Me and Caroline were waiting for Happy to come back and while waiting an ursa or 2 would try to take us but a shot to the head is just enough to kill them yep.
[You have a present!]
I raised my brow to that. 'Present? From who?' I thought while maintaining a thought of trying to dis the system.
I sighed as I mentally opened my inbox and saw Caira's grenade launcher. 'So that is a-WAIT WHAT?!' I almost shout that out loud. I looked at the sender which was Connor and it contained the same message...System dissed me again didn't it? It was pretty obvious that Connor wanted to give me Caira's launcher. It also came with a PM but it was the last part that got me which was to not get any ideas with the tentacles. Thing is that was the only part of the message the system made me read before Connor left.
Then I suddenly fell back. Why? Because the system suddenly gave me a pic of Trollface meaning the system trolled me by giving the launcher late and letting me read ONLY Connor's warning of tentacles.
I sighed in annoyance catching Caroline's attention.
"What's wrong?" I simply looked at her and shook my head. "Nothing its just Happy is taking so long. I can't stand being in one place that much." She looks at her watch. "But its has onl-" She was about to say more but a familiar blue cat caught our attention. He was crying while flying away from a small flock of Nevermores. I simply sighed and took out Black Viper while Caroline took her sword and turned into its gun form.
Few seconds later.
It only took us a few seconds to take care of the Nevermores. I looked at Happy being comforted by Caroline. I smiled and took out a tiny piece of tuna and gave it to Happy. Happy took it with a smile and a few tears. I looked at Caroline to see her making a face of trying to hold back. I sighed and turned to Happy. "Happy where's the temple?" I asked as he pointed to a random direction. I smiled and began petting his head making him sigh in content. I looked at Caroline while she looked at Happy with a blush.
"Well let's go." She nodded while staring at Happy. I grinned and looked at the direction where Happy pointed. "This will take a while."
A few minutes later.
We were walking for a few minutes towards the temple. While we were walking we ran into a few grimm and Raynare and Lucy...strange huh? Raynare was wearing the same battle skirt she wore when we met. Except she has a pair of black gloves and a purple spear that she named Beneficium. The spear is very long and and has a sharp point. Between the blade of the spear it has a circle with a black feather inside. Her semblance was the spear of light. Yep DXD. Next was Lucy, she wore a blue shirt showing great legs...moving on. Her top was that of a cheerleader's I must say with blue as its color. Like most cheerleaders her's shows her sexy and flat stomach, her hair was tied with a yellow ribbon to the side. Her weapon was like in the anime Fleuve d'étoiles. But I'll just call it River of Stars which was what it exactly mean. Her semblance was the control of stars. Makes sense.
"Sam are we there yet?" Lucy asked in a tired voice. I simply TRIED to make a straight face. She was asking the same question once every one minute. "Don't know but we got to be near and ca-" I was about to scold her a bit. Until we heard a 'girl' screaming. I sighed. "Well let's run everybody!" I shouted out getting a shout of approval.
It only took us a few seconds of running until we saw Jaune crashing with Ruby. I chuckled in amusement while Lucy fell on her legs tired. The others well they're standing behind me with blank faces and a face of concern.
I grinned and began to running towards a certain blonde. "Yang!" She noticed me and grinned. "Sam! Good to see you not dead hotshot!" I simply replied with a peace sign. "Probably because I'm too awesome and badass!" She laughed. We then heard an Ursa roaring in pain. Then trees began falling left and right in front of us. Then after a while the energy of RWBY showed herself with Ren in tow making me chuckle.
"I'm queen of the castle~ I'm queen of the castle~" I simply chuckled and shook my head. Nora is pretty cute if she wants to be. "Nora!" "Coming Ren!" Yep cute. "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" I simply nodded making Blake sigh. Then we heard a screech of a Deathstalker making me pick my ears. Too loud. "Yang!/Ruby!/Nora!" Crazy as ever. "Did she just ran all the way here with a Deathstalker on her tail?" I nodded again. "Yep." I said while popping the P.
I then saw Yang about to explode. So I did what every guy would do. Step back and cover your ears.
After Yang began calming down everybody looked up. I then saw Weiss hanging on to a Nevermore. I got an idea and began climbing the tree where Jaune is. As I finished climbing the tree, I saw Weiss falling so I did what I have to which was save Weiss. I leaped to save her and yes I did save her.
"Easy princess. Can't damage that face of yours now." I teased with a grin making Weiss blush. "Wh-What?" She can't even form words for now. Well then time to do some stunts good thing we're still falling. As we began falling, I front flipped in the air while still holding Weiss. I was still spinning until I landed. I then heard writing noise and saw Caroline and Happy giving me a 10, Yang and Ruby a 10, and Blake a 9. I face faulted at that. Luckily Weiss got off my hands before that happened.
"Come on! That was a good flip!"
"That was dangerous." I face palmed at that logic.
Then suddenly Pyrrah crashed in front of us making me look at the Deathstalker.
"Great the gang's all here. Now we can die together!" I laughed at that. "Not if I can help it!" Then Ruby rushed to the Deathstalker.
While everyone was distracted I looked at some chess pieces to pick what chess piece should I pick. I then saw a Black King piece. I grinned and before anyone could notice, I quickly snagged it. As I looked back to Ruby, I was just in time to see Ruby and Weiss made up for now that is. I nodded and took a swig of air. "Okay everybody! Grab your pieces fighting doesn't matter! What we came for is right in front of us!" They all nodded and took their respective pieces. I sam Raynare take a Black King piece as well. I grinned while she smiled and we nodded at each other. I then suddenly saw an Ursa Major charging straight at us. I took Black Viper and shot at its head but all it did was just bounce off. "Tch have this one then!" I shouted out as I threw a Da Dab Bomb and just as it hit its head I did the Dab making the bomb explode. I grinned while everybody was staring with they're mouths open. "Well then. Let's go!"
We were hiding by the walls because the Nevermore was blocking out way. I then heard a crash and saw the Deathstalker free and running towards us. "Run!" Everybody got the message and began running towards the bridge. As we tried to cross it the Nevermore dicked us seperating all of us by half. I looked to my back to see Raynare and Lucy with Pyrrah, Blake and Ren holding out the Deathstalker. I looked behind me as I heard a screech and saw the Nevermore shooting me one of its feathers. I calmly hold Merciless to my side and just as it was about to hit me, I sliced it in half surprising everbody around me. I looked at Pyrrah, Blake, and Ren holding out the Deathstalker while Raynare tries to find any weakspot and Lucy tries to damage the Deathstalker with her whip but with no luck.
"Some of us have to go over there. They don't have any heavy hitters and they're one less tank." I looked at Jaune and Nora with a grin. "Think you can make that jump?" I asked while Nora smiles and Jaune sweats. "Okay! Go!" Nora grinned while Jaune gulped. "Stay back!" I nodded while making team RWY and Caroline follow. Then as we got far enough I heard the familiar sound of explosions. I grinned and shouted out. "Time to party!" After that I saw Blake fall and began to climp at some pillars. As we finished climbing Blake jumped and landed beside Yang. I looked at the Nevermore. 'Observe.'
Lvl 30
"Its tougher than it looks." I nodded. "Then we hit hard and hope for the best." I said. "Okay we'll need back up!" I exclaimed as I warped in three Stalkers. The Stalkers surprised everybody while Ruby has stars for eyes. The Stalkers looked at the Nevermore. "Intriguing." I grinned. "Okay everybody! Shoot it down! Stalkers focus fire on the Nevermore! Use blink every often!" The Stalkers then got in positions as I got out Black Viper. We began shooting it but no effect. "Everybody off!" They all nodded but the Nevermore already destroyed the pillars and platforms making it fall down the canyon. I jumped to every debris I could step on while Caroline did the same. The Stalkers just blinked to the steady ground. I was jumping around until I mistakingly mistepped on a debris and jumped. As I landed I held on to my foot and grunted in pain as I began to massage it to make the pain go away. Caroline noticed this and ran towards me. "You okay?" I nodded with a grin. "Yep been through worse." She smiled and slashed an incoming feather slicing it in half.
"Okay let's go and shoot again!" Caroline simply nodded with a smile. As we reached the battle I saw Lucy holding the Deathstalker's claw still. I looked behind the Deathstalker and saw Raynare and Ren knocked on to the ground. 'Lucy must've kept the Deathstalker still so it can't target Ren and Raynare.' I thought with a proud smile. I then looked at the Nevermore to see Yang 'feeding' the Nevermore. The Stalkers then began shooting at the Nevermore making it screech in pain. I got out Merciless and ran towards the Nevermore. I used Aura Enchancement on my legs and jumped. I grinned and afterburned myself fowards the Nevermore. "Let's see how much can you take!" I shouted out with a sadistic smile. I hacked at the Nevermore dealing 100 damage. I then shot at its eye dealing 379 damage. Just as I was about to hack at it again the Vevermore quickly used its wings to knock me off to the air dealing 251 damage to my aura. I grimaced at the damage but I have a trump card to finish this. "Risky as hell but fuck it!" I shouted out as I began to transform into Kraken. I grew taller and began growing wings. Tentacles, head and mouth grew and my body got tougher and bulkier. After that I felt the power and some of my aura slowly slipping away. "Aerial battle! Wanna go birdbrain?!" I shouted out as I launched a Vortex at the Nevermore dealing 236 damage. The Nevermore then tackled me after it regained its bearings dealing 211 damage to my aura. I roared and Aftershocked that bitch dealing 500 damage! I then got up and tackled at its body and began using my tentacles to damage and electrify the Nevermore. Just as I was about to continue with my barrage the Nevermore suddenly pecked at one of my eyes and I moved back while hodling my eye. That was just enough time for the Nevermore to get up and began to hit me with its feathers. The feathers mostly deal around 50 or less damage depending on which parts of my body get hit. But the almsot endless barrage of feathers is enough for me to back off. I then forced myself to launch a lightning strike at the Nevermore but it dodged. I looked at my aura and saw how low it is. "Guess tbis is all I got." I said as I transformed back to normal. I was falling but someone managed to catch me. I looked back to see Caroline. "Don't do that again. You scared me." I simply smiled and nodded. I looked to see Ruby finishing off the Nevermore. Then there was darkness.
One hour later
I woke up just in time to see everybody enter a room. I felt someone carrying me by the shoulders. I looked to see Yang and Nora. Well powerhouses and a hot and cute babes...I'll take it. "What I miss?" I asked surprising everyone making me grin. "Oh oh wait before that what were those robot things that dropped out of the sky?!" Ruby asked rather energetically. I sighed and smiled. After explaining what the Stalkers were aside from being protoss and Nerazim or being in a game everyone accepted my explanation. We got just in time to see team CRDL get off the stage. I scowled. 'At least I didn't have to hear Ozpin talking about them.' I thought. I snapped out of my thoughts as Ozpin announced that Jaune will be team leader. "Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladona, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you have retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forth you will work together as team RWBY...Led by Ruby Rose." I smiled and clapped along with everyone else. "And finally Sam Anderson, Caroline Mistwhisper, Raynare Blackfeather, and Lucy Heartifilia. The four of you retrieved the Black King pieces from this day forth you will work together as team SCRL led by Sam Anderson." I grinned and looked at Caroline she smiled and gave me a high five.
'Team SCRL, I like it. Now then next will be rooms and a lot of stuff. Best get prepped for it.' I thought.
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