my virgin angst.

"It wasn't fat by any means, but the shape was there, and I'm almost certain the jiggle would be on point!" Issei raised his hand triumphantly.

I nodded sagely, forging a picture of this girl in my mind.

"Sounds like a beauty. You gonna ask her out?" I asked with a sly smirk.

"S-She's a nun. She wouldn't want to go out with me…much less now that I'm a devil." Issei said dejectedly.

"I must agree, Issei." Rias voiced her own thoughts. "As a nun of the church she is our enemy. Even if she happens to be with the Fallen who are in our territory, coming into contact with her guarantees trouble."

"Not necessarily true." I countered. "If she's with the Fallen, there may be no real problem. After all, I killed one of them and nothing happened. There's a good chance they're not even with the Grigori."

Rias seemed to ponder over my train of thought. "That could very well be the case. However, risking war with the Fallen because of a simple nun is more than idiodic."

I nodded at her reasoning. It was a sound argument. However I had a counter.

"I may have a way to allow Issei to be with her, and have all of you avoid war at the same time." I voiced in realization.

Issei perked, while Rias motioned for me to speak.

"If shit hits the fan, just blame it on me. The Egyptian pantheon, though nowhere near where we once were, is more than strong enough to wipe out the Fallen. Hell, Set alone could take on the Cadre and come out with minor injuries. As for me, if I really push myself to my max, I could take out one of the lesser cadres." I explained with a bit of pride.

The rest of the ORC seemed blown away.

"Y-you think you can take on a cadre?" Rias asked incredulously.

"I don't think. I know." I corrected her. My tone held the utmost confidence in myself.

"Even still. Are you sure you would want to endanger your entire pantheon because of one nun?" Akeno asked this time. Her teasing tone was gone. She was completely serious and if the gentle look in her eyes told me anything, she was worried.

"No, I don't want to endanger anyone. However, these Fallen have been sent here to kill humans with sacred gears. Ddraig seemed to know a great deal about Azazel and the rest of the crows, and even said that this is not an order that Azazel would give. I believe they are rouge fallen. I trust Ddraig with my life. That's why I'm willing to bet on it." I explained while looking Akeno in the eye.

"I know the Welsh Dragon is quite wise, but I believe he is wrong in this. The Fallen are evil, despicable creatures. They would do anything if it meant saving their own skin and destroying the lives of others." Akeno voiced her perspective with hatred filled eyes.

"I still believe Ddraig is right on this. He has not led me astray yet and has only continued to help me. Some Fallen may be bad, but much like other races, not everyone of them is bad." I explained my own thought process.

Akeno seemed pretty pissed at my thoughts but decided to let her anger go.

"Are you certain you want to do something as dangerous as taking on one of three factions? I know your faction is strong, but there is a good chance that they would decide against helping you." Rias added her own thoughts.

I went back into thinking. True. I did not know my father's standing with the pantheon. I didn't even know any of the other gods personally. I was starting to doubt whether they would help me or not.

"...I believe you may be right, Buchou." I said after a while.

How stupid was I? Did I think just because I'm a god, that all of my aunts, uncles, and brethren would throw down their livelihoods in order to help a stupid hormonal teen?

Rias seemed to notice my inner conflict. She got up and sat down next to me before placing a hand on my own which was resting on my lap.

"Don't beat yourself up. Sometimes I forget that you're still new to all of this, even if you have spent extra time in another realm. Use this as a learning experience." Rias said with a warm smile.

Her smile alone easily got me out of the slight self disappointment I had found myself in.

"Thanks, Buchou."

She gave me a small nod before getting up and returning to her own seat.

"Right now it's time for contracts!" She said with a bit of excitement.

Issei was the only one who reacted. He gave a suppressed groan that was noticed by everyone.

"Now now Issei. I know you haven't had the greatest of luck with contracts yet, so I decided to give you one of Koneko's contracts. She's over booked as is and this one should be relatively easy. You would have to really mess up to not get a contract." Rias explained with an amused smile.

Issei's eyes shone in passion. He shot up from the seat and moved over to Rias' desk.

"Then I won't fail, Buchou!"

Everyone smiled at his enthusiasm. Rias gave him the address and he jogged out of the clubroom. Shortly after his departure, Akeno and Koneko departed for their own contracts. Kiba just kicked his feet up on the couch and got comfortable while he read his book.

"So what are your thoughts, Isamu?" Rias asked with a playful smile.

"My thoughts?" I questioned.

"Do you think he'll get a contract this time?"

"Knowing him, he won't. He's not a prodigy when it comes to things. He just has grit. The determination to keep moving even when others won't." I explained after some thought.

"I was going to offer a bet originally, but it seems like we have the same opinion." Rias explained.

Devils and their games.

The minutes passed with Kiba, and I debating on which one of his swords are the coolest, with Rias joining in every now and then.

Apparently Kiba also has a sacred gear called [Sword Birth]. It allows him to create demonic swords with different elemental affinities. It relied on the power of imagination, so technically he could make almost any sword with few restrictions.

Suddenly I could sense something outside in Kuoh town. A glance at Rias, and I could tell she sensed it too.

"A barrier." Rias said elegantly as she rose from her spot. A magic circle appeared by her ear.

"Return to the clubroom, and grab Koneko on your way." Rias ordered who I assumed to be Akeno through the circle before allowing it to dissipate.

"I have a bad feeling about this. I'm gonna go ahead." I told the two devils.

"We're right behind you." Kiba said with a smile.

I nodded and activated my {Shadow Walk}. Moving as fast as I could towards the barrier. It only took about three minutes for me to arrive. I stopped in front of a house in my phantom form. The barrier surprisingly wouldn't allow me in. So I gathered a few of my shadow spikes and sent them crashing at the barrier. It worked like a charm, and the entire barrier came crashing down like broken glass.

Instantly I could sense Issei, and two others in the house. One was extraordinarily weak. Like barely even above a normal human level of strength, and the other was also weak, but still stronger than Issei. I'd say he was around the level of the first shitty crow.

Issei had a deep wound in his leg, and a hole in his shoulder.

I entered the house, passed through the wall and witnessed the scene of a nun shielding Issei from a white haired priest.

"Are you serious, Asia!? No I mean actually! A devil and a nun sitting in a tree F-U-C-K-I-N-G!" The white haired man cackled as he pointed his gun directly at the nuns head.

"I-I won't allow you to hurt Issei-san!" The nun, Asia announced shakily. Fear was evident in her voice, but she was nonetheless determined.

"WOW! I didn't expect you to fall so low as to fuck a devil! For such shitty blasphemy against our lord, I would kill you. However, our sexy~ boss says we need you. So I guess I'll just have my way with you!" The priest said with unrestrained lust. He pushed Asia against the wall and was about to start.

Had he not been a psychotic evil bastard, I feel like he, Issei and I would have gotten along. His taunting skills were immaculate.

I was just about ready to reveal myself when a crimson magic circle appeared right next to Issei. Kiba rushed out of the circle and instantly clashed swords with the priest.

"You guys!" Issei shouted with pure joy. Once again he had been saved.

"More shitty devils!? The more the merrier! Wait! Actually this isn't good for me!" The priest shouted before correcting himself as Koneko started throwing furniture at him.

Rias was looking around in confusion. No doubt wondering where I was. She sighed then looked at the priest with barely contained rage.

"Your side has harmed my adorable servant over and over again. For that you all deserve to die a thousand…No a million times over!" Rias' crimson aura enveloped her entire body. She was ready to end this little bug of a priest's existence but I beat her to the punch.

Deactivating my {Shadow Walk}, I appeared directly behind him. I grabbed his forehead with my right hand and his chin with my left and twisted.

An audible crack was heard as his body became limp. I let his lifeless body fall to the ground before dusting my hands off like I had just taken out the trash.

Everyone looked surprised that I just snuck in and handled him like that but Rias reigned in her surprise.

"That was brutal." She chuckled.

"Considering the amount of pure dread I sensed off your aura, he would have faced a fate far worse if I left him to you." I snorted.

"True, but you stole my kill." Rias playfully teased.

Don't tell me this is gonna be a thing with her now as well.

Just as I was about to respond, Akeno spoke.

"While I would love to watch you two go back and forth, you should know that I sense the Fallen heading this way."

"Right, then prepare the magic circle." Rias ordered, turning serious once more. Akeno nodded and started doing just that. Kiba walked over to the priest's body and stared at it.

"What's wrong, Kiba?" I asked.

"We kill enemies all the time. This time is no different. However I feel as though I would have improved more if I could clash blades with him again. Even in that little amount of time, he proved to be a worthy rival."

Oh, so just chivalrous respect for a fallen enemy. He was by no means strong, but Kiba isn't either so I could get where he was coming from. I used to love fighting with other strong leaders, even if they were the enemy. I guess this is no different in Kiba's eyes.

Except for the fact he was about to have his way with an innocent nun…and he was batshit crazy!

"I understand, but I'm sure you know he's better off dead. Plus if you need someone to strengthen your skill, I'm your guy." I explained with a thumbs up and a toothy grin.

He gave a thankful smile before walking over to the magic circle Akeno had just finished making.

While we were talking, Asia was healing Issei to the best of her ability with what I assume is a sacred gear. Which one? No idea, but it seemed to be working wonders.

"The circle is done. Let's go, everyone." Rias declared.

"Are we taking Asia?" Issei asked finally. His expression was serious.

"We need to leave now, and her aura is not engraved into my circle. I can only transport family members, which means I can't even take Isamu." Rias said with a frown.

"We can't leave her!" Issei argued.

Why are they being so dramatic? I exist.

"Calm down, Issei. I'll take her." I shrugged.

Issei's face lit up. He stood up with a bit of difficulty and crashed into my large frame with a hug.

"Thanks man!"

I patted his back a little before breaking the hug. We were kind of on a timer after all. I walked over to Asia and offered her my hand.

"We can handle introductions later for now, take my hand." I said with a small smile to the nun.

She was hesitant, but after seeing Issei nod in approval, she grabbed my hand softly. I used {Shadow Manipulation} on her to cover her body in a dark aura. To everyone else, she looked like a dark silhouette. I did the same to myself and bolted out of the house. Considering it was quite dark outside, no one would be able to notice us unless they were looking carefully.

I was regretting not learning any teleportation magic right now. The only teleportation I knew was the one I used to switch in between my bedroom, and the Land of Souls.

I could sense the four fallen arriving at the house, but by then we were already nearing school grounds. I couldn't help but notice three of them were quite weak. However they all seemed stronger than the first guy. What got me a little nervous was the last one I sensed. He was stronger than the rest by a lot. He even felt a little stronger than Rias.

Is Grigori actually involved? Or are they more organized than just a band of rogues?

We arrived at the clubroom and I dropped my magic allowing a very fearful Asia to run into Issei's embrace.

"So dark!" She said as her face buried deeper into Issei's chest.

"Don't worry, Asia-chan. He won't hurt you. He's my best friend." Issei told her as he patted her head.

I just fucking saved her and she's afraid of me? What kind of fucked up logic is that?

"Ara, it seems our new nun friend is afraid of our resident big guy. Don't worry, Asia was it? I promise he's gentle~" Akeno wasted no time in teasing both of us.

My face grew red at the implication, while Asia remained clueless.

"Looks like I'm up. Ufufu." Akeno giggled.

Indeed she was.

Ignoring Akeno's comments, I decided to move forward and address the elephant in the room.

"So what are we gonna do with the nun?" I asked the question that was on everyone's minds.

"Isn't it obvious? She's staying here!" Issei declared firmly. I had no problem with the proposition, but my opinion is next to nothing in the end.

"Keeping her here would be a huge risk to all of us. Even if that priest had plans of assaulting her, she may still very well be considered an asset of the Grigori. I believe that to be the case now more so than ever now that we know she has a sacred gear." Rias threw in her thoughts on the matter.

Issei's face grew panicked before shifting to that of defiance.

"That bastard was going to do horrible things to her, and you want to send her back!?" Issei all but shouted at Rias.

"Trust me, Issei. I don't want any of this. What I want is to avoid war. If you have a better idea that guarantees the safety of the devil race, I'm all ears."

Issei looked at the ground in frustration. He never was good at thinking up ideas. At least not good ones.

I went into thought as well. Is there a way we can definitively avoid conflict with the Fallen? I pondered on that question for a couple of seconds before the answer hit me.

"Why don't we just ask them?" I said, gaining the attention of everyone.

"What do you mean? Ask who?" Kiba wondered.

"The fallen. This is your territory after all, Rias-senpai. We can ask them if they're loyal to Grigori or not. If they are, they wouldn't dare attack you, or us as I'm sure nobody wants another war on their hands." I explained.

Rias thought about what I said for a couple of moments. Then she faced me with a rather amused look.

"What if they lie?" She asked.

"Did you forget? One of my abilities is to sense emotions and feelings. Even if the Fallen are manipulative by nature, they cannot hide their inner feelings." I shrugged.

Rias' smile grew softer.

"Hear that, Akeno?"

Rias looked to her queen who was glaring at the floor.

"Loud and clear…but if you're doing this, I'm coming too. I won't allow those Fallen to take anyone from me." Akeno said. She also whispered something under her breath, that not even my advanced hearing could pick up.

"Then it looks like we're going with your plan, Isamu. That being said, I don't want to take my whole peerage to this meeting. If things get messy, I'd rather settle for retreating back here instead of fighting." Rias explained retaking her boss lady persona.

I nodded at her. It seems she sensed that one fallen with them as well. Stronger than the rest and easily strong enough to deal with anyone in this room. With the exception of Rias, Akeno and myself.

"Alright, so when are we doing this, and who are we taking." I questioned.

Rias looked amongst the members of her peerage. Her eyes scanned their determined faces. She paused on Akeno who looked the most ready.

"Right now. We'll take Yuuto, and Akeno. They're the fastest and most well versed for this specific plan. Koneko, stay here and protect Issei, and Asia." Once Rias spoke, Akeno, and Kiba took their place by her side. Koneko nodded and took out some sweets and sat on her favorite couch.

"Wait, Buchou! You have to let me help!" Issei shouted in protest but Rias was having none of it.

"And let you have another near death experience for the third time this week? No! You will stay right here as I have ordered!" Rias ordered in a tone of dominance I had not yet heard from her.

Issei seemed surprised before it switched into frustration and submission. He sat down and Asia quickly sat by his side and whispered words of encouragement to him.

"I can sense them by the old church on the outskirts. However, I also sense some magical energy around the church." I explained while rubbing my head. I didn't know enough about the supernatural world to be able to tell what everything was simply by my senses alone yet.

"They are magical wards." Rias explained. "Wards have a variety of uses. Though they are mainly used to fortify and protect a fortress of some kinds. I sense three specific wards, a detection ward, a trap ward, and a disruption ward. The detection ward spans out a quarter mile around the church in all directions. There is no way to avoid that one. The trap wards seem to have the same range, and the disruption word is coming from within the church itself. Though I can't pinpoint where as of right now."

I committed all that information to memory. Wards sounded pretty useful if I'm being honest.

"Thank you for that explanation. I'm ready whenever you all are." A smile graced my features as I fantasized fighting the strongest Fallen there. My delinquent side kicked in to its fullest even though I tried my best to suppress it.

"Then we'll go ahead. I'm not sure if the ward can detect you when you seem to vanish from existence. All of your magic seems to disappear completely, so I highly doubt it can. If they cannot sense you, remain hidden. Once we start I ask them about their allegiance, use your ability to determine their sincerity then, give me a sign if they're lying. If I see no sign, I'll assume they are telling the truth and have Yuuto leave and grab Asia." Rias explained.

I have to admit. In the short time since I've offered the plan, Rias thought through so much, and expanded on it. Color me impressed. Even if the blessing I granted had a part to play, her intelligence and iq beforehand are worthy of praise.

Akeno and Rias were more than capable of handling all of the Fallen. Even if they were loyal to Grigori and still decided to attack Rias, I was there in the shadows and could start dealing with any of them. Honestly, I hoped they were rouges, for Asia and Issei's sake.

Rias wasted no more time. Gathering Kiba, and Akeno, she activated her magic circle and a second later they were nowhere to be seen.

I looked over to Koneko who was looking back at me as she munched her sweets.

"We'll be right back. Hopeful things go smoothly. If you're in a pinch, contact Rias via magic circle." A small smile crossed the white haired cat girl's face.

"...Right. Be careful."

With a quick glance and nod towards Issei and Asia, I activated {Shadow Walk} and made my way towards the church.

Kakukami Kakukami

I have plenty of chapters saved up but 10 chapters in one day is crazy!

next chapter
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