Luan found it strange, though. "Isn't that weird? Divine level equipment is forged with Space Power to start with. In a certain way, they already have Space Power inside them. That's why they're much stronger than Golden Peak-level equipment. The Void Tempering Realm beings can pour their Space Powers inside them, and they'll accept it instead of getting damaged. Isn't that the same thing?"
Because of Luan's cultivation level, he couldn't use Divine level equipment. It had always been like that, as cultivation was related to the level of equipment one could use. With that being said, Luan had never poured his Space Powers inside his sword. Instead, he gathered his Space Powers around it so that he wouldn't damage it. Of course, just that alone made his attacks much stronger.
Well, I guess it is going quite nicely. :D
See you in the next chapter, guys! And as always, any stones are welcome. ;)