Hasifa could only bite her lips and sit down, but glared at Hephzibah as if she truly couldn't believe what she was saying. Hephzibah ignored the older woman and continued her tale once Darius prompted her.
"Hashman and I were the top scorers for the Male and Female divisions, and our power was about equal. How he managed to defeat me was quite simple, he aimed his attacks at my abdomen, knowing that I was with child. Trying to protect my unborn child and myself at the same time wasn't working so I lost."
The faces of all those in the throne room changed. They gazed at the dead body of Hashman with anger and disgust, especially the woman. Hasifa was pale as a sheet as she shook her head, not able to reconcile the image of her great son with the vile beast Hephzibah was describing.
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