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27.15% Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT / Chapter 39: Chapter 39 - Journey Beyond the Wall 6!

Chương 39: Chapter 39 - Journey Beyond the Wall 6!

[Chapter Size: 3000 Words.]


Jon Snow POV

Somewhere beyond the Wall, 290 AC, at the some moment.


The battlefield stretched out before Jon, a vision of desolation and triumph intertwined in a macabre tapestry. Where the clamor of war had once prevailed, now a sepulchral silence reigned, broken only by the occasional crackle of fire. The flames, still alive in isolated spots, consumed what remained of tents and enemy equipment, casting a ghostly light that twisted over the vastness of fallen bodies. Thousands of enemies lay motionless, their last expressions etched in an eternal testimony of the brutal conflict.

Jon paused to absorb the scene, his somber gaze sweeping the horizon marked by carnage. The acrid smell of ash and coagulated blood permeated the air, a suffocating mix that turned one's stomach.

Around him, his warriors, the brave fighters of the Articana tribe, moved through the battlefield. They collected the dead with silent respect while tending to the few wounded. As men and giants gathered the dead to burn, since no one wanted an army of the undead rising from there.

The enemies who had survived, few and disoriented, were a pitiful sight. Some moaned in agony, while others, in shock, wandered aimlessly among the bodies of their fallen comrades. Gradually, they were gathered to decide their fate. The Articana tribe had lost about 100 men, a deeply felt loss, but when compared to the thousands of enemies killed, the scale of victory was undeniable.

Jon felt a weight in his chest as he contemplated the cost of this victory. Each enemy body was a reminder of the brutality of war, but his tribe had faced a formidable foe and emerged victorious, a testament to their strength and courage.

As night fell, since he had to remain there to clear the battlefield, the flames of the bonfires became the only points of light in a world darkened by death. Jon knew that this battle would be remembered for many moons, a tale of bravery and sacrifice that would be passed from generation to generation among the free people, as it was a unique fight for everyone there.

After making hundreds of bonfires in pits dug by the giants, everything had ended, and at that moment, a celebration erupted with wild and untamable force. The Articana tribe, buoyed by the ecstasy of victory, transformed the silence of a former battlefield into a place of frenetic jubilation. They danced around the bonfires, their faces illuminated by the flames, while they shouted "King Snow!" with fervent adoration. The echoes of these cries filled the air, repeating for five long minutes, a relentless wave of acclaim and pride.

As the tribe celebrated, Jon, now known as King Snow, was immersed in thought. He selected 20 corpses, locking them in cages with chains made by William. He had never personally seen what the people of this part of the wall feared so much, so he wanted to study the unknown. If these creatures from the north really existed, he needed to know his enemies, their weaknesses, and strengths. He would initiate a series of tests as soon as they rose.

With the task completed and the bodies burning to ashes, Jon retired to the solitude of his tent intending to rest, with a few guards outside his tent. The side effects of the potions that had sustained him during the battle began to manifest, a horrible pain, but a price he was willing to pay.

In his bed in the tent and alone, he took the mysterious egg that Aemon had given him, feeling the warmth and something special between him and the egg, he lay down embracing it with his exhausted body yearning for rest.

That night, while the battlefield continued to burn softly outside his tent, Jon plunged into a deep sleep. He dreamed of a vast and limitless sky, mounted on a majestic dragon white as snow. They flew together through the clouds, a feeling of freedom and power flooding his being. This dragon, a creature of legends and dreams, seemed an omen, a promise of greatness and future challenges. Jon knew that despite the recent victory, many battles were yet to come. But at that moment, in the arms of the dream, he flew high, beyond the concerns of the world below.

Six days later, they were already 200 km away from the site where the battle had occurred. The day before, Jon saw the dead for the first time: The dead, beasts devoid of rationality, displayed animalistic fury as they thrashed in their cages, their screams a constant and disturbing sound. They were beings that defied nature, not tiring, not eating, nor sleeping. The fear they inspired was palpable; the tribe's warriors, hardened by countless battles, pleaded with Jon to burn them. But Jon, despite his youth and the fear that chilled his spine, knew he needed to understand these abominations. He was still a child, but a child with a mission, and he was determined to face this challenge.

The idea of facing an army of these beings was more terrifying than any enemy they had ever faced. Jon had tested various ways to kill them: common steel and even eldenMetal, an alloy known for its strength and ability to cause damage. But nothing seemed to affect them, their flesh closing after each blow as if nothing had happened. Only fire proved effective, consuming them until nothing remained but ashes.

During the journey, Jon used his powers to try to find a weirwood, an ancient and mystical tree, but his efforts were in vain. The forest seemed to hide its secrets, refusing to reveal what he so desperately sought. However, on a day that seemed like any other, Jon made a discovery that would change everything.

Buried in the snow, he found a bag containing melted stones shaped like daggers, this material was also known as obsidian. The southerners call it dragon glass, a material found near volcanoes, known by the inhabitants of the south as a useless material and mentioned a few times in the ancient books of the Winterfell library. The weapons were hidden, perhaps left by some traveler or warrior of the past, their origin a mystery. Even though it was a material inferior to the copper used by the free folk, Jon decided to test the dragon glass on the captive dead. To his surprise and relief, the blade cut through the undead flesh with deadly efficiency, causing the creature to scream in agony as it fell motionless again.

The entire tribe watched, astonished and admiring, their young leader's discovery. They had fled from these monsters for years, relying only on fire to keep them at bay. And now, the boy blessed with powers and courage beyond his age had found a solution, a hope amidst despair. Jon, holding a dagger of dragon glass. For the free folk who saw Jon only as a temporary safe harbor, perhaps, just perhaps, there was a way to win this war against the dead, not just survive, but claim victory against the darkness threatening to engulf the world.

With the discovery of dragon glass and the growing threat to the north, Jon knew he needed more of the material to adequately arm his tribe. Legend spoke of volcanoes as sources of this precious resource, so, with a new goal in mind, he led his tribe in search of one. The weirwood still eluded him, a puzzle that became increasingly frustrating, but he could not afford to remain stagnant.

Jon decided to establish a base, a place where his tribe could strengthen and prepare for future challenges. He sought miners among his tribe, giants, men, and women who could extract iron and dragon glass from the bowels of the earth. The base would also be a training ground, where the warriors could hone their skills in tactics and hand-to-hand combat along with Ducken's command to organize the small army. It was essential that each tribe member be ready to fight, to defend their people against the forces of rival tribes and dark forces that loomed.

In addition to training, Jon saw the need to reinforce their defenses. They would manufacture more armor, protecting their warriors against the horrors they would surely encounter to the north. This preparation could take years, but Jon was willing to invest the necessary time. The tree the gods had asked him to search for was a distant goal, and he needed to ensure that his tribe survived until he could fulfill it.

By a sweet irony of fate, two moons after establishing the base, while Jon continued his relentless search for the weirwood, he finally found it. He felt he was getting closer to the mythical tree each day, a symbol of hope and a sign that his journey was on the right track. During this period, his strength grew immensely. He recruited 10 more tribes, including 2 tribes of giants, significantly increasing the power of his army.

The Arctic Tribe was now a force to be reckoned with in the region, comprised of:

- 7,500 humans, of which 5,600 were trained warriors ready for battle.

- 700 giants, a formidable force with 600 ready for battle and 100 children or infants.

- 70 Dire Wolves, fierce and loyal creatures.

- 300 normal wolves, each a skilled hunter and a valuable companion.

- 70 bears, whose strength and courage were unmatched.

- 50 panthers, agile and deadly in the shadows.

- 105 mammoths, gentle giants whose strength could topple any barrier.

- 180 various birds, their eyes and speed crucial for surveillance and messages.

As he began to make his base on the slope of a volcano and create a small wall, before finding the weirwood, Jon, with his unique power to summon trees from the ground, had a vital ability that not only strengthened his tribe but also provided sustenance for all. He used this gift to create an oasis of vegetation amidst the arid landscape, where fruit trees and vegetable bushes sprouted under his command. These trees were more than mere sources of food; they were symbols of life and hope, growing rapidly to provide the tribe with a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Jon organized the feeding of his tribe of thousands with an efficient and sustainable system. Each day, designated groups were responsible for harvesting ripe fruits and collecting vegetables. These foods were then distributed among the families, ensuring everyone received a fair portion. The nutrient-rich diet strengthened the tribe, keeping them healthy and energized.

Besides vegetable provisions, the tribe also relied on hunting to supplement their diet. The animals, each with their unique skills, played crucial roles in this aspect. The dire wolves and normal wolves formed efficient packs, tracking and bringing down prey nearby. Their keen senses and the cooperation among pack members made hunting a successful task, ensuring a constant source of meat.

The bears, with their formidable strength, often ventured alone or in small groups, using their powerful claws and keen senses to catch fish in rivers or take down larger animals. The panthers, agile and silent, were masters of ambush, bringing variety to the tribe's diet with their nocturnal hunts.

The mammoths, though not hunters, played a vital role in transporting large amounts of food back to the base, as well as in plowing land for agriculture, where vegetables and other crops were planted to complement the tribe's diet.

Jon oversaw all of this, ensuring that the hunting was sustainable and that the trees he created were cared for and respected. He taught his tribe to honor the land that sustained them, to hunt with respect for the animals, and to harvest without waste. Under his leadership, the Arctic Tribe thrived, a balanced system where each member, human or animal, had a vital role in maintaining the life and health of the community. Together, they formed a synergy of forces, prepared not just to survive but to flourish in the hostile world that surrounded them.

With the Arctic Tribe strengthened and thriving under his leadership, Jon Snow, now known as King Snow and King Warg, contemplated the horizon of possibilities ahead. He had unified a diverse and powerful army, composed not just of humans but also of giants, dire wolves, bears, panthers, mammoths, and a variety of birds. Each member of the tribe, each creature, large or small, was essential to the collective fabric of their community, each bringing their own strengths and unique abilities to the whole.

Jon, despite his tender age, had demonstrated a wisdom and courage that transcended his experience. He was not just a leader; he was a symbol of hope, the embodiment of potential and determination. Under his command, the Arctic Tribe not only survived but flourished, becoming a beacon of strength and unity in the region.

Rumors of the epic battle from two months ago spread like wildfire, traveling from mouth to mouth to all regions. The tales of the survivors were not just accounts of a victory; they were legends in the making, stories of a 9-year-old Warg boy who commanded an army of giants and thousands of free folk. In the Southeast, where Jon and his tribe were located, the surprise was palpable. The region had never witnessed power like his, a tribe led by a child with the capacity to unify and command on such a grand scale.

Jon was now known not just as King Snow, but also as the King of the Southeast and King Warg, a title that spoke of his unique and powerful dominion. His name echoed among the tribes and kingdoms, a growing legend that inspired both admiration and fear. With hundreds of animals and giants following his commands, Jon represented a new era, a leader who, according to the stories, had not been seen among the free folk in the last thousands of years.

As he prepared for the future, Jon knew that unimaginable challenges awaited. But he also knew that his tribe was ready, equipped with dragon glass and the wisdom of the ancient gods, and above all, united under a common cause. They were the Arctic Tribe, the most powerful from the south to the east, and they were ready to claim their destiny, face the unknown, and emerge not just as survivors but as conquerors of their own fate.

For five moons in that region, Jon Snow, the young King Warg, meticulously organized his journey. He left the majority of his warriors at the main base, a fortification strategically positioned near a volcano, a vital source of dragon glass. Meanwhile, he himself, accompanied by a thousand of his best warriors, embarked on an unceasing quest for the sacred tree. They did not stay more than a week in any single location, their presence becoming a constant itinerant in the ever-changing landscape.

The legend of Jon, King Snow, began to spread like a wild wind through the lands, touching the heart and mind of the tribes he passed by. The promise of a full stomach thanks to his magical trees and the security offered by his fortified base attracted many. They came of their own will, inspired by stories of his victories and the vision of a more promising future under his leadership. Tribes that once wandered independently now saw in Jon a symbol of unity and hope.

However, not everyone easily bowed to the rules established by Jon. Some resisted or challenged the order he tried to maintain. But Jon was inflexible, a leader who knew that discipline and order were essential for the survival and prosperity of his people. Those who harmed the tribe faced severe punishments; beheading or exile depended on the severity of the crime. These decisions were not easy for Jon, a child carrying the weight of a ruler, but the loyalty and respect his people had for him made his orders effective.

The giant wolves that accompanied him were more than mere companions; they were an extension of his will and a tangible symbol of his authority. When Jon judged someone, the imposing presence of the wolves reinforced the seriousness of his decisions. Most of his people not only respected him as a leader; they revered him as someone blessed by the gods. After all, who else could feed an entire tribe with the mere gesture of their hands, summon trees from the ground to nourish and sustain, and command hundreds of animals with an indomitable will?

Jon, despite his youth, had become more than a king; he was a symbol of a new era of prosperity and safety. His journey was not just a quest for a sacred tree, but a journey to unite people under a common vision, a vision of strength, unity, and hope. The Arctic Tribe, under his leadership, was not just a group of survivors; they were a people destined to leave their mark on history, to claim a destiny that was, until then, unimaginable.

After a long and arduous journey that took him beyond the wall and through uncharted lands, Jon finally caught sight of the weirwood, a vision that almost seemed like a dream. The imposing and ancient tree was majestically situated near a volcano, its roots deeply intertwined with the earth, and its branches extending to the sky as if they touched the very gods with their red leaves. The weirwood was a symbol of ancient power, a direct connection to the mysteries and magics of the world. For Jon, it was the end of a quest and the beginning of a new era.


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