[What would you like to make an enquiry on?]
Skullius took a short breath.
"VOW. Why did you warn me against TITEMIUS? What's so bad about him?" he asked.
VOW seemed hesitant at first. She didn't answer Skullius readily, and to some degree, the Hybrid Warmoth had expected that reluctance. There was something fishy going on with VOW in general – VOW and Serenity, in fact.
Once the silence Skullius received exceeded a certain degree, he decided to ask again. It was a different question, this time, and it was prompted by the fact that Skullius had a nagging feeling that VOW might just be speaking to someone else while pretending to be mulling over her options. It was just a guess, though it had some amount of evidence behind it.
"What are you and Serenity hiding?"
[You would need a second piece of <Counsel> to get me to answer that, and even you did use it, I don't have to give honest, satisfying answers, Skullius]
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