Right when Replicus leapt off the ship, the only one to show some manner of concern was Allora who wore an anxious face over her visible strain and asked the others:
"Is that really alright? Jumping head first into someone's Territory..."
Grim looked at her and grinned in a reassuring manner – however that was possible.
"Don't worry about it. The boss has faced many Territory users. Well, I guess the majority of them were Cluster beasts, but that doesn't matter. I haven't been trapped in one with him like this, but I know he always comes out alive," he said.
"Really? Does he some critical last resort attacks that work in a Territory, like that storm from earlier?" Allora asked.
"Last resort? Hahaha. I think you've got the wrong idea," Grim chuckled. "I'll admit I've never seen him use that storm attack before, but as far as I'm concerned it's not nearly as effective as the heavier attacks he uses when he really wants to kill someone."
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