Eight nautical miles was easily overcome by the United States' speedboats. The Japanese's eagerness, fueled by their desire for revenge, also pushed them to floor the accelerator!
Some of the Xiantian Realm ninjas didn't even wait for the speedboats to get close to Turtle Island. They simply leapt from the speedboats when they were a hundred meters away!
The helicopters were certainly a monster in their own right. However, they lagged behind slightly. The American pilots weren't in a hurry.
"Oh God, the weather is great today. There isn't even trace of wind. Ideal for flying…" A pilot joked with his comrades through the wireless communicator.
He spoke too soon!
All of a sudden, a huge gale sprung up, swallowing the clouds floating around Turtle Island!
At the same time, the sky over Turtle Island transformed entirely from black into a monstrous reddish brown!
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