Miaoran didn't expect the matter to increase to a level that would lead Lóng Wei to beat Chen Xiao. Her mother-in-law, Chen Yiyi, started cursing her as she cried looking at her son who was lying unconscious on the ground.
Mingquan succeeded in lowering Lóng Wei's anger. After Chen Xiao was taken to his room, Mingquan told Chen Zhicun to prepare for the divorce between the two.
"Pardon me, Your Highness?" Zhicun didn't expect it. "His Highness tried to kill my son. I will take the matter to the King!" Zhicun announced.
"I don't care. Go and tell the King. Why did he bring my dead mother into this conversation?" Lóng Wei asked him and took a step forward when Mingquan held his arm.
Minister of Justice, Fu Lihuo, arrived at the residence and saw the blood stains on the floor. He looked at the princes when Zhicun raj to him.
I've reduced the privilege prices since the story will end within 15 days.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.