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Chương 28: ch27


Taylor walked around the gaming area and observed the players actions. " This group of players are really hard headed…"

Except for Morax, who diligently followed the story and had entered Mondstadt city, everyone else was trying to run towards Liyue. a result, many drowned from swimming some fell to death while climbing and many got killed by monsters. These players found it all very amusing and were tirelessly attempting different approaches.

Taylor shook his head. It would probably take them a month to get around to clearing Mondstadt's Story quest and officially begin the Liyue story quest.

At this moment, Keqing returned after previously leaving, while activating her account, Taylor noticed that this account was not the one that Keqing had registered for herself. " Did you requisition someone else's account?" Taylor asked, not expecting her to be in such a rush.

This means that she would with a question be among The forefront of Liyue players With the furthest progress. Since the previous account holder had already completed Mondstadt's Story quests, Keqing Immediately start the Liyue Story quest.

Taylor looked over at Zhongli, Who was intently focused on his phone screen, expression felt with contemplation and Seriousness. Was clear that he had immersed himself in the games story, but Zhongli Still didn't know that his upcoming plans we're going to be fully exposed through the Liyue Story quest.

[chapter 1, Act1: Of the Land Amidst Monoliths, Start]

{Go to Liyue Harbour}

Although she could immediately begin the Liyue Story arc, Keqing felt an odd sense of discomfort when actually playing the game herself. She had only gotten story summary's from her subordinates and had come to see the game as a tool for information gathering, a means to an end. She thought she would only look at the parts she needed and discard everything else.

However, once she began to play the game herself, she now realised the richness of it's content. The sky, the animals, the monsters, the Architecture… it felt like a smaller yet hyper realistic world. Only now did she realise that she had been very impatient. This mobile game was not just some tool but an epic about the world of Tayvat. To truly appreciate its beauty, she needs to experience it from beginning to end.

Just as Keqing temporarily put down her phone in order to think more before making a decision, she heard some commotion from outside the private room she paid for.

"Lady Ningguang has also arrived!"

"My goodness, two of the Liyue Qixing have gathered here, I can't wait to see what happens next."

'Ningguang had also arrived?' Keqing pushed open the door and indeed saw the elegant and regal Ningguang.

"Keqing, you're certainly quick to act."

Ningguang said while greeting her with a smile.

" Are you also interested in this mobile game?"

" Naturally" Keqing replied.

After briefly surveying the private rooms, Ningguang turned to face Keqing and suggested.

"Keqing, there are private rooms that can be shared here. How about we share a room while we explore this game together? Since it's our first time encountering something so novel it would be more convenient for us to share our thoughts."

From Ningguang's words, it appeared like she intended to start experiencing this mobile game from scratch. Keqing had believed that someone like Ningguang, who was willing to resort to any means that helped her make money, she would choose to directly begin the Liyue story arc, just like she had been planning. However, Ningguang had different plans, and it made Keqing Feel a bit hasty in comparison. Due to this unexpected turn of events, Keqing Agreed to Ningguang's Suggestion.

Inside the shared private room, Keqing asked Ningguang about this Curiosity of hers.

"I was indeed given an account provided by one of my subordinates that had already completed the Mondstadt story arc, but I declined it. From my preliminary understanding of the game's content, I can know that this is not just fanciful game but a small scale 'Tayvat' constructed with reality as it foundation. Therefore, I must personally experience it from beginning to end in order to grasp the essence and ensure that I have every detail under my control."

Keqing heard the determination in Ningguang's tone of voice. Couples with her earlier wavering, Keqing fully decided to embark on this journey from the very beginning with Ningguang.

Back in Mondstadt city, after days of nonstop effort, Lumine finally caught up with the first group and finished the Mondstadt story arc in its entirety. She saved Dvalin, witnessed Venti get robbed of his Gnosis, and stood beneath the massive tree in Windrise. Venti informing her about Liyue's "Rite of descension" was about to happen, an annual opportunity to meet with the Geo Archon.

" Then what are we waiting for? Let's head to Liyue Quickly!" Paimon urged.

"Paimon there's no need to rush." Lumine said displaying an amused expression.

" this is just the timeline in the game. In reality, I've already asked someone and it's still nearly a month away."

"Oh…. Paimon sees" Paimon scratched the back of her head, failing to concealing her embarrassment.

" Speaking of which, It's truly incredible. In this game we have gone through such an amazing adventure together and made so many new companions."

" in reality, it's not too dissimilar." Lumine added. In these recent days, Lumine had gotten to know Amber, Lisa and Kaeya, and they even had meals together. It was all because this game storyline had left such a deep impression, Making it feel as if they had already been well acquainted with each other.

Moreover, during an commission yesterday, they unexpectedly encountered the one and only Venti. All of Mondstadt now knew that Venti was none other than there Anemo Archon Lord Barbatos. Venti mentioned how the game had made his life more difficult, And he was constantly surrounded by onlookers. Previously, He could exchange it performance for a glass of wine, and now he didn't dare go to crowded areas. He had decided to temporarily leave Mondstadt for a few weeks and find some peace in another country.

Lumine and Paimon expressed to their sympathy for the Anemo Archon's Predicament. They then steered the conversation to the main point, they want to talk about.

"Actually, On that night, The Fatui Harbinger 'signora' had already taken my 'Gnosis'."

" the game portrayal of the Fatui's Goals is quite accurate." Venti explained.

" The Cryo Archon Does indeed wish to collect all the seven Gnosis, but I'm not quite sure about the specifics behind her objective."

Lumine and Paimon Exchange glances. Paimon Whispered, "Now that the Anemo Archon has been ruled out it sounds like the Cryo Archon might be the one who took away your brother, huh?"

"But my Brother is currently leading the Abyss order…" Lumine sighed.

"AHHH, so many mysteries! Paimon's head is going to explode!" Paimon held her head and shook it Vigourously.

"Haha, leave these mysteries for your future self's to solve. Or you can just ask Taylor if he's willing to share… by the way, i'll gladly accept the alcohol you have in your backpack!" Venti chuckled.

"Hey, Tone-deaf bard! You didn't come all the way to see us just for the alcohol, did you?"

Thinking back to yesterday's encounter, Paimon shook her head. Venti's attitude in the game was identical to reality, A true alcoholic bard.

" the new version has been updated and we can set off towards Liyue In the game! Lumine said.

" this way we can get a preliminary understanding of what Liyue is like, And maybe we will even encounter the Geo Archon In the game."

Paimon cleared her thoughts and focused her attention entirely on the new story arc.

Following the quest marker, they passed through a place called " Stone gate" arrived at the centre of a place called Dihua March, were they saw the Wangshu inn not far in the distance.

"Wow! The architectural style in Liyue is quite unique!" Paimon exclaimed.

" it's actually been simplified quite a bit; The real Wangshu inn Is an even greater spectacle." Lisa said, standing beside them.

" indeed, As expected of the Great librarian Lisa, You're so knowledgeable." Paimon sad in an impressed tone.

"Hehe, and you can be quite elegant, Paimon." Lisa replied.

At this time, there were also many players in the Mobile game café all expressing their amazement. Most of them had never been outside of Mondstadt and they were seeing one of the iconic buildings of Liyue For the very first time, prompting them to let out exclamations of admiration.

Soon they kept following the main road and arrived at one of the statue of the seven, which was admitting a red glow.

" is this… the statue of the Geo Archon?" The corners of many players mouths twitched.

'This guy is way too arrogant isn't he?' Many players thought. Their Archon's statues stood upright in a prayer pose, representing their deity's protection over their people. But this Geo Archon was very different. He leaned on his throne made of stone. His right hand gripping the symbol of his power, the Geo element As if trying to proclaim, " the world is Vast, but I alone control it all!"

" This Geo Archon must be quite the arrogant character." a player commented.

" even though I haven't seen the Geo Archon, you can certainly tell from the posture of his statue that this Archon is definitely not one to be trifled with." a young man with glasses spoke up among the crowd.

" speaking of which there was a incident in Mondstadt's history related to the Geo Archon. I wonder if any of you have heard about the [aristocratic treachery contract]

"Aristocratic treachery contract? What's that?"

Clearly, this player had done a fair bit of historical research, And when he mentioned this name, it peaked Lisa's interest.

The content of this contract was a highly treacherous deal." The player with glasses continued, attracting the attention of many players, they leaned in to hear more.

" it was during the era of the old aristocracy. In this contract they betrayed the Anemo Archon and sold all of Mondstadt to the neighbouring Geo Archon."


" is that even possible?"

" young man, You shouldn't make up such stories lately!"

" I'm not making it up. My ancestors were once scholars in Mondstadt, and they saw the contract with their very own eyes. At the end of the contract, there was a divine signature that read {Rex Lapis}."

Many players gasped in shock. Their emotions weren't just rooted in their hatred for the corrupt old aristocrats, but also in their new found concern of this [Rex Lapis]. If this was true, wouldn't Mondstadt Belong to Liyue now?

The player with glasses continued.

" When my ancestors and the other scholars learned about the contents of this contract, they were all mortified. It would mean that they would all become subsidiaries of a foreign nation.

In the crowd, there were several exclamations of surprise. They had not expected such a hidden secret within that old struggle.

Fortunately, the old aristocracy was completely overthrown. Otherwise, today's Mondstadt wouldn't be the city of freedom But a city and land under the rule of this Rex Lapis.

"But in reality, that contract was confirmed to be a forgery." Lisa suddenly spoke up.

" because The Geo Archon Of the neighbouring nation is the God of commerce and contracts, and he places the upmost importance on the fulfilment of contracts."

" there's also an old saying in Liyue: Even if the sky falls, The contract must be upheld."

"It they really did sign such a contract, Then Rex Lapis without question would personally come to Mondstadt to make sure the contract was upheld."

" and besides being the god of contracts, he also bears the title of warrior god. which he got during the Archon war"

" do you really think that our Peace loving Anemo Archon alone could withstand the wrath of this Archon?" Lisa's words left many players Stunned, then they gradually realised the truth.

It seemed quite plausible, Just by looking at the appearance of the Geo Archon's statue of the seven, it was quite clear that this god would be no pushover. Even if the old aristocrats were overthrown, it was unlikely that those who had voided the contract would be let off so easily.

" but at the end of the contract, there was a divine signature that had to be made by non-other than a god. How do you explain that!?" The player with glasses still wanted to argue.

" It's actually quite simple, The signature was most likely forged by Barbatos Himself."

" How is that possible? The Anemo Archon would never be so bored as to imitate the signatures of other gods…"

He paused mid sentence he paused, realising that, with Venti, it was actually quite possible for him to be doing something that absurd.


After interacting with the statue, corresponding area of the map lit up, a familiar operation for the players of Mondstadt. However, within the interaction options there was an additional one - {Resonate with the Geo Element}?


After selecting this option, the Geo Archon's Stone block emitted a golden glow. When the traveler's perspective return to normal, some of their accessories had transformed into a yellow radiance symbolising the power of Geo.

This situation had been anticipated a long time ago and was one of the things many players were looking forward to when they unlocked the region of Liyue. Play some muesli began checking the Geo element data and testing the skills.

After a moment, many surprised voices rang out.

" The damage multiplier for the Geo element is quite impressive!"

" The damage output is indeed quite high."

" I hear by declare, The Geo elements is the greatest element!"

" When will the main character become a Pyro user?…"

After obtaining the new elemental power, The players continued to exploring the map upon reaching Wangshu inn, They found a teleport waypoint. At this point, The players in Mondstadt Had developed a habit - Whenever they saw a teleport waypoint, They had to unlock it as it was incredibly convenient.

However, upon reaching the teleport waypoint at Wangshu inn, they finally experienced the torment of climbing to high places. Most of Mondstadt's Terrain was flat land and the teleport waypoint were distributed conspicuously. But the waypoint in Liyue were already showing signs of a challenge for players.

The Geo element skill " starfell sword" also played a role as a stepping stone. Meanwhile, players he had previously pulled Venti were the real winners.

Long presses the elemental skill for Venti simply made it to convenient! The players who had Venti saw the others using the Geo traveler's skill " Starfell sword" to create Footholds, While they had already reached the waypoint, they couldn't help but gloat a bit.

Many players were feeling frustrated and opened up the wish system ready to spend their money to get Venti, they soon remembered that Venti's limited time banner had already ended.

They were on the verge of tears when they suddenly noticed that the standard banner had undergone some changes.

The original banner cover featured Diluc and Jean, but now it showed three new characters, [Icy resurrection, Qiqi], [driving thunder, Keqing] and [astral reflection, Mona].

Three new five star characters in one update! This discovery immediately caused a sensation.

" Taylor just posted new announcement videos with explanations about these three new five star characters!"

Taylor had previously set up a game website were he would post character demos of all the characters for everyone to watch.

{Qiqi is a herbalist and apprentice at Bubu pharmacy, A pale, expressionless zombie who rarely speaks.}

" wow… is this the wonder of Liyue, A land where zombies exist? I've never heard of such a thing!"

" I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg for Liyue. I can't wait to explore this region."

" Let's see what Qiqi is really like…"

Taylor specially created video was clicked on his deep yet comforting voice filled everyone's ears.

" so Taylor actually voices over these videos himself, Awesome!"

"[as a wielder of the cryo-element, Qiqi is a powerful asset to your team]"

"[using her elemental skill, ' Herald of Frost' deals Cryo damage to surrounding enemies, Herald of Frost moves with the character, Dealing damage along the way, While also healing the current character periodically.]"

" so she's a healing character, Not bad at all! Now we have an extra layer of safety exploring the vast world."

" Even though she's an undead, she looks so cute!"

" Her movements appear quite stiff and she hardly ever shows emotions, why dose that strangely resonate with me?"

At this point in the video, Qiqi formed some hand seals and a massive Cryo elemental stormy erupted all around her. Faintly visible within the storm or drifting ice spirits.

After the storms effects, The enemies around her were marked with a symbol.

"[when Qiqi Releases the adeptal Power sealed inside herself, she marks nearby enemies with a fortune preserving talisman and deals Cryo damage to them, when enemies marked with fortune preserving talisman take damage The character dealing the damage is healed.]"

In the video Qiqi, Who was initially low on health, Had her HP rapidly replenished after series of attacks on a marked enemy This healing capacity was truly astonishing. Players started to reckon that she might be the character with the strongest healing ability among all characters currently available.

"Looks like it's necessary to get a Qiqi"

" I pulled on Klee's banner before and got a Diluc, so this time, i'll just wait for the next limited banner to come out. Maybe I'll get Qiqi from the limited banner."

" That's true. Since she's on the standard banner, we'll have plenty of chances in the future."

" hey, don't forget there's another character!"

" this one is named Keqing, And she looks really strong!"

" I agree she gives off an explosive type of power!"

" quick, Let's see Taylor's introduction on Keqing!"

In the video description, there was a character summary.

{Keqing is the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing, responsible for urban management, And always keeps an eye on the various matters within Liyue.}

" it looks like she's a significant figure within Liyue!"

"The Liyue Qixing can be compared to our Knights of Favonius, so she is definitely a big deal."

" I wonder how her strength compares to Jean in the Mobile game."

With anticipation, the players began playing Keqing's character demo video.

"[like her personality, her sword Work is both swift and uncompromising, this along with her control of Electro brings a shockingly abrupt end to any enemy]"

"[tap Keqing's Elemental skill "stellar restoration" to throw a lightning stiletto, which deals electro damage to enemies in a small area upon impact and leaves behind a " lightning stiletto" marker.]"

"[if Keqing Uses stellar restoration again while the marker is still present, she teleports to the marker and performs a quick slash dealing electro AOE damage]"

"[holding stellar restoration allows Keqing to aim the lightning stiletto before releasing it]"

In the video, Keqing Face off against a ruin guard. By holding her elemental skill, she marked the ruin guard's week point on it's head with the Lightning stiletto.

Following her two stage teleportation and slash attack, The ruing guard immediately fell into a broken state.

Seeing the skill, many player's eyes lit up. This skill not only allowed her to deal with enemies with different weak points but would also be an incredible assets when exploring the terrain and getting to high points.

next chapter
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