March 11, 2020
I'm here at school. Practicing for our stage play as it was the last project to be done before the school year ends. I'm excited at the same time as it was only a few days before my birthday and I'm expecting big things to happen on my special day.
Only I didn't know is, coronavirus would ruin everything. everything I planned, everything I expected to do. There was a lot of wasted opportunities, a lot of "what ifs" and a lot of thinking of what would happen if the pandemic didn't happen at all.
Last January, I had an allergy cough and Taal Volcano erupted and COVID wasn't that severe yet but it's starting to get worse. And ever since then, I was wearing a face mask for health safety reasons.
So, as I was saying earlier, I was practicing for a stage play and after classes, coronavirus took us all by surprise. We didn't know that it was the last day me and my friends would hangout. It was the last time I could interact with my teachers. It was the last time to see my crush. It was the last time that I have to wake up early (in which I sometimes miss doing so)
March 12, 2020
It was announced that our classes will be suspended for a week and classes will resume on March 21 (my birthday!) I was so excited like my birthday and the year end party would still continue so it's a chance to socialize more!
But they say, don't get too excited cause you'll just end up being disappointed. Well, they're right. I was indeed disappointed. That week, it was declared that we will be on lockdown. COVID cases are getting up and getting worse.
I was worried because it's my first time to experience something this worrisome, mysterious and frightening. I didn't know how this virus would affect a human and what disease it would afflict in its victim.
I wasn't prepared also to adjust on the "new normal" we have to wear face masks everytime we go out the house, we have to practice social distancing (which is a pain to me since I'm clingy to my friends but don't worry I'm following that health protocol) and some other health protocols that we have to follow to reduce ourselves from getting the disease.
What I didn't know is that, this quarantine has another thing in store for me..
the DOWNHILL of my mental health
Spend more time with your family and your loved ones. Learn to love yourself to have positive thinking during this quarantine (which is an essential especially at these trying times) And also be close to God. Pray for the medical frontliners, pray for the afflicted and their fast recovery, pray for peace and the end of this pandemic and pray for your safety and of your family. And lastly, follow health protocols. Much love !! ~~
— Chương tiếp theo sắp ra mắt — Viết đánh giá