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46.51% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 20: Robbing Pentos

Chương 20: Robbing Pentos

"He looks so cute!" Elinor said with a cute tone. As she was feeding small bits of raw stag meat to the small dragon.

"He might look cute now…but that's a dragon. They breathe fire." Mira said with a slightly nervous tone. Remembering the tales of these things.

"I know but this is our Lord's Dragon. And they don't attack us."

"Predator is a Predator, don't forget that."

As the ladies were taking care of the dragon Daenerys was biting their lower lip from frustration. There was a dragon in front of her but that thing doesn't like her one bit!

It even tried to bite her finger off!

Since she was standing at the back, Raynor saw her, he walked over and hugged her from behind.

"Does something matter to my beautiful dragon?"

The silver-haired girl's cheeks exploded in red, she didn't expect him to call her like that!

She was warned by Margaery that their lord has a 'smooth mouth' and that he knows how to make his girls needy. It is all just for show as he loves making messes out of them.

Even so, she is flustered!

"...T-This… is… your Dragon doesn't like me…"

"Oh. I see you do know that bonded dragons don't accept other people with Valyrian blood or people in general. Though there is an exception."

"...There is?"

"It is. You can see that my ladies can play with Verrmax."

"Yes, I can see that." She said with a slight bitterness.

"That's because they are bathed in my smell. Dragons have a superior smell to people. They can smell me on them. So the Dragon can tolerate them."

It took a while but she understood what this meant. Her blush returned with force.

"I-I understand. That reminds me! You named your dragon in High Valyrian!"

"Indeed. I have been studying it for a while."

"Oh… I can teach you."

"Hmm, you can, I can teach you about the Targaryen dynasty in return."

Her eyes gleamed when she heard that.

"I accept, my Lord."

He nodded in turn and led her to the side. When he found a comfortable chair and sat down he then pulled the Silver-haired girl into his lap. Once again she blushed with a smile.


After a long day, the girls ended up falling asleep just around the time the sun started to set down. The first one to fall asleep was Daenerys as she was the most tired of them all.

The rest followed suit. It was a cute means for them not to get pinned down by Raynor. So they all decided to sleep.

In the meantime, the Wolf King opened the companion interface.

[Daenerys 'Stormborn' Targaryen]

[Type: Human]

[Bloodline: Valyrian Dragonlords {Mid Class}, First Men {60% Pure}]

[Magic: Blood Magic, Dragon Dreams, Valyrian Dragon Taming]

[Talents: Dragon Riding, Royal Charisma, Linguistic, Speech ]

[Immunities: Complete regular Fire Immunity]

[Obedience: 100%]

[Loyalty: 100%]

"...First Men…wait…oh right…Aegon the Fifth wife was Blackwood…"

Raynor realised that Daenerys has better purity of blood than Margaery and her cousins when it comes to First Men.

After thinking for a while he then checked his new pet.


[Type: Valyrian Dragon]

[Skills: Magic Breathing, Dragonbreath, Limitless Growth, Herculean Life Force, Magic Flight, Fire Immunity, Hard Scales (Partial Physical Immunity)]

"So it did depend on who the sacrifice is"

Herculean Life Force will allow Verrmax to grow into a beast as big if not bigger than Balerion the Black Dread.

After checking his Dragon status he dismissed him with his Summon interface he went over to sleep as well.

Though in the middle of the night. His senses picked up.

They were surrounded.

Raynor quickly unsummoned his girls and dressed in his leather armour.

"M-My Lord!!!"

"I know…"

He said that as he left the tent.

He saw men dressed in red robes leading the front, they had flaming swords.

Behind them was a ragtag group of people.

"The fire fuckers of that fire demon. Do you think this amount of people is enough?"

As he said that an arrow rushed from the side which he sidestepped casually to dodge.

"Your aim is dog shit. Who allowed you to shoot?" As Raynor said, he threw a knife.


"M-My hand!"

"Fuck your hand." The Hunter said with an eye roll.

"Be silent Great Wolf, you are a threat to this world. We will not allow you to continue to exist!"

"You are in no position to tell me what to do."


"You are surrounded. And my wolves are hungry, they didn't like Dothraki that much."

"I-If you think that this is all there is of us then you are wrong!!! Entire Pentos are raising their forces to deal with you!" The red priest at the front said with a shaky tone. He didn't expect a U-turn on this whole thing!

"Damn, you guys are throwing all that wealth into this. Not going to lie. I was looking for an excuse to rob this city.

Now you gave me." This was not what the Red Priest thought! He is a bigger madman than they thought!

"Y-You are insane you think you can fight the entire city!?"

"I guess you don't know a thing about me. Pretty sad that you all came here without proper preparations. Didn't your fire demon didn't explain my capacities?"

"...You…You… what kind of being are you?"

Raynor snorted and threw another knife at super fast speed. It was so fast that the guy in front of him didn't see it coming. By the time he realised a knife was already in his chest.

That moment everything went to hell for the small sellsword group who was hired by the Red Priests.

Wolves can hunt at night just as they can hunt at day. And they sell swords with their torches and are partially blind.

Raynor even targeted the guys who had torches.

In just a few moments it was pitch darkness. Except for the campfire. But it was far too far away for the sell swords to use it.

Then screams and begging started.

Less than ten minutes later it was dead silent; only ones who remained were the twenty Tyrell guards who were holding their breath.

They were utterly horrified by the situation. They thought they were fucked! But then the situation flipped and the sell swords got butchered like pigs before a feast.

"You all collected all the stuff and took it to the ship. I should return around midday. Depending on how much stuff Pentos Magisters have."

"...M-My Lord are you going to declare war on Pentos?"

"No such thing. War only happens when two armies engage in a fight.

This is not a war, but a hunt. Now go."

After saying that the Wolf King glowed white before dashing with supernatural speed. Wolves howled that night.

Followed by screams and fire.

Pentos was sacked that night. Well, more specifically the rich people lost their lives and their wealth.

That night Pentos lost their magisters.

The Free City has fallen into utter chaos.

People said that the Great Wolf opened its mouth and swallowed everything of value. Making one of the greatest cities descend into chaos.

All of that happened in a single night. Wolves slaughtered their way through the rich people's district.

In a single night, Raynor became one of the richest people in the world.

Gold, gems, spices, silk, expensive tropical wood, ivory, tea. All of the city's wealth was taken by him.


"Hnnn~" Daenerys softly opened her eyes. They quickly widened as she saw that she was in a different place!

It was all wood!

"Morning sleepy head. Well it's later in the afternoon but still."

"Where…are we?"

As the silver head said that she looked around. Followed after her was Margaery. She was the only other girl he could summon. Only Margaery can summon her followers.

"...This is…we are back to the ship."

"Yes, I had to recall you girls as we were getting attacked by red priests and they sell swords."


"D-Did anything happen!?" Margaery swiftly asked him if this was big!

"I killed them all and then sacked Pentos."



This was not what she expected! Not in thousands of years!

"You sacked Pentos…why?"

"Because they were part of the deal according to the red priest. After I started killing the Magisters they spilled their little secrets. Their little fire cult paid a lot in case I survived to help them capture me.

So instead I struck first and ended the threat myself."

The pair looked slightly better, though their breathing was slightly erratic.

They were close to death today! Or was it yesterday…

"S-So what now?" The Golden Rose asked after taking a deep breath.

"We are going to Dragonstone," Raynor said as he summoned his dragon and let it sit on his shoulder.

"W-Wait what!?"

"Yes. I want to find out any sort of Valyrian secrets it could hold. I even have Daenerys who is blood-related to that place. If it has any secret chambers she should be able to pick it as her magic was already partially awake." The Wolf King explained before he summoned his inventory and started pulling out Silk dresses. These should be from Myr, another Free City.

That city is famous for making Glass and Silk. Not THE Silk which comes from the Song of Ice and Fire version of China the Yi Ti.

But it's not bad.

He grinned when he showed the dresses.

"Now girls I have a huge array of silk dresses, and you are all going to help me go through them. I want to see which one fits the best~" he said with a teasing tone. He is going to work them to the bone for falling asleep last time without snuggling!

"I-I see! Let me summon the girls first then!" Margaery danger senses were tingling while Daenerys was quite clueless about this. So she wandered first into his 'trap'.

Just like that Raynor started to appraise how they look with an array of Myrrish silk dresses.

Even Margaery being the only daughter of the current Lord of Highgarden only has several sets of Silk Dresses. This was an overload!

Though her Lady in waiting helped her.

"What do you think?"

"Not bad. Though green suits you the most." As he said that he summoned another emerald-greenish dress.

Margaery internally sigh in tiredness…she has changed her clothes…around 10 times… not that it's not fun but they are hard to put on and off.

The girl took the dress and walked slightly back to change. The thing was they were at sea and there was not that much space. So they don't have any place to change but in front of him.

The only one who was embarrassed about this was Daenerys who was new to all of these random requests from the Wolf King.

Regardless, she was having fun for the first time in her life. Without even realising they arrived at Dragonstone. The Ancestral home of the Targaryen Family.

Back when Targaryens rule Westeros the Heir of the Crown would be awarded the title 'Prince or Princess of Dragonstone' they would rule the island until they ascend to the Throne.

Though…there isn't much to do in this place. A Volcanic island with a big black castle on its edge.

All this place has is a fishing village and docks. With Targaryens gone this was pretty much a port for Royal warships to drop anchor and protect the bay.

But Raynor sees this place as an opportunity. There is only one Volcano on this side of the map. And volcanoes are good for crafting rituals. Then they are good for his dragon to grow in size as quickly as possible.

Hell, if he is lucky he might find even more eggs turned to the stone.

Maybe he will be able to give dragons to all his girls… something like a symbol that the girl is his…

'Maybe wolf pups as well? I did add a bunch of females into the packs.

I should start adding my magic to them… having Direwolves and then some Monster wolves as an army is simply gorgeous to look at.'

"Isn't there a garrison here?"

"Most likely a base, Baratheon retinue still is around," Raynor said to Daenerys who was looking at the black castle with a mixture of emotions.

This was her home, where she was born. Where many of her Ancestors were born, and where the Conquest started.

"What are you going to do with this place?"

"Use it as my base. It has a Fire Mountain (Volcano), a good place to breed dragons. Not only that but it has around 5 leagues of land. Which I will turn into forests and grasslands.

The best part is that the forests are quite close as well. Kingswood is just on the other side of the bay. Once Verrmax is all grown I will be able to fly there in just under a few hours.

Everything that I need is near."

He said with a small grin. He realised how good this place is. And most of all it's an island. Islands are much easier to defend.

"I see." She said with relief. It's a good thing he won't destroy anything.

"Since you are going to take this place as your own, you need a Coat of Arms," Margaery said to him as she walked over.

She looked at the black castle with an indifferent look. The castle doesn't look that inviting.

"Then I leave that to you. Make some examples."

His request made her slightly have a thoughtful look.

"As my Lord wishes. I am going to discuss this with my ladies."

She then grabbed the silver head next to him.

"You will be coming with me, I need to show you how things are done when our Lord asks things."

"Y-Yes…" Daenerys was slightly spooked by this, she heard about this before, the Coat of Arms and banners are made by the ladies of the castle.

"I have some Pentosi materials which you can play with. I wonder how many Lords in Westeros have materials exclusive from Essos made into their banners and Coat of Arms."

"Not many, my Lord."

She said that he followed them back into the cabin. Soon they will be disembarking. Though it's cute how the Golden Rose wants to lower the amount of time he spends with Daenerys.

It's just cute to watch that envy.


"We can do this the hard way or the easy way."

There were less than 50 Baratheon men in Dragonstone.

Those boys already started to rule this place like some petty Kings. Until the time will be right for them just to run away to Essos or something like this.

"You are just one man, Wolf King, and there are twice as many of us!"

"Yes… that's what your three Kings before this said as well… the same with 16 thousand people I killed. Now choose. You die and you serve me as souls for eternity or you surrender and I give you a few rowing boats and you can scramble back to Mainland."

The guardsmen looked at each other for a bit. There was some fear in their eyes.

"I think this would be for the best if we leave you alone, My Lord."

After dealing with the Baratheon men the group proceeded to enter the Castle. Many were baffled and happy to see that Daenerys was back. Especially the old staff who have been still running the keep.

Though there are many new people here as well who are brought by Stannis. As he was Lord of Dragonstone before he took Stormlands from Renly. Robert was a dick who constantly messed with his middle brother. Stannis did some impressive things…and all he got from his King brother was a Volcano island to his name.

"Margaery, I leave the castle management to you. You have been trained for this stuff. While I will take Dany to look around for those secret rooms."

The brown-haired girl nodded at him.

"I understand, My Lord."

After that he left her to do her things while Raynor took Dany and they proceeded to look around.

"...What should I be looking for?" The Silver head asked with some nervousness. She doesn't want to fail him.

"An invisible pull, whispering into your ear. Things like these would try to lead you to a certain location."

Hearing that they started to just wander through the corridors.

Eventually, they would discover the room which had the painted table.

The painted table is a table carved to look like Westeros. It's a nearly perfect copy of the cities, landmarks, waters…everything one would need to plan an invasion of Westeros.

"This is where Aegon the Conqueror planned the invasion of Westeros, Viserys used to tell me about this table. I am shocked to learn that it was still around to this day." Daenerys said to him as she inspected the table, and walked around the huge thing.

"Stannis is a pragmatic and just man. Though he would very rarely use underhanded methods. Before I ended him he did fall into the trap of that Red Priestess who seduced and charmed him with her subtle magic.

He used this very table to plan his short-lived conquest."

Her eyes looked at him with wonder. How does he know all that?

"Greenseer….my little dragon." As if knowing he said that while walking over to her and pulling her closer to himself.

"Now let's go. We still need to explore this place."

She nodded at him with a small blush. The Silver head did enjoy the close contact she has with him. It has a certain warmth to it. The Targaryen girl doesn't regret coming with him. She smiled more with him in those three days than she did when she was with her brother.

Eventually after walking for a bit. Daenerys stopped in her tracks and looked around.

"So around here… huh…" He said as he looked around as well.

She slowly nodded at him. They were on lower levels of the castle.

Not far from the dungeons.

As the girl looked around she started to touch the walls…looking for something.

"I can feel something from here…the wall feels warm to me."

As he said that he pulled out a dagger.

"You need to offer some of your blood to the wall."

She slightly stiffed hearing that but then she nodded.

He offered her his dagger which she used to poke her finger. The girl had a pained look but she did brush her bleeding finger on the wall.

At that moment there was a reaction from the wall. It started to move!


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