The instant that the madness began, a certain old man sensed it, followed by his short-haired sidekick.
"Something is here. In the city," Terian said with a calm voice, notifying Erkus who stopped and immediately rationalised the situation given the tone of the old man's voice.
As someone who had worked with Terian for a long time, he knew this man's subtle ways of indicating that there was trouble afoot and thus didn't waste any time.
He understand very well, that this threat wasn't simple from Terian's voice alone.
The man's thoughts spurred as he took certain things into account.
Could it be something to do with the cultist? Possibly.
Could it something to do with.... the Cluster that Tulnas mentioned? Possibly.
He hadn't discounted that idea at all and was still thinking about it.
Between the two options however, the man was willing to bet on the latter but it was possible that this could be something else entirely.
Please support my book: This Family is Full of Broken Psychos!
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