"Oh...Thank you!" She hugged him. "Money is so tight right now! Thank you!"
"That's great!"
A woman towards them,
"Caroline Forbes?" Caroline shook her hands.
"You are such an overachiever!" She said, "It is so amazing! It is admirable."
"Oh….Thank you." Caroline smiled.
She looked at other people.
"Oh...These are my friends!" She told the woman. "This is Damon Salvatore, my..." She remembered that she was no longer her sister in law. "Like my brother. His wife Elena. And Bonnie Bennett."
Damon beamed.
"Aren't you too young to have such old friends?!" She asked.
Caroline didn't know her, maybe that's why she was asking all these questions.
"No...they are friends!" she insisted. "It is nice meeting you, but I have to go see other people!" She told the woman.
She went past Damon, and whispered.
"Get rid of her, she'll tell everyone about a seventeen year old being deputy mayor and running schools."
"On it." He whispered back.
She went to see Hayley.
"Oh, I am so happy you came!" She told her. She hugged Hayley. "Hello, cutie…"She pinched Hope's cheeks.
"Caroline!" Someone yelled.
"I'll catch you later!" She told them both.
Caroline was having fun. She was sitting with Lizzie, Josie and Hope, when Hayley was talking to other people.
"Can I have a punch?" Lizzie asked her,
"Sure….I'll get you one!" She told her. "Don't you go anywhere because you'll get lost!"
Lizzie and Josie nodded.
"You want one, Josie?" Caroline asked, "Hope?"
They shook their heads.
Caroline walked to the end of the garden, where the table was. She was pouring it in glasses when she heard someone whimpering.
She went towards it. Behind the trees. She went behind it.
Someone grabbed her, she couldn't see properly.
"AHHHH!" She yelled sharply. But everyone was so far away.
No one heard her, except Hayley.
"Hope!" She came near the girls table. "Girls….Where is your mom?"
She asked them.
"She went to get the punch."
That's when she heard the scream.
"Hold on...Don't go anywhere!" She told the girls. "Salvatore!" She shouted at Elena and Damon. "Just see nothing bad happens!"
She told them. Damon looked a little agitated. But Elena held his arm, and dragged him towards the three girls.
Hayley raced ahead, feeling the voice.
"Caroline…" She whispered, "No….Just be safe!"
Where is she. She looked at the woods.
She saw Caroline with a stake in her stomach. Pinned to the tree.
"Caroline?" She whispered.
"And the only reason she is not dead!" It was Mikael. "That I want to do it before Niklaus's eyes, so I can kill him in his most vulnerable state!"
He growled at them. He pulled Caroline towards himself, as she yelled in agony.
"Run…." He growled at Hayley. "Run, wolf, and tell that abomination that if he doesn't come….She will die a death remembered by thousands!"
He yelled,
"I will kill her daughters, and everyone she loved."
He spat at the ground. Caroline had drowned in the pile of blood. She almost fainted.
"Caroline?" She yelled. He held Caroline, and pulled her away.
Before Hayley could do anything, he disappeared from the bushes.
She was extremely worried. She took out her phone.
"Klaus..." Her lip was quivering. "Good thing, I found the white oak, bad thing.....Mikael is here, and he has Caroline."
"WHAT?" Klaus screamed.
"He wants you here, now, and the only condition for Caroline's life!"
"Well, I killed him once, and I will kill him again!" He told her. "I am on my way, find Caroline and try to keep her safe!"
"I will see if I can find her." Hayley went back to the party, first to the Bennett witch, and then took the girls to safety.
Klaus Mikaelson compelled a pilot to fly him to New Orleans as fast as he could.
Klaus was on a private jet with Elijah, Davina, Kol and Freya. They had come to save Caroline, and destroy the white oak once and for all.
A locator spell found Caroline, and she did.
"This is it!" Klaus opened the door, and stood in front of the house. "This is what she said."
Davina Claire, and Freya Mikaelson were standing outside.
Davina was only here because of Kol, and she liked Caroline.
"I can't get in!" He tried to go inside.
Mikael came out of the room. Caroline was tied to a chair, she was bleeding, staked in several places.
She didn't look up, because she couldn't. All of the blood was drained from her.
Mikael shouted for a man, he came, and he invited Klaus in.
"Come in, Niklaus!" He told Klaus. "Or I kill her, you weak abomination."
He looked from Elijah to Kol, to Freya and Davina. He entered the house,
"Let her go!" Klaus almost yelled.
"Look at you…..Weak!" Mikael shouted.
He pulled a stake out of Caroline, and she screamed in agonizing pain.
"NO!" Klaus shouted. "NO!"
Mikael pulled out the white oak stake,
"Neeklaus!" Elijah screamed. Kol and Freya were standing by the door.
"Father….No!" Freya said to him.
"I will kill him!" Mikael shouted.
"Father, please…."
Caroline was working on untangling herself. She was weak, and she swayed softly.
'One knot at a time.' She thought to herself.
Klaus Mikaelson looked at her, Davina pulled Freya outside.
"I have a plan!" But she didn't. Because Klaus did.
"My daughter has abandoned you imbeciles!" Mikael sneered at them.
Caroline was now almost free. Mikael and Klaus were now fighting. Klaus was overpowered. He held Klaus inches away from the white oak stake.
"I'll kill you!" He told him.
"Do it! Father!" He sneered at him, "I dare you!"
He almost ran at Klaus with the stake, and Caroline was in front of Klaus. The stake broke into her shoulder.
Klaus pulled her away,
"What the hell are you doing?" Klaus pushed Caroline out of the house, she was swaying. She was almost dying.
Elijah caught her.
"It's okay, Caroline!" He held her tight, cutting his arm, and fed her blood.
"I won't let this happen…..not again!" She almost yelled.
She was healing. Her vision stopped being blurry. It had been almost three days in that house.
Klaus was back to normal now he knew Caroline was safe.
"I'll kill Freya!" Klaus told him, "before your eyes!"
"You wouldn't dare!"
Klaus came outside, and snapped Freya's neck in seconds.
"NO!" Mikael shouted, as the white oak fell to the floor. Klaus swooped up to pick it up, and pinned his father to the wall.
"Freya is my sister!" He told him, "My sister! I love her, and she's family!"
Klaus placed it on Mikael's chest.
"You couldn't kill Caroline even if you wanted to."
Klaus jabbed it in his chest.
"And you will die knowing that I am superior to you!"
Mikael was dead.
Klaus killed him. The white oak was gone. He won. He was safe. His family was safe, Caroline was safe, Hope was safe.
Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson, were standing on the top of the Eiffel Tower, almost a week later.
Even though she was so busy right now, she always had time for Family. She also had planned a surprise for Klaus, she had invited several artists, consultants and other people to see Klaus's painting. An exhibition would be held in a few days.
Hayley had made arrangements for Hope to visit them in the holidays.
"I love this place!" Caroline exclaimed.
"I told you, the small towns weren't your thing!" He told her.
"And I admitted a thousand times you were right!"
He pulled her closer.
"And I would love to listen to it again."
He kissed her.
"I love you." She whispered.
"Always and forever!" Klaus smiled,
It was dark in the night. Caroline had always wanted to bungee jump off of a tower, and here was her chance. Unlike before, she didn't need any cords, ropes or wires to hold her.
Caroline let go of his hand.
"You really are going to jump?" He asked,
"Why not?" She shrugged, "These are the few weeks I have responsibility free!"
"What about all the people who might see you?" He asked.
"Oooohh…..Klaus Mikaelson worried about the vampire identity being revealed in public."
That was the best part when she was with Klaus. Crazy adventures, and she really didn't care who would see them or report them or how many people they had to compel.
He smiled.
Actually, she didn't need to worry about it. Klaus had already compelled the security to call the tower closed for the day.
She closed her eyes, stood backwards. And let herself fall. It was the kind of thing she wouldn't have done, because she was too careful. But Klaus brought out another side of her. A side she never knew existed.
The wind blew as she fell down. She followed Klaus, and made a backflip in midair, and landed on her feet on the ground.
It took a long way for her to get there. It had taken him even longer to be where she was in much less time. But they were here, and together, and that's all that mattered.
It had been one hell of a ride for Klaus. He had changed for the better.
And he was feeling epic.
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