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73.46% DC: Atlantean Alchemist / Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Earth wasn't invaded in One Day Part 1

Chương 36: Chapter 36: Earth wasn't invaded in One Day Part 1

[AN: First off, I just realize that this fic recently reached 1.2M views, I kinda forgot to do this when it reached 1M because I didn't check that kind of thing that often. If I had a Patreon and was making money off of this fic, this would be the time where I would be posting two chapters in a day to celebrate this occasion... but sadly I just write for the fun of it and learn more about making a good story/stories.

Still, it has reached 1.2M so I figured I should at least do something like a bigger chapter. I noticed that I did in fact say that there was going to be some actions at some point but so far that hasn't been fully delivered so I thought I would give you guys a heads up that some actions is coming up soon.

I don't want to oversell it so I won't say anything more but after the chapter(s) of "Earth wasn't invaded in One Day" reaches its end, that is when the Big actions are going to happen and I hope its going to live up to the expectation that some are probably having while reading this.

P.S: If you guys want a hint on what is going to happen then here it is; read the title of this chapter once more.]

[Third Person's Point of View]

On the outskirts of Gotham City is the building known and feared by most citizens of Gotham as Arkham Asylum, currently inside that Asylum lies one of the most intelligent foes of Batman, the Riddler. He can be seen reading a letter that contains a riddle in his cell.

If someone was to look inside his cell, they would see that there were dozens of letters such as the one that he was currently reading. Each one of those letters contained a riddle, each different from the other, though they all began the same way.

"Dear Mr. Nygma,

I once again apologize for this late reply but I believe I have solved another one of your riddles..."

The letters would also end the same way.

"... Once again to show that I used my brain and did not look at Batman's actions to find the answer, here is a riddle that came to mind as I was solving yours."

When Nygma first received such kind of letter, he was livid and had almost made up his mind to escape Arkham Asylum just to hunt down and kill whoever sent the letter... until he read the riddle attached to it.

Each letter and riddle was a ruse to sneak in a message to the Riddler about an escape plan that was in motion to bust him out of the Asylum. Every letter would speak about Nygma's past riddle that he gave to the city, though it was specifically for Batman, to solve.

To understand the message hidden in the riddle, one had to look at Nygma's past riddle that was stated in the specific letter, like a unique Morse code that constantly changed. The messages also informed Nygma that the sender was an admirer who longed to be tested by one of his riddles.

A Riddle that Batman had yet to solve to be precise and finally, the letter or more accurately the riddle that Nygma was currently solving soon informed him that the escape plan was ready to be enacted.

A power outage was going to happen which would weirdly cause the doors to each one of their cells to open thus signaling the start of a riot. During the riot, the escape route would be available for Nygma to escape and would lead to a nearby car whose driver would have already been knocked unconscious.

At the backseat would be a fresh pair of clothes as well as a gun which Nygma could use to force the driver to bring him to the location that would have already been set up in the car's GPS. Nygma only had to wait a couple of hours before the riot began and he escaped Arkham Asylum for the Nth time.

Just like the message said, after escaping the Asylum, he walked for a bit and found a car where he proceeded to quickly put the civilian clothes over his Asylum clothes, for the moment, then took the gun as he entered the back seat on the right side of the car. He then pointed the gun at the unconscious driver then spoke.

"How about you spare me the charade of you playing the helpless and confused victim of your escape plan? I know that this gun isn't loaded or to be more precise, it is most likely a fake gun that weighs the same weight as a fully loaded real gun. Still, I have to say that I am impressed but I would rather have our long awaited conversation here than wherever you plan on bringing me."

He was using his right hand to point the gun at the unconscious driver while in his left hand was a knife that was ready to be used in case things got ugly. Nygma had deduced that someone with such a meticulous plan would not risk an unknown variable, driver waking up sooner or later than planned or Nygma himself not going to the designated location, to affect his plan.

Nygma then reached the conclusion that only way to control that unknown variable was to take the place of the driver as well as give Nygma a fake gun. Nygma's reasoning was correct and would have been right were it not for one thing that he did not take into consideration.



The unconscious man suddenly pushed a button with the hand that had been hidden by his body which was lying to the side of the driver's door. As he clicked the button, needles came out of the gun's grip and pierced Nygma's hand. To his confusion and mostly shock, Nygma could no longer move.

"Oh but I am afraid that your compliance in this situation is no longer a factor."

The unconscious man said before turning back to take away both the gun and knife that were in Nygma's hands, whose right palm was now full of holes, as well as to put on his seat belt for him as Nygma could no longer move. 

"This... Tetrodotoxin... Should be nicely into your system by now. Isolated from the liver of a Caribbean Puffer Fish. So, it paralyzes you..."

He said while dangling the gun that was once in Nygma's hand. He then proceeded to examine Nygma's eyes and vitals while he spoke.

"... And leaves all the other neurological functions perfectly intact. In other words, you can't move... but you feel everything. It does absolutely nothing to blunt the pain... and you're about to experience more of that than you could ever fucking imagine."

Upon a closer look, Nygma managed to recognize who was in front of him and his confusion skyrocketed because in front of him was none other than Charles Brown also known as Kite-Man, one of the comic relief villains in Gotham. Nygma could not help but to ask himself one question.


The one thing that Nygma did not take into consideration was that this plan had been made by someone smarter than himself, capable of anticipating his every move including the fact that he would sneak in a knife with him and point the gun at the unconscious driver who was in actuality the sender of the letters.

The Riddler's escape plan in itself was simply to get the Riddler where he needed to be to accomplish Charles' revenge. With the materials that Charles had taken from LexCorp, Brainiac's intellect, and enough time, acquiring the material necessary for this plan was feasible.

Brainiac had already downloaded itself inside the servers of LexCorp so it could cover for the stolen materials to ensure that Charles was not caught or fired. This was because for his plan to work, a working pair of human hands would be appreciated as the mechanical beings that he could take full control of, at LexCorps currently lacked the dexterity that human hands had.

Brainiac had planned to give Charles part of his revenge as soon as the Brainiac's primitive drones were complete. This was to ensure that, should Charles have second doubts, his primitive drones could silence him before anyone discovered that he already had full control over LexCorp's servers.

Make no mistake, Charles' death would not stop Brainiac's plan but merely set them back further than he would like though in the case that it did happen, Brainiac could always find someone else to fill that role.

Speaking of which, that 'someone else' turned out to be himself. This may be confusing thus to understand this one must remember that Dr. Roquette and Ivo are currently working on a new version of the latter's Amazo robot improved via nanotechnology. This was an unexpected variable to come across, one that was not part of his original plan B.

With his intellect and the information at his disposal now that he had access to LexCorp's servers, it was easy for Brainiac to deduce that Dr. Roquette was working on this under the influence of something or someone.

Using his vast knowledge, Brainiac concluded that mind control from a telepathic meta-human or magic was the cause of Dr. Roquette's unusual compliance. Brainiac thus used this fact to his advantage, a seemingly auto-correction error here, a typo there, a small problem audio on certain communication devices once in a while resulted in two Amazo androids being created instead of one.

Although not in his original plan B, Brainiac now planned to take control over one of them and make it seem malfunctioning to get it out of sight then fake its destruction before he began using it for his plan. While his goal was still unknown, it required him to stay out of the spotlight.

This was also why, after his primitive drones were created, he used them to put Charles into a deep state of hypnosis so that when the time came, he would erase his presence from Charles's mind while planting the thought that everything Charles had done and planned to do was his own idea.

This hypnotic process would prevent even the most powerful telepath from recovering the erased memories and to cover his tracks completely, Brainiac increased Charles's intellect to the point that he had enough to come up with such a meticulous revenge plan against the riddler.

[AN: Brainiac is supposed to be one of the smartest beings in the DC universe that is not a concept or above three-dimensional being so he should have enough intellect to one, come up with a contingency plan and two use unexpected variables to his advantage. Three... he should be able to pull a deus Ex Machina like hypnotic mind control to the level I just mentioned above.]

Anyway, after making sure that Nygma was secure, Charles drove the car to his destination which was an abandoned warehouse in the East End of Gotham. Brainiac had deduced it was the least likely place where Batman would come.

[AN: That's cuz his parents were murdered there so he doesn't usually come there unless its really important like fate of Gotham.]

Nygma found himself lying paralyzed on a table surrounded by medical tools, a machine that monitored his heart rate and other medical stuff that indicated the plans of Charles regarding Nygma's fate.

"These are tourniquets, so you don't bleed out, 'cause you may be here a while."

Dressed in a welding attire, Charles said as he came close to the table that Nygma was on. He then points to an IV rig before adding on.

"Saline solution, that should keep us going."

He then tightened Nygma's restraints starting with the one that was on his head as he spoke.

"Clamps nice and secure. Comfortable? You really are shaking. Sure you're all right?"

Charles went to pick up one of the many syringe on the table nearby then turned back to Nygma before he continued.

"You'll love this. Adrenaline. Now this is so you don't pass out."

He then injected the Adrenaline into Nygma who squirmed a bit.

"There you go. How does it feel? Good?"

He asked with a sadistic smile before deposing the syringe then picked up a mouthpiece before he put it inside Nygma's mouth. Nygma made some gurgling noises as the mouthpiece went inside his mouth.

"Now what we don't want is you swallowing your tongue, so bear with me..."

Upon placing the mouthpiece inside Nygma's mouth Charles could not help but state.

"There we go."

Charles then holds up a box cutter in front of Nygma's face before he speaks.

"Now this is for your penis, but we'll get to that later."

He then held up a scalpel then continued.

"Scalpel. This is for your eyelids... in case you insist on fucking shutting them. *Sigh* You see, I know what it feels like to be helpless. Just like when I watched my son, that you poisoned, dying in a fucking hospital bed. Each second felt like part of me was being torn apart, piece by piece.

Oh right, where are my manners, I forgot the little treat I had in mind for you. A little riddle. A Child that lost their parent is called an orphan... A Woman who lost her husband is called a Widow... But what do you call a parent who lost their child?"

He ended his sentence by bringing the scalpel close to Nygma's right eye. Nygma could see Charles gritting his teeth while his eyes had nothing but focused rage inside them. Nygma thought for a second about the answer to this riddle due to his compulsive need to solve the riddle but even after a minute of silence, he could not find an answer this was clear by the lack of muffling.

Charles looked down upon Nygma with a disappointed look which enraged Nygma who lunged at Charles... or at least tried to then the restraints and the poison in his body reminded him of how dire his current situation. Charles then put the scalpel down as he spoke.

"Nothing, huh? *Sigh* That is to be expected because..."

Charles's tone became colder as he continued

"... There is nothing that can describe that void..."

Charles's tone then switched into a more friendly and playful tone before he added.

"Knowing you, it must be eating you inside that you could not find an answer to this riddle but don't worry Nygma... I am going to do my best to try to make you understand that feeling I felt when I was watching my son die and when you find an answer to the riddle... just say it out loud and this is all over."


Nygma tried to say something but Charles could not understand it due to the mouthpiece in the former's mouth. Charles then playfully hit his head with the hand as if he just remembered something and then spoke.

"Oh! Look, I made this especially for you."

He then went to crank a full-length mirror into position over Nygma, giving him a view of his whole body while speaking.





"You like it? I didn't want you to miss anything."

He then went back to Nygma and added.

"Now you have the best view in the house. You hear that? Your heart is beating so fast. You know, me too."

He ended his sentence while putting his gloved hand on his chest.


After a brief moment of admiring Nygma's panic, Charles speaks while he points to the mirror, where a photo of his son is taped to the corner. He proceeds to explain why that photo is there.

"Now He gets to watch you suffer as I watched him suffer." 

He then adds while turning his head and getting closer to Nygma.

"He'll be the last thing you ever see... as I cut off every single one of your fucking limbs while you ask yourself how I managed to outsmart you OR... you tell me the answer to the riddle... whichever comes first."

"MMM!? MMM!? MMM!?"

Nygma tried to say how unjust this was because even if he found the answer to the riddle, he would not be able to say anything but all that came out of his mouth were muffled sounds. Knowing what Nygma wanted to say, Charles feigned ignorance as he spoke.

"See, Although I was lying when I wrote that I was an admirer, but who could blame me for not admiring the man who RUINED MY LIFE JUST TO MAKE THE JOKER FUCKING LAUGH!"

Charles yelled at the end before taking deep breaths then continued

"Still... the fact that I wanted to meet you face to face was not a lie!"

He ends his sentence by going to pick up a welding helmet that he puts on while Nygma can only squirm in fear and terror. Charles picks up a chainsaw and comes back to Nygma as he speaks.

*Chainsaw Noises*

"It was the truth."


Nygma could only utter muffled sounds out of fear before they turned into muffled screams of pain as Charles began his operation. With eyes devoided of any emotion other than hatred, Charles watched Nygma withering in pain as his right leg was being cut off then muttered something.

"Hell yeah!"


Upon his arrest, Faust was trialed and sentenced to serve his time in Blackgate Penitentiary that was in Gotham. Had it not been for the heroes being busy on a daily basis, one of them would have it strange that he was going to that prison and not Belle Reve.

The reason for that specific sentence was due to someone or some group pulling the strings behind the scenes to have Faust go to Gotham. Their motive behind this was to acquire Faust. The moment Faust arrived in Gotham his escape plan was set into motion.

There was a riot in Blackgate Penitentiary similar to and at the same time as the riot that occurred at Arkham Asylum. Faust mysteriously escaped during the riot which caused Batman to hunt him down.

This was because Batman had determined that between Faust and Nygma, the former was more dangerous but also the most likely to be found at the moment. Batman knew what Nygma was capable of and according to his past record, he would go into hiding then come back with his newest riddle.

That was something he could deal with when he had more time but currently, the fact that the newly risen Falcone Family had helped Faust escape worried him the most. This was because everything about that did not make sense, from the Falcone regaining their power in such a short amount of time to their goal in freeing Faust.

The best guess he could come up with was that someone was behind the Falcone Family's regaining their power and that same someone wanted Faust. Knowing what Faust was capable of, even if he could no longer use magic, was too dangerous to leave it alone.

Batman and Robin spend some time hunting down the newly risen Falcone Family while looking for Faust. Whenever they reached a new hideout, they would always be a step too late as Faust had already been moved to another thus continuing the little cat-and-mouse chase throughout the city.

Truth be told, the ones behind the Falcone Family could have prevented Batman from chasing Faust at any point during the cat-and-mouse chase that was happening throughout the city but they remained quiet for one reason, Faust had yet to accept their deal.

The deal they gave Faust was that he would regain his former abilities at the cost of swearing his allegiance to the Church of Blood. Faust while greedy for power was still a cautious man especially after he lost his ability to wield magic as well as his knowledge regarding it.

It took a couple of close calls of being caught by the dynamic duo of Gotham for Faust to accept the Deal. He figured that with his magic and knowledge returned, he would eventually find a way out of this deal.

Batman had some suspicions that the ones behind the Falcone Family wanted Faust for something and would bargain the return of his former abilities in exchange for the vile sorcerer's cooperation though he could not see what they would need Faust for.

Logically any being or group that could help Faust regain his former abilities would not need his help for anything since they could technically do it themselves but Batman saw this from a different angle, Faust was more valuable as a pawn if he regained his former abilities.

Again, this was still at the level of being just suspicions but if they were revealed to be correct then Batman could only think of one group behind the Falcone which was the Light. Currently, things were too unclear for the dark knight to make any conclusions on whether his suspicions were correct or not. On whether the Light had anything to do with this or not.

Determined to find the one behind this, he searched through Gotham until he was led to an abandoned warehouse on the East End of Gotham. Up to that point, the dark knight had unknowingly played a part in the plans of the Church of Blood or more accurately in the plan of Trigon which were still unclear at this moment.

Now that Faust had accepted the deal, Batman's role had ended for now, which was why he was led to a random abandoned warehouse where the Dark Knight's lead would run cold. In a weird twist, two separate plans ended up helping one another without even realizing or needing it.

Trigon's plan helped Brainiac's plan by grabbing Batman's attention allowing Charles even more time to exert his revenge on Nygma. Brainiac's plan, on the other hand, helped Trigon's plan by metaphorically tearing Batman's lead.

This was because Batman forgot Faust as soon as he entered the abandoned warehouse and saw what became of Nygma. He was dismembered into twenty-five pieces which were reassembled in a specific order to leave a message with the help of some of his blood for whoever stumbled upon the gruesome scene. 

"Riddle me this, Dork Knight! Why do the people you force into your mess, end up paying the price of your fuck ups?"

Nygma's bloodied, severed, and eyeless head was used as the period in the question mark of the message. Even with his eyes and tongue cut off from his head, it was easy to see the terror craved into Nygma's severed head, indicating to those who watched it how gruesome his demise was.

Dick had seen many gruesome scenes while he dawned his Robin suit but this was topped anything he had seen before. Even with the mental fortitude training Batman had given him, he could barely stop himself from puking at the sight before him. Batman seeing this spoke to him.

"Go to the Batmobile and contact Gordon. Tell him what we found."

Robin took a few seconds to regain his bearings then proceeded to do as he was told while Batman investigated the crime scene while thinking.

'Judging from the medical equipment and the used-up adrenaline bottles as well as the syringes, whoever did this kept Nygma awake throughout the entire procedure until he died. This took time, a lot of it, not just Nygma's torture but also the planning, setting up the equipment needed as well and getting Nygma out of Arkham. Given a rough estimate, I would say a minimum of six months.'

He took some blood samples after investigating every nook and cranny of the abandoned warehouse. While he was searching for clues that might point out who the killer slash culprit could be, he thought to himself, who had any motive to kill Nygma?

Who had been forced into helping him with a case that had something to do with Nygma? And who had the brains and resources to pull this off? The list of names that came from answering the first question was almost everyone in Gotham if the Dark Knight was honest with himself.

The Riddler's riddle always came at the cost of someone's life if Batman did not stop him in time but even if he did, there was always some property damage at minimum. Although significantly less, the list of names that came from answering the second question was still a long one, mostly henchmen.

Now the number of people that could be on both aforementioned list was small but the thing that bothered him was that none of the people that fit both those list were on the list of name that came from answering the last question.

At first glance, this appeared to be unsolvable. Once he had everything he needed and the police came, Batman informed Commissioner Gordon of what his thoughts on this incident were and then left. Batman pondered about the riddle made out of the Riddler as he returned to his Batcave.

[AN: Charles' revenge came from the movie Law Abiding Citizen because when I thought about Kite-Man's revenge, that movie popped up inside my head and it fits the narative if you include Brainiac guiding Charles so I decided to go with it and even took Clyde quote to Darby.]


At a later date, on the Watch Tower, an important meeting is being held in the conference room. What makes this meeting important is the fact that the ones in that conference room are the seven founding members of the Justice League.

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman are sitting on a 'U' shape table. Six of the seven founding members do not even know why the meeting was held and look at the one that called in for this emergency meeting, Batman.

Batman pressed a couple of buttons before a holographic series of images containing four individuals came up at the center of the 'U' shaped table. Upon seeing the first three, the other leaguers had an idea of what the meeting was going to be about but upon seing the fourth confusion spread between them.

The four individuals were none other than Lex Luther, Vandal SavageRa's al Ghul and lastly Orm Marius, Aquaman's brother. While most of them did not know who Vandal Savage, simply being in the same list as Luthor and Ra's al Ghul gave them an idea of what kind of person he was.

This is why they presumed that Vandal Savage was a bad guy but they could not find a reason why Aquaman's brother was included in that list. Seeing the confusion among the rest of the founding members reaching its peak, Batman decided to speak.

"Through the Team's victory over the Amazo Android, we were able to learn that a mysterious group was backing Ivo. We have searched for any trace that might lead us to them but even the closest we ever got to them, being the failed Belle Reve prison break, ended with us learning nothing about them."

He paused for a second as he was setting up the reason behind him showing them those four individuals. Now due to the Time Boom, the league had more members then it should have thus Batman did not need any member of the Team to infiltrate Bell Reve.

He simply asked two leaguers to go undercover, those two being the Question and Huntress. They successfully managed to turn the power collars on before the prisoners could break out off Belle Reve. 

After the power-dampening collars were operational again, the riot ended shortly due to a couple of prisoners, who were on death row, had their heads blown up. It turned out that Waller knew about the prison break and let it happen to show the efficiency of her neck bombs to the prisoners who could always be placed in her Suicide Squad.

"Recent events have led me to learn about not only the name of the mysterious criminal organization but also some of their highest-ranking members."

Batman once again paused to led this sink in before he continued.

"The name of this mysterious criminal organization is The Light and these four individuals shown are among the highest-ranking members of The Light."

"Wait! Hold on for a second! One of them is Aquaman's own brother!"

Flash said while standing up as he pointed at Aquaman. This caused the other leaguers to look at Aquaman who seemed to be contemplating something. Seeing this and recognizing that Aquaman was not outright denying this but actually seems to be piecing things together, Batman spoke.

"When did you first had your doubts about Orm?"

Hearing this, the other leaguers stayed quiet awaiting Aquaman's answer. He took a deep breath then sigh before he spoke while looking at Batman.

"*Sigh* I never had any doubt against my brother. I thought he wanted to accomplish our mother's dream like me, of peace between the surface world and the underwater Kingdoms... That changed when Mera became with child-"


Both Flash and Green Lantern said while standing up. After Aquaman nodded at their question, there was a round of applause? Celebratory words?... Whatever you say to someone who is going to be a father. Batman stood there silent for some reason and did not let the mood be ruined.

It was only after a few minutes of celebratory distraction that Wonder Woman brought things back to tracks and Aquaman continued.

"When Mera became with child and we decided to announce it, my brother said that he was happy for us and I frankly believed it but later on, Acnologia came to me and Mera to reveal to us something that he had kept quiet for a long time."

"Let me guess, Orm hates you and wants the throne for himself."

Green Lantern guessed half-jokingly as that had been a common trope among royal half-siblings in the TV shows that he watched. He chuckles stopped when he saw Aquaman solemnly nod. Aquaman then resumed talking.

"Acnologia informed us that since the very beginning, Orm had in fact hated our mother for having me therefore hating my guts in the process because my existence alone denied him, the Throne, which he claimed to be his birthright."

"Why would Acnologia remain quiet about this sort of thing all these years?"

Martian Manhunter asked now curious as to why Acnologia with his personality would remain quiet about something instead of pointing it out like he usually would. Hearing this question, Aquaman gave a sad chuckle before answering.

"For three reasons, one, Orm faking the fact that he had no problem with our mother choosing me as the one to sit on the throne made her happy. Two, Orm did not cross any of Acnologia's lines so he did not care what Orm's emotions or opinions.

Lastly, he thought that since I was king I should deal with all the baggage that comes with being a King which included having my own sword of Damocles. If I got backstabbed after all the times he told me to never blindly trust anyone then Orm deserved the throne.

He then added and I quote I am not going to do your job for you, I just told you this because I figured that now that you have a kid on the way, it would be better for that kid's parent to know that his or her uncle wants them dead. Also, that counts as my gift for the baby shower that I am not going to attend end quote."

"Is there a chance that he might have been joking?"

Superman asked seeing the pain in Aquaman's eyes. Aquaman shook his head before speaking.

"No, we asked him to swear it on his trident necklace and he did. After that, we have been cautious about Orm's activity and have started monitoring him without his knowledge. So far, we have discovered that he has been in communication with Black Manta but I would have never that he was a top member of The Light."

Sensing the mood getting sentimentally compromised, Batman decided to get things back on track and informed the other founding members of what he had found on the Light which included possible members and how high they might rank in that organization.

As that subject came to an end, Batman decided to drop another shocking piece of information.

"Now that the briefing of the Light has come to a close, I have another pressing matter to address... I have been observing past and present members of the League to create a contingency plan for each member, myself included, in the event that should either one or more members of the league were to turn rogue."

There was a whole five minutes of dead silence as the rest of the founding members looked at Batman. All had a look of shook and the first one to speak was none other than Green Lantern who did so while standing up.

"WHY?! Why would you make plans to kill us?!"

At his yell, Batman responded calmly.

"The contingency plans are not designed to kill any of you, they are designed to incapacitate you in the events that you are mind controlled or have your body stolen from you to prevent the ones responsible for this from hurting innocent civilians through you."

"Look, it only happened once and I got my body back from Gorilla Grod before he managed to get away with it."

Flash said as he stood up to defend himself from what he felt like an attack against him.

[AN: I just made this last line up, I am not sure if the Flash ever got his body taken by Gorilla Grod outside of the Aggamenon story.]

"The Justice League housed within it the most powerful being on the planet, there must be some contingency placed on each and everyone of us in the events that we might turn rogue. If it happened once, it can happen again."

Batman's reply shot down Flash and Green Lantern's upcoming remark. Superman having been in a situation that required him to be stopped was not against this idea while Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter, not having been at the end of Batman's contingency, appreciated the fact Batman came forth and told them this.

[AN: There is a difference between knowing that there are contingency plans for you and being on the receiving end of those contingency plans. Them hearing it without having gone through that are more prone to agree with Batman's reasoning.]

"Why would you tell us this? Normally, you would not tell us this since that might affect the efficiency of your contingency plans."

Aquaman asked while pointing out that Batman was being out-of-character. Hearing this, Batman simply looked at Aquaman before he spoke.

"This is because someone from a parallel world came here thinking that he had come to the past of his world in order to steal my contingency plan to stop Acnologia who in his world is Aquaman and apparently takes over the world.

The fact that he is from a parallel was informed to me by a future Flash that came from a future where the contingency plans were stolen. He informed me that I should either tell the league about the contingency plans or hide them where no one would find them

This is due to the fact that the League must be united to face the upcoming threat that could befall Earth. He informed me that Earth will be invaded multiple times in the upcoming future."

Another silence ensued between the leaguers before Wonder Woman brought her Lasso of Truth in front of Batman, who held it, and asked the Dark Kight a question while the rest of the founding members looked at them.

"Are you truly Batman and not Plastic Man playing a prank on us?"

[AN: Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

next chapter
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Stone -- Power Stone
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lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

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