The shade of colour on Fulgardt's face shifted to a sickly one at once. His brows furrowed and his pupils dilated. Even the Immoral could only have reacted this way.
Primeval Deities…?!
It couldn't be!
How could a Divine as fresh as this one…?
A vein throbbed on Fulgardt's forehead. He had been about to shriek something at the Hybrid Warmoth when…
Something else budded on his forehead, peeling away the strands of dark hair on his face with its exploding energy.
It was a brand that looked like a tree, its branches lifting up shining stars. Ju'wtte sparked and crackled from it violently.
Skullius' grin grew more sinister as Fulgardt's expression became even more grave.
Right then, the Hybrid Warmoth's already blank eyes turned glazed and unfocused. They trembled.
'Oh yes!'
Fulgardt rose from his seat and roared in fury as Amras blasted from him like a tide.
Please support my book: This Family is Full of Broken Psychos!
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