The inn Qiao Wei chose to spend the night in was relatively far from the center of the town. The owner complained about less customer traffic, but Qiao Wei saw it as an ideal place to stay.
And why?
Because Zhang Fengxi was planning to spend the night with him.
Leaning against an open window, Qiao Wei repeatedly banged his head against the window frame.
Just what was he thinking?
He had just ended his engagement with Bai Ling.
His shizun sent him on an official mission to attend the Discussion Conference on the former's behalf.
How could he use this time to engage in a debauched affair?
Qiao Wei rubbed at his red glowing face, but the warmth refused to fade. And when Zhang Fengxi knocked at the door, blood almost burst out of his nose.
"... Jianbao? It's me."
Qiao Wei hurried toward the door and unlocked it.
Without his armor and his chain boots, Zhang Fengxi looked different.
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