Everyone was more or less spread around the ruins, pretending to be looking for something. Of course, only Roan was really going after a specific objective. He made a roundabout around the place before finally ending in the place that was calling him.
He looked down and could only see more and more rubble of the old palace. Nonetheless, he was certain that what he was feeling was coming from under these rubles. Without thinking much, Roan gathered his Divine Energy and attacked the ground.
Rubbles flew everywhere, catching the attention of Bunbun and the others. They quickly arrived on Roan's side, trying to see the reason for that commotion.
"What happened? You better have a good reason to destroy this place even more." Bunbun asked with a dark expression. He truly didn't want anyone to cause more damage. No doubt this palace held great importance for him.
And as always, any Golden Tickets and Stones are welcome. ;)