A thank you to readers- Astrid_Nymp, Namelesone, Aoi_hoshi_cath and shiru who have been editing and proofreading the chapters of GOP for a smoother read <3
When it was nighttime and everyone had retired to their rooms, hours after the moon had gone up in the sky, Anastasia woke up in her room with a soft gasp. Her body was wet with sweat. Sitting on the edge of the bed, her feet dangled in the air, and she sighed before covering her face with her hands, even though it was dark.
Every night, she dreamed of seeing her sister, ready to escape various scenarios but never making it out. And she always woke from her dreams with her sister covered in blood.
"I can't leave without knowing what happened to you that day. I can't," Anastasia whispered to herself.
She could never live in peace without knowing why her sister had died. She wondered how much pain Marianne had been in even when she was dying, with the wounds she had received.
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