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75% Entomophobia / Chapter 3: Crowdy Nothingness

Chương 3: Crowdy Nothingness

"Welcome to the Abyss ! Make yourself at home."

I said while staring at now less frightened girl, seemingly relaxed by my more humanoid appearance.

It still was quite weird, not something one would expect.

Why did she jump in the portal in the first place ? I saw only Lucy and Justice, but I think that I sensed more presences around their house, meaning ... a family gathering ?

No, I don't think demons would be getting along with humans, angels probably would not tolerate it either.

Did she have such a hard time with them that she would rather jump into the inescapable prison than be with them ? It is quite foolish, but who am I to judge ?

I looked at her once more.

She wore an apron with some words printed on it, I don't really remember what they meant. Alphabet was of no use in here so I lost the touch of it quite quickly. Maybe she would help me with it ? It is always a good thing to do new things in here.

Neck-length black hair. They would melt with the darkness around it, but they didn't. Darkness is way deeper, making her hair stand out slightly. Black eyes paired with black glasses.

Simply, there is nothing that would signify her having any real strength.

She was just a little shorter than me, giving me a reason to look down at her.

I then stumbled upon the idea. What if I showcase my own handwork, my beautiful castle to this human ? I mean, yes, she would be amazed beyond belief but should I ..?

You know what, screw that, I have lost my mind somewhere in here anyway.

"So, here is an idea."

I said, bringing her back from staring in the void back to looking at me.

"I am going to show you around my castle, I think you will love what I did with the place."

I continued, gesturing in the general direction of the castle.

It is quite big, so there should be no reason for her to not see it.

Yet she seemed to be complaining in her mind, that she does not see it.

"Oh ... I must have forgotten. Human eyes are not able to see anything beyond normal perception. Okay, come here for a moment."

I sat down on void floor. Yes, surprisingly, there was something like that. We are not just floating around, we are sitting in place. How ominous.

I gestured with a hand for her to sit before me. As much as I wouldn't allow any mere human to get close to me, this is a special case and as that, I shall allow it.

She seemed to have a little hesitation, probably fearing that I would rip her eyes out. I can do that, but that would be a sheer waste. Of both her eyes and my energy.

Finally breaking through her own distrust, she sat down, eyeing me and gaining a red hue on her cheeks.

I, of course, care no for such details.

"A little closer if you could."

I added, making her advance forward.

"Okay then, close your eyes."

I said. She instantly close them, this time without a hesitation and waiting, as if expecting something.

Well, ok. Here I go.

I placed my hands on her eyes. Even if I was mainly known for Pestilence, I can still say that I am quite good at healing and modifying body structure. If not for that, how would I be able to become a normal demon ? Shapeshifting ? Who needs it ?

I focused on the place my hands touch, making a clear view of both of us materialize in my mind.

"It may sting a little bit."

I said before starting a painful part. An image of her gritting her teeth and clenching her fists entered my mind.

I was no sadist and I wasn't into hurting people, meaning not a psycho either, I didn't want to hurt anyone close to me.

She did kind of jump into this void, not because of any bullshit, not because of being forced, but because of her own choice.

I will at least make sure she won't regret it.

I used my all mighty powers to transfer the pain from her onto me. I was used to worse kinds of pain, not even flinching at the sensation. Even more so, the worst part of the pain was just about to hit her, hitting me instead.

Girl also seemed to relax, not feeling any pain anymore.

Procedure also just ended, making me take my hands off her eyes.

"Welp, done. You should be able to see my greatness in full shine !"

I quickly stood up and pointed behind me !

Only for no castle to be there.

I turned in the other direction, spotting the castle there.

Quickly, at the speed of ... light ? No, there is no light in here. I am even surprised I can see anything.

So, maybe a speed of darkness ? Yes, let's name it like that.

So, at the speed of darkness, I appeared right behind her, doing the same gesture as before.

Situation was saved and impression was kept.

She stared amazed at the work of mine, with her mouth slightly agape.

I didn't mind her standing there, contrary to that, it brought me joy that someone was amazed at my work.

It was emboldening.

As much as I liked staring at my own work, there was so much more to do !

As such, I approached her.

"Sorry girly, but we have way more to see through !

Also, some questions."

I said to her, bringing her out of the stunned state.

"First things first. What are this things you took with you here ? Something with sugar ? I would ask for some, demons love sugar."

I said, pointing at the plate placed on the ground.

She reached towards it and gave it to me.

"Chocolate pancakes !"

She said, her voice being quite soft, quite opposite of what I actually expected.


I just stared at them. They looked quite appetizing, I can't say that they don't.

There is no food in here, none was also required. There was no hunger, also nothing to satisfy it. As poetic as it was, one would feel empty without anything to eat.

I materialized a fork and cut a piece of it, putting it in my mouth.

"... The best day in my life."

Taste was beyond belief, even for someone that didn't eat for millennia. Or is it especially for someone like that ? I really don't know how that works.

As much as it hurt, I put these aside for now. I would eat them later.

"*Ekhem* Now, to the other question. What's your name ?"

I asked. I couldn't just start eating in here, it wouldn't be quite cultural of me.

"People call me Helltaker. Nice to meet you !"

She said, putting her hand in shake gesture.

I, of course, accepted a handshake. However ... what a weird name. And as much as I was curious why people call her that, I still had some manners left and decided to ask later.

"It is your real name ?"

I asked. It was just too weird for a name. As much as human culture could change, I doubt that judging from the image of the living room.

"N-No ! It is just how people call me. And for my name ... I forgot ..."

So it was like that.

"Well ... I will have to call you somehow and helltaker isn't any real name. What about ... Hel ? Sorry if you don't like it, I have been in this space for ... too long."

I said with a sad smile on my face. I really have been in here for too long, probably few millennia have passed already.

"N-No ! It is ... quite good. I like it."

She stuttered in her response,

"Really ? Well, then I guess that this thing is out of the way. Let's go inside and eat those pancakes !"

Pointing towards my castle, I started walking towards it. Hel followed shortly after clearly way comfortable with this me.

Making it before the plaza, I started showcasing her the entirety of the castle. As much as I was starving for this pancakes, I still had enough culture to have priorities.

First came the entrance, then the throne room, residential area and the last being my own home.

From room to room she gave even more amazed vibe. Like, a kid going to the candy store. Yes, there were few kids in hell, don't really know how they happened. Some more annoying than the others.

If I remember correctly, I even took care of one once. Her mother ... or was it sister ? I dunno.

Back in hell, I had quite a reputation. Be as bad as it was, I still had one. These two were the only one to not shake in fear near me. If we exclude Justice and Lucy of course, these two are just not afraid of me at all. I don't know the reason.

So, let's say that it was her sister. While the bigger of the twins was a polite girl, the small one was a monster. Why didn't they kick it into the void instead of me ? I won't really come to know that, sadly so.

After our little field trip, I led her into my own living quarters. Why ?

Because I needed to eat the pancakes, also, it would be rude not to give her any.

I readied few plates and materialized two sets of forks and knives.

"Come, sit. It is celebration time !"

I shouted, making a party hat on my head and a confetti in the air.

"... Why celebration ?"

She asked, sounding quite puzzled.

"You are the only visitor in here for like, millennia ! Also, you brought these pancakes. That is enough of a reason."

I erased a whole thing, as if it never existed in the first place.

After a moment, she decided to sit down.

I sat on the opposite of her, facing her while getting onto eating the pancakes.

"By the way, how does outside world look like ? I haven't been out in quite long, could you tell me ? Also, why the hell are demons and humans under the same roof ?"

I asked, very curious. Nothing could change that much, right ?

Then, she started telling me her story, while I, ate the pancakes.

One day, she woke up from a dream. A dream of being surrounded by lovingly demon girls. After that night, she made it her life's goal to fulfill this dream.

Forcing her way into the hell, she ventured around gathering demon girls.

A secretary, Cerberus girls, gamer demon and her sister, up to Lucy and current high prosecutor, named Judgment.

Only difference being that, contrary to her dream, they weren't anywhere near as loving as the ones in the dream.

So, yeah. Her dream was fulfilled but living with harem full of demon girls (and apparently an angel) was taxing. Her average pay was not able to sustain them, having to rely on Lucy's position as a Queen of Hell to sustain themselves.

I ... couldn't help but laugh. What did she think ? That having a harem full of demon girls is somehow a good idea ?

Most demons of hell have their own quirks, making them either destructive, humble, or anything else you can imagine. I am really surprised there is no racism in hell, somehow they manage without it. Maybe because every demon is different ?

"Well, it seems that you did quite stupid thing then, because there is no way out of here and I am the only other person than you in here."

I commented. If she really wanted that harem, she would just stay in her own dimension.

"Or, did you have enough of them and decided to go on eternal retirement, accompanying this dear me on my exile in this abyss ?"

I continued. I don't really see any reason for her to be here in the first place and a little curiosity never killed anyone, if you don't count that one cat of course.

She sighed and helped herself in eating the pancakes. Those are especially good, I must ask for the recipe later.

"If I am to say the truth, I went in here because of a dream."

She replied, still munching on pancakes.

"A dream ? What was it about ?"

I asked with my curiosity piqued. If she went in here because of the dream, then she is quite sure that it is true or just stupid.

"In this dream I met a silhouette. It didn't say anything about itself, but asked me to enter a portal if I ever see one. No, please don't make that face. It is just, I did everything I could d-"

"You are still a virgin ?"

"... W-What question is it ?"

"Well, because if you are, it means you didn't do anything that there was to do. I am stuck in here for what felt like hundreds of thousands of years, and I can say that I did EVERYTHING there was to do in the meantime.


*Sigh*, sorry, I got little triggered."

"N-No, don't be. It may be an overstatement, but nothing seemed to excite me, that is why I entered. Please don't get mad like that, you looked scary."

She replied with an awkward smile on her face.

We didn't speak about this subject anymore, focusing more on her telling me about how the world changed, stories that she heard and others.

Human world didn't change all that much, I don't really know why. Maybe humans are stagnating ?

Hell also stayed the same as I know, only its inhabitants changing. For example, I didn't know of existence of this new High prosecutor. If she is as powerful and dangerous as Hel describes her to be, then she must be taken somehow seriously.

Beside that, nothing caught my interest.

And, it seems like pancakes has run out. As beautiful as moment with them was, I have to go back to reality without them.

Not real problem for this great me however ! I am already used.

"Well, after such a meal, a walk around the castle is probably a necessity. Care to join me ?"

Standing up, I approached her with my hand stretched out towards her.

She accepted going with me, not using my help in standing up however. rude.

Doing one round around the outside village that I made in my spare time, we, once again, arrived before the gate. We would get back to the housing space, then probably go sleep or just talk some more.

Yes, we would. If not for an envelope placed before the entrance.

I looked at the girl beside me.

"Did you take any letter with you into this void ?"

I asked, quite puzzled. It couldn't be created by me, simply because it contained a color.

Hel replied with a shake of her head, signaling that it wasn't her ... if not her then who ?

I approached it, getting it into my hands. I inspected it, checking if something was inside. There wasn't, that is what I can say without opening it though.

Opening it, I took out the content inside it.

It was a simple paper with a ... pen drive ?

I opened the white paper fully.

In the middle of it, a text was visible.

[ Please insert [c̶o̶i̶n̶] to the device.]

As shady as it seemed, I had nothing else to do, Hel probably thought the same because she didn't object me going into the house district with it.

Somehow fortunately, I did creat TV's in the living room, having a device to connect it to.

Sticking it in, a screen started glitching, slowly revealing a figure of ... a child ?

"Hello ? Can you hear me alright ?"

Asked a child, having a concerned look on her(?) face.

Hel, contrary to me, looked like she saw a ghost. I wonder why.

"It did arrive in the right dimension ? *Ekhem* Am I speaking with individuals named respectively Helltaker and Beelzebub ? Please at least nod if it is a true, I wouldn't want to waste my time if it is not the case."

Continued the child. She wasn't having any manners, but I still noded in response, quickly followed by Hel.

"So it did arrive in this sphere. Okay then.

The great fly, Beelzebub and Helltaker, the Helltaker. I am really glad to meet you.

However ...

I would like to play a game."

[I will cut it here.

So, I am planning on doing this multiverse and as such, I grant you a choice of picking the anime these two are going to.

Of course, from those below.

- Island of Giant insects.

- High school DxD

- literally what you comment here, I will consider it.

Hope to see the first one winning, but I will obey whichever is chosen. Have a beautiful night, goodbye.]

next chapter
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