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42.85% Eve of Reincarnation / Chapter 13: Chapter 12

Chương 13: Chapter 12

Yulis managed to pull Eara off her trance after finding out her actual identity, she managed to once again lie to Eara which cause pain to her heart.

"so you're a beta tester!?" Eara widened her eyes in suprise.

"well yeah kind off..." Yulis looked away. "anyways, you have to change your clothes into something much more better than those old smelly rags." Yulis frowned when she observed her cute little sister wearing clothes for peasants.

"although it's level is still not high yet, my sewing skills should be good enough to make you something.... but first we need more money for materials..." Yulis began to think of ways to earn money.

Since players are starting to enter towns, they should have access to the town's auction house. If yulis started selling her blades then she could earn a ton of coppers and silvers. While yulis was busy with her thoughts Eara tugged into her sisters clothes.

"Actually, Yu- errr. Lister? I have a subclass that i just learned recently, although it's still in beginner stage..."

"Oh?! what's that?!" Yulis asked in suprise, finding an actual mainclass even if its normal should be pretty hard in the earlier stages of the game, even more so for subclasses.

"Blacksmith!" Eara exclaimed with a hint of pride in her voice.

"huh?! really?! how did you managed to find that subclass?" Yulis asked with genuine suprise.

"well, when i watched some professional mmorpg players they often said that the most money making class in any rpg games are blacksmith! they said that as long as your blacksmithing skills are decent, you could easily earn money just by making equipments for players!" Eara began her story.

"... "

" so when i found out that there's a blacksmith in the village i started in, i immediately went and asked the blacksmith to teach me how to be a blacksmith! but he rejected me, so i stayed in front of his shop for a whole day and kept on asking every time he came out. " Eara continued while walking back and forth.

" ..... "

" eventually he agreed to teach me when the sun was setting down! he even taught me some of his blueprints! and that's how i managed to aquire this sheild! " Eara puffed her chest out while a small bronze shield materialised in to her arms.

"whoa whoa whoa! hold up, wait just a minute! you waited for the whole day in the blacksmith shop!? when?!"

"the first launch of the game!" Eara grinned while polishing her shield with her robes.

How did that happen?! I don't recall that type of way to initiate a subclass quest!... but then again, she waited in front of the blacksmith for an entire day... no sane player would actually waste their time waiting in front of an npc for the whole day at the official launch of the game.

"pffft! hahahaha!" Yulis laughed as she stared at her sister.

"w-what?" Eara was confused and stared at her sister who started to laugh like a lunatic.

"what were you thinking when you waited for the blacksmith?! and what did you do for him to accept you?!" Yulis managed to stifle her laughter in order to speak.

"well, when the blacksmith asked the reason why i kept waiting, i simply replied that i wanted to make lots of money." Eara said while remembering her actions yesterday.

"gahahaha! stahp! stahp! hahaha!" Yulis once again burst into laughter before finally calming down after a few moments.

"what's so funny about that?! i just wanted to help you make money for the both of us!" Eara pouted and crossed her arms.

Yulis smiled at Eara and spoke. "I know Raella, i know..." Yulis then hugged her little sister while squeezing her sister's head in her belly.

"gah! get off me! or i'll report you for harassment!" Eara pushed her sister away.

"awww you're no fun" Yulis calmed down and ended her blissful moment.

"anyways, if you're gonna focus on becoming a blacksmith then i guess i can only help you by guiding you along the way. Though i also have blacksmith as my subclass, i should focus instead on becoming an alchemist."

"that's actually a good idea!" Eara said while rubbing her chin which made Yulis extremely happy while watching her sister.

"Alchemist is the second most popular subclass when making money!" Eara smiled while imaging all of the money they could rake in if both of them skillful in their subclass.

While Eara was daydreaming, Yulis on the other hand began formulating a strategy for the both of them. She would begin by using her remaining money to buy materials in making her blade and her sister's sheild, at the same time earning exp for their subclass.

Then sell all of them on the auction house, next is to use the money to buy a shit ton of a trash material called scrap metal and forest elemental pebbles. Scrap metal could be found in the nearby dungeon, a stack of it consisting 99 pieces would be sold at the npc's for exactly 1 silver, this led players to believe that scrap metals is used for gathering money.

Next the Forest elemental pebbles, dropped by elementals from the forest, these were sold at a much cheaper price of 40 copper a stack. Though at first it seems like these two materials are nothing more than trash materials, people would soon discover them to be used together to make actual metal materials.

By refining the scrapped metal and adding the pebbles, one could either get bronze or iron.

Yulis guided her sister to the town while teaching her how to fight the wolves, using her shield and a blade given by Yulis they arrived at the town. Yulis retrieved the money from her blades at the auction house and brought more materials from an npc.

This particular npc sells materials like bronze and iron, for somewhat expensive price, though its limited weekly, only Yulis and Eara were the players who were buying since the players didn't discover the npc yet. Meaning they brought all of the materials that he was selling.

Renting 2 basic forging room at the blacksmith, both Eara and Yulis began mass producing their products. After using all the materials, Yulis produced 4 exceptional quality blades, 7 normal quality blades, 11 fair quality blades, and 19 poor quality blades.

Yulis decided to rank her blades in such fashion, Blades that has additional properties, are called exceptional, normal blades that have little to no additional attributes or blades that have little to no reduced attributes are called fair, and finally blades that have reduced attributes are called poor.

Exceptional blades are priced higher than fair, while fair blades are priced higher than normal blades, poor blades are the cheapest of the group.

Eara did the same though she actually did quite better, she produced 7 exceptional shields, 9 fair shields, 18 normal shields and 9 poor shields.

When they finished their crafts they were tasked to place their own insignia to their crafted equipments. Yulis designed hers as her name suggests, a black lotus. Placing the insignia on the blade itself just above the guard of the tanto.

Having seen her sister's insignia, Eara decided to use a flower aswell, she added a rose that is gold in color.

Both of them placed their equipments in auction, Eara's shield would be a little bit expensive since it's a defensive equipment that is quite uncommon in the earlier stages of the game.

In an outsiders view the price might be outrageous, but Yulis never catered with small fries anyways, she targeted the largest guilds of the kingdom.

In just a few minutes several of the poor quality blades and shield was sold, and when information was spreading about the equipment that was sold in the auction house, the 2 largest guild immediately arrived and brought all of the poor quality and fair quality equipments that they could buy.

They ran out of money when they were just about to buy the exceptional quality equipments. The reason why the equipment caused an uproar is because its the only equipment that is available to the players that is made by a player, this early stages of the game.

It is way to early for players to be able to wield these kind of equipments, all players are practically still wearing the old stinky robes that they spawned in and still waving around their sticks that they used to hit the rats.

With the exception of the large guilds who were starting to experiment with the subclasses, and with their staggering amount of members, are able to find quests, and chests.

The pair of sisters began collecting the materials they needed to craft more, using the money the 2 largest guilds generously gave, the two went for a shopping spree, checking the auction houses for more materials. Some materials were in line with their actual value while some were down right expensive, both of the sisters used all of their money to buy materials.

"Big si- er Lister? why can't we just trade the money for credits already?" Eara asked while scrolling down on a floating screen that contains information about the materials being sold in the auction house.

"It's too early for that, the game currency is still valued too low these days, we have to wait for a month or so before the value of the game's currency to increase." Yulis explained to Eara.

"Really? then when you think should we start selling gold coins for cold hard cash?"

"We only have a few handfuls of coins yet." Yulis chucked. "atleast a few months from now"

For a whole day the pair crafted, sold and brought materials. This cycle repeated for a few times before the system alerted them of their body status.

[Notice! your body is currently dehydrated!]

[Please exit the game and rest]

Both of them logged out after that, if they didn't the system will forcibly logged them out.

The two had breakfast before doing house chores, Yulis went out to buy groceries while Eara washed the dishes and cleaned the house. While Yulis was browsing the aisles of goods being sold, she came across a familiar view.

Almost all people have vices that they're addicted to alcohol, cigarette, wine, beer, vape, coffee and the dangerous illegal drugs. And Yulis wasn't an exception, in her previous life her addiction got so bad that she was almost removed as the guild leader of the guild.

Her hand touched the glass that is separating her and her happiness.

She would always partake in her own little debauchery that it almost took her life, that's right, the most dangerous substance known to humankind, sweets. And her most favourite sweets is yogurt drinks, the strawberry milk flavour got her so bad that she gained weight.

The one thing that she loved the most doesn't exist in the game, sure there are sweets in game too that doesn't turn you into a sweaty, stinky fat ball of a human, but yogurt products doesn't exist in game.

All her mails and pleas to the game moderators and ai to introduce said products came to no avail.

The guilds upper echelon threatened her that if she gains more weight, then they'll have no choice but to revoke her position as guild leader.

Their reputation will plummet to nothingness if their guild leader is a fatso woman that does nothing but eat! It doesn't help that the VR helmet always scans your body in order to update your in game avatar.

You graw taller, your avatar grows taller, you get fat your avatar gets fat. If you're too fat, then your equipments will no longer fit and you'll automatically move slower. Your physical appearance actually affects the gameplay!

Unlike if you lost an arm in real life, paralysed and unable to move, or if you have broken limbs, the system will not compensate for you if you're a fatty who doesn't take good care of your body.

The game even encourages players to excersice and get in good shape! One of the good effects of the game that made the critics shut up.

Yulis stared at the glass holding the liquid that will bring her to ecstasy, saliva began pouring down her mouth, she actually stared atvthe drink for several minutes that an employee came and asked some questions.

"Excuse me miss, may i help yo-" the girl who went was suddenly suprised as Yulis held on to her shoulders.

"I want five box of that please!" Yulis had sparkles in her eyes as she almost screamed causing saliva to splatter across the employee's face which cause her to jerk backwards.

"U-um, s-sure thing miss." the girl struggled away from the grubby Yulis and shakily wiped her face.

Yulis took notice and turned red in embarrassment, when she left the establishment, she left a huge tip for the employee for her troubles. Hailing a cab and rode home.

Yulis couldn't take her eyes of the bag containing the box of her favourite drink, i should've brought one to drink on my way home! Yulis cursed herself, she couldn't open the box, there's nothing to use in order to open it.

Now that she's no longer restricted by any rules from any guild, she could get fat... - enjoy herself to the fullest.

While her mind wandered to her imagination land, Eara's face suddenly appeared. She looked disgusted and had a disappointed attitude.

"Ugh! big sis- no... this relativ... someone im barely acquainted to, how disgusting could you possibly be."

"im ashamed that im even related to you!"

"i can't believe i used to look up to someone like you!"

"disgusting freak!"

"take your fat greasy hands away from me!"

More and more faces of Eara appeared and started hurling insult on to a fat looking Yulis.

"Go away! i don't love you anymore!"

The last insult pierced Yulis in the heart, the words echoed in her head.

i don't love you anymore,... anymore... nymore..

Yulis's face turned ghostly pale as she bowed down and held her head with both hands.


Yulis almost fainted, tears started to well up in her eyes. She sniffled lightly before shaking her head. On that day, her addiction to sweets disappeared, she promised to herself that she'd excersice and stay fit, and to limit her sweets from now on.

Back at home, Eara was watching TV to pass the time when a commercial played. A fat woman who was determined to lose weight began exercising, she drank a juice and a time-lapse of her began playing where she exercised for three months, at the end of the time lapse a comparison of herself before and after. A big difference appeared, her previous fat body turned into a moderately chubby body, another time-lapse started but this time only for a month, the difference was big this time, she was wearing a bikini that showed her curves.

Eara was mildly amused as an image of a chubby Yulis appeared on her head, she giggled and suddenly stopped before slowly breathing out.

"That's no good, if she did suddenly turned chubby then i wouldn't be able to control myself, i might lose control and suddenly hug her! her soft squishy cheeks are eresistible already and i've been able to control myself and would only hug her once a day but…

" Eara was busy murmuring to herself when another commercial played. This time it was a shampoo commercial, the girl bathed in a tub while her silky hair slowly waved in the water, Eara's eyes suddenly lit up.

" That's it! we could take a bath together!" Eara commended herself for such a brilliant idea, she already hugged her sister earlier, if she were to constantly hug her, her sister might think that she was weird and may distance herself.

Her imaginations ran wild as a disappointment Yulis looked at her with disgust while slowly moving away.

She shook her head and slapped her cheeks.

But taking a bath is different! she could have a very nice and very long, whole body skinship with her sister without looking weird! she began planning several contingency plans in her head.

When Yulis returned Eara already prepared a bath for her.

"hey sis do you wanna log back in later?" Eara asked her sister, she's very excited to play with her sister again.

"sure! after we eat we'll jump back in!" Yulis replied while smiling, in her previous life the two rarely had conversations like this.

Yulis was currently laying down in the bath tub when the door swung open, Eara entered wearing only a towel.

"Hey sis wanna take a bath together!" Eara said before throwing the towel aside and jumping in the bath tub.

"H-hey! couldn't you wait your turn!" Yulis's face turned red and she quickly hid her face behind her hands.

"No way! that'll take way too long! it's better if we both take a bath so that we could return tp the game earlier!" Eara protested and began leaning back and resting her head in Yulis's chest.

"eep! th-then i'll get out of the tub then...." Yulis tried to move but was pinned down by Eara.

"nope, it's been a while since we took a bath together." Eara rejected her sister's attempts of leaving. "l-let's... let's stay like this for a while..." Eara whispered to her sister before closing her eyes.

Yulis stopped her struggling and finally calmed down. Once she calmed down she finally felt her heart beating, it was thumping incredibly fast. At first she wasn't sure if it was hers or her sisters.

In order to find out she stretched her arms forward and hugged her sister from behind. She could feel it, both of their hearts were beating incredibly fast.

Eara was suddenly enveloped with warmth, the warm water that she was submerged into couldn't beat the new warmth that ever so slowly creeped around her. When she opened her eyes and slowly looked to her left, her gaze fell upon her sister's face almost touching hers.

"Eara?" Yulis whispered, her heart already slowing down.

"Y-yes?" Eara's heart didn't, hers started beating wildly.

"no matter what, no matter how many times, i'll say it again.... Im always be by your side... i'll never abandon you again..." Yulis said reassuring her sister.

"thanks... but there's no need for that..." Eara replied.

Yulis opened her eyes in confusion, but before she could ask her why, Eara spoke again.

"Because if you start going further away, i won't just sit idly by and cry like i used to. I will no longer wait for you to return, this time i'll run after you, no matter what i'll crawl if i have to." Eara smiled, and turned towards Yulis.

"If somehow i can't keep up them i'll just drag you back with me... even if they call me selfish, even if you try and struggle, even if you try to push me away and run, i'll always be by your side and i'll keep you all for myself." Eara looked at Yulis's eyes and smiled even wider, as her gaze fell upon her sister's soul.

Yulis was stunned for a moment before smiling back at her sister. "sure, i guess you could do that, i guess?" Yulis tilted her head trying to comprehend her sister's meaning, but was interrupted by her.

"Hey sis! lemme wash your back!" Eara said after pulling out a towel and soap.

"huh? oh, yeah sure..." Yulis shrugged and stood up before sitting outside of the bath tub.

"I see my dear big sister is growing bigger every day...." Eara said when she saw her sister's figure.

Yulis was confused for a moment before two hands appeared in front of her that came from behind and grabbed her in the chest.

"hiyaaah! E-Eara w-what are you hm-*omitted*

After a while, a red faced tomato like Yulis came out of the bathroom followed by a satisfied Eara.

In the end, Yulis's pitiful attempts to dislodge the Eara that stucked to her like a leech was futile, the slippery Eara kept on secreting love jui- shampoo that allowed her to be extra slippery. Yulis was cleaned thoroughly by her sister's grubby little hands, she only managed to scrub Eara off of her after almost an hour.

After eating the pair went and logged back in.

next chapter
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