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54.4% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 64: Hero Faction

Chương 64: Hero Faction

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Word Count 2400


The Hero Faction officers were in the air watching as their members and the Anti-Dragons wreaked havoc on Kyoto

"A little more. And we will show the world that humanity is the strongest" Cao Cao said with an emotional tone. The holder of the True Longinus was staring down as yokai were killed left and right

" Yes. At long last humanity will rise above all the other species." Georg smiled. Cao Cao's right hand. The user of Dimension Lost was using a large area of effect spells to specifically target and weaken yokai.

Lenardo just noded, the little boy was making Dragonoid monsters left and right. They formed from the shadows that emerged from the ground.


Cao Cao looked at the group that had just arrived

"Hoo. Who do we have here?" he smirked at the group. Looking down on all of them

'Arrogant prick' Is what the new group thought of him when they saw him

"Cao Cao. It's them. The ones who took down Jeanne and the others" George was instantly on guard as he informed the others of their identity

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes. These were the people that killed his 'comrades'

"They killed my friends" The little boy Leonardo

"Hello. Hero Faction" Isaiah calmly waved his hand at them with a smile "Oh and by the way, your name is so pretentious. You call yourselves heroes but are nothing more than terrorists who fight the weak. "

"We fight for humanity. Unlike you devil scum. And the rest of you" Georg addresses the humans in our group

"Traitors to your kind. Mingling with monsters. Traitors get executed" The grunts behind them start to talk.

They continue to trash-talk us. It was really getting annoying. Like flies buzzing all around you.

"Ducalian." I call out. And a large wolf jumped out of my shadow. Each hair on his body had a metallic sheen. Every hair was as sharp as a sword.

I make an 'Accelerator Sword' and throw it in the air

" Criple them but leave them alive. That applies to all of you. I have use for them"

"GoT IT" Ducalian growled, and jumped. The blade hit his body but instead of cutting him it fused with Ducalian. He glowed green before disappearing, a second after that the Screaming started.

Hero grunts on the ground bleeding, with limbs missing from their bodies

Everybody else except Rossveisse and Ingvild immediately knew what he wanted to do. Take their sacred gears and their power.

Cao Cao sneered "Where do you think you are go-" CRACK BANG

Isaiah disappeared, the ground beneath him caved in. He kicked Cao Cao in the chest, but Cao Cao brought the Spear in front of him and blocked it with the staff. The force of the kick still sent him flying. Separating him from his comrades

""Cao Cao!!!"" Georg and Leonardo screamed out but were blocked by the others.

Let me repeat your phrase "Where do you think you are going"

Kurama quickly shifted in his Fox Form. Towering over the two 'Hero's'

His giant size distracted them.


Dino used Vritra's tendril and tied it to Lenoardo's ankle.

"Up we GO!" Dino pulled on the tendril and sent Lenardo flying.


"Let's go!" Kurama growled and went after Leonardo. Dino and Veldora followed

Tiamat, Rossewiesse and Gasper stayed to fight Georg.

His Dimension Lost was very annoying to fight against. So Gasper would freeze him each time he wanted to run away with it.

Tiamat and Rossewisse are the best magic users in the team. They volunteered to fight the descendant of the legendary Faust

"Gasper. We will rely on you if he tries to run away" Tamat said seriously. She quickly changed into her Dragon Form.

"Got It" Gasper nodded seriously. Shadows started swelling beneath him as his eyes glowed. Ready to freeze George at any second.

"Surender Terrorist" Rosswisse said in her Valkyerie armor

"Be Gone" Georg activated hundreds of different magic circles. Every dozen or so belonged to another culture of the group.

"Impressive. Just by eying it, I see Nordic, Celtic, Greek, Taoist and Egyptian Magic circles." Rossvisse nodded as she made her own. Hundreds of circles were stacked above her.

Tiamat who was a bit further away on the right. Summoned her own magical circles.

"Chaos Breath" She blew out blue fire, that was rapidly approaching George. That was the signal for all the magic circles to start firing at their target.

Georg quickly manipulated the Dimension Lost fog. But found himself freezing in place for a second. When he came to, Tiamat's Dragon Breath was right in front of him.

Georg clicked his tongue. Instead of using the fog to run away, he used it to easily block the Blue Fire.

Dimension Lost has the ability to create a special mist able to block any attack, as well as being able to transport anything inside of it into an artificial space. Though it doesn't possess direct offensive capabilities. Dimension Lost is the most powerful among Sacred Gears related to barriers and space.

"Tsk. That sacred gear is really annoying" This Gasper was annoyed

"You just get ready to freeze him" Tiamat glanced back at Gasper. Who nodded seriously

Georg realized he was in a bad spot so he came to a quick decision

"Balance Breaker: Dimension Create" Georg yelled out. He converted the mist into a barrier that surrounded all 4 of them together. Creating a Prusedo-Dimension

Since Gasper was stopping him from running away. he used his power to transport grunts into the barrier he created to help him out.

"Karmic Strike" Godlden Fire engulfed her claws as she struck the barrier. It left a few deep cuts that quickly regenerated

"Hmmm, I won't be able to break this Barrier by force. I doubt many people can. The only way that it can be done is either by overwhelming force or someone with more skill in Space Magic" Tiamat mused.

"I agree. I doubt that even Odin-sama can break this. Not without going at it at full power for an hour or two." Rose looked at the barrier and said her opinion

"Die!" Georg started to combine spells. Making arrays in the air.

Fire and Lightning mixed to create spheres of destructive powers. Air and Water to create pressurized water attacks. compressed earth spears with lighting coursing in them or pressurized air bombs and so on.

The fight was in a stalemate. George attacked and tried to run away, Rosswisse and Tiamat blocked and counter-attacked while Gasper froze Georg for a second before Georg broke out of it but it was enough to stop him from leaving.

"This is really annoying!" Tiamat growled. " I'm ending this. Gapser get ready"

Suddenly Tiamat threw herself in front of all the spells. They impacted her body. One or two attacks didn't do much damage on their own. But hundreds of attacks each second. Her scales cracked, and blood poured from her wounds

"Hahahaha. The great Chaos Karma Dragon. Turns out you were nothing special" Georg sneered.

"Karma Shift" Tiamat's voice changed. It was deeper, and it sounded ancient, primordial

Her aura increased, her body and power grew. Her entire body was engulfed by golden fire

"Karmic STRIKE" Bright Golden Fire condensed from her body in her claw. She struck at Georg who played after seeing the attack. He wanted to run but Gasper froze him in place.

When he was able to Tiamat's claw was just in front of him

"NOOOOO!" Georg screamed out as every type of barrier he knows was activated. A multilayered barrier surrounded him.

But the Golden Fire burned through it and sent George flying.

"AHHHHHH" his body was being burned by the fire.

"Hey dont forget Isaiah said he wanted him alive" Rosswisse reminded Tiamat

"Oh right" Tiamat shrunk into her human form. She was roughed up and injured. She went to grab George and undid the flames. His body had third degree burns all over it

"There, still alive. I need to go to Valerie so she can heal me up" Tiamat flinched a bit from her wounds

"Why didn't you use this against your fight with Senpai," Gasper asked with a confused expression

"This ability represents Karma. The more damage I take the stronger I get and more damage I can return.

But there is a certain amount of damage I need to take before I can use it. Isaiah used abilities that slowed me down and messed with my senses. He didn't actually do that much damage to me. He overwhelmed me and made me a sitting duck, before threatening to cut my soul"

Gasper put his fist on his palm "Ohhhh. Well, that just proves how awesome Senpai is. I wonder how the rest of the fights are going?"


Leonardo- Kurama and Veldora. Dino (remember that Leo is a kid and they are unreasonable and easy to manipulate. As such I'm writing his character like that)

Tones of monsters. Anti Monsters. A few for with Dragon and Yokai Slaying. He can't make any for Dino since he is a Fallen. They have the least amount of weaknesses of any species.

"You stupid monsters. You killed my friends" Leonardo waved his hands and all his monsters started shooting beams at Kurama and Veldora. Dino could doge since he was smaller.

*Boom Boom Boom Boom*

"Man this kid is annoying" Dino scratched his head as he flew around the beams

""Shut it."" Kurama and Veldora yell out as they either tank the hits or just slap them away. The beams had Dragon and Yokai Slaying Elements.

They are extremely effective against their them. Or would have been effective if it was before. Valerie eliminated their weaknesses. It still hurts. But it's just a normal attack now.

"Isaih said to take him out before he goes into Balance Breaker. If he does we are screwed. According to Isaaih his Balance breaker makes twelve Bandersnatch, a 100-meter tall monster, And one Jabberwocky a 200-meter tall monster. Both are really strong and have extremely high regeneration. Not to mention that they can make more monsters just by themselves. I dont plan to stay here and fight for days until he is defeated" Kurama growled as he started to absorb more Nature Energy

"You are telling me. Fighting for days is not my style. I say we go out from the start. I feel a bit bad since he is just a kid. But my sleep time is more important.

"Ahhh I hate doing this" Veldora grumbled as he roared to the sky. Dark clouds started to gather above them. Veldora took to the sky. Diving into the storm clouds

Dino sighed "Fine... Vritra?"

[Are you stupid? You want to do it again?] Vritra yelled at him

"I trained hard didn't I?" Dino whined

[Barely enough time has passed. You can probably go on for about 10 minutes now. Train more to completely unlock your Balance Breaker you Sloth Incarnate]

"Hai, Hai." A violet light engulfed Dino [ Balance Breaker Scale Male]

When the light died down. Dino was in his purple Scale Male Armor.

"Senjutsu-Fox Fire: Crimson Flames" Kurama let out a fire breath. Like a fire tsunami, his Crimson Fox Fire burned through most of the monsters.

Then he raised his tails in the air and started comprising a ball of Crimson Fire

"Bijuudama!" he sent the attack at Leonardo.

The small child frowned as he waved his hand. From the ground came out Dozens of Giant Golems. They tanked the Bijuudama. Looks like he made them to be fire resistant

The sky rumbled as more and more lightning was gathering at the center of the clouds. Veldora's shape could be seen on the clouds when the lighting flashed.

The lighting started to visibly gather near the center. It was circling around Veldora. When he came out of the clouds Veldora's whole body was surrounded by lighting.

"Storm Breath" Veldora let out a blue lightning beam. he exterminated most of the monsters so he moved his head and the beam headed toward Leonardo.

The kid quickly made many defense-type monsters who tried to tank Veldora's attack as they dd Kuramas.

Leonardo saw that he was getting overwealmed so his power shot through the roof

"Balance Breake-"

Dino flashed behind Leonardo. Dozens of tendrils came out of his armor and tied around Leonardo. "Absorption Line"

Dino started to drain his power. Messing up his transition into Blance Breaker. Shadows appeared around Leonardo he was making more monsters to attack Dino.

"Oh no, you don't. Delete Field" The shadows fell back on the ground.

The ability was canceled by Dino, then he quickly used Shadow Prison to make his flames go around Leonardo and keep him in place.

"Well that was easy" Veldora put his hands on his hips and laughed out loud

*BAM* x2

"Owww. Why did you hit me"

"Because you are stupid. We went all out from the start to stop a potential catastrophe. But it doesn't change the fact that we were forced to do that by a child." Kurama explained to him and Dino just nodded along.

"Yeah, dude. It's like so lame to fight a kid seriously."

Kurama turned into his human form and walked near Leonardo

"What do you plan to do?" Veldora tilted his head as he looked at Kurama curiously

Kurama raised his hand as his fingertips were lit on fire. But strangely there was a Kanji sign on each fingertip

"Senjutsu FIve Elemental Seal" He slammed his fingers in Leonardo's stomach. Making the kid cry out in pain before passing out.

"Ummm. Why did you do that" Dino scratched his head

Kurama just huffed "Just a precaution. I really am not in the mood to fight Unkilable Zombie Giants"

Veldora just grabbed Leonardo and put the kid on his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes.

"Let's go. I want to see how the other fights are going" Without waiting for them to reply Veldora dashed off

"Sigh. Follow the idiot" Whoosh

"I wonder.. if I stay here and fall asleep. How long would it take them to notice I'm gone? Can I at least get a small nap?

~ A/N

As far as I know Leonardo doesn't speak that much.

Bandersnatch and Jabberwocky

12 Bandersnatch, a 100 meter tall moster. Jabberwocky a 200 meter tall monster

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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