This is a Marvel superhero fan story. The official Marvel characters belong to Marvel Studios.
(Few years ago).....
Somewhere In a far distant galaxy things were rather quiet....nothing can be seen but billions of stars that can be seen across the galaxy until....suddenly a strange spaceship appeared going as fast as it could possibly can as if it was being chased by someone or was being hunted by 3 spaceships that are firing at it. The one piloting the spaceship that is trying to escape the 3 unknown attackers is a dragon. The clothes he was wearing looks futuristic but at the same time looks more like a royal king. His scales were pale white but also has green eyes but also has wings however....despite his appearance he was also injured as if he was fighting for his life to escape his own planet but how and why did this happen to him is unknown but what this dragon does know is that he must find someplace safe and fast....for he has a dragon egg...his future son soon to be the next heir to the throne before him but that dosen't seem to be happening anytime soon for both the dragon and his future son are in grave danger from the attackers. While he was trying his hardest to avoid the blast from the enemy he soon got a message coming from one of the attackers. As he was receiving the message they spoke in dragon alien language.
????: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) Give up Zayldros you already lost. Surrender peacefully and give me the dragon egg and I might just spare you're miserable life.
Zayldros: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) I will never surrender to a traitor like you Gradarth! You will never have my son and become a true king!
Gradarth: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) Don't be a fool Zayldros his power is extraordinary then all of us! He could be a great warrior and a leader to our plans to conquer countless planets across the galaxy!
Zayldros: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) You only wish to conquer because you grew jealous that I choose my son as the new heir over you Gradarth! You were never ment to take my place because your ambitions are pure evil. And I'll see to it that you'll never get what you want.
And with that he quickly began to press buttons to activate the warp jump heading to another planet far away from him. One that he knew full well that not even Gradarth would dare go to....Planet Earth. While Zayldros was getting ready to warp Gradarth noticed that he was about to head to planet Earth from another galaxy while detecting the warning signal.
Gradarth: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) What do you think you are doing!? You do realize that Earth is Inhabited by humans right!? They are the same beings that killed off our kind centuries ago when we tried to expand our race as our second home! Heading to Earth is just plain suicide!
Zayldros: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) If my fate we're to be slain by humans then I would rather die an honorable death rather than to die by a traitor....
And with that the warp portal was activated sending Zayldros's spaceship to another galaxy heading to planet Earth with a speed of light.
Dragon Soldier 1: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) Zayldros has jumped to another galaxy lord Gradarth...Should we go after him?
As one of the soldiers is communicating with Gradarth.
Gradarth: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) No....He has already sealed his fate. He will die along with the child should the humans find him.
Dragon Soldier 2: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) and if they somehow survived?...
Gradarth: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) Survived or not we will return to Earth in time and when we do....We will prepare for the invasion and eradicate all of humanity and claim planet Earth for ourselves...
Meanwhile Zayldros has managed to successfully entered another galaxy away from the attackers but the spaceship took some heavy damage during the chase. Luckily Zayldros was already close to planet Earth but needed to land somewere and fast due to some critical malfunctions plus damages to the ship. As Zayldros enters the earth's atmosphere he was trying everything he can to keep the ship together to prepare himself for a crash landing impact.
Meanwhile Somewere in California in the mountains of Mammoth Lakes it was night time and there were quite a few people camping there mostly to hang out and enjoy having a good conversations while some are there on vacation and just a few to party having a couple of beers but one in particular is pretty much been distancing himself from the rest...a man named Martin Draco who is just about his late 20's soon to be 30 who is just sitting on the edge of a bridge near a lake feeling terrible of what happened just one month ago. Meanwhile one of his friends name Tommy showed up looking for him figuring that he would be there along all by himself.
Tommy: Hay Martin I've figured I would find you here of all places.
Martin Draco: Oh....hay Tommy I didn't expect you to be here....I just....need some time alone...
Tommy:....Oh....I see....look I'm soo sorry what happened to your wife and your unborn has been really hard for you when she died of giving birth....especially the child not surviving. I wish things would have been different for you but.....there wasn't anything we can do it just...happened and believe me seeing you like this at the funeral was not easy but we can get through this together. It's hard to move on and I get that but just remember we're here for you.
Martin Draco: .....thank Tommy.....
Tommy knew full well that he was hurting a lot inside he needed to do something to at least get his mind off of things.
Tommy: Tell you what how about I get you a drink and will talk about stuff just you and me dose that sound okay?
Martin Draco:....Sure I guess....
Tommy: okay just wait right there I'll be back.
And with that Tommy took off to get something for Martin. While Tommy was away Martin simply looked down on the lake looking at his reflection for a good long while thinking about ending his life right there wanting to just jump off the bridge and let the water take him but just when he was about to do the unthinkable he heard something strange coming from the sky something he had never heard before. He looked up and saw a strange green light appearing from the sky in the dead of night thinking that it could be some meteorite hitting the earth's atmosphere but this was different as it was coming closer it shoot passed the village and into the deepest part of the woods making a loud crash noise.
Martin Dragon: What the hell was that!?
As he saw it crash landed within the forest miles from we're he is. Martin didn't know what to think other than the go investigate himself even if it's a bit far so he quickly ran toward it while others are still probably wondering what is going on and with that he head out to the forest. It wasn't long until Tommy came back with two cans of beer for him and for Martin.
Tommy: Hay I'm back you wouldn't believe what happened just now we just felt an earthquake and....huh.....Tommy....we're did he go?....
Moments later Martin was heading towards that crash site that felt like he was walking for hours. Hiking wasn't usually his thing especially when it makes his legs and feet feel a bit tired but it didn't stop him from finding out what's over there. After a long travel from crossing over small lake, rocky paths and of course avoiding any wild animals despite how dark it is by using only his flashlight on his cellphone he finally stumbled on a glowing green light. He knew he was close and as he finally made it he found something shocking before his was without a doubt an alien spaceship.
Martin Draco: Oh my's an actual alien spaceship....
As he said quietly but then decided to take pictures of it as proof that this is indeed real as evidence but just when he took at least four pictures of it the spaceship began to open on its own spooking Martin fearing that something is about to come out of that spaceship. As the door opened he saw what appears to be claws coming out of it then slowly the head began to reveal itself, then his whole body revealing what appears to be reptilian with pale white scales, tail and wings.
Martin: a....dragon? alien is a dragon?
Martin slightly backed away feeling like it could attack him at any moment but then he looked closer and realized he was injured badly bleeding do doubt but also holding a somewhat broken glass pod with a dragon egg inside due to the crash landing but the egg was completely unharmed thanks to the protective pod. The dragon slowly limped his way toward Martin as if it needed help but hesitate thinking it was out to get him but the dragon stopped asking him he means no harm.
Zayldros: (speaking in Alian Dragon Language Translated) Don't be afraid I mean you no harm.
Martin couldn't understand what he was saying due to his alian language
Martin Draco: What do you want? I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. you need help?
Zayldros knew this situation was going to happen since humans speak in another language but luckily Zayldros did study these type of language for situations like this so he switched his dragon language to English.
Zayldros: I said don't be afraid I mean you know harm.
Martin Draco: !? You....can talk!?
Zayldros: Of course I can talk human I have studying your language for quite sometime *cough* *cough*
As he was coughing up blood from his wounds.
Martin Draco: holiday crap are you okay!?
Zayldros: do not worry about my sake. I've come to this planet to keep my son safe. wounds are too severe...I don't have much time left *cough* *cough* *cough* appears that I will die soon....tell me human.....are you here to slay me?....
Martin Draco: I wasn't even thinking about that especially in your condition mybe I can help you.
Zayldros then saw what appears to be military helicopters no doubt the government. Martin saw this as well knowing all too well that they will probably cover it up to hide the truth.
Zayldros: it appeared that others like yourself will come for me.....there isn't much this.
As Zayldros hands him the dragon egg.
Martin Draco: Wait what are you doing!?
Zayldros: listen human....I want you to take care of my son....he is a very special dragon a dragon told by legends he is the key to bringing forth a brighter future to our race....rase him well for when the time comes he will soon understand his true potential....I trust you would do the right go before they find you.
Martin didn't know what to say in all this rather than to raise a dragon on his own but he had no choice but to run back to the village and never looked back.
Zayldros: son.....I'm sorry I won't be with you when you hatched but know that I will always be with you....even if I'm far.....away....
And with that Zayldros collapsed laying on the floor lifeless due to blood loss and as he lied there a bunch of helicopters were circled around the alien and his spaceship. Moment later Martin was able to slip away from the military helicopters without being detected with the dragon egg he's carrying but as he returned to the village he quickly grabbed a cloth to cover it up to prevent people from noticing the egg and successfully entered the hotel were he was staying and into his room. As he made it safely he took a breather and lied down feeling pretty tired as he was still holding on to that egg.
Martin Draco: *huff*...*huff*...*huff*.....I.....can't believe this is happening. What am supposed to do now?.
As he turned to look at the egg again.
Martin Draco: hmm....well....I guess all I can do is keep this egg warm but how to I open this pod?
As he tried to get it opened but couldn't figure out how due to this alien technology. He tried pressing buttons to see what works but it appears to be locked pretty tight.
Martin Draco: Dame it won't open....hmm...well this glass seems to be cracked to if I try breaking it carefully It should be able to....
Suddenly he heard someone knocking on the door that scared him.
Tommy: Martin are you in there?
Martin Draco: Ah!...Oh Shit!
He accidentally dropped dropped the pod breaking it in half. As it broke the egg rolled out from it and he quickly picked up the egg to check and see if it left any cracks but it was still unharmed.
Martin Draco: Oh thank God it's still safe.
Just when he was relieved he heard his friend knocking on the door once again.
Tommy: Martin are you okay in there?
Martin quickly covered the egg with the cloth again and put it behind him near a pillow.
Martin Draco: Ummm....everything is fine just give me a minute!
As he quickly put the broken pod under the bed and quickly grabbed a broom to clean up the rest of the broken glasses. When he was finished getting rid of it he quickly sat back down on the bed.
Martin Draco: Okay the doors open!
Hearing this Tommy entered the room to check in Martin to see if he was okay.
Tommy: Oh there you are I've been looking for you and what was that noise just now?
Martin Draco: Oh umm...well I had a glass of water not too long ago but I actually dropped and broke it.
Tommy: Oh crap bro I'm sorry I didn't mean to...
Martin Draco: It's okay I've already cleaned it up so no pressure.
Tommy: Still....we're have you been this whole time? I've been looking for you everywhere when I came back.
Martin Draco: Oh well....about that well...after feeling that earthquake I kind of ruched back to the hotel to see if you we're doing okay in fact I was looking for you as well. I guess it got everyone spooked after feeling that.
Tommy: Well...I guess you may have a point but I guess all that matters is that you're okay.
Martin Draco: yeah sorry for worrying you.
Then suddenly he felt something shaking from his back.
Martin Draco: (oh crap....don't tell me it's hatching already!)
As he was beginning to panic.
Tommy: well since you're hear let me get you that drink I was holding on for you a while ago It should be in that small fridge we're I left it...I'll be right back.
As he was away heading straight to the small fridge to get the beverages Martin quickly removed the cloth covering the dragon egg and he saw it beginning to move even more until finally the egg started hatching.
Martin Draco: (what do I do?....I can't let him see this he'll freak out) ummm hay Tommy could you give me a moment I umm....need to use the bathroom.
Tommy: Oh that's fine the beer is kind of warm anyways but I'll just leave it on the table while you at it.
Martin Draco: Thanks bro.
And with that he quickly ran toward the bathroom with the dragon egg.
Tommy: hmm....he sure is in a hurry...was it something he ate?
As Martin entered the bathroom he placed the cloth on the side of the sink and gently placed the dragon egg on top of it to just let it hatch. As the dragon egg began to break even more the top of the egg broke loose revealing a small snout then the side of the egg began to crack open revealing his claws. Soon the egg completely broke apart revealing a baby dragon. It appears to have blue scales, red wings, green eyes and a few red stripes on his body, tail and face that looks masked like he even has a small flame colored hair on its head but also has long dragon ears and two normal white horns on both sides of his head.
Martin Draco: Well I'll really are a dragon from outer space...we'll...a cute one at that. But what am I supposed to do with you little guy?
The baby dragon just tilted his head in confusion of what he's saying.
Martin Draco: Well I can't just stand here and think about it.
As he gently picked him up like a small puppy and placed him on the floor and putting the cloth once again on the floor for the baby dragon to sit on.
Martin Draco: okay I'm going to be with my friend for a bit just wait here a stay quiet okay?
Again the dragon was confused as to what he was saying.
Martin Draco: then afterwards I'll see if I can get you something to eat. (I wonder what dragon's eat anyways?....hopefully not humans.)
And with that he left the bathroom leaving the baby dragon alone but as Martin closed the door the baby dragon just walked near the door scratching it a bit to try and open it but to no avail making him a bit upset. Meanwhile as Martin went back in the living room his friend was just sitting there on the table drinking a beer.
Martin Draco: sorry to keep you waiting I had to....take care of thing but I wouldn't recommend using the bathroom the toilet is kind of not working at the moment.
Tommy: What....really?....crap I guess I'll have to use the other elsewhere. But anyways about that earthquake earlier when you disappeared on me. When I was heading off to get drinks I happen to see a strange green shooting star that passes us but I think that was actually a small meteor which explains the earthquake.
Martin Draco: saw that?
Tommy: Well yeah I didn't think it would actually land but I kind of wondered we're it landed?
Martin Draco: Beats me something like that can be pretty random but rare.
Tommy: Obviously you can never tell what to expec....
Suddenly Tommy heard a loud thumping sound that's coming from the bathroom.
Tommy: huh....what was that?
Martin Draco: (oh crap I knew I should've hid him someplace else!) What was what I didn't hear anything.
As he was panicking trying make him think he was hearing things.
Tommy: No I definitely heard something coming from that bathroom.
He got up from the chair and walked straight to the bathroom door.
Martin Draco: Tommy wait!
But it was to late to stop him as Tommy stopped near the door he turned his head and placed his ear near the bathroom door to listen.
Tommy: Shhhhhh...I think something might have snuck in here.
As he whispered to his friends to be quiet. He then heard a grouling noise like some kind of small animal and whispered to Martin once more.
Tommy: Martin....I think we may have a racoon in there....or is it a possum?
Martin Draco: Tommy please whatever you do no go in there.
Tommy: Don't worry about me I'll just take a peak and hopefully I can find some way to get it out.
Tommy then slowly but quietly opened the door.
Martin Draco: (Crap....this isn't going to end we'll.)
As he knew that Tommy will eventually find out. As Tommy entered the bathroom he saw something moving underneath the cloth as it was growling and moving around trying to break loose.
Tommy: what the...what's under that?....wait a minute....
As he was beginning to realize that Martin wasn't being very truthful.
Tommy: Ooooooh I get it.....Martin you little sneak did you bring a puppy in here? Awwww that's adorable I didn't think you we're a dog person. Let's see what you look like little guy.
As Tommy removed the cloth it revealed a baby dragon simply just smiling and staring at him.
As he freaked out and trip back falling from his butt and backed away towards the wall. As he backed away the baby dragon began to slowly walk toward him all happy but Tommy as too freaked out to even moved but before the dragon could get close to him Martin stepped in and gently picked him up to carry him.
Martin Draco: Tommy I can explain...I...didn't want you to find out about this but....I guess that can't be helped. I honestly don't know we're to even hide him because I couldn't think streat until you showed up.
Tommy was trying to calm down a bit seeing that the baby dragon dosen't seem to be show any attention to harm anyone in fact just by looking at it seem pretty harmless so he simply got back up.
Tommy:'s not dangerous or anything? If I know correctly dragons have a way of burning things especially if this thing eats people.
Martin Draco: We''re probably right about the whole fire thing but I don't think he would eat anybody and besides...he just hatched just recently so he's technically just a baby.
As Martin pointed at the broken pieces of what was left of the dragon egg.
Tommy: No way...H..How did you even that it but more importantly....we're did you find it and please don't tell me you find it some kind of mysterious cave we're there's a possible bigger dragon looking for him.
As he was beginning to worry about a possible huge angry dragon looking for it's baby.
Martin Draco: Actually....It's a bit more different then that.
Moment later back in the living room Martin showed his friend the broken pod were the egg used to be.
Martin Draco: remember that glowing meteor you mentioned...we' turns out it's actually a spaceship that crash landed not far from here so I kind of invested that area to check it out. It took me a long while but as I got there was without a doubt an alien spaceship but something else was there. It was another dragon slightly bigger than me but also humanoid like an anthropomorphic dragon to be precise.
Tommy: Did it....tried to kill you?
Martin Draco: No not exactly he was pretty injured and didn't have much time left so he just gave me the egg to raise him.
Tommy:'s a boy?
Martin Draco: Yeah pretty much. At first I didn't understand what he was saying because he spoke in a completely different language...that is...until he actually spoke our language. If only I knew why he choose me of all people?....was it simply just pure luck?
Tommy: Beats me maybe it is just luck or probably a coincidence. By the way Martin what do you suppose this means?
As he was pointing at the writings on the pod showing alien language that he can't quite figure it out.
Martin Draco: Hmmm Can't really tell....I've never seen anything like this before.
Tommy: We'll I guess will never know until we find some kind of professional to figure this out but I doubt will find anyone to translate this.
Martin Draco: Tommy....we can't tell ANYONE about this.
Tommy: I'd figured you would say that but we're are we supposed to hide him?...we only came to Mammoth Lakes for our vacation and if you bring that dragon with you people are going to find out eventually. Who knows what will happen when they do they'll probably keep him in a cage somewhere in Aria 51 or something and believe me those people tend to cover it up whenever a UFO is brought up. Don't forget Martin that thing is a dragon from outer space who knows what that thing is capable of.
Martin Draco: I know Tommy.....but I got to won't be easy but I'll figure something out.
As Martin was talking to Tommy the baby dragon was feeling worried for him not understanding the situation but then suddenly the baby dragon closed his eyes and began to change in front of him.
Tommy: huh?...what's happening to him?
As both Martin and Tommy looked at the baby dragon his body was being to shape-shift. His scales began to change into a different color turning into human skin, his head began to change into a cute baby human face, his tail began to disappear following his red wings and his four claws and three toes began to change into normal hands and feet. His flaming orange hair began to change color as well into dark brown and last but not least is his green dragon eyes began to change into his normal dark brown eyes and when it was finally over...he became a human boy.
Tommy: Holy crap did it just transform into a human?
Martin Draco: I....I guess he did.
As he was unexpectedly surprised by this turn of event as the once baby dragon just giggle happly.
Martin Draco: Well.....I guess that's one problem solved.
Tommy: So now what?.....are you still planning to keeping him?
Martin looked at the baby once more thinking about what could have been when his wife and unborn son hadn't died that day but he knew full well they we're gone but deep down....he always wanted to have kids even though his wife is no longer around so he made his decision.
Martin Draco: Of course I'm going to keep him. I'll raise him as if he we're my own's what my wife would have wanted....
As he was smiling lovingly at the baby.
Tommy: Welp...I guess that settles're going to adopt it. Soo...what are you going to name him?
Martin Draco: Hmmm.....well.....I've been thinking of one for my unborn child soo...yeah...I will call him....Richard Draco.
Tommy: That's a pretty good name we'll we should probably get out of here while we can. If the government is already at that spot we're you found him then there's a pretty good chance they will come here trying to make sure nothing gets out.
Martin Draco:'re right...we should pack our stuff and get the hell out of here asap and remember Tommy you can't tell anyone about this.
Tommy: don't worry my lips are sealed and beside the kids part of our family now so that means I'm an uncle isn't that right little Richard.
As he tickled the baby making him giggle.
Tommy: But yeah we should get out of here right now.
And with that Martin and Tommy immediately packed there stuff including the evidence of the egg and the broken pods just to be safe with them and when they were done packing Martin and Tommy got in the car. While Martin was the one driving Tommy was holding the baby as they put there seat belts on and when they did Martin used the car key and turned on the motor and as it car turned on they started backing up from the parking spot, then headed straight to the road leaving Mammoth Lakes and not looked back.
Tommy: *sigh*.....I think we're on the clear. This is going to be a long way back home
Martin: Yeah.....I know.....
As he was focusing on the road in the middle of the night heading to there destination....home.
Marvel Superhero
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