(A/N: Spoilers ahead. Tread carefully.)
This is a state that can only be reached when an individual completes three requirements:
Limit Breaking, where the combatant has to reach the summit of the power system established in the world they reside.
Mortal Binding, where the combatant has to spread their essence through a large number of living, Blessed beings.
Ember Tasting, where the combatant has to get a feel for the Divine by interacting with the Blessings stowed within the Blessed living beings they have bound themselves to through Mortal Binding.
Divinity is a state of existence that transcends the mortal boundary. Mortals are beings with a mortal body and mortal soul. When they die, their soul either slips out of their flesh and is destroyed, or it goes to prepared havens governed by the Deities who created the individual.
To be sure, Deities are Divines, as well, but of a higher league. Think of it as a tall, upright pillar with its base being where the common Divine beings (or Divines) place in strength and quality, while the middle is where the ordinary Deities rank.
Now, all Divine entities have a soul and body, but unlike mortals, their soul and body share similar properties.
A mortal soul is sophisticated. In the story of Bro I'm Not An Undead, a soul while incapable of existing without a body, is said to carry all the information about the body, including all its potential and the will of the individual. The mortal body carries skills its owner learns and can potentially learn the soul's information but slowly and over time. In short, it is a less sophisticated construct on top of being material.
Divinity breaks this standard. A Divine being's soul inherits the body's ability to interact with physical matter while maintaining a firm shape that can exist on its own. On the other hand, a Divine's body acquires the soul's sophistication – the ability to hold potential and learn and turn malleable and ethereal when needed.
What enables the soul and body of a Divine to exist and move separately (as two conscious beings) is a third state of existence that they acquire upon ascending to Divinity: the Broader Existence.
The Broader Existence is the space between a Divine's body and soul. It is not a space that can be identified or perfectly noted by outsiders on a specific point as it can exist anywhere and everywhere. Only its owner is able to interact with it freely and with enough mastery, they can use it for other unorthodox purposes.
Normally, it is impossible to attack another Divine being's Broader Existence, and without harming it, it is impossible to kill a Divine being.
In their growth, Divines seek to enhance the quality of their Broader Existence. The greater its quality, the greater the quality of their body, soul, and techniques (Andori). More importantly, the greater the Broader Existence's quality, the wider the range a Divine being can operate with their body in another place, and their soul in another; it is a very valuable ability.
However, it is known that the best way to kill a Divine is to attack while they have their body and soul separated. While they are whole, Divines are practically invincible in most cases, but when split, attacking either their body or soul with a strong enough attack will allow damage to reach their Broader Existence.
To remedy this great flaw, there are several options that Divines can use, and all of them involve the Common Reality Leagues.
(A/N: Spoiler ahead. Tread carefully.)
There exists power systems restricted to worlds in this story. They differ according to the Deity or Deities who made said world, and are different (some more than others) from the power structure used outside, in the wider reality.
In creating this power system, I did not want a carbon copy of the power system that's used in Aigas, where most of the story takes place. Instead, I opted for a different, but equally complex system that's somewhat similar to what I knew readers would be used to.
The Common Reality Leagues are the universal power system for Divines. The Primeval Deity AKHASHA, the first Deity, led the way into creating a stringent set of rules for all Divines, and with time, those that followed after him did the same, adding on to his baseline.
To judge the progress of the Broader Existence, AKHASHA created what is known as the Unit to Ascension Methodium. All Divines need to sign an EXTENDED CONTRACT with AKHASHA to grow their Broader Existence through his Methodium.
Enemies slain by the user of the Unit to Ascension Methodium earns them AKHASHA units. This is only possible because the victims will have also been in an EXTENDED CONTRACT with AKHASHA. Unfortunately, the Unit to Ascension Methodium does not reward the defeat of weaker opponents or those on the same level as the victor. It actively encourages weaker Divines to fight their stronger counterparts in order to earn more AKH units per enemy.
And there are ways to both defeat and defend against stronger enemies within the Common Reality Leagues.
<Immortal Physiques> :
Immortal Physiques are special compound qualities that enhance the body and soul of the user. They have a wide range of functions including defense, offense and even regenerative properties – all of which can extend to the Broader Existence as well, and not just the body and soul. However, the quality of the effects depend on their ranks.
Additionally, Immortal Physiques are subject to resonance. They respond favourably to Physiques with similar properties and in such instances, should the user will it, their effects are compounded, and benefit the user all the more. If the Physique happens to have a function that taps into its user's Broader Existence, it is not uncommon for their techniques to be edified as well due to the resonance.
Physiques can be equipped and unequipped fairly easily. This is possible because it is in the best interests of the user to find a Physique that's compatible with them and meshes well with their abilities. It is also possible to equip two or more Immortal Physiques, but depending on their resonance, the result may be very good or extremely bad. In worst cases, the chaotic resonance between mismatched Immortal Physiques can cause mutations in the Broader Existence that force it to rupture… or worse.
Immortal Physiques are ranked across four broad categories – World, Realm, Void and Reality – and three smaller ones – Stratum 1, 2 and 3. In presentation, one would denote a Physique's rank as follows:
Immortal World Physique of the First Stratum.
<Exora Amras (Theistic Ardor)> :
Amras is Divine energy used to fuel Divine-level abilities. It gathers in the Broader Existence, and quite like any other form of energy, it has different qualities. When two Divine beings face off against each other, the reinforcement offered by different qualities of Amras can decide the battle before the Amras is even used to fuel complicated abilities.
Amras is graded across seven broad categories: World Affluent, Sage Affluent, Realm Affluent, Star Affluent, Void Affluent, Cosmic Affluent and Reality Affluent. All seven are divided into smaller categories graded from Beginner, Middling to Peak.
Raw Amras can only match Physiques with a similarly-named rank, for instance, World to World Affluent.
<Andori (Techniques)> :
Andori are complex techniques that usually embody multiple properties, unlike skills. They are sets of powers built into one technique, and are also stowed within the Broader Existence. Andori are very rigid. Apart from enhancing them moderately and temporarily with Treasures or high-ranks of Amras, they only grow with the Broader Existence. Constant use and experience do not affect their growth.
They are ranked from Grand, Sage, Ascendant to Cosmic, across four smaller tiers – First to Fourth.
The greatest advantage of Andori is that they can be derived or inspired from anything, including Amras, Physiques, Treasures or Parlous Natures and will resonate very well with the user's entire arsenal.
Their performance is heavily influenced by the quality of the Amras used to fuel them, but of course, there is a limit to their capabilities even when fuelled by Reality Affluent Amras. They are quite stubborn.
Because they are branded to the Broader Existence, both the both and the soul can use them, which is a fine advantage when a Divine being is operating in different locations.
When matched against Physiques, Andori are a step beyond each of the ranks of this protective League. For instance, a First Grand Tier Andori is commonly effective against an Immortal World Physique of the First Stratum, and a First Sage Tier Andori is commonly effective against an Immortal Realm Physique of the First Stratum.
<Exotic Parlous Natures> :
These are powerful, unusual phenomena that usually form within condensed bodies of various kinds of lifeforms. They can take any form, from elemental properties to abstract, incomprehensible malign forces.
In the entire Common Reality Leagues, they have the widest range of possibilities, and are usually heavily sought after because there are practically no limits to what they can achieve.
This very fact has been taken advantage of by Primeval Deities. They are constantly on the lookout for new, interesting Parlous Natures, and it has become a trend for Primeval Deities to offer LIMITED CONTRACTS with incredible benefits to prospective beings in exchange for the usage of these Exotic Parlous. In fact, the Parlous Natures are intrinsically linked to deals with Deities, and are at times used as ways to bypass the Rules of a world that prohibit external enemies from invading.
Sadly, Exotic Parlous do not grow. Once they are formed, they do not improve in quality.
They are ranked from World, Realm, Void to Reality, with no deeper distinction among them.
They scale above both Immortal Physiques and Andori, but with the latter, it depends with the effect of the Exotic Parlous Nature. Most Andori possess qualities that overwhelm basic Parlous Natures (those without complex effects) even if they have a lower rank.
<Prime and Wicked Treasures> ;
These are essentially magical artefacts. Like AKHASHA, they were added to the Common Reality Leagues by a Primeval Deity who then went on to create a clan that produces these Treasures across the reality. Treasures produced by the clan are noted by inscriptions on each of the weapons, but the art of crafting Prime and Wicked Treasures was not kept well enough as a secret, as few across reality are able to produce them as well, though the quality is severely dismal.
The distinguishing factor of Treasures with other tools and weapons used by mortals is that they either have Prime or Wicked Absolute Properties.
These Properties are the ones that give these Treasures their names and as the names imply, some of the Absolute Properties can be vile and meant only for destruction, or structured towards more positive and restrained objectives.
How these Treasures interact is easily their most exciting aspect. Their ranks, which are the same as those of Parlous Natures – World, Realm, Void, Reality – only matter when two or more of the same type of Treasure are matched against each other, for instance, Prime to Prime.
When it comes to opposing types, however, the one to strike first with its Absolute Property wins, regardless of rank. Of course, this also depends on the nature of the Absolute Property, but regardless, the effect of the Treasure that strikes first in this scenario will take precedence.
Similar to Parlous Natures, Treasures are more likely to overwhelm Immortal Physiques with the same rank. When matched against Andori, they are also superior; a World rank Treasure will resist the effects of a Grand Andori and a Realm rank Treasure will do the same for a Sage Andori.
This adds to the many ways lesser Divines can hunt and kill stronger enemies without needing to rely on their personal techniques, as AKHASHA intended.
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