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66.66% Dragon's Paradise (HPxMarvelUniverse) [Dropped] / Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen: Ritual [R-18]

Chương 16: Chapter Sixteen: Ritual [R-18]

Finally arriving at the Caribbean island, all the stuff I stole before from luxury beach resorts was still here, just shrunken and stored in a small box. I used the growing charm Engorigo to return everything to its normal size and then organized everything to serve the girls and me later. Then I prepared snacks and drinks and even teleported to an electronics store where I grabbed a portable music player.

Everything was ready for a nice day on the beach.

Turning around to see what the girls were up to, I saw Felicia and Jessica taking a swim in the beautiful azure water surrounding the dreamy island. They didn't even bother with bikinis anymore and were completely naked so that they could get a nice tan. As for myself, I was not particularly eager to allow my Don Juan to dangle around in the wind, so I was wearing a pair of black swimming shorts.

"Teach me how to fly, Johnny!" Jessica demanded loudly before shooting up into the air like a rocket. She managed to fly around ten meters up, but it was more like a really high jump than genuine flying.

"Alright, but promise me that you won't kill me for helping you," I said while watching her leap around like a crazy locust. "We won't do anything harmful or perverted, but you will experience a little fright. That's what will help you unlock your ability. I need to scare you a bit."

"Fine," Jessica shouted back as she landed from another one of her high jumps.

My face split with a predatory smirk, and I directly teleported at her to catch her midair before she could land. She yelped in shock, but we disappeared again before she had the chance to complain or defend herself.


Reappearing in the sky high above the island, I let go of Jessica and teleported back on the beach again.

"Fuck me! Johnny, did you just-…?!" Felicia gaped with wide eyes, looking up to see the small shape of a pink-haired woman dropping from the sky.

I didn't reply since I had to concentrate on Jessica. She really needed to develop a fear for her life in order to unlock her ability. Her subconscious mind needed to believe that she was about to die for my plan to work.

Based on Jessica's screams, it seemed that throwing her from the sky did make her fear for her life. All I needed to do now was to wait and save her if she failed to unlock her ability.

Seeing her getting closer, I started to smirk when her dropping speed seemed to slow down drastically. She abruptly halted in the air like frozen a few times before continuing to fall. The fall continued like that, the stops became more, and she eventually began to erratically fly up and down like a drunk Supergirl.

Seeing that, I disappeared in a ball of golden flames.


Reappearing a few meters away from my target, I laughed mockingly and sent a low-powered stinging charm at her well-shaped backside.

"Why do you don't try to catch me, Jessica," I taunted her with a grin. "Or are you too stupid to do that?"

She growled and shot towards me, missing me by a meter. I appeared some distance above her and assaulted her with a stinging hex again.

"Fuck you, Johnny!" Jessica cursed and looked up to see me pointing my wand at her, using the water-making spell Aguamenti to spray a jet of water at her.

She blinked at me with wide eyes before snarling, shooting up at me with amazing speed. I quickly teleported away and reappeared even farther away. This time, I fired the color change charm 'Colovaria' at her, turning her skin yellow.

"Hmm, your appearance just dropped from ten to a lousy six!" I mocked merrily, causing my pink-haired pursuer to groan furiously and fly even faster.

In the meantime, I spotted that Felicia made herself comfortable on the cushioned sun loungers that I prepared, slurping orange juice while enjoying the show.

Jessica and I continued to play cat and mouse as I assaulted her with various mischievous pranking spells. She totally ignored the fact that she was actually flying after me the whole time. Her speed started to become more and more impressive, and I was almost caught a few times because I underestimated how fast she could fly.

Eventually, she did manage to capture me and swung me by the ankle of my foot down into the azure ocean. Jessica raced after me and proceeded to throw me around like a rag doll until I began to fight back.


Jessica's eyes became red after I slapped her shapely arse. Her pretty face split with a sadistic grin. "So you have chosen death!"

Grinning back, I disappeared for a second before reappearing with a coconut in my hands. Jessica seems to have forgotten that I was superhuman too and didn't expect me to throw the coconut at her with a speed and force that made her grunt in pain.

She still caught and threw it back at me with just as much force, if not more. It crashed against my chest and cracked a bit. The impact hurt like a bitch, but I ignored the pain. My fighting spirit was lit aflame, and I wanted to show Jessica that I wasn't a pushover.

Jessica was already on her way, flying at me with impressive speed. I let her capture me and teleported us back on the beach not so far away from Felicia. Next, I used her short confusion to ram a strong punch into her stomach, causing her to gasp.

"Bastard." Jessica staggered a bit but retaliated quickly enough to surprise me with a swift kick into my side, causing my face to twist in pain. Her kick also sent me flying into the ocean.

I decided not to use my teleportation. Instead, I forced my way out of the water and heated my body until I was glowing with immense heat, causing the water around me to evaporate with sharp hissing sounds. My eyes were glowing as well, turning into two miniature suns.

Of course, I wasn't going to fight Jessica like this since it had the potential to seriously injure her, but it managed to intimidate her a bit. After I cooled down, she growled when she saw my cocky smirk and looked to her side to grab a coconut.

"Eat this!" Jessica shouted before throwing the coconut at me with such a speed that I almost failed to dodge It.

She then followed up with a flying charge, bolting at me to tackle my chest with two fists. I slammed my first on her back and kept hammering her while she drove me down into the ocean, throwing me into the azure water before flying back to the beach.

Not in the mood to swim again, I teleported on the beach where Jessica greeted me with a coconut in each hand. She swiftly threw them after me but was caught off-guard by my wandless banishing charm, which made the coconuts fly back and crash into her face and chest.

She didn't receive any damage due to her powerful physique, but she still groaned in frustration.

"You need more weapons if you want to win against a foe like me," I stated with a wide grin. "Magic is might."

"Perhaps, but your kind of annoying isn't exactly common," Jessica huffed back. "The few 'superhumans' that I have met are easily taken care of with a single punch."

"True, but one of me can make your life really hard if you aren't prepared," I said as we walked over to Felicia. "But maybe I can craft you some superhero equipment in the future that may help you against magicals."

"Yes, make sure you do that," Jessica threatened with a small grin, hiding her excitement.

As we made our way to our blond companion, I took my wand out of my mokeskin pouch and cleaned Jessica and myself from all the sand on our bodies, and canceled the pranking charms that still affected her appearance. My astonished pink-haired friend thanked me with a small nod.

Arriving at our picking area, Felicia greeted us with an angry hiss, "Can't you two warm me before you do something like that?! I thought that you were killing each other!"

"For my defense, I didn't know that our mighty magician was going to drop me from the sky," Jessica argued with her arms crossed below her ample chest. "You know how I am. I felt like beating someone up."

"Sorry for that, but it was the best method I could think of to help Jessica unlock her flying ability," I defended myself against Felicia's accusing gaze.

"Can't you just use your magic to steal that magical plant you talked about?" Felicia sulked as we made ourselves comfortable on the sun loungers. "You two are having fun with your superpowers while I have to stay normal…"

"...and being normal is boring," she whined cutely.

I shook my head with a smile. "Felicia, I could, but I want you to become strong just by yourself before you turn into a superhuman. That will enhance the abilities you have gained until that point, and your transformation will be more effective."

Felicia went thoughtful for a moment. Her eyes then lit up with a mischievous light. She hopped from her sun lounger and moved over to mine with swaying hips before climbing on top of me with her naked and criminally attractive body. Descending over me with a confident smile, I felt her perfectly sculpted breasts pressing against my chest as she whispered lewdly into my ears.

"Johnny." Felicia moaned my name while slowly rubbing her body against mine. "Give me what I want, and I return that favor a hundred times back. Deal?"

"Does that meant that you give up and don't want to be the best anymore?" I replied with disappointment in my tone.

She leaned back and hissed, her green eyes fixated at my deep-blue ones. "It's not like that. But I can become stronger a lot faster with an enhanced body. I can train longer and endure harder training. Isn't that smarter?"

To be honest, her argument sounded pretty reasonable. But I feared that gaining so much power in one go would make her slack off and fail to reach her full potential. The Black Cat I knew of could compete with enhanced humans without having their superhuman advantages. She gained that ability through hard training and lots of exercising.

I put my hands on her shapely arse. "There is nothing wrong with your argument, but I don't think that I am ready to rob the most advanced country on the planet right now. They may vulnerable to my magic, but I seriously doubt that the magical community in Africa is unaware of Wakanda. They most likely keep an eye on that country…"

Pausing for a moment, I realized that Wakanda and the magical community might even work together. The culture in North Africa was pretty much like in Europe since people used wands and so on. However, the magical population that lived further south concentrated most of their time on wandless magic, transfiguration, and their animagus form. African magicals were brutally lethal in close-quarter combat.

But what worried me the most was the fact that the most powerful clans of magical Africa I read about all focused on feline animagus forms. Their top members were notorious all over the wizarding world. But my information was little because Africa and the magical UK didn't have the best relationship.

"If they are protected by magic, how are we going to break into their vault and steal that magical herb?" Felica inquired with a little frow. "No training in the world can prepare me for that."

"Well, I could simply mind-control one of their people, glue a tracker on his or her arse, make that individual get close to the vault, and then teleport," I explained. Hogwarts had one of the strongest wards worldwide. If that doesn't stop me, nothing can. "But we have enough time to plan and train because you are going to finish high school first anyway."

I earned myself a small glare from Felicia. "Fair enough. I will train like never before, and you will make sure to take us to Wakanda in the future. We are going to steal that plant so I can gain my superpowers, and then we are going enjoy our lives as we wish."

"Our very long lives," I added with a grin, squeezing her peachy ass-cheeks. "The sex-magic I know has a ritual that allows me to share one of my abilities with you. But it will essentially bind you to my person. You can't have anybody else besides me after you accept the ritual."

"Will it turn me into your slave?" Felicia asked with raised brows.

I shook my head. "No, but the magic of the ritual will make sure you stay faithful to the one that initiates the ritual."

"That doesn't sound too bad," Felicia purred with a grin, grinding her lower body against mine. "You could supply me with a superpower right now."

"That is true, but I must confess that I won't be the most faithful type of boyfriend," I admitted with an awkward smile. "For example, I plan to seduce a professor at my school and to have sex with a few more girls that I find interesting. My superpower makes me near-immortal, and I am not really interested in binding myself to a single person until I have enjoyed every aspect of life to the fullest."

"Immortality?!" Felicia gasped in shock. "Y-You are immortal?"

"Explain!" Jessica demanded, just as curious.

I nodded with a grin. "As long nobody cuts my head off or something like that, basically yes. You could cut my hand off and I will simply regenerate it in a few minutes."

Felicia flushed red with a horny expression. It was plainly obvious that she really considered accepting the ritual and gain a swift boost in her power. In the comics and stories where I read about her, I knew that Felica really wanted to gain herself a superhuman enhancement. That is why I lured her with the Wakanda herb when we first met. I knew that this would spark her interest and initiate the beginning of our relationship.

The Extremis Virus didn't suit her as well as the enhancement from the Wakanda Herb, but to be honest, the former was still vastly superior. And the primary reason I informed Felicia about the Wakanda Herb was becuase I had no idea how to inform her about the sex-magic stuff without sounding super creepy. Yeah, she could gain a superpower, but she had to have sex with me for that and become my lover. Before today, it didn't seem like a good idea to offer her something like that without appearing like a lecherous pervert. However, since we already had sex already...

Seeing her just stare at my face, I broke the silence between us. "Would you really make yourself mine forever in exchange for possible immortality?"

"Maybe," Felicia bit her lower lip, looking unsure. "I don't know what true love is becuase I really never met a boy that really interested me so far. But you can perform true magic, teleport wherever you want, and you're probably going to look like a Greek god when you are older. Oh, and I like the taste of your semen, and…"

I couldn't help but grin while Felicia continued to list more reasons about why she should accept the ritual, mostly to make herself feel better. When she finished, I explained to her the exact benefits of the perfected Extremis Virus. Jessica reacted with horror when I said that sleeping would become unnecessary, but she rather liked the improvement her brain would get from the deal.

"Alright, Felicia, I am going to be selfish now and tell you to do it," I stated and hugged her tightly, pressing her curvaceous body against mine. "You are so dam sexy. I want you to be immortal and at my side forever. But keep in mind that I will most likely add more members to our relationship. You will have to share me. But I am sure that we will have a lot of fun. If things work well, I am going to get us a Veela. Highly-sexual and angel-like females with supernatural beauty. They have an ability to make people attracted to them and horny and can turn into harpies when enraged."

"You are a really ambitious boy," Felicia hummed with a fierce smile. "What you want is a harem, and you are going to find more girls in the future to join you. Isn't that right?"

I nodded with a shameless grin, making Jessica grunt in annoyance. "Are we two not enough for you?"

"More girl means more fun," I argued brazenly. "Currently, I am trying to seduce my hot professor. She is the mother of the national hero of my people. Her husband is a childish jerk. She also seems to be sexually frustrated, so I know that I have a chance with her. My dream is to fuck her against her office table, hearing her moan and scream my name."

"What about us? Can we fuck with other guys, too?" Jessica challenged with a grin.

"You can do that as long you haven't accepted the ritual," I replied easily. "But I am a jealous guy and will probably stop having sex with you. Call me a hypocrite, but that's how I am."

"But I am really into black cocks," Jessica admitted jokingly. "Getting my pussy abused by the massive cock of a black stallion really turns me on. You know what I mean?"

Felicia raised from on top of me and turned around to look at Jessica with a scandalized expression. The pink-haired pervert just kept her wide grin up without any sense of embarrassment.

"Ehm, no, not really," I replied with an awkward smile while pressing my ass-cheeks together. "But I might soon gain an ability that allows me to literally shapeshift into different people. To put it simply, I can turn myself into a 'black stallion' and give you chocolate until you are a whimpering mess. But most importantly, we are going to have party craziest role-plays ever!"

Jessica seemed enthralled by that idea, and Felicia turns back to me to lick her lips with a hungry light burning in her eyes. Being a Metamophamagus wouldn't only give me a tactical advantage, but also a sexual one since it allowed me to modify my body in almost every way I wished. If Jessica wanted an African Warlord Johnny, I would give her that. She seemed to be willing to join my harem, so I had to make sure she wouldn't regret it.

"There are potions that allow you to turn into different people as well," I added with a grin. "They last about an hour, so you girls can experiment as well if you want."

"Fuck, you really need to tell us more about that crazy magical world of yours," Jessica exclaimed with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"But… fine, I am in," she said just as Felicia wanted to say something. "Add me to your magical harem, Johnny. But keep me happy and I will keep you happy. Capeesh?"

The platinum-blond beauty nodded with a determined look. "Me too, Johnny." Her face broke with a sultry smile. "Add us two willing sluts to your harem. We are going to serve you well…

Felicia flushed red, turning her head away with a naughty smile. "…Master."

In response, I thrust my hip up to make Felicia drop forward into my arms. Then I pulled her into a searing kiss. Jessica seemed to believe that I already initiated the ritual and quickly raced over to us to join the party. I wasn't going to correct her and enjoyed the full attention of two super-sexy girls.

Everything seemed so crazy. I actually planned for such an eventuality ever since I discovered the books on sex-magic, but I never expected it to happen so soon. I wouldn't just get a lover but also a powerful ally.

I eventually admitted that I needed to do some preparations to initiate the ritual and that we were required to perform it in an environment saturated with enough ambient magic – like the Chamber of Secrets. Basically, I pussy-blocked my girls. Not because I didn't want to continue having erotic fun with them, but I wanted them to save their sexual energy for later.

Our day at our private Caribbean island carried on in a more normal fashion after that. We enjoyed the snacks I brought and fantasized about the future. Well, it was mostly Felicia that gushed on about what she is going to do once she had her superpowers.

Jessica already had superpowers, but that didn't stop her from theorizing how mine would improve hers. I was pretty curious myself, to be honest. The info in the book Magia Sexualis mentioned that two similar abilities had the potential to merge into a new one. The more dominant ability would end up assimilating the lesser one and turn into something more potent.

The only disappointment in all this was that I was most likely unable to obtain Jessica's powers since they weren't of a magical nature. The ritual we would perform was a trade of abilities, but since there are only magical abilities in the wizarding world, I expected that the ritual only focused on those types. Still, a man can hope.

Evening arrived, and it was time to take the girls to the Chamber of Secrets in order to perform the ritual. They were pretty excited to visit a magical place. But I warned them that it would look a bit sinister because the creator had a fetish for everything that was scaly and slithering.


Appearing from a ball of fire, I stayed silent and waited for Felicia and Jessica to take in the eerie scenery around them. The dark walls covered in animated snakes and glowing violet and purple runes made quite the impression on them. There was so much magic soaking the air of this place that even the most oblivious muggle could sense it.

"What the hell is that?!" Jessica screeched, pointing at the giant face of what was probably Salazar Slytherin. His tentacle beard made him look like a distant offspring of Cthulhu.

"Ah, yes, that's probably one of the founders of my school," I explained with an amused smile. "He really liked snakes, and that means you will see a lot of serpentine decorations around everything connected to this guy."

Felicia was in the meantime walking in circles, marveling at her white footprints that appeared on the ink-black floor. "This place is crazy!"

"Well, magic is the epitome of crazy," I chuckled. "There are barely any limits, so the majority of the really old and powerful wizards and witches are quite eccentric."

Jessica harrumphed at that. "Explains your cockiness."

"Better cocky than cockless," I harrumphed with a cheeky grin.

In the meantime, I noticed Felicia running towards the corner where I stored my important stuff. It seemed that she discovered the pile of sparkling gemstone resting on a small, luxurious table.

"What the actual fuck?!" Jessica spotted them too. Her eyes bulged in shock as she watched Felicia picking up a ruby of the size of a walnut. The gemstone glowed with potent magic and a beautiful blood-red.

It was a wondrous effect of the seven ley lines that crossed below this place. Their raw, potent magic fused with the gemstones and made them glow, enhancing their already eye-catching charm.

"That's the corner with the precious stuff," I explained to Jessica while we approached said area.

"What is that green slime in the bottles?" she questioned curiously, pointing her finger at a large shelf.

"The venom of a thousand-year-old basilisk," I replied with a smile. "For my kind, one bottle of that stuff is more precious than that pile of gemstones."

Jessica walked around to inspect the collection of books displayed, stopping when she located the book with the title Secrets of the Dark Arts. She carelessly opened it and I couldn't help but snicker when a bunch of black, phantom-like tentacles sprouted out of the pages, coiling around her neck.

"What-…?!" Felicia jumped up in fright when she saw Jessica freaking out as she tried to tear the ghostly tentacles around her neck. It didn't work since they weren't physical. It was a malicious illusion that would work against muggles.

"Finite." Pointing my wand at the tentacles, I made them dissolve into thin air.

Jessica threw the book after my head, but I ended up effortlessly catching it with the support of a wandless summoning charm. Felicia let go of the gemstones and stepped away from the area.

"Sorry for not warning you," I apologized sheepishly. "I couldn't resist it."

Jessica scoffed but didn't react with any violence. "Freakish tentacle book. I knew it. I was so sure that something like this would happen. Why do you even own such a book? I didn't see much, but the pictures looked satanic cult bullshit."

"The wizarding world has dark wizards and witches running around, and there is a Dark Lord hiding in the shadows, waiting to be reborn," I explained with a shrug. "The more I know about the magic they use, the better I can defend myself."

Felicia and Jessica nodded in understanding. The platinum-blond thieving cat gave the pile of gemstone one last look before we traveled towards another corner. Felicia gave all the old furniture I had lying around curious looks and then inspected the medieval weapons and pieces of armor carefully. Her mother was an expert on this topic, and she learned a trick or two and knew how to evaluate objects, too.

"Johnny, where did you get all these things?" Felicia asked in astonishment. "Most of it can be auctioned for a small fortune."

"Found them in some old, dusty room," I replied casually. "You can sell them if you like and keep the money."

"Really?" Her angelic face split with a playful grin. "We can use it as an opportunity to introduce you to my mother. You could pretend that you are a rich heir that wants to get rid of his grandpa's old stuff. Knowing my mother, she will probably try to seduce you away from me, though."

"We can talk about it later," I replied with a smirk. "But we still have a ritual to perform, and I need to get us a nice, bouncy bed."

Felicia purred and nodded with a naughty wink. Jessica rolled her eyes and told me to hurry up and to find us some good wine, too.

That said, I started preparing for the night and teleported into the deluxe suite of a high-class hotel, stealing the bed, mattress, pillows, blanket, and everything else that I deemed necessary. Breaking into these establishments was ridiculously easy with the help of certain charms.

After finishing my first task, I teleported into a luxury grocery store that sold ridiculously overprized stuff. Nobody was here to stop me since it was night. I grabbed a bunch of highly expensive wines, champagne, and whatnot. I also found some candles that I would make float around to create the right atmosphere.

When that was over, I reappeared in the Chamber of Secrets to see Felicia and Jessica spread on our new bed with their erotic nakedness, waiting for me to join them. I literally ripped my black swimming trunks from my body. We started the night by drinking us slightly tipsy. Alcohol normally did not affect my body for as long I didn't wish for it.

After grinding our bodies against each other sharing heated kisses, I used my wand to charm us three with all kinds of pleasure-enhancing spells. I didn't prepare any potions, oils, or elixirs, but that could still be done in the future.

There was enough sexual energy in the three of us, so we started the ritual by simply having wild sex, fucking each other into a state of pure bliss.

About an hour later, I cut my palm and used my blood to cover Felicia and Jessica's bodies in runes. And for each rune, I also used one drop of Soul Essence to empower their magic. The moment I finished, I felt a strong connection between the girls and myself establishing.

Their bodies and mine began to radiate with a soft, golden glow, and a chain forged out of light formed between us. The moment that happened, I could feel their raging arousal while they felt mine. Something in my mind clicked because I suddenly knew that the ritual was going to be successful.

We resumed having wild and unrestrained sex again and fucked our perverted brains out like ruttish animals. The amount of essence my fleshy wand spewed could easily fill several large buckets. Every drop of my essence went inside my girls. We could sense how they slowly but surely transformed.

Since my sperm was the driving force of their transformation, Felicia and Jessica ended up sucking me off as if they were two starving kittens that thirsted for milk.

"Fuck you, Jonny," Jessica growled with a heated moan, licking her lips clean while Felicia was having her turn. "You turned me into a filthy slut. God, I love it so much!"

Currently, they were kneeling before me on a patch of white fur while I was sitting with spread legs in an upholstered king's chair. It was an extremely erotic scene. My official lovers wanted to hone their cock-sucking abilities on my scepter, and I was absolutely willing to support their endeavor.

"Mmmmm!" Felicia began to move her head faster, filling the area with the sound of her muffled moans and slurping of my dick. Her eyes were drowned with lust as she swallowed every inch of me.

I could feel a raging orgasm bubbling on the surface, and a deep groan left my mouth as I gasped for air.

"Felicia, I am going to cum," I panted, shuddering with intense pleasure. "Are you ready for your reward?"

"Mmmm!" Felicia looked up and stared deeply into my eyes while swirling her tongue around my throbbing shaft. My body began to tremble violently. I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Fuck, yesss!" I groaned loudly with utter bliss as soon as I poured my hot seed inside her mouth like a river of lava. The sound of her delighted purring while swallowing every drop of my milk made my head spin even more. My climax lasted for about half a minute as Felicia enthusiastically licked every inch of my hard flesh with lust-clouded eyes, moaning lewdly as soon as I sprayed my last drops into her greedy mouth.

"Good girl," I praised with a satisfied smile, pulling my cock out of her mouth with a wet popping sound.

"Ooh, Johnny," Felicia purred lustfully, inhaling a deep breath. "Your sperm tastes sooo delicious. I want more."

"Fuck off, you greedy slut. It's my turn now!" Jessica hissed before pushing Felicia away to take her place.

The platinum-blond beauty pouted but still smiled as she watched Jessica giving my shaft several long licks. I realized that Felicia was a serious voyeur. She really liked to observe other people having sex. The more sinful the act, the higher the stimulation she felt from it.

'What a truly wonderful day.' – I hummed inwardly, leaned back into the chair, and closed my eyes while Jessica deepthroated my cock for several seconds.

The ritual was a full success, and both of my lovers started to show that. Felicia was more obvious because her already perfect body turned divine, simply put. The best way to describe her transformation is to say that she turned from a normal human into an angel of beauty. She could heat up her body just like me and also fill her lungs with plasma to breathe fire. That information appeared automatically in her mind.

As for Jessica, she told me that her superpower and my own were having super-sex inside her and that it would take a while for her new, enhanced ability to manifest.

With all that being said, we continued our sinful activities all night long until dawn.

next chapter
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