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Chương 11: Lindisfarne

The whole family and even some of the labourers watched as Ragnar and Thorfinn stood across from each other in the circle. Both had an axe, sword and shield but did not wear armour; Thorfinn was nervous about fighting Ragnar as he knew he was a great warrior, even more so than Elijah. He would not cower however, he would fight until he had nothing left to give and then get up again. He would join Ragnar on his raid west, that was his fate, his blood howled out for adventure and he would not allow anything to get in his way. 'Not even Ragnar.'

"Are you sure you want to do this Thorfinn, I will not hesitate to injure you," Ragnar said as he twirled his sword in his hand.

"You will not scare me, Ragnar, even if I must swim after the boat I will be coming with you," Thorfinn said with a grin making Ragnar and the others laugh. The only one who didn't laugh was Gyda who did not want to see Thorfinn and her father fight; she had believed that they would be fighting with wooden swords, and she did not expect her father to pull an act such as this.

"Be careful Ragnar, Thorfinn looks stronger than he did before, you might regret requesting live blades," Lagertha said with a smile on her face as she watched from the edge with Bjorn and Gyda by her side. "Mother, please stop it if it goes too far," Gyda whispered.

Lagertha looked down at the worried expression on her daughter's face and gave her a reassuring smile. "Ragnar talks much, but he won't hurt Thorfinn, this is a test of more than his skill of arms," she whispered back before putting a reassuring hand on her back.

Bjorn was interested to see how much Thorfinn had improved, when he had left he was the better warrior, but that was mostly because his father trained him while Thorfinn would work in the fields. He didn't know if he believed the rumours that his Uncle Rollo had told him about Thorfinn slaying a Draugr, but he knew it was not in his nature to lie about things so he was conflicted.

"Are you ready?" Ragnar asked as he started to slam his shield with his axe.

Thorfinn nodded and began to do the same. He then charged at Ragnar, swinging his axe towards him, but Ragnar blocked him and tried to barge him away with his shield but Thorfinn slammed his shield against his. Ragnar was surprised at the strength behind Thorfinns arms as he struggled slightly to push him back, however, he eventually was able to and Ragnar went on the offensive slamming his axe into his shield and launching a kick at it sending Thorfinn stumbling back.

He managed to catch himself however and spun around swinging his axe at Ragnar who leaned out of the way and hooked Thorfinns axe with his own. He yanked it out of his hand and it flew out of his grasp onto the ground "Are you sure you did any training?" Ragnar said with a mocking grin.

Thorfinn growled before swinging his shield against Ragnar which pushed him back slightly, allowing Thorfinn to roll towards his axe just in time to block another strike from Ragnar. Thorfinn was in a bad position, he was on his knees with Ragnar pushing both his axe and shield down on him. Thinking quickly he hooked his axe behind Ragnars leg and then pulled while pushing with his shield which to everyone's surprise unbalanced Ragnar and sent him to the ground.

The crowd cheered and laughed, especially Lagertha. "I told you, Ragnar, you shouldn't have underestimated him or he might put you on your back," she said with an amused expression. Ragnar lay on the ground with a grin on his face as he chuckled to himself "It seems I was wrong to think I would be fighting a boy," he said as he stood up from the ground and looked towards Thorfinn who still stood in his stance.

Ragnar threw his shield to the ground and drew his sword. Thorfinn held firm as Ragnar started to circle him; Ragnar then rushed towards Thorfinn stepping to his left before pushing off to the side and rushing to his right, as he did he swung his sword which Thorfinn countered with his shield. Thorfinn stepped back to avoid Ragnar's axe, but it left his side exposed allowing Ragnar to spin and swing his blade towards his exposed side.

Thorfinn watched as the world slowed and the blade got closer towards him, using his shield he didn't attempt to block the blade but instead struck Ragnar's hand with its edge. The older man grunted in pain but didn't stop his attack as he kicked Thorfinn back.

"It seems you are not the same boy that left this farm all those months ago," he said as he pointed his axe at him.

He then smiled "But that does not yet mean you are a man," he said before swinging his sword at Thorfinn which he blocked with his shield; Ragnar then thrust his axe straight at Thorfinn's face which wouldn't no doubt break his nose, but Thorfinn tilted his head away and avoided it. Ragnar pulled his axe back and the blade caught Thorfinns shield, with another yank he ripped it out of his arms.

Thorfinn quickly backed away, but as fast as he was Ragnar had a much further reach and was using a sword. He ducked underneath a swing from him and held his arms out in front of him blocking a knee that would've hit him right in the face, he rolled backwards going with the momentum before standing up. He needed to calm himself, his breathing was heavy and his heart beat out of his chest, he could be faster like he was when he hunted but not if he wasn't calm.

Ragnar did not give him any time to rest and stepped towards him swinging his axe to his right; Thorfinn avoided it, but Ragnar lunged and used his elbow to crack Thorfinn across the jaw. Thorfinn blindly swung his axe at Ragnar who hooked it from him and flung it out of his hands again. Everyone watching thought it was the end, Thorfinn was defenceless and Ragnar was about to knock him to the ground.

Thorfinn surprised them all however by grabbing Ragnar by his collar and jumping up smashing his head against his. They both recoiled from this as Thorfinn had to jump so he missed his nose and ended up dazing himself as well. Lagertha barked out laughing and so did the others watching except Gyda and Bjorn who worried about Thorfinn and their father respectively. However it did give time for Thorfinn to draw his sword; those who had not seen it were awed by its glow and design, and even Lagertha was awed seeing it again.

Thorfinn was the first to recover from his dizziness and swung his sword at Ragnar who deflected it with his own. Ragnar then swung back with his axe, and Thorfinn swung his blade up cutting the handle in half before bringing the blade down in an overhand strike to Ragnar.

Ragnar pushed Thorfinn back as they blocked swords before delivering a number of rapid slashes that Thorfinn seemed to avoid at an unnatural speed. After the headbutt Thorfinn had managed to calm himself and was now using a much greater speed than he usually did; he slashed back at Ragnar who was able to deflect every one of his blows. Thorfinn had to be careful as Ragnar was aiming for his legs, and then switching to his chest to try and trip him up, but unfortunately for Ragnar, it wouldn't work as he had already fallen for it hundreds of times with Elijah.

As Ragnar deflected Thorfinns blade once more he noticed notches were beginning to form in his blade, it wouldn't be long before Thorfinn was able to cut through it and then he would lose 'That would be embarrassing,' He thought to himself.

Ragnar decided to end things and lunged in close delivering an overhead strike which he forced Thorfinn to block. He then grabbed Thorfinns arm and yanked him forward throwing him over his hip to the ground. Thorfinn tried to get up but Ragnar stabbed the ground right next to his head signalling that it was over. "You did well Thorfinn, but you rely too much on your weapons, your body can be just as dangerous," Ragnar said as he helped him up.

Ragnar couldn't help but chuckle at the sour expression on his face "Why do you look as though Loki pissed in your mead?" He asked.

"I lost, I was so sure I'd be able to prove myself," Thorfinn replied.

"You have Thorfinn, I did not ask you to win against me when you first left, I asked you to convince me you wouldn't get yourself killed, and you have done so," Ragnar stated.

"Indeed, there are few your age that could've gone against Ragnar for as long as you did," Lagertha added as she approached both of them.

Ragnar then placed his hand on his shoulder "We will be sailing west soon, I hope you will be by my side when we do."

Thorfinn grinned "Try and stop me."


Thorfinn had forgotten how much he had enjoyed living with Ragnar and his family. He missed them a lot more than he could admit, and while being so close to Rebekah was great, he missed the time he spent with Gyda and Bjorn, but mostly Gyda. Right now Thorfinn was helping her with her chores and they were feeding and caring for the goats in the small barn. She told him of what she had been doing since she had been gone; Gyda had no longer been content to be a spectator and watch her loved ones sail away, she asked her mother to show her how to be a true shield-maiden and had thrown herself into practising nearly as much as Thorfinn had.

She wasn't anywhere near his level of skill yet, but she was getting better. When Thorfinn had hugged her he felt the new muscles she had developed pressing into him and while some might not like this, he was not one of them. Gyda was beautiful, it had taken him longer than any sane man to realise it and admit it to himself. Every time she bent over, every time her gown dropped forward giving him a look at her body he would be watching; Thorfinns desire for her was almost unbearable, as was the love he felt. Thorfinn would have to speak with Rebekah one day about this, as unlike Hild he could very much picture himself marrying Gyda. 

Gyda smirked as she looked at Thorfinn from her peripheral vision, she could see how he gazed at her arse and breasts and legs. She knew she was doing well to tempt him, and she wouldn't be surprised if he took her right here based on that animalistic look in his eyes. But no, she would not allow it for the moment, as much as she wanted to, because she wanted Thorfinn to be hers forever. Even if she had to share him.

"Thorfinn, if you are done staring at my behind can you start putting the fresh water in," Gyda said with a smirk, snapping Thorfinn out of his daze. 

He saw her laugh at him put his hands in the bucket he had and flicked the water at her making her giggle. "You look at me like a wolf eyes a piece of meat, are you about to pounce Thorfinn," she whispered in his ear while he poured the water into the trough.

"Do not tempt me," Thorfinn muttered before putting the bucket down. He felt his hand get grabbed by Gyda who slowly lifted her dress, she placed his hand between her legs where he felt the warmth and wetness of her womanhood. She started grinding her hands on him soaking it with her juices; Thorfinn who was already aroused became painfully so, but when he reached to grab Gyda she grabbed his arm before flipping him him a similar way Ragnar did.

He landed in a pile of straw with a look of surprise on his face. He went to stand up but Gyda dropped down on his chest "Do you want me Thorfinn..." She asked in a sultry manner as she stroked his face.

"Yes..." he said as he found himself becoming painfully aroused.

"Do you want this?" She asked as she pulled her dress up again revealing her hole. He was so close to it that he could smell the arousal coming from her and it spurred his arousal as well.


"Maybe another time," she said with a smirk as she got up from his chest and walked up out of the barn. After she had gone she breathed out a sigh of relief that it was over; months ago she had asked her mother how she could attract a man for herself and after correctly guessing it was Thorfinn she taught her various ways she could attract and seduce him. She was glad they worked but was uncomfortable acting that way 'The things I do for that boy,' she thought to herself.

Thorfinn was just left lying in the barn looking up to the ceiling thinking about how this was the second time he had been left painfully erect because of a teasing woman. 'Gods... why am I attracted to such women,' he thought to himself.


Thorfinn had enjoyed his stay with Ragnar's family, but the day had finally come, the day when he and Ragnar would sail west and find new lands to raid. He could barely contain his excitement as he and Ragnar went to his friend and the person who built the ship that they would sail west in. Thorfinn had met Floki a few times before in Kattegat, he did not much like new people but the people he did know he often joked around with and played tricks on them —all harmless. He liked Floki, they both shared a love of the gods and he also helped Floki play tricks on the locals of Kattegat. He was also interested in shipbuilding; before he became enamoured with Rebekah he hoped to apprentice with him and learn to build ships, perhaps one day he still would.

After much walking they finally reached Floki's house where there were a number of other men that he did not recognise, however, he did recognise Rollo and Floki who stood amongst the tallest of the group. "Brother you are late! We almost decided to sail without you," Rollo joked making the others laugh.

Floki rushed over to Ragnar with his high-pitched laugh "Ragnar! The anchor is here, we are ready, my boat is strong Ragnar it'll carry us through the open ocean and even across the Bifrost hehehehehe," he laughed as he grabbed his friend's shoulder.

He then looked over to Thorfinn "Is this my good friend Thorfinn? No it couldn't be... Thorfinn chose to go chasing after a woman rather than building ships with me," he said dismissively.

Thorfinn just stood there with an amused smile on his face as he crossed his arms. Floki then burst out laughing "I could never fool you Thorfinn, you must've been blessed with immunity to my tricks," he said as he pulled him into a hug.

"It's good to see you Floki," Thorfinn said with a smile.



"Helga look Thorfinn came to visit us!" He said ushering over his woman.

Helga smiled as she drew Thorfinn into a hug "I hope since you've got your armband you've stopped playing tricks on people," she said trying to be stern.

"Don't worry I've been much too busy to indulge as Floki does," he replied getting laughter out of them both.

"If you are all done hugging each other, we should get ready to depart!" Rollo shouted from the small dock by Floki's house.

"He is right, come Floki, Thorfinn," Ragnar said as they all began walking down to the dock.

"I don't see Knut," Ragnar said to Floki.

"That is because he is not here," Floki replied.

Ragnar frowned at Floki's comment "That troubles me."

"Floki shrugged as he played with his beard "These are troubling times."

"Who is Knut?" Thorfinn asked

"Someone I thought would be raiding with us," Ragnar replied making Floki giggle. 

"He was a spy Raaagnar, he can't help but suck from the teat of his half-brother, the Jarl," Floki stated.

Ragnar just waved him off making an annoyed sound. They then walked onto the docks where Thorfinn was introduced to some of the men he would be sailing with. Arne, Torstein, Erik, Leif and Kauko; Erik, Leif and Torstein were Old friends of Ragnar while the other two were some of the others who volunteered to go west and believed in Ragnar.

"Hail Thorfinn, Ragnar has spoken often of you," Erik said, he was a massive man with greying hair and s long beard.

"Hail Erik, did he say how I put him on his back in our last fight," Thorfinn replied drawing laughter from the group, including Ragnar.

He greeted the rest of the men clasping arms with them. He was worried they'd judge him for his age and not wish for him to come, but it seemed that all his worrying was for nought, they welcomed him as any other battle brother. Before leaving Floki's slave girl brought them all a bowl that they washed in and after sending a prayer to Odin they were finally ready to leave. Floki was giggling and laughing the entire time; if he didn't have Helga, Thorfinn would've thought that this boat was his lover.

Thorfinn could not still the excitement he felt in his heart, they were sailing to lands unknown to fight and plunder. It was as if they would be crossing the trees of Yggdrasil itself to cross into realms unknown. He stepped to the front of the ship grabbing onto the ropes and standing on the edge. His blood would not calm, it was ready for battle and he could not wait to give it what it desired.


(Lindisfarne, Northumbria)

A young monk was walking across the beach trying to find some semblance of peace. Things at the monastery had not been well as of late, Bishop Cuthbert had been enraged as of late as Brother Athelstan had been warning all who would listen of the coming judgement day. He had said the storm was a sign and that soon judgement would be passed upon them all.

Bishop Cuthbert dismissed it all as nonsense but it didn't stop him from making the lives of the other monks difficult. He started a silent prayer to god as he looked out to the sea, it had been especially foggy today ruining the usual view.



The Monk unclasped his hands and stopped praying, he looked out towards the ocean and out of the fog he saw the head of a dragon and on its back were men so tell they must've been giants. The monk walked backward tripping on the sand as the demon got closer.



"God save us!" He shouted as he stumbled up from the ground and ran towards the monetary to warn his brothers.


Thorfinn knelt on the ground with a smile on his face and pushed his hand into the sand. It had been a hard voyage, but they had made it using Ragnar's sunboard. Even on days where the sun was hidden from them it would always peer through the clouds and illuminate their way.

"They know we are coming, expect a fight," Ragnar said as he smeared blood around his head.

"Good that is what we are here for," Thorfinn said as he slammed his axe against his shield. The men cheered at his words and began slamming their weapons against their shields.

"These are not the east-landers, we do not know who they are, do not take any unnecessary risk," Ragnar said to all his men but specifically let his eyes rest on Thorfinn.

"Not even to impress the gods," he added before switching his gaze to his brother who snickered.

Ragnar then turned and urged them all forward. They climbed over the hill and left for to beach soon arriving within sight of these marvellous buildings that seemed to be mostly made of stone with a wall surrounding them. Whoever lived there must be a wealthy lord and would have well-armed men to protect him.

"Only dwarves could've built such buildings," Floki whispered to Thorfinn.

"Then perhaps it is the Dwarves we must fight," Thorfinn replied making Loki giggle. But as they got closer to the fortress they were not met by any enemies, they were allowed to walk right up to the gates. Floki pulled himself up on the walls and looked inside "It is empty? Perhaps they're not home," he said while laughing.

"One saw us, they must be hiding," Ragnar said before gesturing for Erik to destroy the hinges of the gate.

"If they have such riches to be able to build such a place why would they hide?" Thorfinn asked.

"Perhaps riches is all they have, not for long though," Rollo said with a violent smile as he gripped the shaft of his axe tightly.

The gate is quickly broken open and they all file into the courtyard. They are not met with any attacks, just the sound of the wind and the creaking of wood. Though as they walked close to the nearby buildings they could hear the sound of murmuring and muttering.

Thorfinn walked behind Ragnar as they made their way to the building where the sounds came from. Ragnar looked to the rest of the men giving a nod before he slammed into the door pushing back several men that tried to hold it closed.

Thorfinn and the rest of the men walked inside not to an ambush, but of weird men in brown robes, most were on their knees as if waiting for death.

"Lystan im of and of thing or in beorgan ûs of pro ic meol domne, tô−lýsednes êower beorht r¯æswa ûs of pro ic, (Please Protect us O Lord, let your light guide us)" One of the older men started to chant. Rollo laughed before withdrawing his dagger and stabbing it into his neck. The entire room erupted into panic and the men in strange robes all tried to run and escape.

Thorfinn and the rest of them sprang into action and started cutting them down. One of the strange men looked to Thorfinn who was blocking his way to the door, and seeing how much younger he was thought he could barge past him. Thorfinn grinned wildly before smashing the man's face with his shield at sending him to the ground "Rah!" He growled before bringing his axe up and sinking it into the man's chest.

He then stepped over him kicking the kneecap of another and grabbing him by the back of the head and slitting his throat letting his blood pour down his strange robes.

"ôs bôt ûs of pro ic!!! (God help us!!!) One of the men screamed as they were killed by Thorfinn. With blood dripping from his hands and face he looked around wildly for another victim, he saw that she had escaped the building and went to follow them outside when Ragnar grabbed his shoulder.

"Do not kill all of them, they'll be useful as slaves," he instructed and Thorfinn nodded in affirmation. Holstering his axe and shield he walked outside to see Rollo cornering a man and splitting his head in bald with his large axe.

Thorfinn saw another trying to run to the broken gate and he sprinted after him slamming his shoulder into his side and pushing him to the ground. The man screamed and pleaded as Thorfinn delivered multiple kicks to his stomach before stepping on his face making him go still.

He started joining the men in searching the rest of the buildings. When he found one of the strange men he would either beat them half to death or kill them, they all held out this strange cross to him as if it would protect them from him, he made Floki laugh when he cut the hand off of one of them as they did so. He then joined Ragnar, Leif and Erik in one of the buildings that had an abundance of gold and silver on display.

"Why do they not protect such valuables?" Erik asked as he looked at the candlesticks and crosses made of gold and silver

"Perhaps there is some sort of magic spell on them that protects them," Leif replied.

Erik grabbed one of the golden candlesticks and chucked "Apparently not."

"Perhaps they think their god will protect them," Leif stated.

"If that is their god then he cannot protect anything, he is dead, nailed to a cross," Erik said as he pointed to a cross on the wall.

Thorfinn spat in front of the cross "Weak men worshipping a dead god, this is a strange land," he stated.


They all stilled as they heard the sounds of the wooden floorboards moving. Ragnar rushed to the source of the sound grabbing and pulling out a young man dressed in strange robes. He pushed him to the ground and drew his dagger ready to plunge it into his throat.

"Please do not hurt me!" He begged.

All four men stood there shocked at what they heard and Ragnar hesitated in killing him. He leaned close placing the dagger against his neck "How do you speak our language?" He asked though it was more of a command to answer.

"W-We are told to travel far and wide to bring others the word of god," the man replied.

Ragnar looked at him with interest "What is your name?" He asked.

"I-I am Brother Aethelstan," he replied. Leif and Erik lost interest in the man quickly and continued plundering all the valuables.

Thorfinn knelt beside the man grabbing him by his chin. "Where are all the warriors, why do you not fight, does your god not wish you to protect yourself?" He asked as Athelstan struggled in his grip.

"This is a Monastery... there are no warriors here, only men who dedicate their lives to god," Athelstan said almost in shock at what Thorfinn asked. Thorfinn tightened his grip against Athelstan which scared the priest.

"Blîðian ôs forgiefnes mîn unriht, (Please god forgive my sins)," Aethelstan said thinking he would die.

"Blîðian ôs forgiefnes mîn unriht (Please god forgive my sins)," Thorfinn replicated perfectly.

"What do those words mean, some kind of spell?" He asked.

"No! It is a prayer to god to forgive and protect me," he said quickly.

Thorfinn laughed "You pray to a dead god for protection?"

Ragnar put a hand on Thorfinns shoulder "Enough he looks like he might die of fright," he said. Thorfinn shook his hand off and stood up.

"You are lucky Freyja did not kill you for turning her children into such hideous creations," he said, getting grunts of agreement from Leif and Erik. Thorfinns blood was still running hot, he had expected battle, but for him to blood himself on these weak men angered and frustrated him.

"RAAAAH!!!" He shouted as he grabbed the large cross from the wall and threw it to the ground. He spat on it before walking out of the doors and hoping to find someone else to kill.


It was evening and Thorfinn had still not calmed himself, they were camping by the beach waiting for tomorrow when they would sail back to Kattegat as heroes, but Thorfinn did not feel like a hero, he did not feel like a warrior, he felt like a farmer slaughtering a pig; there was no glory to be found in battle with these weak men, while there was glory in what they had achieved —Going west, finding new land and bringing back untold riches— he wanted the glory that came with being a warrior.

Though seeing Floki burn the monastery to the ground was satisfying and cooled his blood somewhat. He made a decision and walked towards the priest that Ragnar had decided to spare. He kicked him awake "Priest wake up," Thorfinn commanded.

Athelstan woke up and withdrew in himself holding his holy book as if it were a precious gem. Thorfinn sat down in front of Athelstan and shifted closer "Priest, teach me some of your language," he instructed.

Athelstan looked hesitant, Thorfinn put his hand around his neck "You will teach me your language from now until we leave these shores, if I go to one of the other priests and they cannot understand me I will kill them, is that what you want?" He asked and Athelstan quickly shook his head.

Thorfinn smiled, but it did nothing to reassure Athelstan "Good, then let us begin.


Thorfinn yawned as he watched the men pack up and get ready to leave on the ship. He had spent the whole night learning Athelstan's language and to his surprise, he was able to learn a lot, he was unaware that learning a foreign language would be such an easy thing, or perhaps it had been another gift he had been given by the gods. Once he had learned enough of the language he talked to the different priests about what they knew of the surrounding areas and towns, he had to kill one of them as he had caught them lying, but they soon wisened up and told him the truth after that.

Thorfinn approached Ragnar who was looking at their haul with a smile on his face. "Ragnar, I must speak with you," he said catching the man's attention.

Ragnar looked up to Thorfinn and clapped him on the shoulder "Look at what we've achieved Thorfinn, with this single chest we are almost as rich as the Jarl," he said.

Thorfinn smiled at that "I do not think he shall take kindly to such a thing, be careful when you go home."

Ragnar looked at him with confusion "What do you mean when 'you' go, are you not planning to come as well?" He said in jest.

However, Thorfinn looked at him with a serious expression "I am not..." he replied.

"I'm afraid I do not understand the joke, Thorfinn," Ragnar replied.

"Because there is none, I am unsatisfied with our journey," Thorfinn stated.

Ragnar laughed humourlessly "What about our journey has left you unsatisfied," he said as he pointed to the enormous wealth that lay before them.

"I came for wealth that is true, but I came to prove myself a warrior, to earn glory as such, what will they say at home? That Thorfinn slew men weaker than babies, no I am not yet done with this land, this land is called Northumbria and I know I shall find worthy trials to test myself," Thorfinn said gesturing to the mainland.

"How will you get home? You have no ship and if you did you could not sail it by yourself," Ragnar replied trying to reason with him.

"I will find a way, and if I don't I shall wait for you to return as I'm sure you no doubt will," Thorfinn said unworried.

Ragnar still looked displeased "This is a foolish plan," he said grabbing his shoulder.

"Perhaps, but I know if I leave with you I shall regret it," Thorfinn replied.

Ragnar sighed and then nodded, he then grabbed a sack from the ground and started putting in various treasures "You might need it, so I will give you your share now," Ragnar said looking at Thorfinn's questioning look.

He then pulled Thorfinn into a hug before handing him the sack "Be careful my friend, my daughter might kill me if she thinks I let you die," he said causing them both to laugh.

"You should leave before the others take notice, they won't be as understanding as I am," Ragnar said with a grin urging Thorfinn away.

Thorfinn nodded, he had already packed some food and supplies so he would be okay until he got the lay of the land.

"I will see you soon Ragnar, with many tales of my adventures."

(AN: So the famous raid on Lindisfarne is completed. In truth season 1 isn't very interesting apart from the raids, I didn't much enjoy the conflict Ragnar had with the Jarl. Anyway, I'll be diverging from canon a bit here, but don't worry Thorfinn will go back home with stories and new riches. It's kind of weird how he managed to learn old English so quickly, I wonder if any other characters could do that.... Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter)

(AN: I did make a mistake when it came to the language, they should be speaking Latin as that's what they speak prayer in —priests anyway. I cba to change it)

(Also I think this is a good amount to put out now so imma slow down with posting the chapters.)

If you like my stuff consider supporting me.


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