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70% Gantz Reincarnation / Chapter 7: Interrogating a Psycho

Chương 7: Interrogating a Psycho

As I appear back in the room everything seems awkwardly peaceful.

I could happen to forget how just minutes ago someone close to me almost died and I pummeled aliens looking like vegetables to the death.

Nishi still looks a little bit out of it, his gaze fixating on the floor... almost embarrassed.

I walk over and grab him by the arm.

"Hey! Get a hold of yourself you're gonna light us up about all of this because I think you know way more about this situation than you let on."

"... who says that I am going to tell you anything?" he questions to me with a smug face.

"I do. Smart-Ass." I say as I apply more pressure to my hold

"Well ok ok. You and the girl handled yourself quite well. And since you're asking so nicely I will answer any questions you have for me." he says sarcastically.

I hear beam sounds and see paws appearing behind where we are standing.

*Woof woof

"Well look who made it. I would greet you more welcomely, but right now I can't let this little brat escape." I say while looking at the spawning Rice.

*Grrrrrr waff waff

Rice seems to also not appreciate the presents of Nishi who seems a little surprised.

"... I still don't get why this dog has the Suit on. Who would be dumb enough to assist him? " Nishi says confused

"Well I did he was quite eager to help you know."

"That pup never did anything before, he was always just completely useless..."

Well, Rice seems to really like me as the new Kurono somehow..

Before I can continue my Train of thought Kishimoto also appears again, still wearing the suit.

And I still do enjoy the sight...

"Hey Kurono. Trying to get some information from this creep?" she asks me with a smile on her face.

"I am waiting until Kato is also here so we can all listen to what the boy is going to tell."

"Yeah that's a good idea, can I ask the first question?"

"Sure just hold your gun ready, I am not sure if this little weasel wants to stay well-behaved while we are trying to get some closure from him," I say turning back to Nishi

" I assure you I am not gonna do anything. I'll reward you both for showing such great performances at the appartement earlier. I am not gonna go anywhere as long as you don't want me to." he says while still not letting the sleazy look leave his face.

Yeah, I am gonna stay exactly the way I am right now.

As Kato finally starts to also appear in the Gantz-Room, he seems exhausted but happy to see us.

„ Kurono! What happened? !"

„Hi Kato. I know all of this is confusing to you but we're trying to get some information about the situation, out of this boy… what's your name anyway?" I ask him

„Joichiro Nishi"

„And that's your real name?"

„Of course it is, I promise I won't play around anymore."


„But now Gantz is starting to distribute the points"

„Is this what the black ball is called?" I ask him


„And who named it that?"

"I don't know someone before me."

Before I can ask more questions the ball displays a sketch of Rice with the caption "Dog" next to him

He has 2 Points and his Description reads: "Finally you did something, have found a new owner or what?"

*Waff Waff

Rice seems a little agitated but also happy to have made Points

I go over to Pet him "Come on Rice next time you're gonna get em all"

"What does this even mean?" Kishimoto asks

„I'll tell you after y'all have gotten your points." Nishi says

Next Gantz shows the doodle of Kishimoto, of course with her breasts being way over-exaggerated and her name still being shown as 'Titz'. At least she has 11 points. Man, it seems like she can become even more of a useful ally than Kato, just judging by her achievements in the first mission of course.

Although Gantz seems to be in disagreement, as the comment about her reads as follows: „You're not supposed to be this type of Character! Just accept your role as the Sexobject!"

„ Ok so this 'Gantz' as you call it, has not only as it seems an asshole personality but is also a massive sexist…" Kishimoto says while looking at the naked, seemingly asleep, completely plugged-in Guy inside the black ball.

„Is there anything more to know about him" I question Nishi, who is back in my hold

„I said the questions wait after the rating is done…. But whatever, I don't know much more than you do, he doesn't seem like a normal human and he doesn't ever act himself except starting and ending the missions, but you can tell him to do stuff like: to beam you over to the alien location first, only if it doesn't break the rules of the game of course" Nishi explains pretty extensive

„Does this mean we have to do this stuff again!" Kato frantically asks

„Yes, Gorilla it does. Shut up for now and get awarded your points for your disappointing performance." Nishi spits out.

The Screen on the ball changes to a sketch of Kato with his name being displayed as „Pokato-Chan (lol)", his points being 0, and the text is displayed as „There the Pokato (lol) almost became puree, huh?"

Kato looks at the screen pretty indifferent.

„Is this supposed to be funny? The pun isn't even good..." I say

„It seems like this ball or the guy inside it has the assumption that being overly gruesome is also being funny." Kishimoto says

„ I guess you're right, regarding this and the comment it made about you before…." I ponder a little bit „But Kato another thing, did you kill the other monster that was lying next to the dead bodies of the other guys that were here before?"

„… No I was close to pulling the trigger on my gun but couldn't bring myself to it, I would have died but then one of the Yakuza shot at him with the gun it slapped away from me before it could swing down on me." Kato explains

„You wouldn't have died there, you were wearing the suit idiot." Nishi says „ If y'all didn't get it until now these suits improve your physical capabilities as well as your endurance. But I also have to warn you…" Nishi smiles" The reason why this monkey here got his arm slashed off is, because he let the other Alien, even though it was incredibly weak, beat him enough so that his suit got destroyed and all its effects turned off" he finishes

„So that was the blue liquid that was coming out of Kato's suit?" I question

„Yeah, I am glad that at least one of you is paying attention."

„I-I just couldn't bring myself to fight back. Even though this Monster looked scary it had a really sad expression… like it just lost a loved one..." Kato ponders

The next image displays Nishi, who has 0 Points, with his name being „Underachiever" and Gantz's commentary displayed as „Come on edgy boy get yo kills!!"

"Tssk, maybe I should stop playing with the new people that get here and focus more on myself, at least two of you are gonna die in the next 2 missions anyway." Nishi says with disdain

Kishimoto throws a look of disgust back at him.

Well, he hit the nail on the head more than he himself probably knows, at least if we were talking about the original story. But I won't let that happen, I won't let Kato and Kei die, this life will change.

"So it's my Turn now?" I say

"Yeah, you'll probably cash out real good." Nishi says

At last, the Gantz ball displays a drawing of me (or Kurono). I have 12 Points and it shows my name as also Kurono but under the title, there is something written in extremely small letters. So small in fact that it looks like a straight line from afar. But the thing is I can make out the r and i at the start and the end and I'll take a good guess and say that it just says imposter backwards again.

Anyway, the comment reads as follows: "Surprisingly good for someone's first time? You would do even better if you wouldn't focus so much on Titz's tits."

"Well I thought you would have even more, but I guess you gave all your points away to the chick, for the reason Gantz states." Nishi snickers.

I am glad no one puts more focus on the first sentence of the ball. I am pretty sure it knows who I really am and tries to play with me.

"I didn't 'give them away to her' she earned them herself and if it wasn't for her I would've surely died, being pummeled and burned to death by these weirdo lettuce people. And while I do find Kishimoto attractive, I didn't just stare at her through this whole ordeal..." I try to explain even though I am slightly embarrassed.

I try to defend myself although I am probably coping with the last point and not having real belief in the last counterargument myself. But what can I do? There is nothing wrong with looking right? Anyone in my shoes would do the same... Having the same preferences of course...

"This 'Gantz' ball is probably just trying to bring someone into embarrassing situations through its comments with its edgy sense of humor." Kishimoto jumps to my aid although being a little red-faced again." Just like it did with Kato and me before and even you. It almost seems like you adapted its personality, if you really do all this for as long as you say you do."

"Tssk.." Nishi looks ticked off again and there is sweat visible on his forehead" Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Thanks again for looking out for me Kishimoto. But I think Gantz was right about its last statement cause now that you spoke up again and I look back at you and what you're wearing, my mind is still going elsewhere...

„Anyway so now it's over?" I asked Nishi to clear the air a little bit.

„Yeah you can start your interoga-"


Nishi is interrupted by the Gantz Ball starting to display something again and rapidly changing through screens that are unable to be made out.

"What is going on?" I ask Nishi. This never happened in the Original as far as I can guess.

"I don't have a clue..." Nishi seems distressed

*dululululululu dulululululu dululululu lululu!

...Somehow the level clear Music from the first Super Mario Bros. starts playing.

"What the he-"


The Screen on the Ball shows some text again that reads as follows:

"You have completed the Bonus Objective!! Gantz will now reward the lucky few based on their playstyle!"

"It never did something like this before..." Nishi is not amused

The Ball starts displaying Rice's picture again but with a slot machine next to it with different Text running through it.

As all of us are confused about what's happening, the rotation finally stops after a few seconds on the word: durability+

The Ball starts its beam again and at first glance, it looks like it's going to take away Rice.

But after a few seconds, it becomes apparent, that it just scans away his suit.

"What is going on?" Kato says

"I. don't. KNOW!!" Nishi says aggressively and maybe a little scared.

After the Suit is gone from Rice the Ball sends out another beam which lets an open Gantz-Suitcase appear, of course with a suit inside it and Rice being written on it.

The screen changes again and shows the caricatures of both Kishimoto and me with some slot machine-looking function below them.

After a few seconds the rotation finally stops at the words: 'Strength+' for me and 'Charge Reduce' for Kishimoto.

I guess the videogame heavy aspects of Gantz got amped up a bit in the reality that I find myself now in?

The ball sends out two beams again one connecting with me and the other going for the X-Gun in Kishimoto's Hand.

But just now I realize the implications of what happens if the same thing that happened to Rice's suit also happens to mine...

"What the..?"

I will get completely naked!!

" Kuruno!" Kishimoto screams

Well shit... I was hoping it would take a little while longer before Kishimoto would see me absolutely nude.

I mean in the manga it already did so I guess this is another way of Gantz sticking it to me...?

This time only one open suitcase appears with my name on it and a suit inside, while a new X-gun is just spawning on the floor.

"Huh." I hear Nishi say

And while I am still kinda confused and embarrassed about what's happening I feel Nishi easily escaping my grip and...


I get hit hard on the right side of my body faster than I can acknowledge and get launched against the window front at the right side of the appartement.


"You Asshole!" I hear Kishimoto scream at Nishi

" Sorry, but he was invading my personal space." Nishi smiles "I also didn't use the full power of the suit, get a grip of yourselves."

Yeah sure you did. My back hurts like hell.

But before Nishi can take another breath Kishimoto has picked up the weapon that was on the floor just seconds ago and stands directly before him while pointing it at his face.

"You're not going anywhere." she says a little distraught.

Nishi begins sweating.

" I told you before I'll answer your questions. As long as you don't annoy me of course" Nishi exclaims relatively calm.

"Apologize to Kurono!" Kato screams out

"Huh?!" Nishi seems vexed

"K-Kato it's alright... l-let's focus on the important stuff, it has no use if we antagonize him" I exclaim while still feeling the pain and also having to clumsily block my private regions from view so that my point comes across.

It's hard to be the voice of reason while being completely exposed.

"Your friend there, 'Kurono' I believe, is right. You should start your show and tell, I am losing my patience. And also don't just ask bland stuff like 'What's going on?'. Even though ya'll might think I am this all-knowing oracle about Gantz, I can assure you I am not." Nishi says calmly even though the Gun is still pointed at his face, Kato next to him with the suit on, all while the sweat on his face is visible.

"Uhhh.. so you wanna start?" Kato asks Kishimoto

"Yeah I will, so as you imply you don't know why we have to do all this?" She says with the Gun in her hand trembling a little.

"Yeah as I said, we are moving circles goddammit."

"Okay, so I will ask you something simple: what happened to the old man that didn't follow your group... of w-which almost everyone got m-massacred." Kishimoto says. The Pain in her voice as she probably remembers the mental image of everyone's sliced-apart limbs, scattered across the road is clearly audible.

"That Guy? I don't know what exactly happened to him but if he didn't show up back here he's dead. I would take a good guess and think he just left the zone."

"The zone?"

" Every mission can only be acted inside boundaries. Most of the time we act in a 5-10km radius. If you get close to the border the chip in your head will begin to beep and if you step over it your head will go boom." Nishi smiles


"It will explode and you'll die instantly."

Kishimoto frowns

"And this chip got implanted in us while we were transported here?" she asks

"Yeah, it'll also explode if you tell anyone in the outside world about Gantz. So sadly no support from your mommy and daddy." Nishi says with his trademark sadistic smile

Kishimoto doesn't answer and just makes the Grip on the Gun tighter so I decide to speak up.

"Okay if it isn't too much of an open question... How exactly do you know so much?" I say awkwardly

"I am an Alien"

"Huh!" Both Kishimoto and Kato say while the latter moves over to him, forming a fist.

"He's joking..." I try to reason " D-didn't you say you wanted to ask our questions truthfully? Because we 'performed so well' ?"

"Yeah, I did but that was still a pretty dumb question. Anyway, I'll draw you a picture: I am just a normal Middle Schooler like you are. But I've been here for over a year." Nishi explains

"Because as you already said we have to come back here again..." Kato looks distraught at the ground.

"Congratulations the Gorilla finally started listening, what perceptive skills you own!" Nishi exclaims loudly while slowly clapping.

"All of this will repeat itself over and over again. Long before even I came here people that were supposed to die get transported here to act in these Missions that we are given." Nishi begins sweating more and gets a little red-faced while forming a fist with one hand " I went through all of this a lot of times. Today was nothing compared to the Missions before. All this life-endangering crazy shit, but I survived through all of it."

Nishi moves over to the ball again

"Hey Gantz show all the people who already died!"

The ball doesn't seem to react.

"Come on don't ignore me!"

He moves to the side of it and inserts his finger into the ear of the bald man inside it.

The Screen on the ball now displays everyone who has already died, I try to maybe recognise some faces but it proves to be a wasted effort.

"Hey look at the bottom row!"

We can see the faces of the Yakuza, the salary man, the blonde asshole as well as the politician guy.

"Those are the 5 that died today, in retrospect, they are probably the dumbest bunch of people so far" Nishi draws himself in Kato's direction "You also fall into that category"

Nishi now looks directly at me "But you were different, you immediately felt that something was special about the suit and you were willing to act upon your innermost desire for slaughter."

It's kinda weird that he is saying stuff like that to me while I am copletely naked, like he is attracted to me. Come to think of it, could Nishi be gay?

"Didn't she also have the suit from the start?" I say while pointing my thumb at Kishimoto

"But I am sure you got the Idea first" Nishi says while creepily staring at me

The probability does persist as it seems.... But Kato seems to break the awkward situation.

"... Why didn't you say something from the start? If you had told us all of this from the beginning more of us could have survived. Why did you Lie to us?" he desperately asks

Denkosi Denkosi

Hey I'm back. I know it took a while but... i just didn't have the time and motivation to continue this until now ok. I just have to get this exposition over with while also trying to keep it interresting. It's hard you know and i definetely didn't want to skip these interactions outright. So the Result is my probably most boring chapter until now. But if you still enjoyed it let me know!

next chapter
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