/ Fantasy / Evolution Futa System: EFS Dimensional traveler

Evolution Futa System: EFS Dimensional traveler Nguyên gốc

Evolution Futa System: EFS Dimensional traveler

Fantasy 1 Chương 65.5K Lượt xem
Tác giả: Daoist971829

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In a galaxy far far away...

There was war, spanned dozens of galaxies, between the ancient sith, harbingers of all that is dark, and the, just as ancient, Jedi, pursuers of the light. In the middle of it all stands a solar system powered by 4 sun, with secrets of their own, shrouded by a barrier, that has existed since time itself began, hidden from all, until the barrier receives an attack that obliterated the barrier and let the universal war machines see for the first time in billions of years the mysteries hidden there.

Unaware of the fate that now comes for it was the planet Terra Nova: codename - GAIA, third planet from the quad-core suns with a racial profile of more then 50 races each with a population of more then 50 trillion. In the capital city Tatowen of the Succagon race (succubus/incubus dragon) in a luxurious mansion lives the daughter of the Empire, our protagonist collapsed on her bed was found dead by her personal maids with a mystery black smoldering mark on her creamy breast just above her heart, or is she dead..........?
Let's find out shall we?

(Be advised that all copyrights shall be observed)

No One 17 and Under Admitted

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