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14.84% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 89: Naruto the Cat Guy by fairy tail dragon slayer (NarutoxHighschool DxD)

Chương 89: Naruto the Cat Guy by fairy tail dragon slayer (NarutoxHighschool DxD)


Summary: How to live a normal life, a guide to avoiding as much supernatural stuff as a blood descendant of an evil fox can make.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13968060/1/Naruto-the-Cat-Guy

Word count:38k(COMPLETE)


Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Naruto (Highschool Version) - Highschool DxD - I own neither

Story Start!

Having super powers.

Overrated, highly overrated, even more so for people that don't want to get involved with anything that is supernatural. Being the blood descendant of Tamamo no Mae was something that he never believed in until the day that his eyes started to change from blue to red with slit pupils, and even then they changed back. When he was 15 and an evil group of assassins wanted to capture him and use him to become the vessel of his ancestor's soul, he figured that he was more than done with anything supernatural.

A normal life.

A not-normal life.

His goal when he had been 15 years old had been to take over Japan, become it's boss and rule over it with an iron fist. That should have been the biggest clue to the fact that he inheritted his evil ancestor's dark blood, his desires to conquer. The fact that his rival, at the time, had the brother of one of those assassins had been enough for him to decide that as long as he maintained contact with supernatural forces he would never be able to have a good life.

At 17 years old, he graduated high school.

Two days after he graduated high school, he decided that he didn't want to bother being involved with supernatural stuff anymore. Not to mention the fact that he made sure to wear a charm that would keep his scent sealed from the supernatural, so that he could appear as just a normal human. It was one of the only things that he still owned that was supernatural, the other thing just being the Supernatural Sealing Chains that his other had created before her death. He had those, but he preferred not to use them for anything. They were sealed away in a magical dimension connected to his soul.

A seal to hide his scent from the supernatural.

Chains that could seal away the powers of the supernatural.

He was well equipped to live a normal life away from the supernatural now, and he had just graduated high school. Since he graduated from one of the most famous schools in the region, he could go to nearly any college that he wanted to go to. It was just the fact that he wanted to avoid any college that was too close to stuff that seemed supernatural to him.

Naruto Uzumaki.

Heir to both the Uzumaki family fortune, and the Namikaze industries, he didn't need to go to college if he didn't want to. The fact of the matter was that he had nothing better to do with his time, he had been groomed from a young age with the knowledge to take over the company his father started. It was a decent sized company as well, one that he originally intended to grow so large that it could be an asset in taking over Japan.


"Ah... damnit, I guess these pants are getting too small for me... stupid growth spurt..." Naruto Uzumaki had always been kind of short, but recently his height had been shooting up. He had already passed the 172 cm point and was just growing taller and taller, his father had been much taller than Japanese men tended to get, and he was afraid that he would inherit that. He was already blond with peach skin and blue eyes, and he was pretty muscular. He was a handsome man, but he did not look Japanese, and people kept saying his whisker marks looked like tattoos.

He was born with three of them on each cheek.

Back to picking a college.

1. Nowhere any of his friends were going.

2. Nowhere near any known supernatural sites.

3. Nowhere well known enough for him to get spotted by assassins.

4. Nowhere near Kyoto.

His friends knew of his connections to the supernatural, and it would just be a problem of time before something came up and he was forced to get involved in some supernatural shit again. So he would avoid any college that somebody he personally knew was going to. Just to be safe and sound with his logic, he already asked all of his friends where they were going.

He had a list of colleges that were located in the same cities as known supernatural hot spots, his body naturally attracted ghosts to him and spirits. So he didn't want to be discovered because of supernatural activity starting up thanks to him. Not even mentioning how much he hated ghosts, they were annoying as hell and he just couldn't seem to get rid of them without using supernatural powers, and he didn't want to do that.

The assassins that had once been after him had been disbanded, but the fact would always remain that a new group of assassins might form from the remnants of the old group. It was better not to go to a place that was easy for them to notice he was at. The less he got involved with those types of people the better.

Kyoto had Kyuubi in it.

As the Tamamo no Mae descandant, it was just smart for him to stay away from kyuubis that could be his relatives. He didn't consider them family, and he would want to avoid the awkwardness that came with any possible situation where they would come to him as family. Better safe than sorry, because getting involved with them promised him he would be getting involved in a ton of supernatural stuff.

Old Life Goals

1. Grow Namikaze Industries

2. Take over Japan

3. Profit

New Life Goals

1. Go to College

2. Find a Cute Girlfriend

3. Profit

"Ah... finding a girlfriend... I wonder where I should start looking?" Naruto gained red cheeks out of the bliss that would be finding a girl his general age. Going on dates, late night study sessions where they helped each other, finding fun little food stands to eat at. He wasn't super picky about how a girl looked, he had just broken up with his previous girlfriend because her family wanted him to take over their dojo. Not to mention she was a bit too shy for him at this moment in time, maybe if she were older and gained more confidence.

A confident girl with sass for sure.

He liked girls with pretty hair, he didn't have a color preference, but he would like it if she took great care of it. With his height, he would be smelling her hair a lot just by standing next to her. So a well groomed girl would be great. His previous girlfriend had great hair, long and raven colored, so maybe he could try a girl with lighter hair, shorter in style.


"Just keep driving, I'm not exactly in a rush to be anywhere right now... athletic... an athletic girl would be great. A tight body with a lot of stamina, gotta have stamina for sure." Naruto thought out loud about the kind of girl he wanted to find for himself. He had athletic to a fault, so he would like a girl that could keep up with him to some degree. Even more than that was a girl that had a lot of stamina, even if she wasn't as athletic. "I don't have a lot of college options with these conditions... why does avoiding the supernatural have to be so hard?" Naruto complained.

"My son is going to Kuoh College, it's a nice school according to what he has told me."

"... No Youkai?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't want to be surrounded by a school that had a ton of youkaia there waiting for him. He was horrible at sensing them when they hid their scent in any way, so he needed to go off of his driver's experience with the subject. "God, I can't stand how youkai seem to be infesting everywhere... making bastards like me..." Naruto couldn't stand how youkai could just blend into human society and fuck things up from the shadows.

He didn't hate youkai, but he couldn't stand the way that they could manipulate human memories whenever they fucked up. They could do whatever they wanted with no ill effects on their secret lives. He just wanted to live his life apart from the supernatural as much as he possibly could.

"You might want to duck your head down."

The driver ducked moments before a hole appeared in the front window of the car, and it went straight through his seat. Naruto had his head and neck leaned to the side as an arrow stabbed where his throat had been. He was calm about it despite the attempt on his life, and he saw at the end of the arrow was a shinto charm on it.

"It seems one of them knows I'm in this city, so the college here is a no go." Naruto calmly stated as he took the arrow out of his headrest. He rolled down the window and caught another arrow the second it would have stabbed him. They were currently driving from college to college for him to inspect all of them for their flaws and to see if they met his standards. He was so used to assassins coming for him that he wasn't even phased by what was happening at the moment.

Not to mention thanks to his damn youkai blood he had the ability to read the future to some degree, it was annoying as shit to know what was going to happen 9 seconds before it happened. He only turned the ability on when he was caught in a situation where it would be useful for him. A long drive across the country was such a time to turn the ability on, to avoid traffic jams and car accidents.

Naruto mouthed to the archer.

Give up, you won't hit.

Naruto caught an entire quiver's worth of arrows and tossed them into the back seat of the car with him before the archer gave up trying to take him out. When no more arrows came at him, Naruto crossed his arms and gestured for his driver to turn around and leave the area. He had no reason to come to a city where he had people after his life.

"Kuoh you were saying... isn't your son... fine... we'll drive by there next. If I get even a whiff of anything supernatural though, you're fired." Naruto stated as he waved his hand. He didn't mean it, but he just wanted to avoid this turning into an entire ordeal where he was at the center of a plot to destroy the world.


He had been the center of a plot to destroy the world TWICE now, when he was 15 AND when he was 16 years old. Now he was 17 and he wanted to live a normal life where he got involved with as few freaks like himself as possible.


There was a massive explosion at the top of a far away building, an explosion that left most of the building completely unscathed.


"Well, I'm not going to let him live after he tried to kill me... and tell his friends he saw me?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow. Of course he would kill the archer who decided to take a shot at him. Now he had less to worry about in the future. Naruto had a pleased look on his face as he thought about his future. "Aaaaah... the future... with a normal college life, a normal girlfriend... no thots after my money, no supermodels trying to use my name to further their careers... no sex freaks with BDSM fetishes... I've had enough fo those girls... just a normal girl with a good head on her shoulders... and hopefully Kuoh will have that normal girl." Naruto shivered in anticipation of being able to live that kind of life.

Naruto looked out the car, and he gestured for his driver to pull over.

Naruto got out of his car and walked towards a homeless man that was on the side of the road, before he got right in front of the man.

The man looked up at him.

"You work for me now."


"You work for me now, my driver will take you to the company apartment complex and get you knew clothes. You're now a janiter for Namikaze Industries, I expect you to be clean shaven, well dressed, and reporting to work next Monday. Utilities will be subtracted from your paychecks." Naruto stated as he took out a pen and paper, and started to write down everything the man would need to know about his new job. Naruto then turned his head to look his driver in the face, before he nodded. "I'm going to walk, you take him to his new home and get him situated."


"... What?"

"I'm giving you a chance to turn your life around... don't worry, your family will be picked up and brought to the apartment. Your first week's groceries will be on the company." Naruto got his phone out and started to text some of his other employees.

The homeless man got up and tried to hug Naruto.

Naruto put a hand on his forehead and stopped him.

"You stink, so don't hug me. In a week, I'm going to visit you, you can hug me then if you have taken care of yourself."

"I have so many questions... how do you know-"

"You're not getting paid at ask questions, so don't ask them. Just know that I don't like seeing the men and women of my nation down on their luck. The gods of this nation won't help you, so I'm here." Naruto grabbed the man by the back of the collar and pulled him to the car, where he pushed the man into the back seat. He tossed the paper he wrote on to the man. "Everything you need to know is written there."

-2 Hours Later-


"Iruka-san... who was that boy?" The previously homeless man asked when he saw his wife and children were actually waiting for him at the apartment complex. The driver that followed him up the stairs to their apartment seemed to not be too surprised by the question.

"He's a good judge of character. He can tell a fake homeless person from a real one, and he can tell which people deserve a chance to earn a better life. He's your boss now, so do take a shower, and prepare to report to work. Your shift schedule will be brought to you, take time to adjust to your new home." Iruka stated as he bowed to the man. He had a look of pride in his eyes as he spoke, but he kept his personal desires to praise Naruto out of his speech as much as possible.

"Yessir... how did he... thank you for the chance!"

"Don't thank me, Naruto hates people who have everything handed to them in life. He loved people who have known suffering, and are willing to change their lives with their own two hands. He's giving you a chance, so don't disappoint him. Naruto is not giving you anything other than allowing you to take fate into YOUR hands." Iruka placed his hand on the man's shoulder twice, patting it, before he turned around and started to walk away.

Iruka left.

The man went into his apartment, and he saw a stack of books with a note on top of them. He went and picked up the note.

You're going to start out as a Janitor, but if you ever want to earn more money, start studying these books. In 6 months you will be tested on your knowledge, if you pass you will be hired on as a programmer. You will then be tested again on your work ethic and skills, during which you will be given a pay raise or be demoted back to a Janitor.

Show your children that their father is a hard worker they can look up to.

Your pay and living conditions will improve the harder you work, and the more you improve yourself.

"... What is happening?" His wife asked him as she looked over the note as well.

"... I'm going to take a shower and shave my face..."

-With Naruto-

"Hahahahaha! Aaaaaah... that guy is going to go far, I knew I had the right idea when I looked at him. He was worthy of a second chance after all." Naruto stopped listening in on what was going on in the apartment building. The man's voice sounded full of conviction, but Naruto knew he would work hard to change his fate if given the chance. He was a great judge of character when it came to people, and he could read a person's body.

His clothes were horrible, and his shoes were in even worse condition, so he had genuinely been homeless. The offering tray he had out was full, so he was getting money from people, so it had to be going somewhere. That implied that almost everything he got from people went to his family, but since his family was nowhere to be seen they lived away from him so that people didn't see them and call the government on them. He loved his family enough to suffer for them, which meant that given the chance he would work his ass to the bone for them.

That was the kind of employee that he wanted working for him.

Naruto sighed to himself.

"... Kuoh College... better be worth it."

next chapter
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