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33.33% DC: Hunting for Beauty. / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Breeding Barbara~♥️ (Barbara Gordon)

Chương 2: Chapter 2 - Breeding Barbara~♥️ (Barbara Gordon)

Hearing the words that Barbara said. Ethan laughed darkly, his hips slamming against Barbara's ass harder than ever before.

"Rest?" he growled. 

"You won't be resting anytime soon, not until I've taken everything from you." With that, he thrust into her with renewed force, determined to break her will and make her his completely.

Ethan continued to pound into Barbara from behind, his rough hands gripping her hips tightly. He knew that he had to break her will if he wanted to truly claim her as his own. With each forceful stroke, he pushed deeper into her body, trying to make her feel every inch of him inside of her.

Ethan's eyes burned with lust as he watched Barbara Gordon, her body trembling in fear beneath him. He had already taken her once, claiming her as his own in a brutal act of domination. Now, he wanted more - he wanted to break her completely.

Without warning, Ethan grabbed Barbara by the hips and rolled them over so that she was on all fours. Her cries of protest were muffled by the pillow underneath her head as Ethan positioned himself behind her. Slowly, methodically, he pushed into her again - this time from behind in a doggy style position.

Barbara whimpered and tried to push back against him but it was no use; Ethan's strength far outmatched hers. His hands gripped tightly onto her hips while his other hand reached around to cup one of Barbara's breasts roughly. She let out a sharp gasp at the sudden sensation but couldn't escape it as Ethan began thrusting into her again with renewed vigor.

Barbara's sobs echoed through the cabin as Ethan continued to pound into her from behind. She felt like she was being torn apart - both physically and emotionally. Her body ached with every thrust, but it was nothing compared to the pain in her heart as she realized that there was no escape from this monster who had taken control of her life.

Ethan sensed Barbara's weakening resolve and redoubled his efforts, driving himself deeper into her with each powerful stroke. His hand squeezed tighter around one of Barbara's breasts, pinching at the nipple roughly until it stood out stiffly.

"Do you give up?" he growled into her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down Barbara's spine despite herself.

Barbara's tears flowed freely now, mingling with sweat and the sticky remnants of their earlier encounter. She could feel Ethan's cock throbbing inside her, demanding release as he continued to pound into her from behind. But she refused to give in so easily - not after everything she had been through.

"No!" Barbara cried out defiantly, even as Ethan's rough hands gripped tighter around her hips and his thrusts became more violent. 

"I won't give up! You can't break me!" She spat the words at him like venomous daggers, refusing to let him see the fear that threatened to overwhelm her at any moment.

Ethan's face contorted into a mask of rage as he heard Barbara's defiant words. He pulled her roughly back against him, his teeth bared in a snarl as he growled.

"I'll make you give in!" With that, Ethan began to move faster and harder inside Barbara, driving her deeper into the mattress with each powerful thrust. His hand left her breast to reach around and roughly grip one of her wrists, holding it tightly above her head while he continued to pound into her from behind.

Barbara let out a strangled cry as she felt Ethan's cock swell inside her - she knew what was coming next and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Barbara's whole body tensed as she felt the familiar sensation of impending orgasm wash over her. She tried desperately to hold back, to deny Ethan the satisfaction of knowing that he had reduced her to nothing more than a vessel for his pleasure.

But it was no use - Ethan's relentless thrusting and rough handling had pushed her past the point of no return. With a muffled scream, Barbara came hard around him, her body shuddering as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her in spite of herself.

As Barbara's orgasm subsided, she felt a strange sense of emptiness wash over her. It was as if all the fight had been drained from her - leaving nothing but submission and obedience in its wake.

Ethan sensed this change in Barbara and took advantage of it immediately, pulling out of her roughly and turning her over onto her back. He positioned himself between her legs once more, his cock already hardening at the thought of claiming what was now clearly his.

Without warning, Ethan thrust into Barbara again - this time with even more force than before. His hands gripped tightly onto both sides of her head as he began to pound into her relentlessly.

Barbara moaned softly as Ethan's cock filled her once more. She couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pleasure mixed with the pain - it was almost as if she needed this to feel complete.

As Ethan continued to thrust into her, Barbara found herself growing more and more addicted to the sensation. Her body ached for him, craving his touch and his presence in a way that frightened her. But there was no denying the truth anymore - she belonged to Ethan now, body and soul.

Barbara's voice was hoarse from screaming as she looked up at Ethan with glazed eyes. 

"Don't stop," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of their slapping skin. 

"Please... don't stop." Ethan smiled cruelly down at her, taking this as a sign of submission rather than desperation. With renewed vigor, he began to pound into Barbara even harder - his cock swelling inside her until it felt like it would burst.

Barbara's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt Ethan's cock pulse inside her, filling her with his hot seed. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced - one that left her completely spent and utterly satisfied.

As Ethan pulled out of her, Barbara collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up at him with a mixture of fear and desire in her eyes - fearful of what he might do next but desperate for more of this twisted pleasure that only he could provide.

Barbara's gaze was drawn irresistibly to the sight of Ethan's throbbing cock, covered in her juices and his own semen. Without thinking, she reached out a trembling hand to touch it - feeling the heat emanating from its surface as if it were alive. Looking up at Ethan with pleading eyes, Barbara whispered softly.

"Can I... can I suck it?" Her voice was hoarse from screaming but there was no mistaking the desire in her eyes as she waited for his response.

Ethan smiled down at Barbara, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

"You want it?" he asked mockingly.

Barbara nodded quickly, her lips parting slightly as she anticipated the taste of him on her tongue. Ethan chuckled darkly before grabbing her head roughly and pushing his cock into her mouth. 

He held onto Barbara's hair tightly as he began to fuck her face - thrusting in and out of her mouth with a force that left no doubt about who was in control here.

Barbara gagged around Ethan's cock as he pounded into her face, tears streaming down her cheeks from the pain and humiliation. But she couldn't bring herself to stop - not when it felt so good to be used in this way.

Ethan grunted with pleasure as he felt Barbara's tongue swirl around the head of his cock, tasting both her juices and his own semen. He pulled out roughly, leaving a trail of saliva connecting them before grabbing a fistful of her hair once more and pushing back inside her mouth.

Barbara whimpered as Ethan's cock filled her mouth again, her eyes squeezing shut in an attempt to block out the sensation. But it was no use - she couldn't escape the feeling of being used and abused by this man who had taken control of her life.

Ethan held onto Barbara's hair tightly, using it to guide his thrusts as he fucked her face relentlessly. His hips slapped against her cheeks with each powerful stroke, leaving red marks that would be visible for days afterwards.

Barbara felt like she was going to vomit as Ethan's cock pounded into her mouth, but she couldn't bring herself to stop. She could feel his seed building up inside him - the same seed that had taken away so much from her already.

With a final thrust, Ethan came hard inside Barbara's mouth, filling it with his hot cum. She swallowed reflexively, unable to help herself as he pulled out and let go of her hair. For a moment they stared at each other - Barbara with tears streaming down her face and Ethan with an expression of satisfaction etched onto his features.

Barbara, still mind broken and completely under Ethan's control, obediently made the double peace sign with her hands while opening her mouth wide to show off the semen in her mouth. She stuck out her tongue as she moved closer to Ethan's face, eager to please him in any way possible. Her eyes were blank and empty as she stared at him without emotion or thought of her own.

Ethan smirked at the sight of Barbara's submission before him. He reached up and gently caressed her cheek with one hand while he grabbed a fistful of hair on top of her head with his other hand. 

"Good girl," he whispered into her ear before pulling back slightly so that their faces were only inches apart. 

"Now swallow every last drop."

Without hesitation or questioning, Barbara began moving back and forth between Ethan's legs until all traces of his cum had disappeared down into the depths of darkness within herself.

As Barbara regained some semblance of emotion, it was clear that her devotion to Ethan had only grown stronger. She looked up at him with adoration in her eyes and a small smile on her lips as she climbed onto his lap, straddling him so that their hips were aligned.

"That's my good slut." Ethan said approvingly, reaching out to cup one of Barbara's breasts. He gave it a squeeze before leaning forward to capture one nipple between his teeth, gently biting down on it as he began rocking his hips up into hers.

Barbara moaned softly at the sensation, arching her back slightly as she ground herself against Ethan's hardness. Her hands found their way to his chest where they clung tightly while she rode him harder and faster with each passing moment.

Barbara's eyes were closed tightly as she rode Ethan's cock, lost in the sensation of being filled by him. Her breathing was ragged and her cheeks flushed with arousal as she leaned forward slightly, resting her weight on her hands which were still gripping his chest tightly.

"I love your dick," she panted between moans, looking up at him with a mix of lust and devotion in her eyes.

"It feels so good inside me." She rocked back onto him again before leaning forward to capture one of his nipples between her teeth, giving it a gentle tug as she continued to ride him relentlessly.

As they moved together in a rhythmic dance of passion, Ethan reached down to grab hold of Barbara's hips, guiding her movements as he thrust up into her with increasing force. He groaned loudly when she hit just the right spot inside her, causing her to cry out in pleasure around his cock.

"That's it," he growled, pulling Barbara's face closer to his so that their lips met in a searing kiss. His tongue danced with hers as he continued to pound into her unmercifully. 

"Take everything I have for you."

Barbara moaned against his mouth before breaking the kiss and looking up at him once more with those same adoring eyes filled with devotion for him alone.

Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, fueled by lust and desire for one another. Ethan's hands found their way to Barbara's ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh as he drove deeper into her with each thrust.

Barbara cried out again when she felt herself start to climax, her body shaking violently as waves of pleasure washed over her. She gripped Ethan tighter around his neck, arching her back further as she rode him harder than ever before.

"I'm close," Ethan growled into Barbara's ear before pulling out of her suddenly only to thrust back in with renewed vigor.

"Cum for me baby." His words sent Barbara over the edge once more and she screamed out loudly as she came around his cock one final time.

As Barbara's orgasm subsided, Ethan continued to pound into her relentlessly until finally he felt himself reaching the brink of his own release. With one last powerful thrust, he groaned loudly as he emptied himself deep inside her.

Barbara collapsed onto him, their sweaty bodies sticking together as they caught their breath. She nuzzled her face into his neck, breathing in the scent of him while she ran her fingers through his hair.

"I love you," she whispered softly against his skin before pulling back to look up at him with those same adoring eyes filled with devotion for him alone.

Ethan looked down at Barbara with a satisfied smirk on his face. 

"You're a great woman," he said, running his fingers through her hair gently.

"And you know what? You're going to help me find more just like you." Barbara's eyes lit up at the thought of helping Ethan find other women for him. There large number of woman that needs a good fucking from her master. She sat up straight, pulling away from him slightly so that she could look into his eyes intently. 

"I would love to help you," she said earnestly. 

"There are so many beautiful girls out there who would be perfect for you."

Ethan chuckled softly before leaning down to capture her lips in another searing kiss. As they continued their passionate embrace, Ethan couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to have found Barbara – and how much luckier he would be when they found more women together.

Ethan pulled away from Barbara's lips with a satisfied smirk on his face. He reached down between them, gently stroking her swollen clit as he looked into her eyes intently. 

"Are you ready for another round?"

Barbara moaned softly at the sensation of his fingers against her sensitive flesh. She nodded eagerly, arching her back slightly in anticipation of what was to come next. Ethan chuckled softly before leaning down once more to capture one of her nipples between his teeth, giving it a gentle tug as he began rocking his hips against hers again.

Ethan's hips moved faster and harder against Barbara's, grinding their bodies together as he continued to tease her swollen clit with his fingers. He leaned down further, kissing and nipping at her neck while his other hand found its way between them once more.

Barbara moaned loudly as she felt herself start to become aroused again so quickly after their previous encounter. She arched her back even further, pressing her chest against Ethan's as she wrapped her legs around him tightly.

"Please," she whispered breathlessly into his ear before pulling him closer for another searing kiss. 

Some time later, Ethan watched with satisfaction as Barbara's mind broke under the weight of his control. Her eyes glazed over, her body slack and pliant. He had spent hours raping her, breaking down every inch of resistance she had left. Now, she was his completely - a mindless shell devoted to serving him in any way he desired.

As he pulled out of her exhausted body, Ethan admired the view one last time before stepping back to observe his handiwork. 

Barbara lay naked on the bed, sweat-soaked and utterly spent from their marathon session. Her once proud intellect now reduced to a base level of animalistic lust for Ethan alone. 

She moaned softly as she caught sight of him standing above her; recognition flickering briefly across those once sharp features before being replaced by pure desire once more.

Barbara's mutterings grew louder as she slipped further into unconsciousness. Her words were incoherent, but it was clear that they revolved around Ethan and his cock. She had become completely obsessed with him during their time together, her mind warped by the constant stimulation of sex and control.

Ethan watched her for a few more minutes before deciding to join her in slumber. He lay down next to Barbara, his arm draped possessively over her naked form as he drifted off into a satisfied sleep.

Ethan woke up feeling a wet sensation between his legs, and he realized that Barbara was sucking his dick like a slut. She had been broken to submission, her mind ravaged by the rape she had endured at his hands. Ethan felt powerful and in control as he watched her work on his cock with relentless enthusiasm.

He reached down and grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back so he could look into her eyes. 

"You're such a good little slut," he growled, thrusting deeper into her mouth. 

"You love taking my cock like this, don't you?"

Barbara moaned around his shaft, nodding frantically as she bobbed up and down on him. Her cheeks hollowed out with each stroke of his thick member against the back of her throat. Ethan grinned wickedly at the sight before him - this was exactly what he wanted from Barbara after reducing her to nothing but an obedient sex slave for him.

She looked up at Ethan with pleading eyes, her mouth still full of his cock.

"Master," she whispered, 

"It looks painful when you do that... I want to surprise you today." She licked the head of his dick clean before continuing.

"I'll have my breakfast by drinking your semen."

Ethan chuckled darkly, enjoying the way Barbara was so eager to please him even after everything he had done to her. He pulled out of her mouth and grabbed a handful of her tits, squeezing them roughly as he leaned down and kissed her passionately. When they broke apart for air, Ethan grinned wickedly at Barbara once more. 

"Good work, my little slutty girl," he purred in approval, then Ethan suggested they take a bath together, and they went inside the bathroom. 

As soon as the water started running, Ethan pushed Barbara against one of the shower walls and began fucking her hard. The forcefulness of his thrusts caused droplets of water to spray off them both, creating a steamy atmosphere around them.

Barbara moaned loudly as she wrapped her legs around Ethan's waist, encouraging him to go deeper into her tight pussy with each powerful stroke. Her fingers dug into his shoulders while she arched her back in pleasure at being taken so roughly by him in this intimate setting.

She moaned like a harlot as Ethan continued to pound into her, his hips slapping against hers in rhythmic syncopation. The sound of their flesh smacking together echoed off the tiled walls of the shower, adding to the intense sensations coursing through both of them.

Ethan gripped Barbara's hair tightly and pulled her head back so he could look down at her face while he fucked her mouth. 

"You love this, don't you?" He growled, thrusting even harder into her willing throat.

"You love being my little slut." Barbara nodded frantically around his cock, unable to speak through the waves of pleasure washing over her body with each powerful stroke from Ethan.

As Ethan reached his climax, he pulled out of Barbara's mouth and grabbed her by the hips, pushing her up against the shower wall once more. With one final thrust, he buried himself deep inside her and let loose a primal roar as he filled her with his hot seed.

Barbara felt Ethan's cock twitching inside of her as he came, and she moaned loudly in response to the sensation of being so thoroughly claimed by him. Her legs trembled weakly around his waist as she clung to him for support while they both rode out the intense aftershocks of their passionate encounter.

Afterwards, Ethan used his abilities to give Barbara a new pair of clothes before leading Barbara to the kitchen, where he prepared a hearty breakfast. As he cooked, he noticed the way Barbara watched him, her eyes filled with a strange, submissive adoration. She seemed eager to please, hanging on his every word and moving.

Once breakfast was ready, they sat down to eat. Barbara ate quietly, her gaze never leaving Ethan. Does he feel guilty raping Barbara? Not in the slightest. Will I do it again with another woman? Absolutely!

'I do want to act like a hero while slowly getting more women on my bed with their heavily pregnant belly while wearing lingerie.' Ethan felt aroused at the thought of it seeing a vision where he fuck them senseless without care. 

"Barbara." He began, his voice steady but gentle. Ethan has no reason to be harsh to her and is confident that she won't betray him.

"Do you remember what happened to you before you ended up here?" She looked down, her fingers tracing patterns on the wooden table. 

"I was... fighting. There was an ambush, and I got separated from the others. I don't remember much after that, just pain and darkness until I woke up here, with you." Ethan nodded, absorbing her words. 

"You were badly hurt. I did what I could to heal you." Barbara's eyes softened. 

"Thank you, Master. I owe you my life." Ethan smiled hearing this. 

"Good to hear. Let's finish up. I'm curious about a few things. Ah, I haven't told my name huh? It's Ethan Adoil." 

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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