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64.51% DEAD NO MORE / Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Rated m

Chương 20: Chapter 20 Rated m

Tai left the room waiting for Calista to lock it and do what she said putting the furniture in front of the door then she walked over to the stairwell and slowly went down checking down the stairs.

Tai moved to the second floor listening for any noise, at first she thought no one was on the second floor but someone slammed a door to one of the offices so she hid behind the doorframe in the stairwell.

" where are you !" Ricky shouted and Tai heard a noise coming from the bottom of the stairwell, Tai slowly went down the steps and saw an infected walk into the wall hitting its face against it.

Tai pulled out her tactical knife and plunged the blade through the things head then softly laid it's body on the floor, she put the sole of her shoe in the coagulated blood that was dripping from it's wound making shoe prints that was leading down to the shiny metal door that leads down to the basement.

Tai used the card then pulled over a metal trash can making sure to make a loud screeching sound to draw Ricky's attention to where she was and wedged the metal trash can to where the metal door couldn't come down to close shut.

Tai quickly passed under the door pulling the sword out while putting the air rifle strap over her shoulder, she looked around seeing bright white walls with doors like the one she just passed through that had big black words saying storage-01 above the first door and all of them needed key cards to enter.

Tai quickly scanned the writing above the door until she came to one that said Armory above the door using a key card to enter where she found locked shelves with different types of weapons so she quickly used the card opening a metal screen door grabbing a KSG-12 Tactical shotgun that holds sixteen rounds that she quickly loaded while shoving shells inside her pockets while grabbing a full box of shells locking the shelf back and exited the Armory where she used a lab jacket on the floor to clean up her tracks that go inside the armory then wiped the bottom of her shoe off.

Tai sees an elevator door that leads down to the next floor where she wants to check out, she also wants to quickly take care of Ricky so she goes back to the first door carefully going around the track of bloody footprints she left leading down the hall.

Tai went inside the Storage room seeing supplies that would last them years with food, medical, and other things like clothes and personal items.

" hell they even have game consoles " Tai whispered to herself then heard heavy steps running by the room she was in, she opened the door seeing Ricky's back and used the air rifle to put him to sleep by shooting him in the back of the neck.

" Ricky...I gave you a chance to rejoin us and how did you get the bike " Tai said walking up to him, he was barely awake and couldn't move his body at all.

Tai dragged him to the Elevator using the key card to a room that had a Changing room above it that had benches, Showers and three laundry shoots.

" you'll need to hang out here for a while " Tai said taking all of his weapons including his pants and shoes away from him and threw them down the laundry shoot, she carries all the weapons including the bag that had the bombs that Alex made locking them inside the Armory.

Tai saw some ammo for her .40 cal pistol and grabbed a box of bullets along with four clips that she quickly loaded, she used the bag that Ricky stole from them and put a .45 inside with an extra clips she loaded for it and a box of bullets, another box of shotgun shells along with a sub-machine gun called a UMP-45 with extra loaded clips with a box of Ammo and a AK-47 that had a flashlight attached to it.

("ok extra clips with boxes of ammo for each weapon, oh grenades ") Tai thought to herself while looking through the grenades they have since she thought about the video of that thing she watched.

Tai put on a tactical vest with the leg holsters and bag snapping it around her thighs, loading the clips, shells and guns in the four holsters she had for handguns along with a tactical knife.

" now grenades " Tai said skimming her hand over the large selection at her disposal and settled on two kinds, she takes three thermite and three frag grenades putting them in her leg pouch.

Tai left the Armory room then made her way to the elevator where she went down to the B-2 floor where the hallway looked just like B-1 except above the doors was noted as Lab-1 through 12.

Tai went inside each room making notes on the map of where different things are needed, after an hour of going through the room she saw a large Red door that said Danger and used the key card opening the double steel doors.

When they slid open with a hiss she was in an offensive stance holding her Ak-47 checking around the hallway seeing doors going down both sides of the hallway so she approached the first door that didn't have any labels.

" this place isn't on the map " Tai whispered to herself looking at the map, when she put the map away she used the key card opening the first door she came to that had a small room with two doors side by side while one said holding room and the other said observation room.

When she went inside the observation room it was empty along with the holding cell, she walked out then looked inside two more rooms that were just like the first room also empty.

" camera room/ Security room " Tai said using the card to go inside where she loaded a few USB drives into the modem downloading all the footage she can, while checking over the facility to see if any infected got in besides the one she found.

" the front door is shut and it all looks clear, even the hallway where Calistas at seems clear" Tai said collecting the USBs leaving the room, a solid black door at the end of the hallway caught her attention and she went to it and tried the card she has been using getting denied with two cards leaving one more that belonged to the man that had the two black stripes on the card.

" here goes nothing " Tai said pushing the card inside the reader, the door beeped and opened up with a large office that had screens lining the wall with a glass desk that had a built in keyboard that lit up when the lights flashed on.

Tai walked over to the desk bumping the chair with her hip then the black glass wall behind the desk changed to see through showing a room that looked like a girls bedroom with stuffed animals, Tv and a gaming console inside.

Tai turned away after scanning the room but quickly looked back seeing a woman who looked to be eighteen was standing at her bathroom door frame looking back at Tai with a curious look in her eyes while scanning Tai from head to Toe then had a soft smile on her face while walking closer to the window.

" who are you " the girl asked placing her hand on the window, Tai noticed that she had long nails like she got a manicure recently and then she looked around for a door not seeing one.

" My name's Tai, hold on let me figure out how to get you out...to be blunt the world went to hell and over half the population will eat you " Tai said walking to the wall beside the large window rubbing her palm acrossed it, Tai sighs then looked back at the window.

" even if I use the grenades it won't break this type of glass...How did they get you inside or bring you things " Tai said noticing the kitchen and fridge on the other side of the girls bedroom.

" how can I get you out " Tai said as the girl gives her a sweet smile pointing at the desk making Tai turn around where she seen a slot near the keyboard, she also noticed a USB drive there so before she done anything she started down loading the mainframe of the computer using two to get everything and grabbed the two files on the desk stuffing them inside her bag then puts the key card inside the slot when the wall slid open by the large glass window.

Tai noticed a timer for fifteen seconds come up on the screens on the wall when the girl runs out of the room, carrying a stuffed animal and grabs Tai pulling her outside the room before the door slammed shut behind them.

" if a codes not put in it will release a deadly gas inside the room...I'm Sydney by the way " Sydney said with a smile on her face still holding Tais hand when red lights started flashing in the hallway and something ramming against one of the metal doors making Tai jump.

" what is that " Tai said holding her AK-47 pointing at the door that was starting to get large dents, Sydney's face got serious and started running toward the elevator pulling Tai behind her.

" up...the elevator won't work for twenty four hours " Sydney said going inside of it putting her hands on Tais shoulder motioning for her to pick her up so Tai did that and Sydney moved a door on the top of the elevator swiftly as Tai pushed her up.

Tai felt butterflies in her stomach with an electric surge shoot from her finger tips when they brushed against Sydney's thighs, the girl gave Tai her hand to help her up.

" step back I got it " Tai said handing her the sub machine gun, she jumped up and pulled herself up looking for the ladder that was a few feet higher than they were. Tai swallowed hard when she knew that she needed to help Sydney up again, the girl stepped closer to Tai leaving their faces a few centimeters apart while scanning Tais face that flushed red as Sydney tilted her head with confusion written on her face.

" H-Here I'll help you " Tai spun Sydney around to where her back slammed into Tais front, She looked back over her shoulder at Tai who gave her a small smile and she looked to the shaft wall in front of her after.

(" please don't get hard ") was all that went through Tais mind while still holding the girls waist, taking one of her hands pointing up at the ladder.

" OHHH I thought you was trying to mate with me " Sydney said making Tai choke on her spit, the girl in front of her pressed her butt further into Tais front then softly grinded against her making Tai moan.

" S-Sydney I'll lift you so grab the ladder " Tai said picking her up where she grabbed ahold of the bottom and pulled herself up, Tai heard a loud thump coming from the hallway show she quickly put her AK strap over her shoulder and fixed the bag then stepped back then ran kicking off each side of the shaft grabbing the ladder.

(" oh sweet dreams I forgot she's wearing a dress " ) Tai thought to herself getting a view of the white lace panties the girl was wearing and looking at her milky skin and soft thighs.

There was a loud noise of metal being scraped and when Tai looked down at the things that ran straight into the elevator smacking the back of it, it looked like some type of animal that had shiny black skin on what seemed to be an exoskeleton with a canine looking head with long straight back ears on the sides of its head with large claws with some sort of spikes on its back.

" shit quicker " Tai said as Sydney looked down then started climbing faster, Tai dropped two thermite grenades down inside the elevator car and dropped a frag after.

" hold on tight " Tai said skipping two at a time getting behind Sydney holding her tight when the explosion went off with those things screeching, When the smoke cleared up Tai felt Sydney sniffing her neck giving her goosebumps.

" are you ok " Tai asked as Sydney looked over her shoulder where their lips was almost brushing, Tai went in and kissed Sydney softly at first then it turned rougher until a soft growl came from Sydney.

Tai smiled into their kiss making Sydney do the same opening their eyes staring at one another, Tai felt like a predator was looking at its prey until Sydney looked away and started climbing back up.

Tai looked back down at the elevator that had a grey fluid splattered olall inside it, they climbed up to the next floor where both of them oryed the doors apart after cutting the wires to the back of the card reader.

" let's rest in that room for a while, I need to check on this piece of crap while I'm at it " Tai said taking Sydney's hand pulling her to the changing room where she left Ricky at.

" you son of a bitch ! " Ricky shouted while kicking his leg out trying to hit Tai, he stopped when he seen the girl with the lilac colored hair standing behind Tai.

" who is she " Ricky asked as Tai rolled her eyes sitting down on one of the benches, Sydney kept her eyes on Tai the whole time not paying attention to the other man.

Sydney was taught by the scientist that had her in that room everything he knew from grade school to college even his knowledge of being a scientist and her IQ was off the charts.

One thing that he worried about was that she got curious about mating when they went over lessons about creating babies and she also learned about mating watching animal planet. Deep inside of her though she was craving another person to be with and to also gave children with, some smell of the people was sweet that did attract her to them somewhat but none she found that she wanted to mate with. One day she notices that some people have an off putting smell to them that made her act cautious toward them and how the different sexes have a different scent even though she enjoyed smelling the women better also even liked the females more than males.

When Tai entered that floor Sydney could smell her even inside of that room making her salivate from the scent that was different from any male or female and it was like she was being pulled to the woman.

She also felt Tais hardened member when she pressed her butt against her, she remembered reading about how once in a while a intersex is born that has both sexes and in Tais case she is the one percent that can get another female pregnant since her lower part is male but the rest of her is all female.

Tai has height she's even well built but still has a females curve but has an nine inch cock between her legs, also a c-cup sized breast at the height of 5'9" almost 6'0" ft.

" Tai I don't like the smell in here can we go somewhere else" Sydney said looking at the man cuffed to the bench then back at Tai who laughed, Ricky's face showed an angry look when he realized what she meant and he spit close to her feet earning a punch in his face from Tai splitting his lip.

Sydney pulled Tai to the door for her to open it so they could go to be alone, Tai led her out then looked around at the doors deciding to go to one that said maintenance to see what was inside.

" I guess this has tools and things...oh look a small office—" Tai said opening the door being tackled by an infected who was a large and tall man, that was now on top of her while she held him up by his neck while he was snapping his jaws at her.

For the first time in her existence Sydney felt fear of Tai getting hurt or becoming one of those things that the man she called father made her using his own sperm with an egg that he made using the DNA markers from that organism they found.

" Sydney run " Tai said as the man grabbed Tais wrist trying to pry her hands away to bite into her, Sydney ran behind him and quickly snapped his neck completely severing the bones from the rest of his body and helped Tai push him off of her. Tai looked at her with a questioning look but took her tactical knife out stabbing the guy in his head since he was still snapping his jaws but couldn't control his body.

Tai grabbed Sydney's hands looking for a bite mark them sighed when she didn't have any, Tai then checked herself then pulled Sydney inside the office making her sit down.

" im going to go get you a change of clothes...wait here and don't move " Tai said going to the Armory getting pants, boots and a shirt along with a tactical vest, she picked out a few weapons along with ammo securing them in the holsters and vest.

Tai grabbed a sub-machine gun like hers and a shoulder bag putting things inside along with a med kit, then rushed back to the maintenance room office and when she opened the door she dropped some of the things when she walked in seeing Sydney stark naked standing there with her arms down by her side.

Sydney smiled when she saw the look on Tais face and how strong her scent was coming off with a stronger scent, Sydney walked up to Tai then sniffed her neck and takes a long lick up her neck.

" MMMM...you taste so good " Sydney said wrapping her arms around Tai pulling her against Sydney's naked front, then drags her hand down the the bulge of Tais pants licking her lips.

" I thought I was correct about this " Sydney said as Tai kisses her hungrily and picks her up by her thighs while Sydney wrapped her legs around Tais waist grinding her wet core against the front of Tais pants moaning.

Tai laid Sydney down on the couch then kissed her passionately, Tai bites her lower lip when she pulled away from the kiss and looked down at Sydney's glistening wet pink folds.

Sydney reaches for Tais button on her pants and with a flick of her hand the button bounces across the room while Sydney raised up pulling Tais pants down along with her boxes letting her hardened member stand at attention with Sydney staring down at it.

The next second Sydney wraps her fingers around the shaft dragging her thumb over the head collecting the pre cum that was dripping down her shaft, she slowly strokes her making Tai moan out and bends down wrapping her lips around the head taking more and more of her inside her mouth letting the head hit the back of her throat.

" Ahh mmm Sydney mmm HAAH" Tai moans out while dragging her fingers inside Sydney's hair gripping it tight while Tai thrusted her hips up, Sydney looked up at Tai through her eye lashes looking in Tais eyes while she releases inside Sydney's mouth and she swallows it all.

Tai kisses her then flips her around where her face is against the couch cushion with her ass in the air on her knees, Tai takes her head rubbing it against Sydney's sensitive bud then aligns it with her entrance pushing inside of Sydney making them both groan with just the head inside.

" Ahh haah aaahhhnn" Sydney moans out when Tai pushed her length all the way in feeling a pop, Sydney was panting and moaning when Tai started thrusting in and out of her.

" Shit your so tight mmm " Tai moans out as she pulls out the thrust all the way back in a few times before she started speeding her thrusts up going faster and harder, something about Sydney that has Tai acting like she just wants to quickly empty her seed inside of her.

Tai feels like Sydney's insides are milking her as if she wants Tais semen to fill her, She is about to bust and can feel Sydney's walls fluttering and squeezing her.

" AHHH HAAH AHHNNN OHHHHH TAI somethings happening " Sydney moans out loudly while pushing back into Tais thrusts clamping down on Tais member, Tai felt Sydney release and Tai groaned when she released inside of her riding out both their high.

Tai leaned over top of Sydney's back softly kissing her neck and shoulder while they both are panting still inside of her not really wanting to pull out of her, Sydney was smiling having Tais seed inside of her.

Tai pulled out then sat on the couch leaning her head back trying to calm her heart and breathing down when she felt the couch shift and Sydney straddled her taking her member inside of her while slowly moving back and forth kissing Tai lovingly.

" Ahhh you feel so good inside of me AHHHN " Sydney said moaning out while she starts bouncing up and down faster, Tai grabbed her hips making her come down faster and harder taking Sydney's nipple in her mouth.

" oh shit I'm close Mmhmm " Tai moans out gently nipping Sydney's nipple while she was moaning out, as the slapping sound and wet noise filled the room.

" AHHHN HAAH AHHNNN" Sydney moans out scratching down Tais shoulders and chest as blood dripped from the scratches when they both hit their orgasms moaning out while Sydney's head snap back letting her eyes roll back in her head when she felt Tai fill her up again.

Sydney laid her face in the crook of Tais neck and she kissed and sucked on her neck leaving a mark there, Tai hugged Sydney tightly making the girl smile when Tai pepperd kisses on her neck.

" im sorry if I hurt you...that was your first time and I acted like an animal in heat " Tai said kissing Sydney's shoulder while she hummed in delight then raised up looking in Tais eyes.

" it was a little uncomfortable but when you pushed through it felt good " Sydney said as she laid her hand on her belly looking down, Tai seen what Sydney did then she realized that they had unprotected sex and she is pretty sure that she isn't in birth control.

" Shit " Tai said pinching the bridge of her nose then sighing, she realized that she was still inside of Sydney and when she tried to pull out.

" not yet I like feeling you inside me " Sydney said rolling her hips making Tai laugh and kiss her, they held each other for a little until Sydney fell asleep.

Tai gently laid her down kissing her forehead then got dressed but looked at where her pants button was then sighed, she covers Sydney up with her dress.

" Sydney stay here in nap I need to take care of something and I'll be back " Tai said as Sydney nodded her head letting Tai leave, when Tai was out the door Sydney's eyes snap open tilting her head hearing different noises around the building when a clicking noise came from outside the buildings front door.

Tai looked at her watch and has been away from Calista for two and half hours, she decides to take Ricky with her leaving him in his shirt and boxers barefooted.

" why don't you kill me already what's the sense of keeping me alive when I'll just try to kill you " Ricky said going up to the first floor where Tai heard a noise coming from down the hall, she signaled him to shut up while going to the door looking down the hallway to the door they entered the building.

" did you close that door back " Tai whispered to Ricky who was looking too and like he was thinking then shakes his head no.

" I didn't hear it close plus you killed that infected so I bet it came inside after me " Ricky whispered nodding his head to the dead body that Tai killed earlier, she debated about shining her light in case they notify one of those things she ran into on the road that was a sorbing bodies making it a larger creature that changed its body structure to be more like an animal.

" I need to move the trash can to make sure that thing doesn't go to where Sydney's at " Tai whispered walking back down the steps with Ricky behind her, she picked up the can moving it without making a sound while Ricky watched the door to the stairs. They go up the steps to the third floor and go to the room where Calista is staying, Tai rapped her knuckles three times then whisper yelled she was here outside the door.

Calista opened the door throwing her arms around Tais neck kissing her lips and looked at Tyler from head to toe then giggled making him schowl angrily at her.

" keep your voice down...one of those things I showed you on video is down stairs " Tai said letting the two go in the room first as Tai followed last looking down the hallway before shutting and locking the door, they scoot the dresser back in front of the door after latching it.

" I'm guessing you're the one who let that thing inside...idiot " Calista said eating her M&Ms while Ricky stared at the bag and his stomach growls, Calista shrugged her shoulders continuing eating while Tai went to look out the window since it was already getting dark.

" well sooner than later we need to kill that thing.. Calista just give him a few " Tai said as Calista groaned in annoyance while Ricky smiled holding his cuffed hand out waiting for her to give him some,nshe gave him two so he looked at them then back up at Calista shrugging his shoulders popping both in his mouth chewing them up.

" mmm peanut M&Ms are my favorite " Ricky said looking over seeing a bag of peanuts sitting on the counter, he got up grabbing the peanuts making Calista glare at him.

" can't we kill him " Calista said making Ricky glare at her while Tai held her hand up looking back at the door, she thought she heard something and if she did that means the thing is already up on this floor.

Calista heard a faint scratch against the door like something went by it, Tai quietly sits her shoulder bag on the bed taking out a box of shot gun shells handing them over to Calista along with the small sub-machine gun with extra loaded clips.

Tai walked closer to the door holding the shotgun she got from the Armory, Calista sat her guns on the bed while kneeling down on the other side after putting Ricky inside the closet.

They didn't hear anything else then relaxed, when they heard a faint clicking sound coming from behind them and seen one that was outside the window with it's greyish red body while staring at Tai and not the other two who was in front of her.

" get away from the window " Tai whispered pulling Calista behind her while Ricky stepped back inside the closet with the door open, it just stayed right there wagging its tail back and forth not taking it's eyes off of Tai.

When she would step to the right a few steps it's eyes followed her when Calista would do the same it didn't pay any attention to her or Ricky.

" I think it likes you Tai " Ricky whispered as the creatures lips pull back like it was smiling showing it's teeth, Calista put her hand on Tais shoulder and the creature growled then hissed at Calista stabbing the tip of its tail into the metal screen on the window until Calista removed her hand from Tai.

" oh hell no " Calista said trying it again to see if it had the same reaction and it did whenever Calista would touch Tai, Ricky walked over putting his cuffed hand on Tais arm making the creature screech loudly while attacking the metal screen with it's claws and tail until he took his hand off of her then it calmed down while glaring at Ricky.

" look how it's looking at me " Ricky said as it's eyes soften going back to Tai, they heard another light scratch on the door and the creature hissed as it snapped its eyes at the door.

The next thing they know is the creature at the window makes a bellowing noise from its throat when the clicking noise sounded off from the door.

Tai motioned to Ricky and Calista to get inside the closet as Calista put her guns straps across her chest where one was on her back while she held the shotgun, Tai kissed Calista inside the closet then looked at Ricky with a warning look and he held his hands up in a surrending motion.

" stay inside and don't make a sound, Ricky please keep her safe and you can do whatever you see fit to me " Tai said closing the door then quietly scooted the couch in front of the door, she seen a bottle of Vodka then poured it over the couch to mask their scent.

When Tai looked back at the creature it did a noise like a purr making Tai furrow her brows at the thing that seemed to be only three feet with only its body with a tail that seemed to be four feet.

" what's up with you " Tai said softly walking over to the window getting right in front of it and she opened up the window where it was only the metal screen between the two.

A closer look at the creatures eyes shows that they are a silver color, she noticed that it has two long slits on a small hump for it's nose, she also seen that it was sniffing her.

Soft banging came from the door and Tai turned around holding her Ak-47 while she had the shotgun laying on the bed ready for something to break through the door. The room was quiet except she could hear the creature on the metal screen making little noses with it's claws and Tail on the screen, a loud banging noise came from the door making her jump back hitting her back on the wall under the window.

A few more hits put a large crack in the middle of the thick door when she saw a pale white inside down face looking through the crack staring at her, the creature at the window started making a chirping sound while shaking the thick metal screen.

next chapter
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