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89.79% DXD: Revenge of the forgotten / Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Marriage Contract Discussion.

Chương 44: Chapter 44: Marriage Contract Discussion.

Seeing the scene Pyran and Trini went speechless. Trini turned to Pyran and glared. Pyran got embarrassed and turned his head to the other side. Pyran knew that the changes that took place in Riser is because of him and the male members of the group. And being respectful to others was his lesson which he made sure to drill through Riser's head. He even used Inari and Hanami to beat Riser if he deviated from it.

It is not to say that Riser is respectful to all women in any and all situation. All of the male members made sure to teach Riser about setting his own bottom line that others should not cross. If done so he could retaliate.

Once Pyran and Trini made their presence known, Riser came running and knelt on one knee with his right hand above his heart, left hand behind and head bowing. His posture was like a respectful knight bowing towards his king. They were not sure where he got the idea because all they taught him was about being respectful to others, they have not asked him to do certain mannerism to portray his respect. Riser then said in a respectful tone,

"Master Pyran, Mistress Trini! It was an honor and a pleasure to meet you both again. Being in your presence makes my heart jump with joy! Hope you are doing well! Your unworthy student Riser came here for some advice and consultation."

Pyran and Trini were both amused and embarrassed due to Riser's action. Pyran smiled awkwardly and said, "Hey Riser. It is good to see you doing great. But can you tone down your enthusiasm. We kind of feel uneasy with all the energetic greeting."

Trini Pitched in and said, "Yes, it is good that you are respectful but you can talk to us normally. All this exaggeration is kind of like overwhelming for us."

Riser faced them with a shocked face and said, "No can do Mistress. You both deserve my undying respect till the end of time. It you both who took your valuable time to teach the unworthy me about the values of life. So, if I didn't talk like this, I feel that it is disrespectful to …." And he can see that Trini started to glare at him. So, he changed his tone immediately and said, "Very well them. As you wish Mistress."

He was sure that if he kept talking in a knightly manner, he will get a beating that will take him to near death state. Even with his Phenex bloodline he was sure he will have a glimpse of death when Trini finishes her beating. He had faced it multiple time during his training and he is not ready to face such situation now. 

Inari, Hanami and Ravel were not surprised by the sudden change of tone from Riser. They have seen this many time when Trini glares at Riser. But they were sure that he will not change his tone so fast. They thought that it will take a small punishment before he changes to speak normally. But it seems his survival instincts were strong and perceived danger from a glance. 

Inari said in a surprised tone, "Well that was fast. Normally he will go on with his speech about how great they both were before nee-chan gets fed up and beating him."

Hanami said, "It seems all that beating he took started to pay off. He was able to learn when to stop before suffering. I gotta say, he sure developed his instincts to next level."

Ravel was also surprised but she still finds that it was acceptable. All is good if he starts talking normally. But she was still not sure of how and why Riser was taken as a student of Chaos originals. She knew that Pyran and Trini hold somewhat higher position but was not sure why they decided to teach a devil when their Pantheon is odds with the devils.

Riser stood up and said, "Master I came here regarding the orders from my family about my engagement. My father decided that it was time for me to push for the marriage to be held sooner. But they have not taken in account of my refusal towards this marriage. I tried to get to know Heiress Gremory. But she was still being disrespectful and seems to hold a grudge against me."

Ravel was shocked regarding the news. She knew that her third brother was engaged to Rias Gremory and Rias was unwilling to marry her brother but she was not aware that her brother was unwilling to marry her. She too understood where Rias is coming from but she was sure that this marriage was forced on to her by her brother's insistence as he tends to pester Rias about going out to get to know each other better.

Ravel knew that her father asked Riser to go meet Rias about moving their marriage forward. And from Riser's response to their father, she was sure that Riser had the idea of marrying Rias. She also knew that this marriage will bring great advantage to their family. And if Riser or Rias cancel this marriage contract, Riser will be moved to the branch family even though he has the royal Phenex lineage. 

Ravel said in rather urgent tone, "Wait brother! You cannot cancel the marriage contract! If you do you will be moved to the branch family. It will extend to your peerage too. Before all that, our family will lose out on many advantages if this contract falls through. Please reconsider before doing something that you will regret later. Besides Rias is one of the top beauties of underworld."

All present turned towards Ravel due to her statement. Riser's peerage did not have any change in their reaction as they were happy with whatever decision Riser made as he was already treating them well and made their bond stronger as the years went by. Even before Ravel joined the peerage, they were undefeated within the younger devils due to their close bond. They were also treated like normal living being rather than like a pawn or tools like the other devils handle their peerage. 

Even Gremory family will not come close to the treatment they enjoy in Riser's Peerage. They also knew that Riser stopped going to Eternity five years ago and trained on his own with his peerage so to estimate how far he can go before he has to get advice. Ravel only joined Riser's peerage just two years ago to gather experience before starting her own peerage.

Riser looked at his peerage with a satisfied smile and turned to Ravel with a disappointed look and said, "Don't worry Ravel. I have already spoke with Mother about trading her piece with mine. She will trade her Bishop with yours. You already have required experience start your own peerage. I will release you after we go back to underworld after the meeting with Heiress Gremory."

Ravel was instantly dumfounded. She was not sure what to feel now. She wanted to feel happy that she has the confidence of her brother but the show of confidence now felt bitter to her. She wanted to be sad because her brother is going to oppose Phenex family decision and will be moved to branch family. She wanted to get angry because rather than thinking of family, her brother wanted to be selfish. 

After a heavy conflict of emotions anger won over Ravel and she shouted, "All because you were taught few things and given little training, you became arrogant and oppose family decision. And not even consulting with father, you chose to consult with outsiders. You are becoming worst brother. I hate you!" Then she ran away.

Riser got angry and wanted to follow her, but he was stopped by Pyran while Trini said, "She is just a kid and do not understand where you are coming form. Just give her some time to cool down then take her back to underworld. She will not be able to understand now, but when she grows up and learn few more things, she will understand your decision."

Riser wanted say something but after few more minutes and trying to say something, he sighed and said, "I understand Mistress. She is just a kid and do not know the meaning of suffering and responsibility." Riser then sighed and sat down to cool down.

It is not like he didn't talk with his father and mother about this. But they are too engrossed with the benefits they will get when he will get married into Gremory family. But they did not take in account of all the insults and disrespect he faced in the hands of Rias. More over the Sis-con Satan Sirzechs always looked at him hostility because he refuses to dissolve his peerage in account of his marriage contract with Rias.

Riser again sighed and went out from his contemplative state. He turned to Pyran and asked, "Master, let's leave the topic of Ravel for now. But can you give your thoughts on what I should do or how should I breach this topic."

Pyran thought for a moment and said, "As far I can see, Rias is arrogant and have a self-centered attitude. She will surely start to yell at you. And from the recent reports from Hanami, she got a new pawn who used all of her eight pawns to be transformed into a devil. Inari said that she can feel a strong scared gear but let me tell you he is the current Red Dragon emperor." This got a shocking reaction from all except Trini.

Inari asked in a dumbfounded tone, "Seriously! That pervert is this generations Red Dragon Emperor. You are telling me that that useless waste of space that yells 'Boobs! Boobs' all day long is fated to be one of the strongest being of this time. Are we safe?"

Hanami said in a lost look, "I know that fate plays with people wantonly, but I did not expect to be played like this. Just imagining the pervert becoming powerful makes me wanted to end his life now. Even before when he was just a human, he was like a ultimate leacher, now I'm damn sure he will become a molester and rapist in future."

Riser was rather perplexed about the description of the newly added member of Rias's peerage. He was sure that Rias added the guy to her peerage due to the presence of a strong sacred gear. But he was still unable to believe the luck of Rias.

Pyran and Trini looked at each other and Pyran started to hesitate to talk about next line. Riser seeing got curious and asked, "What happened Master?" Pyran was still hesitating and said, "We just got a report from Alex this morning and I'm not sure if it will be helpful or make you angry."

Riser was touched that his Master was thinking about his mood. He then said, "Don't worry Master. Whatever the news is I will hear it and take action after thinking through. Even it is bad I will not act blindly."

Pyran again looked and Trini. Trini then sighed and looked at Riser. She knows that Pyran will not say the news if things go like this. So, she took charge and said, "Alex informed us that he got a rather strong energy reading yesterday, visiting Hyoudou residence. When he checked out, he was able to find it was Grayfia. He got curious and listened to their conversation. That's when he got to know that Rias went to Issei Hyoudou's home to offer her virginity to him. 

Alex got pissed but was reluctant to meddle as it was your place to do so. Pyran here was not happy with Rias's foolish attempt and was reluctant to inform you as Grayfia stopped them before it got out of control. But it seems Rias has developed feelings for that boy. That is why Pyran here was hesitating to let you know."

After finishing her narration both Pyran and Trini waited for Riser's outburst. But he was strangely calm and had a lost look on his face. They all waited for his response fearing that this news broke him. Even though there was no love between Riser and Rias, she was his fiancé. And what she did was like trampling on his dignity.

But suddenly Riser burst into a mad laughter shouting "This is great! It's a wonderful news!". This shocked everyone and some were weirded out like Inari and Hanami. Inari said in a horrified voice, "Oh no! It's over! We broke Riser! Or maybe he developed a NTR fetish."

This instantly stopped Riser's laughter and he turned and glared at her. Then he said, "Shut up you muscle head. Do you know how this information will help me. I'm sure that there is no evidence for her transgression. But if I egged her enough tomorrow, I will be able to trigger her to the point of confessing due to anger. And that my ignorant muscle brain, is the key to my freedom." Then there is an evil smirk on his face. 

Pyran was able to see the shadow of the canon counterpart when he saw the look on Riser. But the most important thing is that Riser was able to analyse the information and make use of it to his advantage. He was proud of him and was able to see he was slowly starting to change and come out of his assigned role of a villain.

The next day evening, Riser teleported into the ORC with his peerage. It was exactly the same scene as the canon except Asia is not in Rias's Peerage, Ravel is angry with Riser and Riser is not acting like a scumbag.

As soon as they teleported in Riser scanned the crowd and said, "It is my pleasure to see you this close Mrs. Grayfia. It is an honour to be in the presence of the strongest queen of the underworld. And it is lovely to meet my fiancé again. Hope you are doing well Rias. It's been few months since we have met. Did you miss me?"

Rias's peerage except for Issei and Grayfia were used to Riser's speech. But Issei got ticked off by the word fiancé and shouted, "WHO ARE YOU? Fiancé? What do you mean by that? Buchou, what does he mean by you are his fiancé? Are you engaged?" He started to shout frantically.

Riser showed a shocked face but inside he was amused and excited. The things were going better that he expected. So, he started to add oil to the fire by questioning Rias, "Oh dear! Rias! I was not aware that you are too shy to even disclose that you are engaged to me. It seems we have to try really hard push our marriage date earlier."

Rias was initially planning to disclose to Issei that she was engaged and is trying to get out of it. But the sudden appearance of Riser followed by Issei's outburst and followed by Riser's statement threw her mind into disarray. But when she heard that her marriage will be pushed to an earlier date she was ticked off. She immediately went to enraged state. 

"You shut up Riser! I will never marry you! And Issei! This is what I was trying to say. I'm engaged to Riser without my consent and I'm trying to cancel it. That was why I gathered all of you today ask for your help in cancelling this marriage contract." She said in an enraged tone.

Grayfia on the side was disappointed with Rias's outburst and impolite behaviour. Even if she hated Riser, she has to maintain a basic decency to greet him. But her unsightly outburst made her lose face of Gremory family. So, she decided to take charge of the talking, "Sorry Riser-sama for the disrespectful attitude of our young miss. She is recently stressed out and was unable to cool down after a while."

She then turned to the Rias's peerage and said, "Most of you might already know but let me introduce. This is Riser Phenex, Thrid son of the head of Phenex Family, Corey Phenex-sama and the appointed fiancé of Rias Gremory, heiress of Gremory family. He is the current strongest devil amongst the younger generation who hold the title of being undefeated till now in the Rating Games. He is expected to reach the power of Ultimate Class devil in few years and will be joining the major leagues for the title."

Riser then smiled gentlemanly and said, "Please Mrs Grayfia. You are over praising me. I'm just lucky to find such a good peerage that can help me hold the title of being undefeated. And I'm even more fortunate for them to choose me as their lifelong partner and agreed to be in my harem. So, the praise goes to all my peerage members equally." This was his genuine feeling and his girls knows that. They all had sweet smile on their face and were happy to be praised by Riser.

Yubelluna stepped up and hugged Riser and said, "No, it was our fortune to meet you Riser-sama. Our lives were saved by you so it right that we help you being the strongest. But we can talk about that later. Can we move back to the topic of your marriage contract Riser-sama. As soon as we finish, sooner we can go ton to the date you promised us. Besides it has been a week since you joined us in bed. We are barely holding on without your presence."

This got all present express various reaction. Grayfia and Yuuta were indifferent, Rias, Akeno and Koneko were disgusted and Issei was envious, jealous and developing hostility towards Riser. 

next chapter
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