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100% Eostia Reacting to Fate / Chapter 3: Zero 01: The Summoning of Heroes Pt.2

Chương 3: Zero 01: The Summoning of Heroes Pt.2

[The old man standing in front of the pair then spoke. "The relic that we have been searching in Cornwall during this last years had been finally founded. If you use it as a catalyst, you'll may be capable to summon the strongest Servant of the Sword."]

"So they are aiming to summon the Saber class if I understood well." Said Claudia, still remembering the explanations of both Waver and the bartender about the Servants classes.

There were no other Servant classes that were specialized with the sword appart from Saber.

"Most likely." Agreed Celestine with her friend's guess.

["Kiritsugu. This is the greatest gift that the Einzberns can offer to you." The two figures in front the old man remained kneeling while bowing their heads to show their due respect.]

["It is an honor. Elder." Said Kiritsugu.]

"The old man's name is Jubstacheit von Einzbern, the eight head of the Einzbern family."

["This time there must be no survivors. Finish all the other six Masters and complete the Third True Magic, 'Heaven's Feel'."]

["Understood." The man slowly opened his eyes.]

"'True Magic'? 'Heaven's Feel'? What is the elder talking about?" Asked Grace after hearing such unknown names and terms for her.

"It's a little difficult to explain but here I go. What do you think 'magic' is?" Asked the bartender.

"It is the study of the mysteries of the world by using the mana in the air to achieve their replication, of course." Olga made a very basic explanation of the topic as if it was something that everyone knows.

"Very well, now. To not get too carried away with the topic I will only say that True Magic can do the 'impossible' and can't be replicated by any means, making them a 'miracle'. And finally, Heaven's Feel is the whole reasong why the Grail Wars exist."

Of course, Olga was a little unsatisfied with the brief explanation that bartender gave to them. But she supposed that she could find an answer on her own in the library. She still has to pay it visit after all.

["Emiya Kiritsugu." Kirei repeated the name for himself as he recalled something. He then walked towards his mentor. "I know that name."]

["Hoh~. So even the Church has heard of him." To say that he wasn't even a little surprised by this piece of information would be a lie for Tokiomi, but it wasn't at all unexpected. He then passed the scroll with the information of the man to Kirei's hands. "The Magus Killer, Emiya, was very famous at his time. Superficially he was just an heretic that didn't belong to the Association. However, the higher ups found him very usefull for their own purposes."]

"Why did Tokiomi called Kiritsugu an heretic?" Asked Claudia thinking about people who has disrespected the Goddess or even those who formed a pact woth a demon.

But something was telling her that that wasn't the case.

"Let's just say for the moment that because the Association is mostly conformed by traditionalist people, there are some things about Kiritsugu that they see as unorthodox and even taboo."

"What things?" The mature knightess asked once more.

["Similar to the Executors from the Church." Guessed Kirei.]

["Even worse. He essentially is a freelancer assassin who specializes in the assassination of Magi." Tokiomi then took a seat on his chair as he continued describing the man with a heavy look in his eyes. "He knows what they are capable of, for which he uses methods that are non-magical at all to take care of them. Read it."]

[Back to the Einzberns' castle Kiritsugu and Irisviel were walking through the corridors, while at the same time, Kirei was relating the information. "Snipers. Poison. Bombs in public places. He took down an entire plane, just because his target was inside it." With each part, the young man was growing even more astonished by the content of the scroll.]

Celestine couldn't be more horrified by what she was just hearing about the man. The first two things may have been acceptable in some degree, however, the last two were things that were against her belief. To deliberately put in danger innocent lives only to take one, it was simply... disgusting.

Was this the man that Shirou admired so much through out his life?

"Quite a set of skills he has. Just like the 'bastard father' said, he is very likely to be an assassin." Commented Maia. During her life as a mercenary she has seen many kinds of people in the office, so she was no stranger to people like Kiritsugu.

That didn't mean that she was comfortable with then though. She still has a code to not involve civilians if it's in her power.

"I can see why Tokiomi considers Kiritsugu as an annoyment. Even the mages of our world tend to be too arrogant for their own good." Tbat was said by Luu-Luu who somehow have managed to sneak to the drinking bar to get some bottles of drink, which she served on the glass that she previously took. "Three hundred years ago there was a guy who wouldn't stop defying me to a duel until he 'proved' that magic was better thn weapons."

"What did you do then?" Asked Anna, having a guess to where this was going.

"I just nailed him to the ground until he shut up. Literally."

Some people on the romm had a drop of sweat on their foreheads, and everyone in the room agreed to not make more questions to the little girl with dog's tail.

["He is a man that would do anything without thinking twice. The laws of the world aren't applied to the Magi, so we must be careful with the rules that we fixate for ourselves. However, this man lacks of any pride as a Magus." Tokiomi said the last part in slight anger. How dare that man known as the Magus Killer to taint the pride and honor of the Magi?! "His methods are unforgivable."]

[Kirei continued reading, but the more he learned the more he got confused. So he couldn't help but ask. "Then, why does Emiya Kritsugu does this...? What he hopes to gain by killing?"]

["Money, I imagine." His answer was short, and even obvious for the majority. The man himself didn't care too much about a heretic's goal. "As you can read in that report, he has been involved in something more than the assassination of Magi. He has appeared in war zones all around the globe offering his services as a mercenary."]

"I don't know why, but I feel that there is something missing." Maia couldn't help but to say her thoughts aloud.

If Kiritsugu already has a work as an assassin, then why bothering by taking more risks as a mercenary and viceversa?

"Tokiomi already explained it, didn't he? The man only cares for money." Said Alicia, already having a bad impression about the Magus Killer.

"But then why did he joined to the Einzberns to fight for a Grail?" Asked Prim. After all, even if he works for the family, as a Master he has the right to ask for a wish.

And she highly doubted by Irisviel words at the start of the session that it was all because a vain reason.

"Greed is the most common reason." Replied Olga.

The devmbate about Kiritsugu's intentions to participate continjed for a while until someone decided to stop it.

"Everyone, let's not get ahead of ourselves with unfounded conclusions. Let's continue watching to get our answers, okay?"

Everyone reluctlantly nodded in agreement at Celestine's words. She was right. The answers will arrive to them as long as they continue watching.

["May I borrow this report for a while?" Asked Kirei.]

"Someone seems to be interested." Commented Anna.

[Back in the Einzbern Castle's office Kiritsugu was waiting for a document to be printed. Irisviel stood at his side looking at the technological device in awe and curiosity akin to a child's.]

"She truly looks like Celestine." Claudia muttered for herself, noticing the same look that the goddess would do whe she sees something new.

["Let's review what we know now, Iri." Said Kiritsugu.]

"Aww. Such a cute nickname." Said Prim in excitement at seeing the couple interact.

[Irisviel then walked at his right side while listening to his words. "From the seven Masters that the Grail will choose, we know four of them."]

[He then displays the documents containing all the personal information of the participants for the war. In the first picture was Tokiomi who seem to encounter himself in a formal party.]

["Tohsaka Tokiomi, head of the Tohsaka family. A Magus with the elemental attribute of fire especialized in Jewelcraft. A formidable oponent."]

[The next picture showed Kariya in the train station. Probably from the time he arrived to Fuyuki.]

["Matou Kariya." Kiritsugu then scoffed at the irony of him being the Matous' Master. "So they took the guy who abandoned the family and made him a Master, huh? That old man must be desperate."]

"Jerk. He is just trying to save his niece." Complained Maia. He truly didn't like people like him.

But at the same time, she can notice some resemblance between him and the red bowman by the way they speak.

"It's rude to mock other people's motivations to fight." Claudia said.

Even if she was still mad for Waver's reason to fight, she won't make mock of him as it was his own decision.

[Next it was shown frontal profile picture of Kayneth. His expression was neutral, but it carried some authority and pride in his look.]

["Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald. He has affinity with the elements of wind and water, and is an expert in nigromancy, invocation and alchemy."]

"Isn't nigromancy seen as something taboo?" Asked Grace, disgusted that someone would control the bodies of deceased people when they already deserved their eternal rest.

"In this world, it's not. As long as the secrecy of magecraft is maintained from the public, the Association accepts everything." Explained the bartender.


["Emiya Kiritsugu." Interveened Irisviel. "The new member of the Einzbern family and its trump card." She then smiled at him. "And the man that I love".]

[Kiristugu, for the first time since the session started also smiled.]

"They are so cute!" Said Prim in excitement.

This time her cousin didn't stop her from jumping on her seat, but then Alicia frowned at remembering the conversation the couple had at the beginning.

"Is he really going to kill her?" She asked, making the pink-haired princess' mood to sour with a gloomy expression.

"But why?" Asked Bianca to no one in particular.

["And the fourth... no, fifth Master, an agent of the Holy Church, Kotomine Kirei..."]

["The Church?" Asked Irisviel in curiosity.]

["He is the son of the judge, the priest Kotomine Risei." The picture shown of him is from his time back in Italy on the street, with a beige brick wall behind him. "The report says that he studied under Tohsaka Tokiomi during three years, but he separated himself from him after his Command Seals appeared."]

"So the cover up is working. Everyone thinks that Kirei and Tokiomi are enemies now." Commented Claudia. In a war, information is as important, if not even more than an army of thousands of soldiers.

"They are using dishonest tactics." Complained Alicia, firmly believing that such tactics were coward and dishonorable.

"In a war everything counts." Replied Olga.

"Why I'm not surprised?" The blonde knightess sarcastically said.

Chloe was about to punce at the insolent who just insulted her queen, but after remembering that her daggers were gone and by feeling Olga's hand on her shoulder, the Half-Dark Elf had no other option than to grumpily remain on her seat.

[Irisviel seeing that her husband had thoughful expression with his eyes still on Kirei's data, she had to ask. "Is there something wrong?"]

["I have his personal history in here, but.... Read it." He then passed the document to Irisviel who began reading it aloud.]

["'Kotomine Kirei... He follwed his father in pilgrimage since childhood. Graduated from the Teology School St.Ignacous in Manresa. He skipped two years, and got graduated as the best of his class.'?! He is very impressive." She sincerily complimented him.]

"In others words, he is a genious among one in a thousand." Commented the bartender.

"Then he is truly outstanding." Complimented Prim, feeling some respect towards the man.

Despite of her young age, as someone who had to take the charge of an entire kingdom after her parents died during an even younger age, she had to learn everything she could from politics, finances, land management and many more. Learning from several tutors through whole mornings and afternoons, and having to keep herself awake to study for herself when she didn't understand something.

While she did have her hardships, she was proud of her accomplishments and reforms that she presented. Despite of not being a skillful fighter, nor having any talent in magic or blacksmithing, she knew that her path was right, and she wouldn't regret it.

["But suddenly he left that path of roses and volunteered himself to the Holy Church." Added Kiritsugu.]


["Why someone like him, would work for one of the secret agencies of the Church?" Asked Kiritsugu, not understanding the reason behind the man's sudden decision.]

["Maybe because of his father? It is said that he is a member of the 'Assembly of the Eigtht Sacrament' from the Holy Church."]

"What is this assembly?" Asked Claudia wondering if they were something similar to the Dawn Templars.

"They are an agency charged with the recovery and management of holy artifacts. The member are often sent to dangerous locations or even to fight against others in order to recover them."

["If that the case then he should have taken that path from the beginning." Kiristugu retorded. "Despite all of that, before ending in the same place as his father, he changed of places three times. And even he was named an Executor."]

"I must admit that it's a little starnge." Commented Brynn.

["An Executor?" The white haired woman asked, unfamiliarized with that title.]

["An heretic hunter. Basically, he is what I used to be. A Magus Killer." He fakely smiled in irony.]

"Another assassin then." Added Maia. Now feeling a new sense of threat coming from the young Kotomine.

["Emiya Kiritsugu." Kirei then read aloud the document. "His assassinations were preformed one after another in a short time lapse. During the same time he has appeared in war zones, but only when the combat was at its peak. It's as if the man is obsessed to pursue death itself. His actions were clearly suicidal." He then paused his words, but continued reading until he found something amiss about it. "What does this means?"]

"I'm making myself the same question."

"Maia-sama?" Brynn questioned noticing the unsual serious behaviour from the red-haired mercenary.

Her hands were jointed together under her chin. Her eyes gaining the same sharpness that she has everytime she tries to analize someone. She heard the one-armed knightess but she only replied her question with another question.

"Brynn, what is the thing that mercenaries have in common?"

"Um." The one-armed knightess was doubting to give her sincere opinion, considering what Maia was before. But she also knew that the red-haired wouldn't accept nothing more than the truth. "That they fight wars in exchange of money."

"That's right. And being a mercenary in a dangerous job where you don't know when you don't know if you're going to survive until the next day." She honestly admited. However, that wasn't the reason why she was in a severe mood. "But never EVER, a mercenary seeks death so actively."

For the way the black haired man was being described, he didn't fit to the normal profile of a mercenary. He risks too much just for a handful of coins or whatever currency they use.

Why does he does that?

["Alchemy, Evocation, Invocation, Fortune telling, Healing." As Kiritsugu listed those branches of magecraft, he could only grow more worried and cautious about it. "Look at all the types of wizardry he has studied." Standing from his seat, Kiritsugu directed himself towards the window to look outside. "Why does he makes so much effort? He almost reaches their mastery, and then he changes to another class without looking back. It's almost as if he's throwing to the garbage everything he learns."]

The spectator were left silent. Maia and even Claudia's analitical gazes intesified, trying to decifer the brown haired man in their minds.

For them, it was as if the man had no ambition nor desire at all. Such man was...

["Iri. This Kotomine Kirei scares me."]

At this words, everyone could feel a shiver on their spines. The man who they just thought as someone emotionless and indifferent, just admited that he was scared of a man, despite of the other participants being more formidable oponents. Or that's what they thought.

["The man himself is forwign to the concept of self-interest." Continued Kirei. "His actions are completely disconected of any rationality. There's no way for a man like him being a professional freelancer to do it for money."]

["The man has never experienced any passion in his whole life. He doesn't belief in anything. He has no wish he wants to be granted."]

"But if he's from the Chruch, doesn't he at least believe in his God?" Alicia asked bothered by the incongruency of these two facts. How could a man of faith not believe in anything?

"One doesn't need to believe in 'him' to join the Church."

"An heretic then." Kaguya said with a scornful tone.

While she wouldn't force anyone to join her religion, it was unacceptable for her the existence of false believers.

"No. A herict are those who go against a god's doctrine. You more than anyone should know that, 'High Priestess'." The bartender for the first time scolded the raven-haired miko. She had to know the difference between an heretic and a man without faith.

Kaguya nodded her head in understanding, calming herself down. It was improper of her to get mad at such things.

["A man like that..."]

["Then what is he searching for?" Asked Kirei, even more confused about the true purpose of the man called Emiya Kiritsugu.]

["Why does he risks his life for the Grail?"]

["But, the Grail has chosen Kotomine Kirei as one of the Masters." Added Irisiviel wondering where her husband was going with the conversation.]

["That's right. He must have a reason to wish the Grail. But I can't fathom what it is. That's what scares me." Irisviel began to understand his worries, making her also concerned about the former Executor's participation.]

"To be afraid of the unknown is normal. Even more if you don't know your oponent's purpose." Added Claudia. An enemy without desire can prove to be more dangerous than a man with one.

["Kotomine Kirei."]

["Emiya Kiritsugu. His unending chain of battles suddenly ended nine years ago, when he encountered himself with Magi of the north, the Einzberns." Kirei placed the scroll on the table, heading towards the exit. "There's where he basically found his answer." He now had a purpose for this battle, even if was barely perceptible, what he wanted now.... "Then I must ask him... what he was searching for in those battles?" He then gave a last look to the scroll. "And what he exactly found."]

[Once the young Kotomine left the Tokiomi's workshop, the scroll combusted itslef, leaving nothing more than a trace of ashes.]

"Uff. That was rough. I'm not accustomed to thinking too much." Said Maia while massaging her temples already feeling a headache. And she was still sober!!

"Something tells me that those two will be the greatest rivals of this war." Anna gave her opinion. The way talked and analized each other. It was a premoniton for a future conflict.

Meanwhile, Clestine had her thoughts in another part.

That man, Kotomine Kirei, now that she looked at him closely, he has an incredible resemblance to the man of the church from Shiou's fragmented memories. The image was blurred, but still visible enough for her to fill the gaps.

She wondered if he could have the answer of what happened that night. Why did the boy had to suffer so much in that fire?

Answers that would come in their due time.

[In the middle of the night, inside of one of the many halls illuminated by the moonlight from the Matous' mansion, Kariya was laying on the ground in fetal position with plates of food behind him. Unlike the one year ago, his former black hair turned completely white. His body was dirty and tired, looking more like a homeless person.]

[On the back of his right hand, three marks of lightning were forming the figure of a triangle, with their edges touching at the center.]

"He did it." Said Grace, but she didn't know if she should be happy or feel pity for the man's condition. Her friend then grabbed her hand giving her a reasuring grip.

["You barely didn't make it."]

Everybody, including the Dark Elves from Garan, tensed up at hearing the familiar voice.

"Matou Zouken." Kaguya eyebrows frowned. She really didn't want to see 'that' thing ever again.

["If the Grail has chosen you, then it means that made some progress as a Magus. I admire that Kariya."]

[The man himself didn't respond. With a tired grunt he accomodated himself to sit.]

["But you know... you look terrible." The old man said with a mocking tone while the only thing that Kariya could do was to look away.]

[The left half of his face aged quite considerably, taking the look of a sixty year old man. His left eye become grey, sign that he became blind from that eye.]

"My Goddess."

"That's terrible."

Both Claudia and Grace couldn't do anything but grimace in pity at viewing the deplorable state of the man. The latter having tears on the corner of her eyes.

["Does your left leg still works." Zouken amusedly asked before stabbing the young Matou's leg with his walking stick, causing him to groan in pain.]

"Stop! You're hurting him!"

"Do you even consider yourself a father while enjoying torturing him?!"

Even when they knew that the people on the screen couldn't hear them, that didn't stop Grace's pleads for mercy nor Claudia's curses. Neither of them wanting for this injustice to continue.

He only wanted to have his 'niece' back. Is that much to ask?!

[Kariya then looked in anger at his father when suddenly veins started to pop from the aged side of his face, with something alive moving inside of them. The sound of the crawling steps of the insects could be heard.]

The spectators gasped in horror, some less audible than the others -Olga, Chloe, Anna.

"What has he done?" Kaguya asked while barely containing her newfound anger inside.

Not knowing to which 'he' the priestess was refering to, the bartender decided to go for Kariya. "He let Zouken implant Crest Worms inside of him."

"C-Crest Worms?" Prim asked tentively, unsure if wanted to know the answer.

"An unique kind of Magic Crest from the Matou and the personal familiars of Zouken. They feed from Magical Energy and they can channel it even when their host is no longer alive."

"Why did the human decided to use them?" Asked Olga.

"Because they are not only capable of expanding one's natural Magic Circuits. They are also capable to act as artificial Magic Circuits after their incubation period is finished. However, when they are active they force the host's body to constantly produce Magical Energy in order to sustain themselves."

"I see." In other words, even when the worms could help a 'mage' to expand their natural mana supplies, there is the risk that the body won't handle the overcharge, causing a painful dead inside of them.

[The old man laughed at seeing his son painful but angry look. "Don't get angry. The Crest Worms inside your body will devour you if you estimulate them too much."]

[Calming himself, Kariya let the worms settle down until they finally stopped crawling around his insides.]

["Anyway, I would say that you have a month left at most."]

"He sacrificed his entire life." With a mournful tone Celestine realized that the young Matou was about to die in just a month.

["That's enough." Kariya's voice was barely a whisper.]


["I said it was enough." He said a little louder.]

Despite the tragic turn of events, the Shields praised the man's sacrifice and selflessness to save another life. They all wished the best for him.

["Kariya, I've found the perfect relic to reward you for enduring a whole year." Despite of not having sarcasm in his words, they weren't whole hearted either. "Do not let the kindness of your father to be wasted."]

"I'll burn his body until it becomes ashes when I find him." The venomous words of Kaguya astonished her peers.

They were just seeing a total different face from the usually stoic and calm member of of their group. It was a little scary.

They all made a silent vow to not make the priestess angry ever.

[Meanwhile, in another part of the city, a familiar young Magus was laying on his bed while inspecting the three red marks on his right hand. The tatoo had the form of a sword with two bladed wings at its sides.]

[Waver smiled in satisfaction.]

[The room in which he was located had an individual bed. He left his luggage and the box with the relic on the side of the bed's leg. There was also a desk and and a bureau at its side. And a trench coat along a beisball sweater hagging from a coat rack on the wall.]

[With a small laugh that intensified and some squirming movements, Waver jumped from his laying position to seat on the side of the bed. "Now I also have Command Seals! The Grail ha chosen me!" Delighted by the fact, he hugged closely the hand in which he had the marks. The prove of his 'talent'. "The Grail recognizes my power!" He let the upper half his body fall once again on the mattress.]

"I hope you know what are you doing, Waver." Through her career as a commander, Claudia has had to see many young men and women to lose their lives too easily.

They hoped to gain some kind of honor and glory there. Only to see hell on earth with their own eyes.

She would try her best to protect them until they are mature enough to protect themselves. But that wouldn't be the case for the young and excited Waver.

[Suddenly he sat once againg when he ragaing his composure. "But I can't remain sit and be happy. I have to prepare myself for my Servant's summoning."]

"Well, at least we can say that he has his feet on the ground." Anna approved that the young Magus was rational enough to not be lazy and complacent in such important moment.

[The next morning one could hear the loud song of the roosters outside of a modern but rustic wooden house.]

[Inside the kitchen an elderly couple was watching the morning news on the TV presented by a man with black hair wearing glasses. The tittle was 'Serial Killing in Fuyuki City'.]

["This morning, the girl of sixth grade that had been disapeared in Fuyuki two nights ago, Nishimoto Miki, has been found dead on Fukuyama City nearbies."]

The Shields and the others, with exception of the Dark Elves from Garan, were saddened by hearing the news of someone so young was found dead.

Because they were just watching the events, there was no way for them to have prevented it. They could only sympathise with the parents who must be heartbroken by the news.

[Waver entered to the dinner room, while the elder man, who had white hair and beard and wearing white pants and dark blue shirt, was already sitting on his chair. While the elder woman, who had short light brown hair, and wearing a long dark red blouse with a green clothe covering her back and shoulders, was serving the coffee.]

["Good morning, Waver."]

["Good morning, Waver-chan."]

[They both greeted to the young Magus whowas now wearing light blue pijamas and had a drowsy look.]

["Good morning, grandpa, grandma." He greeted back with a yawn, taking sit on his side of the table.]

"So they are Waver's grandparents?" Asked Claudia in incredulity. "To think that they happened to be in Fuyuki."

[The old man then centered his attention towards the TV where the man was still presenting the news about the recent disapearances during the last days.]

["Fuyuki has become very insecure these last days." He said with a concerned tone with which his wife agreed.]

["Yes, really."]

[On the background, with another long yawn Waver was trying to get rid of his drowsiness.]

[Wanting to change of subject the old man then looked at his wife to ask something that was bothering him. "Anyway, Martha, the rooters have been very loud this morning. Why is that?"]

["There are three of them on the backyard."]


["Yes. I wonder where they came from."]

[Still feeling a little groggy, Waver rubbed his eyes with both of his hands, revealing also the Command Seals on his right hand.]

["Waver-chan. Do you want more coffee."]

["Hm." He was barely able to accept with a small groan.]

[However, it was at that moment when Martha noticed something different on him.]

["Waver-chan, what happened to your hand?"]

[The young Magus, realizing what the elderly woman was referring about, tried to hide his Command Seals by covering them with his other hand. But it was too late.]


"Why is he trying to hide it?" Asked Brynn. After all, aren' they supposed to be his family?

["That mark." Marthat said concerned.]

["A mark?" Asked the elderly man.]

["That mark wasn't there yesterday." She got close to her 'grandson' to check the mark, worried that he might got injured himself.]

["Jeez!" The young Magus then back away his hand from his 'grandmother's' with an irritated expression. "You had to notice the unnecessary things."]

His action got a frown from Claudia who was now disappointed of the young Magus rude attitude. That's not how someone should treat his family, no matter the circumstances.

["W-What's the matter, Waver?"]


[While the elderly couple seemed about to have a panic attack dou to their 'grandson' strange behaviour, Waver was preparing the coffee, adding on it some milk.]

["It's nothing." He reassuringly said. "Come on, have some coffee. I put a lot of milk. You like coffe, right?"]

[When Waver placed the coffee cup on the table, brown liquid along with the white one formed circle patterns on the surface.]


"Why do I feel drowsy all of the sudden?"

Alice and Bianca stumbled on their seats, catching the attention of the others.

[The elderly couple at seeing the strange pattern on the liquid, their expression became empty and drowsy. The elderly man fell asleep on his chair while his wife on the floor.]

"An hypnosis spell." Olga mentioned while looking daggers at the bartender, thinking that it was his plan was to control them during their vulnerable state all along.

Nitincing this, the man gave his explanation. "While it's true that you might feel the effects of the spells, from what Zelretch explained, he placed some protections so we won't be to affected by them." He then looked at the two young women who were being supported by Anna and Grace. "Are you two alright?"

The reason why the others didn't seem to be affected, was surely because of their magical resistance, being either natural or artificially acquired.

Offering a glass of water for each of them, he let them recover from the sudden mental fatige thag they felt.

"Yes, I think we're both good. Boss, how are you?" Asked Bianca to the young red-hair.

"Yes, just a little drowsy. Please, don't worry. You can continue."

With a nod, he let the events in the screen to proceede.

[Waver let out a tired sigh. "I really have to cast another spell to make them think that I'm really their grandson who returned from abroad after becoming an exchange student."]

"So he is lying to them." Claudia said with disapporval in her tone. Each time it's becoming more difficult for her to suppor the young Magus.

[The song of the rooster were then heard from the backyard. "I must think in an excuse about the roosters that I stole."]

Not able to contain herself anymore, the mature palmed her face so hard, that the echo of the smack resounded in the room, provoking Celestine to drop sweat from her forehead.

[Back in the Einzbern castle, Kiritsugu and Irisviel were inspecting the relic the the Elder just sent them. It was a blue scabbard with golden yellow decorations. At the top center of the reliq, there were some words in blue, engraved in an unknown language.]

["I'd never thought that we would ever be able to found the scabbard of the legendary sword Excalibur." Kiritsugu said in amazement as he took a closer inspection to the relic. "It has not a single scratch. Does it really has 1,500 years of antiquety?"]

"O-Olga. T-That is..." Celestine couldn't help but stutter at what she was seeing in front of her eyes. She even had to rub her eyes twice to confirm that they weren't tricking her.

That Dark Elven Queen wasn't any better.

"Impossible. How did those humans managed to get that?!" Her awe and incredulity was on the roof, concerning even her most loyal subject.

"Olga-sama, what is that thing?" Asked Chloe, making her mistress to get out from her stuppor.

"'That', Chloe, that is a divine construction of the Fae. Beings that are extensions of the world itself."

"They are entities who can only been founded in places like Igg, where their power over nature is greater." Continued Celestine while the others were listening at her attentively. "But even among the High Elves, there are few who have seen even one of them during their entire lives."

["The scabbard itself is a conceptual weapon. It doesn't rust nor degrates like common objects." Added Irisviel.]

"Of course not, even for gods it is difficult to destroy one of them." Stated Olga, gaining some gasps of the audience.

[The white-haired woman continued. "Just like in the legend, it heals the wounds of its wielder and stops aging. But of course, it must be supplied with the mana of its wielder."]

"Wow." Exclaimed Brynn.

["In other words, it can be used along with the Heroic Spirit to protect its Master." Added Kiritsugu.]

["It's just like you. A tool is a tool no matter what, right?"]

["That also is applied for the Servants."]

"Hm?" Celestine was confused by his words. From her perspective, Servants were no different from a normal living being. Possesing feeling and emotions.

["No matter the fame of the Hero, when they are summon as Servants they are nothing than tools for their Masters." The man then walked down the altar while his wife looked at his back.]

"Why I'm not surprised?" Maia asked with a sarcastic tone, exasperated by the man's personality.

["The same way, someone who feels affection, will never be able to win this battle."]

["That's the reason why grandfather decided that this reliq was perfect for you."]

["Is that what you think?"]

["Is grandfather's gift not enough?" She asked with amusement in her tonen that was returned by Kiritsugu's.]

["Of course it is. The old man did a good job. None of the other Masters have something so powerful." He took a seat on one of the many benches organized inside the cathedral.]

["Then what's the matter?"]

"Yes. From his own words, he will probably have the most powerful Servant of all in the war. So what's the problem?" Asked Luu-Luu who was still delighted by the view of the scabbard.

Even if it wasn't a weapon nor a complicate device, its construction was quite exquisit.

["Taking into account the story reliq and its connection to the spirit we are searching, he'll very likely answer the summoning." His voice carrying a heavier tone with each word pronounced. "The legendary King of Knights, Arthur Pendragon."]

The sole mention of his name caused goosebumps on the Shields bodies. As if for some reason, something inside them recognized that name and title as legit and worthy.

"King Arthur Pendragon was not only the King Once and Future, who was prophesied to save Britain. He was also the founder of the Knights of the Round Table, thirteen individuals who would protect their utopia."

Claudia felt some familiarity with this story, and was the same way for the rest of the Shields.

Under the Goddess Reborn's banner, they gathered together to fight against evil, and protect the innocent people of Eostia.

The mature knightess gave her friend a reassuring grip on her hand, which she responded by returning it.

["My personal problems with his phylosophy are secondary." Added the man.]

"What?" Everyone asked in incredulity.

["But as the wielder of Excalibur, you'll surely have the Servant of Saber class most powerful." Irisviel defended.]

["Certainly. I'll surely have an undefeatable Servant. The problem is how to use that power." He meditated about its possible escenarios and how to use it at its best. "To be honest, in terms of facility of use, Caster and Assassin would have been better for me."]

"Unfortunately for him, the place for Assassin has been already taken by Kirei's Servant." Mentioned Brynn. She sitll felt chills from remembering its figure.

["You shouldn't worry about that before the summoning." Ironically said Irisviel at seeing her husband worrying too much about things he can't control. "We don't know how was the King of Knights when he was alive." While legends may tell the story of an indivual, their personalities and quirks were a thing appart. "On the other hand, no matter what you choose, once he comprehends your dream, your ideals... he'll understand you." She softly caressed the surface of the scabbard, with her tender gaze on a future that no one but her could see. "Just like me."]

"Irisviel must really believe in Kiritsugu if she says that." Said Grace by noticing the white-haired woman look in her eyes. Someone who aims for a better future.

[Standing from his seat and gaining Irisviel attention. "What is it?"]

["I have a plan. The way to make the best use of one of the strongest Servants." With a determined look, he put his plan to work.]

For the Shields, even if they don't have a good impression on the man, they had to admit that his determination was quite commendable.

They just hoped, that that dedication won't lead him through the wrong path.

[Back on Fuyuki, in the Tohsakas' mansion, little Rin was carrying her luggage in a big suitcase, with which she was having problems to carry due to its weight.]

"Fufu. So adorable." Claudia commented at seeing the little girl trying so hard to do things on her own.

[On the stairs, seeing at the small figure of the girl, Kirei decided to greet her. "Hello, Rin."]

[This gained the attention and the frown of the girl after recognizing who just called her. "Hello, Kirei."]

"Someone seems to not like her father's disciple." Said Maia with amusement. It was like seeing an adorable but grumpy puppy being defensive against a tall hunting dog.

["Going somewhere? Is that luggage heavy?" He amusingly asked.]

["Yes, I'm going to live with the Zenjou family."]

"The Zenjous are Aoi's biological family. However, despite of being aware and having conections with the Moonlit World, they are not Magi."

[There was a short silence between them, until the little Tohsaka looked up at the man's brown eyes, and asked. "Kirei. You're going to stay to fight alongside my father, right?"]

["That's the reason why I am here as his apprentice."]

[There was another awkward silence as Rin looked at the other side while the man waited patiently for the young lady next words.]

["Kirei... can I beleive in you?"]

[Confused by her unexpected question, the man waited for the girl to be more clear with her words.]

["Will you promise to protect my father to the end?"]

["That's impossible. If this battle were that simple I could that promise, so you and your mother wouldn't need to get away." The man simply stated with no lies in his words.]

[However, that didn't seem to be the answer that the little Tohsaka was hoping to get, and instead she looked daggers at him.]

"Couldn't he just accepted by saying 'yes'?" Asked Alice, who was thinking that the man could have had more tact with his words.

However, others didn't seem to share her opinion.

"I would have been too irresponsible." Defended Claudia by giving her thoughts nit just as a knight, but more importantly, as a soldier. "If the battle in which they are joining is truly a war, then one can't know what might happen."

Grace then decided to share part of her personal experience. "There's nothing more painful to have your hopes high only to get the notice that your loved one died on the battlefield." Even when she has learned to deal with that pain thanks to Anna's support, it was still there.

"I-I understand." The youbg red-hair was conscious enough that there were some scars showing in their words, more in Grace's.

It made her feel guilty. Then she felt Bianca hugging her to comfort her.

They might have known each other for about a month or more only, but it was undeniable that they care for each other.

Only for this time, she let the guilty feelings go away while feeling her friend's warmth.

[With contempt in her eyes, Rin spoke the next word. "After all, I don't like you."]

["Rin, you shouldn't say what you are thinking." Kirei scolded. "People might thing wrong of your father who educated you."]

[Her shoulders shaked in anger by the indirect insult -at least from her point of view- against her father. "My father has anything to do with this!" Her emotions finally exploded. "Listen well, Kirei! If something were to happen to my father, I'll have no mercy!"]

"Straight forward with her words and honest with her thoughts. I like this girl." Maia smirked at seeing the young Tohsaka having no fear in showing her true thoughts. Just like her.

"Also aggressive and hot-tempered."

"What was that, Brynn?"

"Nothing, Maia-sama." If she was talking about the litte girl or her mistress, it'll remain as a mystery.

["Rin, what's that matter? Why are you yelling?" Aoi entered the room seeing her daughter with the apprentice of her husband.]

["Oh, um..." The girl nervously fidget on her place. She did not want for her mother to see her previous shameful behaviour. "Well..."]

["She was cheering me up before your departure, ma'am." Kirei excused Rin's actions, but instead of a silent 'thank you', she just gave him a look of 'no one asked for your help'. "Let me help you. That luggage is too heavy for you."]

["It's not necessary. I'll carry it for myself."]

"Independent as well. I like her even more." Maia nodded in approval.

"But there's nothing wrong in asking for help even if it's once in a while." Suggested Claudia.

["Kotomine-san. Please take care of my husband. Help him to reach his dream." She then bowed as she asked the man for the favour.]

["I'll the best I can. Do not worry."]

[Behind her mother, the little Tohsaka showed herself, making an angry 'akanbe' expression at the man.]

"Pff. Yep, definitely I like her." Maia tried to hold her laughter at the childish expression of little Rin.

When she grows up, Maia wondered if they could be friends.

[In a another room the mansion, the door was knocked twice before Kirei entered. "Excuse me."]

[Inside, the room seemed to be Tokiomi's office. There was a desk and two couches facing each other. The sunlight entered through rhe windows revealing the figure of the Tohsaka head, who remained standing in the middle of the room.]

["You arrived just in time. The reliq that I asked for has finally arrived this morning." In front of him, on top of the table, there was a black box already opened. "Look at it."]

[Kirei then looked at the content of the box, that revealed what at first look would appear to be a strange formed stone.]

"What is that?" Asked Prim.

["What is that?" Asked Kirei.]


["The skin of the first snake that existed in ancient times." Answere Tokiomi with a chuckle. "If we use this as a catalyst, and we get to summon what we want, our victory will be assured."]

"If they are planning to use something that old as a catalyst, then the Servant will be equally ancient." Olga murmured for herself, with another thoughts in mind.

If the skin of a snake was enough to summon a Servant, then how many relics existed in her world that could be connected to heroes of renown? How many of them does she have in her armery?

If she somehow can learn how the summoning is done, wouldn't that mean that she will have a powerful army at her disposal?

But of course, she first had to meassure the power of these beings, and if they were worth the effort.

[That same night in the Matous' mansion, Kariya was having difficulties to walk with his lame left leg. In his way, he encountered himself with Sakura, who now wearing a purple blouse, she now looked different from before.]

[She now had short purple hair that reached her neck, with a ribbon tied at her left side. Her previous turquoise eyes, were now also purple but devoided of all light of life in them.]

The audience gasped in surprise at seeing how different the girl looked from before. And they couldn't do nothing more than to feel pity for her by seeing her void eyes.

Kaguya clenched her fists in anger, and with a look that promised retribution.

["Hey, Sakura." The man greeted her.]

[The now adopted Matou looked at the man with a worried look.]

["Did I sacred you?" Despite his pain, he smiled at his 'niece' to ease her worry.]

[She denied with a hum. "Your face..."]

["Ah, yeah... It seems that I lose a little with the worms inside me. I suppose that I'm not as strong as you." He weakly laughed while giving her a reassuring smile that he was almost failing to maintain.] 

["You are turning into a different person, right?"]

[He was taken aback by her words, but soonly enough he recovered his smile. "Maybe."]

"Both of them must know what the other must be feeling right now." Said Anna. There was a silent understanding between the two of them.

They both have Zouken's worms inside of them, eating them from the inside.

Even if Sakura seemed to be alright, the change of her hair and eyes colours are signs that she must be suffering the effect of the worms.

["Tonight I don't have to go to the worm's room. Granfather said that there'll be an important ceremony."]

"That man doesn't deserve to be called 'grandfather'." Claudia angrily stated.

["Yes, I know. That's why I'm heading to the basement."]

["Uncle Kariya? Are you going?" She didn't want to be 'alone'in the mansion. Her 'uncle' was the only one in this mansion who has treated her well.]

["I have an important work to do, and it might take a while. Probably I won't have much time to talk with you, Sakura."]

["I see..." She was going to be left alone again.]

[The man then began to talk with a more lively tone, wanting to cheer her up. "When my work is done, why don't we go to a place to have fun? With your mother and big sister?"]

["I have no one to call mother nor big sister. Grandfather told me that I should think of them as if they'd never existed."]

"That is crossing the line, Zouken!" Once again it was Claudia who yelled in anger. "He has no right to cut Sakura's family bonds!"

[There was short silence between them.]

["I see..." He looked at her with a saddened expression. But then, mustering some courage, he did something that the purple haired girl didn't expect.]

["Uncle?" With a surprised tone from her, while kneeling in front of her, she was embraced by the man in a warm hug]

["Then we'll call Aoi-san and Rin-chan from the Tohsakas, and the four of us will go far away from here. We'll be able to play like before."]

["Will I be really able to see them again?"]

["Yes, you'll do." He promised. "I promise to you."]

[But despite his words, Sakura didn't dare to have hopes. She was too far broken for that.]

"She doesn't believe in him." Prim was saddened at seeing this. Whatever they have done to the adopted member of the Matou during the last year, it damaged her too much for her own good.

["Well, I have to go now." The man then stood from his position and walked away.]

["Yes." She nodded. "Bye-bye, uncle Kariya." As she looked his back getting smaller with each step getting farther, she let out a last small whisper of farewell. "Bye-bye..."]

"Grace, are you alright?" Despite her cold and stoic tone, one could noticed the concern in her voice at seeing her friend's state.

"Eh?" Grace questioned what her friend was referring to, until she felt the tears coming out from her eyes. To not cause any further concern, the gentle Dark Elf quickly dried and cleaned them. "Yes, it's nothing. I just remembered something."

She wasn't lying. Those last words of farewell. Despite of being different from the ones she used, the sentiment on them was too familiar to her.

A last goodbye. The last the man would ever have.

["You have learned the summoning chant, right?" Inside the basement, Zouken was preparing the relic on the altar for the summoning.]

["Yes." A red magic circles was drawn on the floor.]

"Is that...?"

"I suppose it is, Claudia." The goddess answered.

["Very well. But you'll have to add two additional lines to the chant."]

["What do you mean?" By his tone, Kariya wasn't in the mood to play the old man's games.]

["It's something very simple." He then turned at his son. "Kariya, your rank a a Magus is slightly inferior to the other Masters'. That will affect the parameters of the Servant."]

"The 'parameters' are the general strenght measures of a Servant. Depending of the amount of Magical Energy supplied to them, they may increase or decrease."

"So, the more mana the Master has to supply, the stronger the Servant becomes." Simplifyied Grace.

"Basically, yes. But there is a limit to it where Servants cannot become stronger without any external factors. That's why the Masters usually search reliqs from powerful heroes."

["That means that we have to choose the Servant class capable to modify his parameters to compensate that." The old man explained with a smirk on his mouth. "Kariya. I want you to add the character of 'madness' to the Servant you summon."]

"Berseker." Celestine inmediately understood as she remembered the frightening figure of the demigod in Shirou's dreams.

That entity, was the perfect description of madness and raw power. What other class would be better fit for such description.

"That's right. All Berseker class Servants have a passive skill called 'Mad Enhancement' which allows them to become even stronger in exchange of the spirit's sanity."

The goddess felt a shiver on her spine. What could be considered as a blessing to become stronger, was instead a curse that made the users become mad like beasts.

And if he wasn't the only one. Just how many Heroic Spirits suffered from such condition?

[Deep in Fuyuki's forest, Waver spilled the roosters blood on the ground, drawing the same magic circle than Zouken's]

"So they use blood as the circle's catalyst." Commented Olga with interest. But no one answered, as all they knew, that the moment has finally come.

["Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill." The young Magus tossed away the carcass of the rooster. "Repeat five times. But destroy each when filled."] 

[He was nervous, wondering if this would really work. But he won't back away after going so far. He then closed his eyes to calm himself.]

The audience shared the young Magus' feelings. Their hearts pounding with expectation and excitement.

["A base of silver and steel. A foundation of stone and the Archduke of Contracts. And my ancestor, my great master, Schweinorg." In his workshop, Tokiomi continued chanting the aria, standing in front of the circle, while behind him, Risei and Kirei were standing. "A wall to block the falling wind. The gates of all four directions close. From the Crown, come firth and follow the forked road to the Kingdom."]

The audience didn't know how or why, but the felt as if they were hearing a soft chant in their ears. Like the songs of the valkeries for a battle to come.

The trumpets and drums of war resounding in their hearts and minds!

["Is a simple ceremony like this enough to summon a Heroic Spirit?" Asked Irisviel, having the scabbard in her arms. Her husband was making a last check to the circle drawn in front of the altar.]

[Unlike the others, this one was made out with liquid platinum.]

["Surprisingly, yes. The summoning ceremony doesn't require an elaborate evocation." Kneeling in front the circle, he made sure that no part was missing nor misplaced. "The Grail is what does the actual summoning. As a Master, my job is to anchor the Heroic Spirit to this world once it has appeared and to give it enough mana for it to take physical form."]

'So the device makes the process.' The Dark Queen thought in disappointment at knowing that the invocation would be harder than what she thought.

But she decided to leave those thought aside for the sake of observing. If she were to say that she wasn't excited, it would be a lie.

["This should be good." He stood up. "Iri, place the relic on the altar. Our preparations will then be completed."]

The warrior maidens' choirs and their trumpets of war intensified their song. This was not going to be just any war.

It was going to be a clash of heroes. Pillars and titans of Human History!

["I hereby propose. My will shall create thy body, and thy sword shall create my fate!" The circle in front of Waver started to glow in a white rainbow light. "Abiding by the summons of the Holy Grail, if thou dost accede to this will and reason, answer me!"]

Strangely enough for Claudia, her heart started pounding fast and hard. The view of the young man's figure, with his determined look, his serioys expression and his straight stand. Even if it was just for a mere second, she couldn't help but to feel captivated by it.

["I hereby swear. I will be all that is good in the eternal world." The wind startrd to blow around the room, making Kiritsugu's coat blow by it. Irisviel was looking at him, with thought that only she knew. "I will be the disposer of evil in the eternal world."]

'Is that true?' The goddess thoughts were in conflict. A part of her wanted to blame him for what he has don to Shirou.

But that was yet to happen, and she didn't know the reason behind the tragedy. A man who wanted to be a Champion of Justice.

Just what made him the man he was now?

["But let chaos thine eyes! Thou, who art trapped in a cage of madness!" Zouken smiled viciously smiled while watching everything from the background. As the mana was accumulated in the circle, there was a tremor in the room. "And I, who doth hold thy chains!" The left half of Kariya's commenced to bulge with veins with the worms crawling inside, his right eyes let out tears of blood.]

Alicia felt something small gripping her hand, only to turn at Prim, who unconsciously placed her hand on top of her's. Her returned the gesture in an assuring way, to ease her little cousin's worries.

["Thou, clad with the Great Trinity, come forth from the circle of constraint!" The wind produced by the mana accumulation started to stronger, making Tokimi to stand his ground while firmly supporting his right hand with his left one. On the background, the two priests protected their faces from the wind. "Guardian of the Heavenly Scales!"]

[A white light then engulfed the surrounding of each Master. With the sound of a heartbeat, and the chorus of a single maiden resounded in the air, with the full moon high in the sky, illuminating the city under it.]

Heroes of Humanity! 

Pillars of your respective ages! 

From this night on, rise once again from your eternal rest! And through bloodshed, show your true value as the engraved legends of this world!

[Waver fell on his butt, incredulous at the sight before him, only to then smile in excitement.]

[In front of him, there stood a man two meters tall. With tanned skin, and bulged muscled body showcased even under his leather armor. Wearing a long red mantle over his shoulder, covering his back, and reaching his feet.]

The audience gasped at the imponent figure of the man. But not only because of his body complexion, but also because of the aura that his presence exuded.

His sharp eyes and serious expression, were akin to those of a ruler!

[Kneelin on his place, Kariya looked at the entity in front of. His figure covered in shadows wavering like a flame.]

[Despite of breathing with difficulty, with a trail of blood coming from his right eyes. His expression showed nothing more than raw determination.]

Alicia couldn't help but to feel that there was something wrong with the shadowy figure.

She didn't know why, but something inside of her didn't like it. It was something that she couldn't accept to exist.

["We've won this battle, Kirei.  Victory is ours!" Tokiomi proudly extended his hands at his sides.]

[The figure in front of the trio was a handsome young man, wearing a complete golden armor with dark blue accents and a red skirt between the waist and thighs section.]

The audience shivered at the sight of this entity. Despite his handsome looks with his blonde golden hair combed back, the look of his blood red eyes were inhuman enough to make them wither in a sense of fear.

His aura demanding absolute obedience, with a cold indifference

If the tall man gave a sense of being in front of a raging storm, then this person was akin to giant in human size.

[With the remains of smoke settling down, Irisviel gasped in surprise for what she was seeing.]

["Who...?" Kirtsugu was equally astonished, if one could judge his expression.]

["I ask you." A young female voice called. She wore a blue dress under a heavy knight's silver armor with blue accents. Her light blonde hair was tied in a bun. She then opened her eyes to reveal them with an emerald colour. With a neutral tone she asked... "Are you my Master?"]

[Episode 1: The Summoning of Heroes.]


"Haa~." Maia let her body fall from the chair as she found herself mentally tired. "I need a drink."

"Let me be second." Offered Bianca, her body still trembeling after feeling the golden guy's glare on her.

Alice just fainted at her side. She barely managed to remain conscious the time enough to see the end. Appart from that, she was in good condition.

"After seeing Assassin I thought that the others would be the same, but..."

"Who?" Maia sarcastically asked at Claudia's words. She admited that the guy gave her some chills, but after seeing those four.... They made the Servant of assassination look like a little toothpick in front of them.

On the other side, Chloe trembeling body was being hugged by Olga, who had firm grip on the handle of her seat as she comforted the young Half-Dark Elf. She could see some tears coming out from her eyes.


"Shh, shh. Everything is okay. They are not here." With a calm voice she assured.

Seeing at this scene, even Grace, despite of having a deep hatred towards the Dark Queen, couldn't help but to feel sympathy for then.

In front of her eyes, they looked just like a mother trying to comfort her daughter by telling her that everything would go alright.

She then saw Anna who was giving her a reassuring smile, which she returned.

"I'm a little disappointed for not having seen a cool weapon." From all the group, Luu-Luu seemed to be the less affected by what was shown.

"It was scary though." Said Prim.

"..." Alice meanwhile couldn't stop thinking about the shadow summoned by Kariya.

Despite of not knowing the reason behind it, she couldn't accept its existence.

Kaguya had similar thoughts but towards the elder of the Matous. He was a monster in human skin. No, for what she felt, even his skin could be false.

Celestine by her side was in shock by the last scene. She already knew of the King of Knights from Shirou's dream. And from what the cluple previousl talk, it was more than obvious that they were talking about the same person. She only had her doubts when they called 'him' instead of 'her'.

But that might because her title as a 'king' was a little misleading about her true gender.

However that wasn't important. The King of Knights' appearance was another sign that somehow, this events were conected with Shirou, and maybe even with his participation in the Grail War.

Many questions that waited for an answer.

"Very well, everyone. Let's take a break so we may continue with next episode." The bartender announced

Despite of no one talking, they all agreed with a nod, and stood from their seats.

They wouldn't say no to a moment for them to relax, with any complex thoughts in their heads.

[Next episode: The Fake First Shot.]



Sorry for the delay. But here I am.

During this ocassion it might seem that I updated two chapters, but in reality it's only one. Honestly I didn't expect it to be a word limit.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Wait for next chapter.


Villain4ever Villain4ever

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