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9.52% End of an Ordinary Life: Remake / Chapter 2: Caught

Chương 2: Caught

Yaseo rang the doorbell again. "Mr. Asato! Are you in there?"

I shoved Rimuri in my closet and wrestled with her for her to stay in there. "Get...inside...the closet...!"

"No! I don't wanna!" Rimuri whined and pushed me.

I groaned and gave up then watched her force her way out the closet. "Just hide somewhere..! Geez, you're a piece of work."

I hurried over to the door and answered it. I looked at Yaseo. He had short black hair, brown eyes, a trimmed beared and mustache. He wore a long black detective's coat, white button up shirt, black pants and shoes. He wore his MHF Badge on his coat.

"Mr. Asato. You're safe...I witnessed that monster kidnap you. Is she here?" Yaseo asked.

"I-I don't know. Everything was such a blur." I said.

"I see. Mind if I search around?" He asked.

"Go ahead." I said then stepped out of his way.

Yaseo walked in and looked around. He noticed Orimi sitting on the couch, trying her hardest to act natural. She looked as if she stubbed her toe.

'Please God just strike me down now.' I thought to myself.

"You alright there ma'am?" Yaseo asked.

"Yep yep! Just peachy!" Orimi giggled nervously and shoved her face with a chocolate bar. "Yummy yummy! Haha!"

'Yep, we're doomed.' I thought to myself again.

Yaseo brushed it off and continued his investigation. He searched around the kitchen then walked down the hall, checking each room thoroughly. He reached my room and I felt doom approaching.

Yaseo walked into my room and looked around. "Mr. Asato! Come here for a second!"

I hurried toward him and walked into my room. "Y-Yes?"

Yaseo pointed at the comically large white bear sitting on my bed. "What is that?"

"Oh you know! Just a large plushie! Nothing strange!" I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my head.

"You don't say.." Yaseo said then walked toward the bear then poked it and he began to move like Jell-O. He sniffed it and gagged a bit. He covered his nose with his jacket. "It stinks. I suggest you throw it away or wash it. Everything checks out. She isn't here."

I watched Yaseo walk out the room and looked at the bear.

"Unit Y4530 to HQ. The monster isn't here. Yoshida Asato is safe. Seems she washed his memory before making her escape. Retreating back to HQ." Yaseo said then left the house, closing the door.

Orimi sighed and hurried over to my room. "Mr. Yaseo left! Yoshida what are we going to do with Rimuri?"

I looked at the bear and noticed it spit out a slimy Rimuri. I looked at her with disgust then gagged and covered my mouth. "First...I need rewash the sheets...and give her a bath.."

"Bath? What's that?" Rimuri asked and sat up on my bed, staring at me.

"You don't know what a bath is?" I asked.

"No. I've never heard of it." Rimuri said.

"A bath is where you clean yourself so you can smell nice and refreshed." I explained.

Rimuri looked at herself and sniffed herself. She looked back at me. "I smell fine."

"No you don't! Let's just go!" I said and walked off.


I finished making the bath and turned off the water and looked at Rimuri. "Alright it's finished."

Rimuri stared at me and crossed her arms. She puffed her cheeks as she stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Undress me." She demanded.

"Come on, you're like my age. You can do it yourself." I said then began to walk off, but she grabbed my arm. I looked back at her and sighed. "Seriously?"

"You need to teach me how to take a bath!" Rimuri said.

"Orimi can do that! I don't feel right looking at your naked body!" I argued.

"No! I want you to teach me! I trust you! I don't know her intentions completely. She might turn on us!" Rimuri said.

"Geez fine, but I guarantee you she isn't going to switch up on us. She's my sister after all." I sighed and walked toward her.

I began to untie the strings of her dress then walked behind her so I could help her take off her dress. Her dress fell to the floor and exposed her naked body. I blushed a bit and helped her get in the water. She shivered then fully sat down in the water. She looked at me and pouted once more.

"Oh come on! You want me to get in as well?!" I asked.

"I can't learn if you don't teach me! So teach me!" Rimuri whined and splashed in the water, throwing a fit.

"Alright! Just shut up! I'll teach you!" I groaned and messed up my hair.

"Hurray!" Rimuri said happily and raised her arm in the air.

I grumbled as I began to take my clothes off. She watched me intently and gazed closely at my member. She poked it and I gasped in complete awe at her actions.

"What's this..?" She asked as she continued to poke it. "Is this what humans call a penis?"

"Stop that!" I said, smacking her hand away and blushing madly.

I hurried and got into the water. She stared at me and noticed my blushing.

"I have a lot to learn about this world. Is that a natural reaction if anyone touches your genitals?" Rimuri asked.

"I mean yeah...you did touch it without permission." I said and crossed my arms.

"Interesting. So I need to have this thing called permission to touch you? Humans are rather strange. Us monsters don't need permission to mate." Rimuri said.

"That's assault." I sighed.

"Hm? I mean not really. When it's mating season, we usually find the closest mating partner and our pheromones would entice our partners to mate with us." Rimuri said.

"You call us humans weird...You monsters don't even consent." I said then grabbed a sponge and lathered it with soap.

"Well you don't need my permission to touch me anywhere while we clean!" Rimuri smiled brightly at me.

"Yeah...okay.." I said.

As I cleaned Rimuri, I wanted to know a lot more about her as I could. I began to brainstorm a few questions. "So, Rimuri...You are the Abyssal White Monster right? What can you do other than summon blobs and voids?"

"Well...My voids can absorb Life-Force from anything that contains it from trees to living beings. Once my void obtains enough energy I can absorb it to become stronger and better or I can release it with a devastating blast." Rimuri answered.

"And those white blobs?" I asked.

"Those are made from my fluids like my sweat and saliva. Even a simple lick on my hand can summon one." Rimuri said then raised her arms while I cleaned her sides.

"That big one. Is that also made from sweat and saliva?" I asked.

"Mm-mmm. That is made from under me, my private area supposedly called the vagina." Rimuri said. "I don't know how it happens, but sometimes I feel wet underneath and I can use those fluids and create a big blob. It's embarrassing though, that's why I have one always on standby."

I began to wash the front of her body and she watched my hands. I blushed a bit and continued to clean her. "Are there more of you out there..?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen any other version of myself although I do have an Inverse...well not an Inverse but an Alternate Form. It's call the Abyssal Black Monster. I've only used that form once, but I have no idea how it works...it's been so long since I last used it." Rimuri answered.

"I mean, other monsters." I said.

"That...there are other monsters but I don't know if they are on this planet or not. I couldn't answer that even if I wanted to.." Rimuri said and watched my hands as I cleaned the lower half of her body.

"A-Are you sure you're fine with me doing this?" I asked.

She grabbed my wrist and placed my hand upon her womanhood. "It's fine. I don't care."

I gulped and began to clean between her legs. She watched my hand then closed her eyes and made a soft sound as I hit a sensitive spot. I grunted and continued to clean her and the soft sound she made grew louder.

"D-Don't make those sounds!" I said, embarrassed.

"I-I can't help it! When you touch there...a sensation washes over my body...I mean I've tried it myself but felt nothing...but when it's someone else's hand.." Rimuri blushed and looked back at me.

"I think we're done here!" I said and stood up. I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist and hurried out the bathroom to my room. I was blushing like crazy and noticed I was rock hard.

Rimuri sat in the water and looked at her body then smiled. "He's the first to ever touch me there...It's meant to be..~"


The next day rolled around and I had gotten ready for school. I walked to the front door and noticed Rimuri sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"Yoshida! These humans are trapped in the TV! How did they get in there?!" Rimuri asked with fascination.

I looked at the TV and facepalmed. 'I gotta remember she isn't from Earth..'

"Well uhm...it's actually complicated to explain it...but this is a broadcast. It's being recorded and transmitted on there via a signal." I explained the best I could.

"Wow!" Rimuri said and flipped through the channels like a little kid. "So many humans being broadcasted! I can never get bored of watching humans!"

"Yeah...you have fun with that." I chuckled a bit. "Orimi! Are you ready?"

"Coming!~" Orimi said then hurried toward me. "Bye, Rimuri!"

"Yeah...yeah...bye bye..." Rimuri replied, enchanted by the TV.

"Don't...do anything...stupid." I said and left the house.

Orimi followed behind and locked the door. We began our trip to the academy.


Rimuri spent hours watching TV and looked at the clock. "They aren't back yet? I've been here for hours! Did they abandon me here?"

Rimuri frantically got up and grabbed her white blob, who was in the shape of a small cub then hurried to the door and looked at the locks. "What is this contraption?! How am I supposed to get out?!"

She tried to open the door but it didn't budge. She pulled as hard as she could, but the door wouldn't open. She kissed her teeth then summoned a void and walked through. The void opened outside and she walked out the void.

"Yahoo!" Rimuri said and jumped up with happiness that she was able to get out of the house. "Now to find my humans."


Orimi and I walked home with Fujin and talked together. I had a bad feeling in my stomach and when I turned to view the other side of the street, there she was...Rimuri wandering the streets alone, searching for me and Orimi.

I groaned and held my stomach to create a distraction.

"Big Brother! Are you okay?!" Orimi asked in shock.

"Bro! You straight?" Fujin asked and placed a hand on my back.

"Y-Yeah..! Just gotta run to the restroom really quickly!" I said then ran off.

Orimi watched and gasped loudly when she noticed Rimuri. "Fujin I just remembered something! Come on!"

Orimi took Fujin's hand then ran down the sidewalk and rushed into an arcade. Fujin wondered what was up with us but just decided to play along.

I grabbed Rimuri's arm and pulled her toward the public restroom area. I pinned her against the wall and glared. "Rimuri! What the hell are you doing outside...?!"

"Looking for you. You were gone for hours..!" Rimuri said and her little ahoge on her head twitched with curiosity.

"We're getting you back home..!" I said and dragged her with me.

"Not so fast."

I closed my eyes and began to curse myself out. I turned around and noticed it was Yaseo. "M-Mr. Yaseo. Fancy meeting you here."

"I had my suspicions, but I didn't think you would actually be hiding her from us. You realize harboring a monster is a federal offense correct. If you wish to retain your freedom, I suggest you hand her over." Yaseo said.

Rimuri looked at me then at Yaseo. She took a step back then held my hand and began to run away. "Come on, Yoshida! We gotta get away from the bad robot people!"

"They aren't robots!" I said and ran with her.

"Unit Y4530 to HQ, send battle suit to coordinates N.100.90. I found our target." Yaseo said.

"Affirmative." The woman said in her earpiece.


Rimuri and I hid at a shrine and panted. I looked back to see if he was following. I heard the sounds of mechanical wings then looked up and my eyes widened.

"The gig is up, Monster and Yoshida! Hand her over now and we can be on our separate ways!" Yaseo commanded.

I looked at Rimuri. Although I barely knew her, she saved my life twice. I stood up and protected Rimuri.

"Yoshida!" Rimuri said in shock.

"I'm not letting you take her! She's saved my life twice already! If we can, we can talk about this and find a solution!" I said to Yaseo.

"There are no negations with this, The Abyssal White Monster has to die!" Yaseo said.

"Her name is Rimuri! And I'm not letting you take her!" I said.

Yaseo's earpiece beeped and he pressed a button on it.

"Did he just say she had a name? That means they have already bonded. This might be a risky play, but I don't care! Take Yoshida and detain him by any means and kill Rimuri!" The woman said in his earpiece.

"Well...I have direct orders to attack!" Yaseo bellowed and flew down toward us.

Rimuri stood up and jumped up and summoned her giant blob. The blob shape shifted into a massive white golem and she went inside it. "You're not taking me nor MY human away!"

{Warning! Level 5 Threat has surfaced in Fujitori! I repeat Level 5 Threat has surfaced in Fujitori! All citizens retreat to your homes or the nearest shelter!}

A void opened beneath me and I looked surprised. "Rimuri!"

"Go home...I don't want you getting hurt..~ Soon...I will return home and we can watch Humans on TV together and take another bath together!" Rimuri said.

I fell through the void and reached my hand out. "Rimuri!"

The void closed and Rimuri focused her attention on Yaseo. Yaseo watched how Rimuri sent me through the void and glared at Rimuri.

"What did you do to him?! You will pay for that!" He bellowed and flew toward Rimuri.

Rimuri let out a monstrous roar and the white golem ran toward Yaseo. "Bring it on, Human!"

To Be Continued....

next chapter
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