[Music Recommendation: Love in the dark ~ Adele]
With each step, Kael wound his way down the mountain, the dark sky transformed by the radiant full moon embracing the weathered clouds. A lone star shone brightest, nestled close to the moon's silver glow. The soft, soothing call of the crickets announced to all that it was time to rest, a moment of peace for all earth dwellers. Yet, the vampire king strolled down the mountain, his presence a subtle disruption to the tranquil night.
Kael had been aware that something bigger was about to happen, something darker than his soul was watching Jacquelyn. He'd thought it was because the girl got entangled with him and that all his enemies now wanted her soul, but no matter how close Kael felt he'd gotten to whatever evil it was, in the end, it was all like an illusion. It was never there.
Vidím, Pamät: I see, Memory