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100% Danmanchi: The Goddess Of Wrath / Chapter 1: {• Prologue •}

Chương 1: {• Prologue •}

<p>The Word count is 5k+ hope you like this chapter and I think I had wasted enough of your time and hope you all enjoy!<br/><br/> [Status]<br/><br/>[Name: Alebin Cross]<br/>[Former Age: 19]<br/>[Gender: Female]<br/>[Race: ???]<br/>[Level: 4]<br/>[Current Anime: Danmachi]<br/>[Occupation: Level 4 Adventurer]<br/>[Current Love interest: Ais Wallenstein]<br/><br/>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/><br/>When the moment I had been born into the world of Japan,I was already assumed dead by the doctors that participated on recording the newly born child that was me. Due to because I had a very weak heartbeat at birth but amazingly. I had still lived but not without a consequence, Of course.<br/><br/>I now have very sickly pale skin because I had lacked The needed blood for a regular person. "My Parent's" had Requested a blood transfusion for me but at that time i Had a Weak body structure since i was born, the medical professors said it couldn't happen, and denied as i may have a chance at dying even if it was a successful surgery i would still undoubtedly die a few months later.<br/><br/>'And I also have bright red eyes as it was not normal to be so pale and to have such rare eyes. The doctors then started to began conducting research on what was wrong with my body they had formed two conclusion on what was possibly wrong with me and my body.<br/><br/>'first: they had concluded that I had been either cursed or two: there was a mutation on my genetics. but as soon as my parents heard that there was even a slim chance that i was cursed they began to shut me out of there life they even started to not even acknowledge my very own existence when we had arrived back home that day.'<br/><br/>'when the news that my own parents had reached me that..my..very.....own....flesh..a-and...blood had neglectend me. And that I was nothing to them but a child who was an accident just eating there food and wasting precious time and money..'<br/><br/>'they then decided that i had to learn on how to live on my own and that they said that they were tired of me always doing nothing but eating away at there hard eared money so that day i began my study on how to live on my own In secret At a community library...'<br/><br/>'I had to struggle surviving while also trying to continue studying on how to cook or even basic combat as i had to fend for myself for a while on the streets. I was lucky enough to go to an orphanage that accepted me on tte spot as well.'<br/><br/>'...i was often hungry Until I then had a clear look at my surroundings i then started to asked the caretaker on when was lunch time she then said while looking at me with clear disgust on her voice "how should i know! go ask the damn chef or something just go away from me you, cursed child!." while pointing at the kitchen.<br/><br/>'i then ignored the caretakers blatant disgust, having been accustomed to there behavior towards me, as i continued to walk at the direction on where the caretaker pointed at. looking at the steel doors that contain food from within i then heard a voice calling out "HEY! Where the hell do you think your goddamn hand is touching at?!" An Ugly Fat man with a chef outfit on. the shirt he had on looked like it was about to bust open any moment now. i then looked at him "clueless" at the situation i am in i said "The caretaker said that i can be able to take anything inside as long as no one was looking..."<br/><br/>'The fat man then said "tch damn bitch always making me work my ass off, W-well then sorry kid if i scared ya a little bit there i was just mad thinking you were gonna steal something inside the pantry." he spoke in a tone filled with worry before then saying "you know what... hey kid you wanna go and take something out of the pantry?" he said.'<br/><br/>I then looked at him with small stars forming in my eyes before responding "Can i-i really take one?" He then said with a bored tone on his voice "Yeah yeah i can just ask the boss to just continue supplying food in the orphanage..." he looked at me with a silent sign "Just keep it a secret from the boss" he said with a smirk on his face i then grabbed the most surgery snack on the pantry as i left with Baked chocolate filled cookies on my hand as the lunch bell just rang the chef then said "better get going kid or else you might get caught by the others." I then nodded my head and thanked the chef for giving me the cookies i wanted as i then sprinted away the Kitchen area.'<br/><br/>'after 8 years had already passed since that day i had already learned through studying on how to be able to cook meals or to even be able to hunt in the wild animals if I needed to know in the future.' (Future referencing maybe? *hint hint*×2)<br/><br/>'Until one day when it was a nomal day at a Public Middle School i got in due to my prowess. I was then called a Genius after the chef from the orphanage found out. the people that was from the orphanage immediately changed on how they had treated me instantly.'<br/><br/>'With my mind and my looks I had started to become a very famous person in my community, as I was very unique as I was always the quiet one while growing up as I was always reading books or taking a run at the park.'<br/><br/>'As time continued so did I, it was now time for me to now go to college.'<br/><br/>'I have long Silver hair that is up to my back, bright Ruby eyes while having pale skin and a toned body as I had exercised on a daily basis to be able to keep my health in check incase I collapsed of exhaustion from studying too hard.'<br/><br/> (•Time skip five years•) <br/><br/>'As I am now Eighteenth and also have my own school uniform that I had formally requested from my school and it consists of a black waistcoat with a grey blazer and some black trousers, and a matching grey tie and brown school shoes.'<br/><br/> (•First Person View: Alebin•) <br/><br/>'It was my first day, I then arrived at the entrance to my new school.'<br/><br/>'I had chills running down my spine, As I was immediately looked at all of the students as I looked quite Charming in my shcool uniform.'<br/><br/>'As they all wondered why I had a boys uniform instead of a girls uniform? And I also have a very unique eye color and was about 6'2ft which surprised all of the students that were watching me as they all thought of the same thing on "How can a girl be so tall?!?" as i also wondered on how i was so tall despite being only eighteen.' (Plot armor of course!)<br/><br/>'I continued my walk to my classroom despite the stares, I was once again being stared at by all the other students in the class when i opened the door leading to the classroom filled with students as I ignored them with a silent look. continuing to walk to my seat until I was then immediately stopped by a Guy.'<br/><br/>"What's a girl like you here. This isn't a hospital. we don't like your kind. so scram! You damn freak!" The Guy Spoke as loudly as he was arrogant and as he clearly made fun of my pale skin he had a demeanor that screamed your typical bully in a musical show radiating from his whole body. <br/><br/>"For your First Question we all have the same reason and that is because we all have school today, plus I'm just minding my own business..." I responded as a sneer was apparent from my face as i then glared *down* at him. (Get it?, cause he is shorter then her?...I'll see myself out...)<br/><br/>*As the other students began to chuckle or giggle silently while others full blown laughing out loud at my comment.*<br/><br/>"How Dare Yo-" He said while shaking in anger realizing he was being laughed at by the others and even his gang of friends joining in on holding in a laugh. <br/><br/> (•Bell Ringing•) (Ring Ring Motherfuckers!)<br/><br/>"...." Silence was what remained. <br/><br/>"looks like it's time for the teacher to be here already, I had spent way too much talking to you." I said coldly, While trying to go to my Prefered Seat. <br/><br/>"YOU-" He barely managed to let out while looking at me with Murderous intent written in his eyes, He was just about to grab me. <br/><br/>"Alright Class, go to your seats and behave-...Mr.Dale Boston! why are you still standing there...Go and sit down young man! Or would you rather i speak to your parents instead To inform them of your little fight last School year?..." The Old looking but stern Professor said while appearing a little agitated as he then crossed his arms in dissatisfaction. <br/><br/>'As the Professor then revealed the student who was acting so rude towards me as his full name was Dale Boston while lecturing him for not sitting on his seat as the bell has already rang.'<br/><br/>(°Character Image:Dale Boston°)<br/><br/>"Tch!" Dale said as he walked to his desk while glaring daggers at me. <br/><br/>"alright class get your Science books and open to Page 213, we will be discussing all about the formula of..*Blah blah blah*.." The Professor said in a rushing manner while not bothering to wait for the some of the half asleep students to prepare. (It's True, They Always Rush Us Bro!)<br/><br/>(*After-school Bell Ringing*) (GET OUT U BRATS!)<br/><br/>"Alright class get ready for your quiz tomorrow, don't be late and be sure to study" The Professor said seriously while continuing to dismiss the whole class.<br/><br/>"Yes sir." We all said in harmony with eachother although some of the others had a dead zombie-like tone though. <br/><br/>'I started just preparing to go back home but right when I was about to leave, I was stopped once again.' (I have to stop using the word "Once again"...Naw probably won't)<br/><br/>"...What do you want now. I have to go back home early" I said clearly annoyed now. <br/><br/>"Nothing~.....It's just I heard from one of my goons that you were loaded with cash." He said while having a smirk on his face. <br/><br/>'Yup thats right i am loaded with money as the chef was actually just a part-timer at the orphanage. as he was a very rich business man in actuality, He was curious of me as he then proposed a deal for me when i was 18 while i was still struggling for cash, on being his daughter's guard at school while he was either away on a business trip, or was away for long periods of time in which i accepted immediately.' (Yuh)<br/><br/>(If you guys are interested on guessing who the daughter really is then be sure to continue reading the story.)<br/><br/>(•hint: it is someone who the main character knows.•)<br/><br/>"Yeah that's true, So what?" i said sarcasticly. Clearly knowing whats going to happen. <br/><br/>"Well Im so glad you asked you damn freak. Its just I don't have enough money then I would particularly like and I just want you to give me some of your money." He said while smiling widely. <br/><br/>"And if I say no?" I said clearly not affected by his threats. <br/><br/>"Then you shall die!" He said screaming as he then lunged at me and then swung a baseball bat at me blindly. <br/><br/>'I then steped to the side effectively dodging. as he then hit his head on a random desk as the sound of his head hitting the desk resounded all over the classroom with a bang, I then immediately started grabbing his head tightly that was now kissing the cold, hard floor before proceeding to slam his head into the wall as he was now out cold.' (DAMN!)<br/><br/>'I then continued to get my backpack, while acting like nothing happened.'<br/><br/>'As I was then finally able to get out of the classroom i was in.'<br/><br/>'I then came across a girl at the hallway as I then began to slowly recognize her. Her name was Heather. and she was in the acting department at my school and she had Platinum blonde hair and Dark blue eyes and was about 5'4ft, she had a white button up shirt with a black sweater vest and a Dark blue skirt with some Black stockings and brown shoes.'<br/><br/>'A few months had already passed as she was now almost the favorite of every student on campus. She is a daughter from a very rich man at our city, While also being the president of the student council everyone then began to idolized her as she certainly had the looks to be so popular.'<br/><br/>'As time began to passed me and heather then began to be more familiar with eachother.'<br/><br/>'...One day i had met Heather while i was running at the city's town square and doing my daily exercise for the day When on the corner of my eye i then saw her with a couple of guys surrounding her.'<br/><br/>'As i continued to get closer and closer to them while still running in a moderate rate i then started to slowly began hearing on what they were saying much more clearly. I then hid behind a dumpster while holding my nose'<br/><br/>"Hey come on Heather! why are you still rejecting me?, You know that your father is friends with my father, so why reject me your just waiting for time to pass you know." A Guy said while Having below average looks replied in a boastful manner as he began looking at heather with a lustful Glare as he began to get closer then he already was.<br/><br/>"Its not that your not handsome or anything, its just that your not my type and besides you know i like girls right?" Heather spoke in an unsettled tone as she looked quite uncomfortable around All of them.<br/><br/>"But you do know that my father is one of your fathers company shareholders right? i am already handsome and rich i mean what more could you ever want from a guy!" Said the Man as he then started to get even closer then before. (Bro's trippin if he thinks he is handsome...)<br/><br/>"As i already said i like girls!, and i know that your such a Great Guy and all but you already have a girlfriend you know." Heather said while looking like she was trying her hardest at trying to be passive with the dude While also not be too relaxed if he were to be agitated.<br/><br/>"oh come on now don't bring Rachel into this! You know i hate that bitch! like come on we've already been dating for a year now but she won't even let me touch Her chest once! like what type of girlfriend is that?!" The Guy said while looking more furious as the conversation went on as he started to ramble on and on about how she was too reserved and such.<br/><br/>"but. . . .Now that won't matter." He said In an Unsettling manner as his face was now at the floor's direction. (I bet the floor is turning away at how this man is so damn fugly!)<br/><br/>"What do you mean by that?" Heather said while looking at the man with confusion on her face.<br/><br/>"Because i won't even need her anymore i mean come on look at you! You look like you been personaly been crafted by god himself!" He said while nodding his head in confirmation and satisfaction while his buddies joined in.<br/><br/>'Heather then looked at the guy with hidden disgust and then started to move away from him slowly but it seems like the guy noticed as he then frowned as he now said.'<br/><br/>"Now where do you think your going~? you don't seriously think I'll just let you go without even touching you right?" As He then looked at her with a bulge on his pants clearly visable to the eye.<br/><br/>"Boys go get her and bring her to me~" He said while having a disgusting grin on his face the whole time as he ordered his goons to go grab the Heather.<br/><br/>"W-wait a minute Alex we can talk about this right?!" Heather said with fear plastered on her face as she slowly backed away Until she reached a dead end.<br/><br/>"I mean what is there to talk about? the only thing we can talk about is my cock raming you from behide~" Alex said while looking at her as he then began to walk towards heather with a grin so big that you can see all of his Yellow Teeth. (EW LIKE BRO IS NOT EVEN CLEANING HIS TEETH??)<br/><br/>"Hey boss! Can we have a turn on her as well?, of course you can fuck her first but can we join too?" The leader of the goons said while looking at him as he requested a gangbang.<br/><br/>"You know what. . . sure I'm feeling generous today i can let you have her after i am done." Alex said as he then eyed Heather as if she was a tool made for the primal action of Sex.<br/><br/>"THANK YOU BOSS WE WILL NEVER FORGET THIS!!" The Goons screamed in admiration as with lust in there eyes they then started to get closer Heather with invigorating energy now pumped into there bodies.<br/><br/>'Heather now realising that she was about to be raped in broad daylight then looked at them with fear in her eyes as she began to scream out of fear for her Chasity.'<br/><br/>"H-HELP THERE ARE A MEN THAT ARE TRYING TO RAPE ME, HELP ME!" Heather screamed with tears beginning and forming in her eyes as she screamed as loud as her lungs can be able to take.<br/><br/>"S-SHIT! JUST SHUT UP YOU STUPID BITCH YOUR GOING TO LET US GET CAUGHT!" Alex said clearly scared on what his father might do to him if word of him spreading that He raped Heather which was also a daughter from a Close Friend's Father He could get in a lot of trouble.<br/><br/>'As the Goons then manage to shut Heather up before she can scream again as they then tied heather up with some rope they had on there backpacks.'<br/><br/>"There we go. . Hey Boss can you tell us on why you had rope in your bag?" One of the Goons said with some confusion in his eyes.<br/><br/>"...well let's just say that i came prepared~..i had already planned on raping her the moment we were alone~" Alex said with excitement in his eyes as he then started to unbuckle his belt as he then threw it behind him.<br/><br/>"Ah i see. .Boss thank you for telling Me!" The Goon said as he also started to get excited as well.<br/><br/>'Heather then cried as her tears began falling as she heard there conversation clear as day as she then tried to scream but it tured out to be useless as they had put a gag on her mouth in the meantime.'<br/><br/>"Well well~ Heather it looks like you have no choice but to comply with my orders~" He said as he removed his shirt as he slowly walked toward heather bare footed as he also removed his shoes.<br/><br/>'Alex now appearing right in front of Her now looked with lust in his eyes as he then started to remove Heather's blouse and also removed the gag that was inside Heather's mouth as he then saw that she wore black bra that had a choker design on.'<br/><br/> (•POV CHANGE: Heather•)<br/><br/>"..." <br/><br/>'As i now didn't utter a word while looking at the Man who was infront of me I then started to cry out for help even more then i already was, just begging for anyone to appear and help.'<br/><br/>A thought then crossed her mind ;Help.... somebody please help....anybody at all..; As I then slowly started to think ;Nobody is going to help me is there. . . .t-the area is rarely even visited and the nearest police station is a 15 minute walk away from here; she said in her mind as it seems like things are starting to lose hope she then heard a voice calling out.' (HELL YEAH, IT'S OUR GIRL!!)<br/><br/>"Well well?...what do we have here a rapist, five guys, and a girl who is tied up." A voice was heared as the figure was looking at them. she looked like a Angel in Heather's eyes but to the others she looked like a Reaper who had the police behind her. (WEE WOO BITCH, PRISON SOUNDS NEARER THEN YOU THINK!.)<br/><br/>"S-shit i thought there was going to be noone here! so why is it there is someone looking at Me?!" Alex said with Sweat Visibly pouring down his back as he then started to look at the girl who caught them red handed.<br/><br/>'As i then started to look at whoever saved i was then shocked at what i saw, ;wait a minute. . .isn't that the girl who was always alone at school?; Heather thought as she then started to have a better look at her.'<br/><br/>"...Well don't you think i should help such a damsel in distress that is clearly in need of assistance?" Alebin said while having a small grin on her face as she looked like she was dressed in all sportswear, Her body all covered in designer clothing. Ranging from a Nike Hat, Puma Socks, an Adidas Sports Bra and Pants. . .She might as well look like a walking billboard with that many Companies all around her body. (i wish i had that much money...π_π...)<br/><br/>'Alebin now showing off her phone that had clearly recorded the whole incident, it was 21 minutes long...Alex and his Goons were now Fucked, with a Capital F..'<br/><br/>'As Alex saw was on my hands he then turned his back towards Heather now placing all his attention to me, he now spoke in a desperate yet arrogant tone'<br/><br/>"...Y-You!...Give me your phone and I'll pay you handsomely to keep your mouth shut, if you don't I'll make sure you'll pay for this!" Alex said trying to be strong but his amount of sweat just racing down his body wasn't convincing in the slightest. (Bro is acting like a young master from a manhwa bruh.)<br/><br/>'Alebin now had an eyebrow raised as she looked at Alex as if he was dumber then dumb, she then spoke while placing her phone back into her pocket.'<br/><br/>"...Are you serious?...You do know that i am in no means in need of money at the moment?...and besides who told you that you call the shots around here?..." Alebin said as she now started to walk at the group of people slowly yet menacingly.<br/><br/>'As it was now the time to go back back on our Respective Home's as I was ready to go back to my house as I then spotted heather with a student, as they were discussing about something in the hall.'<br/><br/>*As I didn't want to disturb them. I then was just about to leave but then heather saw me as she then waved at me as she asked me to wait for her at the entrance of the school. as I then begin to wait at the entrance so I can be able to go back home.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"W-wait for meee!" screamed a girl as she ran towards me. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"....." I then stared at at the girl with a blank expression as she had ran past me as she then began to turn back. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"....sigh....You went to far heather." I said as I then waited for her to come back. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"hehehehe?" heather said as she then began to scratch her head as she looked embarrassed. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"Your are too clumsy to be the school president, heather" I said while having a dead plan expression on my face. <br/><br/><br/><br/>'As heather then began to look at the floor as her expression was unknowingly bad.'<br/><br/><br/><br/>*As the tension between us began to worsen. Every single second felt like an eternity as I then began to break the tension as I spoke.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"I didn't mean it, you know so lm s-sorry ok? and also put your head up." I said while I started to stutter a little bit. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*As I then heard a giggling sound.*<br/><br/><br/>'I then began to look at the source.'<br/><br/><br/><br/>"hahahaha" as she then started to laughing at me while I then began to ignored her. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"okay I'm sorry for laughing at you" heather said while making a apologetic expression. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"Hmp..." I said while I turning my head away from her as I was clearly annoyed at her. <br/><br/><br/>"?!?!"<br/><br/><br/>*Realizing that she had just been ignored. she then began to do something surprising.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"lm sorry okay?" heather said while putting her arms around my neck as I began to blush. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"O-okay I forgive you just stop hugging me." I said while still blushing. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*As she began to lessen her grip on my neck, as my blush began to dissipate slowly.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"hehehe" heather said while looking oblivious to the situation. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*As we then return to our homes I then opened the door to my home as I shouted.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"I'm home!" I screamed as I began to put my shoes at the corner.<br/><br/><br/><br/>*As I now walked to the kitchen to make some food for dinner.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"hmmm what should I make for dinner....." I said while contemplating on what to make to for dinner. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"I am feeling like I should eat some buttered chicken." I said while nodding to myself. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*I then looked at the refrigerator as I then remembered that I forgot to go get groceries.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"I should go take a shower first I smell like shit." I said as then i walked into the bedroom and began to undress as I then walked into the bathroom to shower.<br/><br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/> (•15 Minutes Later•) <br/><br/>"ahhh~" I said while looking relived as the foul oder began to disappear. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*As I finished taking a shower. as I then looked at my wardrobe to go and look on what I should wear.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>'I then picked out a white collared shirt and a black denim jeans with a tie.'<br/><br/><br/><br/>"Okay this seem like my style." I said now ready to go and get the ingredients. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*As I was now walking to the grocery store with my wallet with me.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>*As I was at the entrance at the store I was unfortunate enough to be at the scene of a robbery, as I heard screams coming from the store.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>*As I manage to keep my composure while dialing the Police department.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"Hello this is the Japan police department, how can I help you?" a police officer said. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"h-hello, Yes I am in need of help as I am at I scene of a robbery and I need the police here right now." I said while trying my best not to freak out. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"Mam I need to know on what the current situation is." the dispatcher said quickly realizing that the situation is dire. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*As I told him the situation as best as I could, I then heard this.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"PUT THE GODDAMN MONEY ON THE DAMN BAG OLD MAN!" a guy screamed as he had a gun with him while aiming at a old man. <br/><br/><br/><br/>'As an old man who seemed to the cashier is at the counter getting the money as fast as he can at the register.'<br/><br/><br/><br/>"Quicker Old Man Or Else Your Brains Are Going To Be At The Wall." Said the Robber as he placed his gun at the head old man. <br/><br/><br/>"!?!?!!"<br/><br/><br/>"Hurry up and send people here the location is ***** ***** ****." I said while silently screaming at the dispatcher in my mind. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"On it mam and also please stay calm, while my men are coming at the given location as fast as they can." the dispatcher said. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"Okay then I hope you send them fast-" as I then heard a multiple gunshots I then dropped my phone as I ran as fast as I can at the direction of the store. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"Mam?!...what was that sound...hello...hello!.....dammit!." The dispatcher said while cursing under his breath. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*As I then opened the door at the store what I saw shocked me to my core.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"T-the hell happen here." I said while looking at the scene in horror as I almost vomited immediately out of instinct. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*The scene was Gruesome as there was blood and bodys all over the place as the robber and all the hostages were all dead as if something came and just sucked out all of there blood.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"Why hello there mortal~ it may have seemed like you have disturbed my feast~." As a man with pale skin with white hair and Red eyes and sharp Fangs, as he then glared at me with with mystery in his eyes. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*before I could even realise what happen to me, he then Ran behide me and then bit my neck. As blood began to Pour down my neck and then Smeared all over my shirt.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"Ahh~~.....S-so Delicious It seems like your blood is a unique one." Said the Man as he grinned at me. <br/><br/><br/><br/>*As he then injected his blood on to my skin as I then screamed with all my might as it hurts like hell. The best thing that you can describe the feeling was as if your blood got replaced with Molten lava.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>*As my vision began to deteriorate as I now had blood running down my ears slowly but still steady.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>"w-who are yo-u." I said weakly as every word that escaped my mouth began to deteriorate my vision greatly. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"Hmmmm....I guess I can reveal my identity. if you wish to know it that badly, well then human consider youself lucky as I shall grant your wish." He said as he then looked down at me. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"I am what you mortals call a Vampire." He said while grinning, as he then suddenly vanished into the shadows. <br/><br/><br/><br/>'Huh...a Vampire I thought they were just a myth.' As I then closed my eyes as I heard police sirens. I then began to drift into enternal darkness.<br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>------------------------------------------<br/>(Hopefully you Guys liked the surprise at the end.)<br/><br/>(And also if you have any suggestions please comment down below) <br/><br/>(P.S this is my first time making a novel and I really hope you guys liked it.)</p>

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lỗi Mẹo

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