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11.11% Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer / Chapter 1: New Soul
Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer original

Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer

Tác giả: RenanPMoraes

© WebNovel

Chương 1: New Soul

Greetings everyone and welcome to my fic Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer.

As the name makes clear, this fic is a period drama, set in Victorian England in 1875.


Jokes aside, our protagonist was reincarnated in Gohan's body shortly after the Saiyan saga.

If you are an old Dragon Ball fan like me and dreamed of Gohan taking the lead as in the original plans of the great and late Akira Toriyama.

This fic is for you.




A ripple of consciousness swept over his body as he blinked open his eyes, a bleached whiteness greeting him. No scent of sweat-soaked earth, no familiar pulse of life. Just an expansive nothingness, a blank canvas devoid of brushstrokes. His heart pounded in his chest, echoing in the hollow space.

Before him, an alien entity stood out against the void.

His tiny form swathed in vibrant hues, a stark contrast to the emptiness surrounding them. The sight of the deity stirred a faint recognition within him, a hazy mirage wavering at the edge of his memory.

"Lord Zeno?" 

"Hi," Zeno's voice resounded in the empty expanse, a faint smile dancing on his lips.

"This is impossible, you are not real, you are a fictional character."

The god looked at him without expressing any emotion, but uttered a simple word.


The commando had no anger or hatred towards him, but a chill ran down his spine, as if he were being warned of the danger that the being in front of him represented.

"You're probably wondering why you're here," Zeno continued, his voice an echo against the silent backdrop.

He nodded, a tight knot forming in his stomach.

"An incident created a new timeline, Gohan's soul was... accidentally destroyed during his fight with Nappa and Vegeta," Zeno confessed, a hint of regret tinting his words.

Hi's eyes widened at the revelation.

"But how, he still had so much to do. Gohan is vital to Dragon Ball in all sagas up to -."


Once again the command silence with the primal fear of a predator facing its prey

"And so, you'll be taking on his role."

"His role?" He questioned, curiosity piercing through his shock.

Zeno nodded.

"You will serve as the new Gohan." He said, as if those words hadn't impacted him. "But don't worry, I created something to help you."

Zeno snaps his fingers as a strange blue holographic window appears in front of me.

[Gamer System Installed]


Name: Gohan

Race: Hybrid [Human/Saiyajin]

Level: 1 [0.000/1.000]

HP: 3.500

KP: 10.000

PL: 1.500

MIGHT: 700

AGILITY: 2.300

SPIRIT: 2.000

MENTAL: 1.000

Points: 100


"This looks like the status of a gamer fic."

"Mortals from your reality do not have access to ki and other forms of energy like the world you will reincarnate in, so create a system that you are familiar with to help you acclimatize and to keep an eye on you."

He swallows hard at the declaration of the small but infinitely powerful being.

"Will you keep an eye on me?"

"Yes." Zeno said smiling. "My original plan was to destroy this variant timeline, but I decided to use you to see what happens. Watching you will be fun, but if you die or it becomes boring to watch you... I'll destroy everything." He finishes speaking by raising his little arms into the air.

Confused and distressed, he tries to ask for more information, but his vision starts to darken and he becomes unconscious.


Gohan's eyelids fluttered open to the soft murmur of voices, a stark contrast to the deafening silence he'd faced moments ago. He found himself cradled in Chi-Chi's arms, her eyes brimming with relief and love. His body felt strangely light, devoid of the aches that should have been there, considering the battle he had just been through.

"What?" he whispered, his voice carrying an unfamiliar timbre.

Chi-Chi gasped, tears streaming down her cheeks as she clutched him tighter.

"Oh, Gohan! You're alright!"

Around them gathered his friends and family exchanged looks of disbelief.

"You were hurt pretty bad," Krillin piped up from the side. "But it seems like you're better than me"

Gohan touched his head, expecting to find wounds or bandages, but there was nothing. His skin was smooth, unmarred. He could feel their collective gaze upon him, mixtures of astonishment and unspoken questions at his miraculous recovery.

'Was this Zeno's work?' Gohan thought in silence. 'Does he or this system of his leave me completely healed when I wake up?'

As they traveled to the hospital where Goku and Krillin would be treated for their own injuries, Gohan remained silent in the aircraft's cabin. The hum of its engines was a distant drone as he tried to piece together the reality that he was no longer in his world. The very idea that he was now living in the body of his favorite character seemed like a fever dream.

He glanced out of the window, watching the landscape zoom past. He was here, yet part of him still grappled with disbelief. The sensation of flying in this advanced machine should have thrilled him, instead, it only deepened the surrealism of his situation.

They reached the hospital quickly. Goku and Krillin were whisked away by a team of medics while Chi-Chi stayed by Goku's side every step of the way. Gohan followed along mechanically as they navigated through sterile corridors and past concerned nurses.

He knew he should feel something, but all he could focus on was the odd detachment gnawing at him. Inside this familiar world yet so alien to his own experience, Gohan grappled with the reality that life as he knew it had been irreversibly altered.

In the stark white of the hospital room, voices buzzed around Gohan like bees circling a hive. Everyone was animated, gesturing wildly as they spoke of plans to journey to Namekusei. Yet, Gohan's mind wandered, ensnared in its own quandary.

Bulma was unfolding maps and charts onto a nearby table, her finger tracing potential routes through the cosmos.

"Even if we modify one of my father's spaceships, we still wouldn't be able to make the trip in less than a thousand years," she explained with an authority that made her the de facto leader of this impromptu meeting.

Goku, propped up in his hospital bed with bandages criss-crossing his torso, nodded along with Bulma's words.

"We need to find those Dragon Balls," he said with determination shining through his eyes despite his injuries.

But Gohan's attention strayed from their planning. He was there among them, physically present but mentally adrift.

Gohan's focus shifted from the animated group to the window where something had caught his attention. A weird figure, clad in flowing oriental garb and a large white turban, hovered outside the glass in a flying carpet. Its expression was impossible to read, but there was a faint glimmer of amusement in its eyes.

"Who is it?" Gohan muttered, rising from his seat.

Gohan stepped towards the window, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread. As he approached, the figure turned to face him, its movements graceful and deliberate. Gohan's eyes widened in recognition.

"Mr. Popo?" he breathed out.

The enigmatic attendant to Earth's Guardian hovered serenely outside the window, his inscrutable expression holding a hint of amusement.

"Yes, young Gohan," Popo replied, his voice as smooth as running water. "I have come to offer assistance."

Gohan's eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Assistance? With what?"

"With your journey to Namekusei," Popo answered simply. "I know of a spaceship that can take you there."

The revelation stunned Gohan. He had forgotten that Mr. Popo was going to take them to the ship that Kami used to get to Earth.

"I think we should take Mr. Popo up on his offer." Said Goku from the bed.

"We're all hurt, and it'll be faster if some of us go with Popo to get the spaceship." Added Kuririn

A satisfied gleam entered Popo's eyes.

"Who will come with me to the spaceship?" Asked Popo.

"Well, that easy, Bulma." Said Kuririn.

"What?Why me?"

"The others are injured and you are the only one who can find out if we can use the ship or not."

Bulma sighed, her shoulders slumping in resignation.

"Great. I get to sit in a spaceship with that weird guy."

Goku chuckled softly.

"At least we're one step closer to getting the Dragon Balls," he said, trying to remain optimistic.

Despite the lingering unease, Gohan couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mingled with trepidation. The journey to Namekusei was about to begin, one of the most incredible and iconic arcs in Dragon Ball.

But his good mood takes a cold shower when he remembers the difficulties he will face in the future. Although he was strong enough to face some of Freeza's soldiers, his elite forces and the Galactic Emperor himself were far from his reach.

Overcome with dread of the future, Gohan decides to do what Dragon Ball characters do when they face a great challenge.

'I need to train.'


Perceiving the opportunity before his eyes, Gohan decided to go with them to.

"I'll go with you to, Mr. Popo," Gohan declared, his voice resolute.

Bulma blinked in surprise.

"You will?"

"Yes," Gohan nodded. "I'm not as injured as the others, and I can help protect you on the journey."

Bulma smiled, a genuine expression of gratitude crossing her face.

"Thank you, Gohan." She said hugging him. "It's so good to know that I can count on one of you."

However, Gohan kept his true intentions hidden, he planned to use this journey for another purpose.

As soon as Bulma and Gohan got on the carpet, they disappeared.


"You surprised me with your training idea, young Gohan." Mr. Popo said, guiding Gohan through the corridors of the celestial platform.

After investigating the ship that brought Kami-sama to planet Earth, Gohan did not stay with Bulma in the hospital but was taken to the Celeste platform, where until Piccolo's death at the hands of Vegeta, Earth's Kami resided.

After a few more minutes walking, Gohan stood in the doorway of the Time Chamber, his heart pounding with anticipation. Mr. Popo hovered beside him, his expression inscrutable as always.

"This is the Time Chamber," Popo explained. "Time flows differently within its walls. One day outside is equivalent to one year within."

Gohan nodded, his mind racing. Two years of training could make a world of difference. He could become strong enough to face even the mightiest of Frieza soldiers.

"I am ready," he said, his voice determined.

Popo nodded and opened the door, revealing a vast, empty chamber. Gohan stepped inside, and Popo followed, closing the door behind them.

The Time Chamber was a strange and wonderful place. It was filled with an ethereal glow, and the air was heavy with the scent of ozone. Gohan could feel the energy of the place coursing through his body, invigorating him.

"You will train here for two years," Popo said. "When you are finished, leave the room immediately, or you will be trapped in here forever."

Gohan nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He couldn't wait to begin.

With a finger pointing to the ground, Popo creates 3 pairs of clothes similar to the Gi that Goku wears, but without symbols related to any master.

Gohan looked at the three pairs of clothes with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

"These are weighted clothing," Popo explained. "They will help you to increase your strength and endurance. The first pair weighs 50 kilos, the second 100 kilos, and the third 500 kilos. But be warned, the gravity in this room is 10 times greater than on Earth."

Gohan nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He couldn't wait to try on the weights.

He picked up the first pair of clothes and slipped them on. The weight was immediately apparent, but he forced himself to stand up straight. He took a few steps forward, and the increased gravity made his legs feel like lead.

But Gohan was determined to push himself. He gritted his teeth and continued to walk.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to help Miss Bulma with the ship and teach her the Kami language."

Even as Popo leaves the room, Gohan is having difficulty adapting to the weight of the clothes.

Gohan struggled to move in the weighted clothing. Each step felt like he was wading through waist-deep mud. The 50 kilos that the clothes weighed on Earth felt like half a ton in the Time Chamber's gravity.

He took a few more steps, his muscles screaming in protest. He could feel the sweat dripping down his forehead.

But he refused to give up. He had come to the Time Chamber to train, and he wasn't going to let a little discomfort stop him.

He gritted his teeth and continued to push himself. He walked for half an hour, until his legs felt like they were going to give out. But he kept going, one step at a time.

Finally, he collapsed on the ground, exhausted. He lay there for a few minutes, catching his breath.

[+5 MIGHT ]

The window catches Gohan by surprise, but not as much as the voice that sounds in his head, startling him. It was the voice of Zeno, the king of all universes.

"Well done, Gohan," Zeno said. "You have used your knowledge of the future to your advantage. This is the most interesting turn of events."

Gohan's mind raced. He had never expected to hear from Zeno, let alone be praised by him.

"Thank you, Lord Zeno," Gohan said, his voice trembling slightly.

"You are most welcome," Zeno said. "I must say, I am quite intrigued by your plan. It is a clever way to avoid the boredom of a predictable story."

Gohan's heart skipped a beat.

"Boredom?" he asked.

"Yes, boredom," Zeno said. "If the story becomes too predictable, I may lose interest and destroy everything."

Gohan's eyes widened in horror. He had never considered that Zeno could be so capricious.

"I will do my best to keep the story interesting," Gohan said.

"I am sure you will," Zeno said. "Now, go and train. I look forward to seeing what you accomplish."

The voice faded away, leaving Gohan alone in the Time Chamber. He stood there for a moment, trying to process what had just happened.

He had been given a chance to change the future, and he was determined to make the most of it. He would train harder than ever before, and he would do everything in his power to keep Zeno entertained.

The fate of the universe depended on it.

"It looks like this Gohan will become the protagonist of Dragon Ball as Akira Toriyama had originally planned." He couldn't stop himself from smiling. "It's a shame that I don't have anyone to train with me, in Dragon Ball one of the best ways to train is by fighting."



[ Choose your opponent]

Raditz = PL 1.200

Saibamen = PL 1.200

Nappa = PL 4.000

Vegeta = PL 18.000

Vegeta(Ozaru) = PL 180.000

[ Choose your opponent]


Overwhelmed by the amount of things that have happened to him in less than a day, Gohan decides to first learn how to best use the system Zeno gave him.

"This way I will make better use of my training."


"And I think the system agrees with me…"

Gohan spent a few minutes reading the status window, looking at each element that opened windows with explanations and speaking commands out loud trying to find more features.


Name: Gohan

Race: Hybrid [Human/Saiyajin]

Level: 1 [0.000/1.000]

HP: 3.500

KP: 10.000

PL: 1.501,5

MIGHT: 705

AGILITY: 2.300

SPIRIT: 2.000

MENTAL: 1.001

Points: 100


Name, Race and Level are very simple to understand. HP is Hit Points as expected, KP is Ki Points, PL is Power Levels. MIGHT encompasses strength and physical resistance. AGILITY is for dexterity, movement and reaction. SPIRIT resist mental attacks and ki reserve. MENTAL memory and quick thinking.

One of the new windows that Gohan discovered was.


General Skills:

Acrobatics Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Athletics Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Perception Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Stealth Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Thievery Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Combat Skills:

Close Combat Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Ranged Combat Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Knowledge Skills:

Medicine Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Survival Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Social Skills:

Deception Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Diplomacy Lv. 1/100 [Novice]

Intimidation Lv. 1/100 [Novice]


"I think the Skills are at a minimum because I started this life with few memories." Said Gohan, finally noticing the holes in his memory. "I remember almost nothing about myself or the people I lived with."





Oozaru Lv. 1/100 [Novice] = X 10 Power Level, at this level, the gamer loses control when assuming the Oozaru form 


"Nothing?" Questioned Gohan in surprise. "B-but what about Masenko? Or a simple ki blast? I should at least know how to fly by now."

Gohan wasn't desperate only because he had at least 2 years to train.


Hidden Potential: A great power lies dormant within youHuman Adaptability: Greater capacity for learning new techniques and strategizing in combat.Zenkai Boost: Become significantly stronger after recovering from near-death experiences.


"Cool, I have the best of both worlds from my racial heritage." Commented Gohan, getting up. "I may not know how to train my Ki, but I will try to physically train the most powerful being of all."

Determined, Gohan began his training of 100 sit ups, pushups, and squats followed by a 10-km run.


Did you enjoy the first chapter of Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer?

I know it's all a bit rushed right now, but the trip to Namekusei is coming up and Gohan will start interacting more with the other characters.

I will publish new chapters every month of this story.

Questions, criticisms, suggestions, compliments, or commissions? You can find me on my X (Old Twitter) @renanp1m or on my Linktree: linktr.ee/RenanPMoraes

Until next time, you beautiful ones.

next chapter
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